KS X 4002-2007 Open systems interconnection-Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation one(ASN 1)《开放系统互连 抽象语法表示法1规范》.pdf

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KS X 4002-2007 Open systems interconnection-Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation one(ASN 1)《开放系统互连 抽象语法表示法1规范》.pdf_第1页
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KS X 4002-2007 Open systems interconnection-Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation one(ASN 1)《开放系统互连 抽象语法表示法1规范》.pdf_第2页
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1、 KS X 4002 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 1(ASN.1) KS X 4002 : 2007 (2012 ) 2007 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X 4002:2007 : ( ) ( ) SJ ( ) : (JTC1/SC6) () ( ) SK KS X 4002:2007 : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :1992 12 31 :2007 11 30 :2012 12 28 : 2012-0797 : (JTC1/SC6) ( 02-509-7262) (http

2、:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X 4002:2007 i 1 1 2 1 3 .2 4 .6 5 6 5.1 6 5.2 7 5.3 .7 5.4 .7 5.5 .7 5.6 8 5.7 8 5.8 .8 6 ASN.1 9 7 ASN.1 .9 8 ASN.1 .10 8.1 .10 8.2 .10 8.3 .11 8.4 .12 8.5 12 8.6 .12 8.7 12 8.8 12 8.9 2 13 8.10 16 13 8.11 13 8.12 .13 8.13 .13 8.14 14 9 15 10 .16 11 .16 12 .16 13 .18

3、14 .19 15 19 KS X 4002:2007 ii 16 .21 17 .21 18 22 19 .23 20 .23 21 .24 22 .25 23 26 24 26 25 .27 26 .28 27 29 28 3 29 29 .30 30 .31 31 UTC 32 32 33 33 .35 A() 37 A.1 .37 A.2 ASN.1 37 A.3 40 B() ISO .43 C() ITUT .45 D() ISO ITUT 47 E() 48 E.1 .48 E.2 .58 F() ASN.1 71 .96 KS X 4002 : 2007 (2012 ) 1(A

4、SN.1) Open systems interconnection Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation one(ASN.1) 1 1(, ASN.1 .) . , . . , . ASN.1 . 3 ASN.1 ASN.1 . ASN.1 . , . , ASN.1 ASN.1 , , . 2 . . ( ) . KS X 1001, ( ) KS X 1510( ), KS X 3002, KS X 4001, KS X 4003, 1(ASN.1) KS X ISO 8601, KS X ISO/IEC 8825( ), ASN.1 ISO

5、 6523, Data interchangestructures for the identification of organizations ISO 8822, Information processing systemsOpen Systems InterconnectionConnection oriented presentation service definition ISO 8823(all parts), Information technology systemsOpen Systems InterconnectionConnection oriented present

6、ation protocol KS X 4002:2007 2 ITUT X. 409:1984, Message handling systems:presentation transfer syntax and notation 3 KS X 4001 . 3.1 (value) 3.2 (type) 3.3 (simple type) 3.4 (structured type) 1 3.5 (component type) , 3.6 (tag) ASN.1 3.7 (tagging) . 3.8 ASN.1 (ASN.1 character set) ASN.1 (7. ) 3.9 (

7、items) ASN.1 (8. ). ASN.1 . 3.10 ( ) type (or value) reference name ( ) . . KS X 4002:2007 3 3.11 ASN.1 (ASN.1 encoding rules) ASN.1 3.12 (character string type) 3.13 (boolean type) 2 3.14 (true) 3.15 (false) 3.16 (integer type) 0 , ASN.1 . ASN.1 . 3.17 (bitstring type) 0 ASN.1 . ASN.1 . 3.18 (octet

8、string type) 0 . 8 . ASN.1 . ASN.1 . 3.19 (null type) , , . 3.20 (sequence type) . KS X 4002:2007 4 . 1 . 3.21 (sequence-of type) . 0 . ASN.1 . ASN.1 . 3.22 (set type) . . 1 . . 3.23 (set-of type) . 0 . ASN.1 . ASN.1 , . 3.24 (tagged type) . , . 3.25 (choice type) . 1 . 3.26 (selection type) 3.27 (a

9、ny type) , ASN.1 KS X 4002:2007 5 3.28 (external type) , . ASN.1 . ASN.1 . 3.29 (information object) , 3.30 (object identifier) ( .) 3.31 (object identifier type) . 3.32 (object descriptor type) . , . 3.33 (recursive definitions) ASN.1 ASN.1 . ( ) , . 3.34 (module) ASN.1 1 ASN.1 (9. ) . 3.35 (produc

10、tion) ASN.1 . . 3.36 Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) , . UTC KS X 4002:2007 6 . 3.37 (ASN.1) user (of ASN.1) ASN.1 (CCIR) 4602 . CCIR UTC . ISO 8822 . a) b) c) d) ISO 6523 . a) b) c) 4 . ASN.1 1(Abstract Syntax Notation One) UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) ICD (International Code Designator) 5 ASN.

