KS X ISO IEC 14496-1-2005 Information technology-Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG-4)-Part 1:Systems《信息技术 动画与音频对象编码(MPEG-4) 第1部分 系统》.pdf

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KS X ISO IEC 14496-1-2005 Information technology-Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG-4)-Part 1:Systems《信息技术 动画与音频对象编码(MPEG-4) 第1部分 系统》.pdf_第1页
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KS X ISO IEC 14496-1-2005 Information technology-Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG-4)-Part 1:Systems《信息技术 动画与音频对象编码(MPEG-4) 第1部分 系统》.pdf_第2页
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KS X ISO IEC 14496-1-2005 Information technology-Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG-4)-Part 1:Systems《信息技术 动画与音频对象编码(MPEG-4) 第1部分 系统》.pdf_第3页
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KS X ISO IEC 14496-1-2005 Information technology-Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG-4)-Part 1:Systems《信息技术 动画与音频对象编码(MPEG-4) 第1部分 系统》.pdf_第4页
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KS X ISO IEC 14496-1-2005 Information technology-Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG-4)-Part 1:Systems《信息技术 动画与音频对象编码(MPEG-4) 第1部分 系统》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KS X ISO/IEC 14496 1SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS (MPEG4) 1: KS X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 2005 12 26 X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 e ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) : : 1999 12 29 : 2005 12 26 2005 0947 : e : e ( ) ( 02 509 7272 4) . 7 5 , . X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 e . KS X ISO/IEC 14496 1 . A( ) B

2、( ) C( ) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 QoS D( ) E( ) F() G( ) H( ) I( ) ITU T H.264 | KS X ISO/IEC 14496 10 AVC J() KS X ISO/IEC 14496 “ (MPEG 4)” . 1 : (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 1) 2 : (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 2) 3 : (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 3) 4 : (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 4) 5: (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 5) 6: (DMIF)(KS X ISO/IEC 14496

3、 6) 7: MPEG 4 (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 7) 8: IP KS X ISO/IEC 14496 (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 8) 9: (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 9) 10: (AVC)(KS X ISO/IEC 14496 10) 11: (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 11) 12: ISO (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 12) 13: (IPMP) (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 13) 14: MP4 (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 14) 15: (AVC) (KS X ISO/IEC 14496

4、 15) 16: (AFX)(KS X ISO/IEC 14496 16) 17: (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 17) 18: (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 18) 19: (KS X ISO/IEC 14496 19) . i ICS 35.040 KS X ISO/IEC ( MPEG 4)1 : 14496 1: 2005Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects(MPEG 4) Part 1: Systems 2004 3 ISO/IEC 14496 1 Information technology

5、Coding of audio-visual objects Part 1: Systems . . , , . , , . 1. . . a) 2 , 3 ( ) b) ( ) c) ( , , ) 2. . . KS X 1005 1 (UCS) 1 : ISO/IEC 10646 1: 1993 Information technology Universal multiple-octet coded character set(UCS)Part 1: Architecture and basic multilingual plane . KS X 1510 1 1: ISO 3166

6、1: 1997 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1:Country codes . KS X 2028 1 (VRML) 1: UTF 8 ISO/IEC 14772 1: 1998 Information technology Computer graphics and image processing The virtual reality modeling language: Functional specification and UTF 8 encoding

7、. KS X ISO/IEC 11172 2: 2001 1.5 Mbps (MPEG 1) 2 : KS X IOS/IEC 11172 3: 2001 1.5 Mbps (MPEG 1) 3 : KS X ISO/IEC 13818 3: 2001 (MPEG 2) 3 : X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 KS X ISO/IEC 13818 7: 2003 (MPEG 2) 7 : (AAC) KS X ISO/IEC 16262 ECMAScript ISO 639 2: 1998 Codes for the representation of names of lan

8、guages Part 2: Alpha 3 codes ITU T Rec. H.262: 1995 ISO/IEC 13818 2: 1996 Information technology Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video ITU T Rec. T.81: 1992 ISO/IEC 10918 1: 1994 Information technology Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images

9、: Requirements and guidelines IEEE Std 754: 1985 Standard for binary floating Point arithmetic 3. . 4. . 4.1 (AU)(Access unit) (elementary stream) . (timing) . 4.2 ( alpha map) (texture map) 4.3 (atom) 4.4 (audio-visual object) . BIFS (node) . 1 (object descriptors) 0 . 4.5 (AV scene)(Audio-visual s

10、cene) 4.6 AVC (AVC p arameter set) . . 4.7 AVC ( AVC access unit) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 15 5.2.3 ITU T H.264 | KS X ISO/IEC 14496 10 NAL 4.8 AVC (AVC parameter set access unit) NAL NAL 4.9 AVC (AVC parameter set elementary stream) AV C 4.10 AVC ( AVC video elementary stream) NAL 4.11 (BI FS)(binary for

11、mat for scene) 4.12 (bu ffer model) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 4.13 (byte aligned) 8 4.14 (chunk) 2 X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 4.15 (cl ock reference) 4.16 (composition) 4.17 (CM) (Composition memory) 4.18 (CTS)(Composition time stamp) 4.19 (CU)(Composition unit) 4.20 (co mpression layer) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 .

