KS X ISO IEC 6522-2007 Information technology-Programming languages-PL I general purpose subset《信息技术 程序设计语言PL 1通用子集》.pdf

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1、 KS X ISO/IEC 6522 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS PL/I KS X ISO/IEC 6522 : 2007 (2012 ) 2007 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 : ( ) ( ) SJ ( ) : (JTC1/SC 22) () ( ) Microsoft IBM : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2003 10 28 :2007 11 30 :2012 12 28 : 2012-0798 : (JTC1/SC 22)

2、( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X ISO/IEC 6522 : 2007 (2012 ) PL/I Information technology Programming languages PL/I general purpose subset , KS 1992 2 ISO/IEC 6522, Information technologyProgramming languagesPL/I general purpose subset . 1 1.1 “PL/I” PL/I . . PL/I . A . PL/I PL/I

3、 . PL/I PL/I . PL/I PL/I ( A ). 1.5 , PL/I . . ( ) . , 1.5 . PL/I PL/I . 1.4 , , . 1.5 , 1.6 . 1.7 , 2. 9. . 1.2 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 1.2 Referenced Publications . KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 2 1.3 ANSI X3.531976 ANSI X.3.741981 PL/I . PL/I PL/I, ANSI X3.531976 . A B . . a) , , . b) . c) PL/I(ANSI X3.531976

4、) , , . d) . e) . PL/I , . PL/I . . , PL/I . 1.4 PL/I PL/I (packages) . %INCLUDE . 1.4.1 . . Structural: PACKAGE PROCEDURE BEGIN DO END Declarative: DECLARE DEFINE CONSTANT FORMAT Flow of Control: CALL RETURE IF SELECT LEAVE KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 3 GO TO Null Statement STOP ON REVERT SIGNAL Storage

5、: ALLOCATE FREE Assignment Statement Input/Output: OPEN CLOSE GET PUT READ WRITE REWIRTE DELETE . Arithmetic Arithmetic PICTURE CHARACTER BIT AREA ENTRY FILE LABEL OFFSET POINTER , , (return) . 1.4.2 PL/I . , “DEFINEPROGRAM” . (tree) . . KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 4 PL/I ( ) (translator) . (translation-

6、unit) . , , . (concrete form) (concrete syntax) . (abstract syntax) (abstract form) . . . (datasets) . (machine-state syntax) PL/I , . . 1 PL/I “must” “must not” . 1.5 . . ( ) . ( ) ( ) . KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 5 . . 1.4.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. / 9. 5. 8. 3 A :X3.53 1976 B : C :X3.74 1981 D : X3.5

7、3 1976 E :X3.74 1981 F : 1. . 4. 2. 3. . 5.9. . 5. , 6., 7., 8. . 9. . 1. . . . 1.4.4 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 1.4.1 Introduction to Metalanguage . 1.5 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 1.5 Relationships between an Implementation and this Definition . 1.6 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 1.6 The Metalanguage . 1.7 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 1.7

8、Initialization of the Machine-state . KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 6 2 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 2. Concrete Syntax . 3 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 3. Abstract Syntax . 4 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 4. The Translator . 5 PL/I ISO/IEC 6522:1992 5. The PL/I Interpreter . 6 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 6. Flow of Control . 7 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 7.

9、Storage and Assignment . 8 / ISO/IEC 6522:1992 8. Input/Output . 9 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 2. Expressions and Conversion . A() X3.531976 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 Appendix A. Features New to This Revision Adopted from X3.531976 . B() ISO/IEC 6522:1992 Appendix B. Features New to This Revision . C() X.3.741981 ISO

10、/IEC 6522:1992 Appendix C. Clarifications and Restriction from X3.741981 . D() X3.531976 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 Appendix D. Features of X3.531976 not Adopted in This Standard . KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 7 E() X.3.741981 ISO/IEC 6522:1992 Appendix E. Incompatible Changes from X3.741981 . F() ISO/IEC 6522:199

11、2 Appendix F. Rationale for Major Design Decisions . KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 8 KS X ISO/IEC 6522 : 2007 , . 1 “PL/I” PL/I . 3 PL/I , (ALGOL), (COBOL) . PL/I “Programming Language ONE” , C IBM . . PL/I PL/I . 2 ISO/IEC 144966 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 7 . 1992 IS(International Standard) . ISO/IEC 144966

12、(KS) (JTC1/SC22) 2003 5 2003 9 (KS) . 3 . 4 ANSI X2.134.1 ANSI X3.41986 ANSI X3.411974 ANSI X3.531976 5 (2. ) PL/I . . . , KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 9 . . 4. PARSE . (high- level) (low-level) . , , If , Do , Select , , , , , , , , . . (3. ) , PL/I . . . . | . (4. ) . . PL/I . PL/I . . , , , , , , , . (

13、5. PL/I ) , . 5.2 , 5.3 . 5.4 INTERPRET . (6. ) 5. PL/I . , . (7. ) PL/I . . , , , , , . (8. /) , . . , , I/O , , , . (9. ) . . , , , KS X ISO/IEC 6522:2007 10 . A() X3.531976 ANSI(American National Standard Programming Language) X3.531976 . B() ANSI X3.531976 ANSI X3.741981 . C() X.3.741981 . D() X

14、3.531976 ANSI X3.531976 . E() X.3.741981 X.3.741981 . F() , , , , . PL/I 153787 1 145 3(16) (02)26240114 (02)26240148 http:/ KS X ISO/IEC 6522 :2007KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS Information technology Programming languages PL/I general purpose subset ICS 35.060 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr

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