KS X ISO 19133-2010 Geographic information-Location-based services-Tracking and navigation《地理信息 定位服务 跟踪和导航》.pdf

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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X ISO 19133 KS X ISO 19133:2010 2010 12 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO 19133:2010 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2006 12 28 :2010 12 31 2010-0684 : : ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X ISO 19133:2010 i . iii .1 1 (Scope)1

2、 2 (Conformance)1 3 (Normative references) .2 4 (Terms and definitions)2 5 (Abbreviated terms and UML notation)7 5.1 (abbreviated terms) .7 5.2 UML (UML notation)7 6 (Tracking) .7 6.1 (Semantics)7 6.2 (package): Tracking Service 8 6.3 : Point Estimates 21 6.4 : Location Transformation 27 6.5 : Measu

3、red Coordinates.28 6.6 : Linear Reference Systems.32 7 (Navigation) .39 7.1 (Semantics)39 7.2 (Cost functions and algorithms)41 7.3 : Navigation Service .43 7.4 : Cost Function.56 7.5 : Preferences67 8 (Address model)69 8.1 (Semantics)69 8.2 : Address 70 8.3 : Address Elements73 9 (Network).84 9.1 (

4、Semantics)84 9.2 : Network Model .84 9.3 : Turn Junction .87 9.4 : Constraint and Advisory.94 9.5 : Link.105 9.6 : Network Position 109 9.7 : Route110 9.8 : Combined Networks.115 KS X ISO 19133:2010 ii 10 (Basic implementation packages).119 10.1 : Feature Data Model.119 10.2 : New Basic Types.123 A(

5、 ) 125 A.1 (Semantics)125 A.2 (Data types) 125 A.3 (Services).127 B( ) .130 B.1 (Introduction) .130 B.2 (Directed weighted graphs)130 B.3 (Shortest path problems).131 B.4 (Mapping real road networks into positively weighted directed graphs) .132 B.5 (Choosing decision points) .132 B.6 (Turns and man

6、euvers).132 C( ) RM-ODP .134 C.1 (Engineering viewpoint)134 C.2 (Information viewpoint).135 C.3 (Service taxonomy).135 136 KS X ISO 19133:2010 iii . . A( ) B( ) C( ) RM-ODP KS X ISO 19133:2010 Geographic information Location-based services Tracking and navigation 2005 1 ISO 19133, Geographic informa

7、tion Location-based servicesTracking and navigation , . 1 (Scope) . , . 2 (Conformance) . . , . 6. 7. UML . 8. . 9. . . COM CORBA SQL KS X ISO 19118 . KS X ISO 19133:2010 2 . UML . UML , . “ (free function)” . , UML . , (entity) . UML . , , (KS X ISO 19118) XML . . , . A . 3 (Normative references) .

8、 . ( ) . KS X ISO 19107, KS X ISO 19108, ( ) KS X ISO 19109, KS X ISO 19111, KS X ISO 19112, KS X ISO 19118, ISO 3166 1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1:Country codes 4 (Terms and definitions) . 4.1 (candidate route) . 4.2 (cost function) ( ) , . . ,

9、, . , . 0 KS X ISO 19133:2010 3 , “ ” . 4.3 (Dijkstra graph) E. Dijkstra , 7. , . “ ” - (Bellman-Ford) 4, 8. 4.4 (geocoding) “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” . “ (逆 ) ” , . . 4.5 (instantiate) ( ) , . , , ( / ) . . . 4.6 (junction) . 4.7 (linear referencing system) (linear positioning system)KS X ISO 19116 (position

10、ing system) , , , . NCHRP Synthesis 21, 1974 KS X ISO 19133:2010 4 4.8 (link) , ( ) . 4.9 (link position) . , . “ ” . 4.10 (location) KS X ISO 19112 ( ) , ( ) ( ) , . 4.11 (location-based service) LBS , , 4.12 (location-dependent service) LDS 4.13 (main-road rule) ; ( ) “ ” . “ ” . . , . . 4.14 (man