12、. 4.21 (container atom) 4.22 ( control point) IPMP 4.23 ( decoder) 4.24 (DB)(Decoding buffer) 4.25 (decoder configuration) . 4.26 (DTS)(Decoding time stamp) 4.27 ( delivery layer) ( ) 4.28 ( descriptor) 4.29 DMIF ( DAI)(DMIF Application interface) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 6 . SL . 4.30 ( ES)(Elementary st

13、ream) 4.31 (elementary stream descriptor) , , . 4.32 (ESI)(Elementary stream interface) . 4.33 M4Mux ( FMC)(M4Mux channel) M4Mux (label). M4Mux M4Mux SL . 4.34 M4Mux (M4Mux packet) M4Mux . (payload) . 4.35 M4Mux (M4 Mux stream) M4Mux 1 SL M4Mux 3 X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 4.36 M4Mux (M4Mux tool) 4.37

14、(graphics profile) BIFS . BIFS . 4.38 (hint track) TransMux instruction . ( ) . 4.39 (hinter) 4.40 (inter) 4.41 (i nteraction stream) 4.42 ( intra) 4.43 (i nitial object descriptor) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 . . 4.44 (IPI)(Intellectual property identification) 1 1 4.45 (IPMP system)(Intellectual property m

15、anagement and protection system) . . 4.46 IPMP (IPMP information) IPMP enable, , facilitate 4.47 IPMP (IPMP system) IPMP monolithic IPMP IPMP IPMP IPMP IPMP . . 4.48 IPMP (IPMP tool) IPMP , decryption, watermarking ( ) IPMP . IPMP IPMP . IPMP IPMP “IPMP ” IPMP . IPMP IPMP IPMP combination . 4.49 IPM

16、P (IPMP tool identifier) IPMP ID . . IPMP IPMP . 4.50 IPMP (IPMP tool list) IPMP IPMP . 4.51 (media node) , , , , , URL 4.52 ( media stream) ES aggregate 4 X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 AV 4.53 (m edia time line) 4.54 ( movie atom) (moov) (sub-atom) 4.55 (movie data atom) (mdat) 4.56 MP4 ( MP4 file) . 4.5

17、7 (OCR)(Object clock reference) 4.58 (OCI )(Object content information) 1 . . 4.59 ( OD)(Object descriptor) 1 4.60 (object descriptor command) ID , 4.61 (object descriptor profile) 4.62 ( object descriptor stream) 4.63 (OTB)(Object time base) . OTB . . 4.64 (parametric audio decoder) KS X ISO/IEC 14

18、496 3 2 Kbps 6 Kbps ( ) 4.65 (parametric description) , , SDL . 4.66 (QoS)(Quality of service) . QoS , , . 4.67 (random access) 4.68 (reference point) , 4.69 (rendering) ( ) 4.70 (rendering area) 4.71 (sample) . TransMux . 4.72 (sample table) , 5 X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 (packed directory) 4.73 (scen

19、e description) . . 4.74 (scene description stream) 4.75 (scene graph elements) 13. , ( ) BIFS 4.76 ( scene graph profile) BIFS . BIFS . 4.77 ( seekable) . 4.78 SL ( SPS)(SL-packetized stream) 1 4.79 (structured audio) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 3 4.80 (SL)(Sync layer) (斷片化 ) DMIF . , . 4.81 (sync layer conf

20、iguration) . 4.82 (SL-packet)(sync layer packet) . 1 . 4.83 (SDL)(syntactic description language) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 1 4.84 (SDM)(system decoder model) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 4.85 (S TB)(system time base) . . . 4.86 ( terminal) KS X ISO/IEC 14496 1 , , . KS X ISO/IEC 14496 . 4.87 ( time base) . 4.88 (timing model) . . 4.89 ( time stamp) 4.90 (track) MP4 . . TransMuxchannel . 6 X ISO/IEC 14496 1: 2005 4.91 (i nteraction stream)


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