11、1 7. ASN.1 . ASN.1 ASN.1 . 8. ASN.1 . 9. ASN.1 ASN.1 . 5.1 5.8 . 5.1 . a) ASN.1 . , . 1) . 2) 1 . KS X 4002:2007 7 b) 3 . . 1) 2) : : 3) 5.2 1 | c) 1 , . b) 1) . 2 ASN.1 . 5.2 5.1 b) 3) “1 ” . . ( ) 1 , 2 ( ) 1 1 (1 ), 3 ( ) 1 1 2 (1 2 .) ( ) . 5.3 . : : =2 |16 | “ ” . (7.1 ). a) 2 (1 ) b) 16(1 ) c)

12、 “” “” “ ” “” “” “” “” (8. ). “ ” “ ” . 5.4 . 5.5 KS X 4002:2007 8 , . , . , . , . 5.6 ( : : = ) . , (“”) . 5.7 . , (“”) . 5.8 . . (universal) (application) (private) (context-specific) () 10 . ASN.1 24. . . 1 . . 1 UNIVERSAL 1 UNIVERSAL 2 UNIVERSAL 3 UNIVERSAL 4 UNIVERSAL 5 UNIVERSAL 6 UNIVERSAL 7

13、UNIVERSAL 8 UNIVERSAL 9 15 UNIVERSAL 16 UNIVERSAL 17 UNIVERSAL 18 22, 25 27 UNIVERSAL 23 24 UNIVERSAL 28 KS X 4002:2007 9 6 ASN.1 6.1 ASN.1 “ ” (12.1 ). 6.2 ASN.1 “ ” (12.7 ). . 6.3 ASN.1 “ ” (11.1 ). 6.4 ASN.1 “ ” (11.2 ). 6.5 “ ” “ ” “ ” (9.1 ). 1 ASN.1 7 ASN.1 7.1 ( ) ASN.1 7.2 7.3 , 2 . 2 ASN.1

14、A Z a z 0 9 : ; = , | ( A ). 2 ISO ASN.1 , . (8.2.1) (8.3) (8.4) (8.5) (A.2.1) (A.2.2) (A.2.3) (A.2.4) (A.2.7) , ASN.1 . KS X 4002:2007 10 () ASN.1 ( ) KS X 1001 , . a) b) c) 1 KS X 1001 a)c) . 2 a)b) . c) . 7.2 29. (“ ”) (8.11 ). 7.3 “ ” (8.6 ). 7.4 , , , . 7.5 . 8 ASN.1 8.1 8.1.1 8.28.14 . A . 8.1

15、.2 8.28.14 . , “” . 8.1.3 . 8.1.4 (ASN.1 ) 1 , . 8.1.5 . 8.2 . 8.2.1 ( ) KS X 4002:2007 11 “” 1 , 4 () . . 4 . 4 4 . () “” KS X 1001 , 1 , , 4 . . 4 . 4 4 . 4 . 8.2.2 “” 3 . A.2.9 . 3 BOOLEAN INTEGER BIT STRING OCTET NULL SEQUENCE OF SET IMPLICIT CHOICE ANY EXTERNAL OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL DEFAUL

16、T COMPONENTS TRUE FALSE BEGIN END 8.3 . ( ) “” 1 , 4 . . 4 . 4 4 . KS X 4002:2007 12 () “” 1 KS X 1001 , 1 , , 4 . 4 . 4 4 . 4 . 8.4 . “” 8.3 “ ” . “ ” “ ” . 8.5 . “” 8.2 “ ” . “ ” “ ” . 8.6 . 8.6.1 “” ASN.1 . ASN.1 , ASN.1 . 8.6.2 “” 2 4 2 4 . 2 4 2 4 2 4 . (7.3 ). 8.7 . “” . 5. , . 8.8 . KS X 4002:2007 13 “” 1 . “” 1 , 0 . 8.9 2 . 2 “2” 0 0 1 () , B . 01101100B 8.10 16 . 16 8.10.1 “16 0 () , H . A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB0196H 8.10.2 16 (4) . 8.11 . “” 0 (“) . (“) “ ” 2 (“) . 2 , “” (7.2 ). (“) :“” ”ASN.1” ” ” 8.12

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