11、euver, manoeuvre) . ( “jogs”) KS X ISO 19133:2010 5 , , ( “magic roundabouts”) . 4.15 (navigation) , , . 4.16 (navigation constraint) , , 4.17 (network) 0 ( ) 1 ( ) . ( , ) ( , ) . . 1 . . 4.18 (position) . , . “ (is type of)” . KS X ISO 19107 , . 4.19 (route) 4.20 (route instruction) . . 4.21 (rout

12、e traversal) 4.22 (routing) ( ) KS X ISO 19133:2010 6 4.23 (slope) 4.24 ( ) (tracking) 4.25 (traveller) cf. . KS X ISO 14825 . , . 4.26 (traversable) , , , . , . . , . , . . 4.27 (turn) 4.28 (vehicle) cf. . KS X ISO 14825 . , . 4.29 (vehicle classification) , , , . , . . KS X ISO 19133:2010 7 4.30 (

13、 ) (waypoint) , 5 (Abbreviated terms and UML notation) 5.1 (abbreviated terms) CRS(Coordinate Reference System) CSL(Conceptual Schema Language) ECCMA(Electronic Commerce Code Management Association) GDF(Geographic Data Files) GML(Geography Markup Language) GPS(Global Positioning System) IAEC(Interna

14、tional Address Element Code) LBS(Location Based Service) LDS(Location Dependent Service) LRM(Linear Referencing Method) LRS(Linear Reference System) OCL(Object Constraint Language) PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) UML(Unified Modeling language) XML(eXtensible Markup Language) 5.2 UML (UML notation) U

15、ML KS X ISO 19107 , “CodeList” “Union” UML . “context diagram” , , context . . 6 (Tracking) 6.1 (Semantics) “Tracking” ( 1 ). KS X ISO 19133:2010 8 1 6.2 (package): Tracking Service 6.2.1 “Tracking Service” . , . 6.2.2 TK_Position “TK_Position” . . ( ), . (discriminators) . directPosition: D

16、irectPosition placeName: SI_LocationInstance featureID: FD_FeatureName linearReference: LR_PositionExpression networkPosition: NT_NetworkPosition address: AD_AbstractAddress phone: CharacterString (cast) . TK_Position UML 2 . : asPosition “asPostion” . KS X ISO 19133:2010 9 TK_Position : asP

17、osition() : DirectPosition : asNetworkPosition “asNetworkPosition” . TK_Position : asNetworkPosition() : NT_NetworkPosition : asAddress “asAddress” . TK_Position : asAddress() : AD_Address 2 Context Diagram: TK_Position 6.2.3 TK_MobileSubscriber “TK_MobileSubscriber” . , . ,

18、GPS . , UMLKS X ISO 19133:2010 10 UML . ( .), . ( , ). TK_MobileSubscriber UML 3 . : id: CharacterString “id” . TK_MobileSubscriber : id : CharacterString : location: TK_TrackingLocation “location” . . GPS , . TK_MobileSubscriber : location : TK_TrackingLocation : trackingSer

19、vice1*: TK_TrackingService “trackingService” . TK_MobileSubscriber : trackingService1* : TK_TrackingService 3 Context Diagram: TK_MobileSubscriber 6.2.4 TK_TrackingLocation KS X ISO 19133:2010 11 “TK_TrackingLocation” . TK_TrackingLocation UML 4 . : position: TK_Position “position” .

20、 TK_TrackingLocation : position : TK_Position : time01: TM_Primitive “time” . TK_TrackingLocation : time01 : TM_Primitive : direction01: Bearing “direction” . TK_TrackingLocation : direction01 : Bearing : speed01: Velocity “speed” . TK_TrackingLocation : speed01 : Velocity 6.

21、2.4.6 : metadata0*: TK_TrackingLocationMetadata “metadata” . TK_TrackingLocation : metadata0* : TK_TrackingLocationMetadata 4 Context Diagram: TK_TrackingLocation 6.2.5 TK_TrackingService KS X ISO 19133:2010 12 “TK_TrackingService” . TK_TrackingService UML 5 . mobileSubscriber0*: TK_MobileSubscriber “mobileSubscriber” ( ) . TK_TrackingService : mobileSubscriber0* : TK_MobileSubscriber : locate “locate” . TK_TrackingService : locate(ms : TK_MobileSubscriber, type : TK_PositionType) : TK_TrackingLocation : track “track” .

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