KS D ISO TR 15969-2011 Surface chemical analysis-Depth profiling-Measurement of sputtered depth《表面化学分析 深度剖面 溅涂深度的测量》.pdf

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KS D ISO TR 15969-2011 Surface chemical analysis-Depth profiling-Measurement of sputtered depth《表面化学分析 深度剖面 溅涂深度的测量》.pdf_第1页
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KS D ISO TR 15969-2011 Surface chemical analysis-Depth profiling-Measurement of sputtered depth《表面化学分析 深度剖面 溅涂深度的测量》.pdf_第2页
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KS D ISO TR 15969-2011 Surface chemical analysis-Depth profiling-Measurement of sputtered depth《表面化学分析 深度剖面 溅涂深度的测量》.pdf_第3页
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KS D ISO TR 15969-2011 Surface chemical analysis-Depth profiling-Measurement of sputtered depth《表面化学分析 深度剖面 溅涂深度的测量》.pdf_第4页
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KS D ISO TR 15969-2011 Surface chemical analysis-Depth profiling-Measurement of sputtered depth《表面化学分析 深度剖面 溅涂深度的测量》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS D ISO TR 15969 KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 2011 12 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS D ISO TR 15969:2011 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2003 8 30 :2011 12 30 2011-0687 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 i ii 1 1 2

2、 .1 3 2 4 .2 4.1 2 4.2 4 4.3 9 A 10 11 KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 ii 2001 1 ISO/TR 15969, Surface chemical analysis Depth profilingMeasurement of sputtered depth . KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 Surface chemical analysis Depth profiling Measurement of sputtered depth 1 . . 2 . ASTM E 673 95c1 . ISO/TC 201/SC 1

3、. 2 3 . 2.1 , z(m) ( ) , . z m /(A) (1) m : (kg) A : (m2) : (kg/m3) 2.2 ( ) ( ) 5. , ( ) , . KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 2 3 AES AFM EDS EPMA FIB GIXR MEIS RBS SAM SEM SIMS TEM XPS XRF 4 4.1 4.1.1 , . , . (mechanical stylus profilometry)6 , . 2 . 4.1.2 (mechanical stylus profilometer) . , . 1 , 1 2 . . S

4、IMS . , . 10 nm , 100 m . KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 3 1 0.5 m , 1 , . . A B C . 1 0.5 m . . ( ) . 1 m 1 % . . , 2 m 1.3 %, 0.1 m 4.7 % 6. , . , . , . , . . 4.1.3 . (Mireau) (Michelson) , , ( m)(m)KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 4 / , , , . . x-y . . . , . . . . . 2 . (A B), . , (A) . 3 (C) . (A) , . 2 , A B B C

5、 . . 0.2 5 m . a) , b) 1/20 , c) . . . , . 2 13 325 nm 9 nm . . . 4.2 4.2.1 50 % . a) ( , 1 2 nm .), b) 50 % ( )5. (AES, XPS) (SIMS) , . 1 2 nm . a) b) . , .KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 5 2 4.2.2 , , , 7. . , 50 % z(Ta2O5) 30 nm 100 nm Ta2O5/Ta(BCR No. 261R)8, 9 . Ta2O5 , =z&(Ta2O5) M =z&dz/dt , . )OTa()M

6、()OTa()M()OTa(525252zzttzz&= (2) t(M) t(Ta2O5) . , . , AES XPS , . 30 nm 5 % , . KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 6 Ta2O5 AES . 63 nm 53 nm Ni/Cr10(NIST No. 2135b)11 (2) . , Ta2O5 (KS D ISO 14606 ). , , . “ ” . (2) , . 4.2.3 , (lapping angle) , SEM 12. SAM1318 (line scan) . x z . z x tan (3) ( 3 ). 1

7、3 (3) , , tan 10 4 10 3 13 15. (4.1 ). x16 (chemical reactant) 17. 12. D ( 4 ). R ( 1 3 cm), z x . z R2 (D/2 x)21/2 R2 (D/2)21/2(4) KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 7 R D , . zRxDD2)2/(4/22(5) 4 R2 R1 ( 4 ). R, R1 R2 , (5) d . dRRR22122(6) (5) (6) (R/64)(D/R)4 R D( , R R2) . R 1 cm , D R2 1 mm . 1 m 15 nm 1.5

8、 % . . 100 nm , (3 7 %)12, 18. . tan . KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 8 TEM19 SEM20 . TEM . (silicon wafer) , SEM . SEM 1 nm . TEM 100 nm , / 21,22. (FIB) . TEM 22. TEM . . 1 % . TEM a) , b) . SEM , TEM . RBS , ( ) , . , . , 25 % (, ). 5 20 % . 2 m , 20 30 nm , 2 3 nm . . (MEIS) RBS R

9、BS 10 . MEIS , . EPMA EDS 26, 27. X , X X . , A m . m/A g/cm2 . 10 5 SI kg/m2 . d(m) (kg/m3) (1) . . EPMA , 5 % , KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 9 0.5 % . 100 nm 28,29, 30 . 100 nm 29, 30. 31 34 , . X (0.1 nm) (1 %)33, 34 . 4,35,36. , . , 37. 4.3 A.1 (4.1.2 ).

10、 KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 10 A A.1 / nm / nm % 100 10 000 5 1 5 4.1.2 AFM 2 700 2 2 200 5 000 , 10 0.2 5 4.1.3 10 500 000 10 2 4.2.2 2 500 2 2 100 50 000 5 1 5 20 10 000 2 1 10 500 50 000 , ; 20 ( ) 3 7 TEM 10 1 000 0.2 1 SEM 10 300 000 ; 5 10 2 RBS 100 30 000 5 20 5 20

11、 EPMA EDS 5 1 000 2 20 5 XRF 100 100 000 10 10 000 10 GIXR 1 1 000 0.1 1 1 5 0.1 1 1 1 10 000 0.1 1 1 10 100 000 1 10 5 10 KS D ISO TR 15969:2011 11 1 ASTM E 673, Standard Terminology Relating to Surface Analysis 2 ASTM E 1438, Standard Guide for Measuring Widths of I

12、nterfaces in Sputter Depth Profiling Using SIMS 3 ASTM E 1127, Standard Guide for Depth Profiling in Auger Electron Spectroscopy 4 ASTM F 576, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Insulator Thickness and Refractive Index on Silicon Substrates by Ellipsometry 5 ZALM, P.C.: Ultra Shallow Depth Prof

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