NASA NACA-TN-1377-1947 Wind-tunnel investigation of unshielded horn balances on a horizontal tail surface《水平尾翼面上无屏蔽角平衡的风洞研究》.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1377-1947 Wind-tunnel investigation of unshielded horn balances on a horizontal tail surface《水平尾翼面上无屏蔽角平衡的风洞研究》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1377-1947 Wind-tunnel investigation of unshielded horn balances on a horizontal tail surface《水平尾翼面上无屏蔽角平衡的风洞研究》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1377-1947 Wind-tunnel investigation of unshielded horn balances on a horizontal tail surface《水平尾翼面上无屏蔽角平衡的风洞研究》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1377-1947 Wind-tunnel investigation of unshielded horn balances on a horizontal tail surface《水平尾翼面上无屏蔽角平衡的风洞研究》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1377-1947 Wind-tunnel investigation of unshielded horn balances on a horizontal tail surface《水平尾翼面上无屏蔽角平衡的风洞研究》.pdf_第5页
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1、WIND -TUNNELFOR AERONAUTICS_TECHNICAL NOTE -No. 1377.INVESTIGATION OF UNSHIELDED HORN RALANCESON A HORIZONTAL TAIL SURFACEBy John G. Lowry and Stewart M. CrandallLangley Memorial Aeronautical LaboratoryLangley Field, Va.WashingtonJuly 1947.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p

2、ermitted without license from IHS-,-,-TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM - Illlllllll!llllllllllllllllllullll=-U144b71 k :_-”: -NATIONALADVISORYCOWTTKE FORA2ZRONAWWS. .TECENICk NOTENO. 13”. .WIND-TUNNELINVESTIGATIONOF UNSH15LIEDHORNRAtiOES. .ONA HORI!ZONWUIL SUREACZ “ .,. ., .By JohnG. Lowryam%Stmart M. Crandall

3、 .,.“SUN?.,” .,., . .A wd tunnel investigationhasbeenmade to determinetheaerodynamic.characteristics.of-a horizontaltailsurfacewithvmious amountsof unshieldedhornWlemce andwiththesurfaceconditionsimilarto thatof a typicalfabric-covered“elevatorThewindtunnelresul%sindicabd thatthe.increments,fortheva

4、riationofhie -momen”tcoefficientwith.angleof attackandelevatordeflectioncausedby”change”in thesizeof theunshieldedhornareapproximatelylineerfunctionsof theratioof theqrn .areamomentto theelevatorareamoment. The contiol-forcechea?acteristicsas estimatedfromthewind-tunneldataand-asobtainedfromflightte

5、stswerein god agreementwhen thesurface.irregularitiesof theairplaneweresimulatedon themodel. INTRODUCTION -,An investigationhasbeennmdeintheLsngley7- by 10-foottunneland inflightof thehorizontal,tail,surfaceof a torpedobomber. Preliminary flighttbssof theairplaneshowed”thata”largeundesirablechangein

6、.tiimforceoccurredwhen theflapswereextendedEUIdthatthemaneuveringfor,ceswere-excessive.The wi.nd-tunnelinvestigationwas undertakento detezmdnetheaerodynamic :. .characteristics”of thetailsurfacewtthvariousmounts of unshielded, “.hornbalance so thata satisfactoryconfigurationcQuldbe determined.Thevul

7、ations consistedof removingpartof theunshieldedhornandaddingit to thestabilizer.Ylig.httests”of one=r=gent weromade to corroborate thewind-tunnelresults,., .- .-.The present paper.givesonlythe details of the wind-tunnelinvestigation.The controlcharacteristicsobtainedin paredwiththoseestimatedfromwin

8、dtunneldata.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 NACATN No. 1377,METHODSANDAP$%iWIVSThe testsetupis showmschematicallyti”figure1 andin thephotographof figure2. The semispanmodelwasmountedverticallyin tieLangley7“ by 10-foottunnelwiththei

9、nbod endadjacentto thetunnelfloorwhi therebyactedas a reflectionplanec Themodelwas supportedentirelyby thebalanceframewitha smallclearanceat the Wnnel. floor so tlyat all forctiskmd moments actiqjon the model could be measured. The flow over the model simulatedthe flow over the leftsemispanof a comp

10、letehorizontaltailmountedin a 10-by lb-foottunnel. Provisionsweremadeforchsmgingtheangleof attackof themodeland thedeflectionof theelevatorwhilethetunnelwas in operation.E3.evatorhinge momenwere measured by mesxw of .an electrical strain gage mounted within- .the elevator. No tabhingemomentawere rec

11、orded.The0.5-scalemodelof a lefthorizontaltailsurfacewasfurnishedby themanufacturerand conformedto thedirfinsions.givenin figure3. (leometri c,characttiristice of the mod61 and the airplane are givenin tableI. Themodelrepresentedthepartof theairplanecrosshatchedinfigurek. Fourdifferentamountqof horn

12、 were tested on “the model (f Q. 5). -In thesevariationsof thehorn,stripqabout1.7incheswisewerecut from the hornand acldedto thestabilizer.The gapbeimreenthe d.outboaraendof thestabilizerand thehornwas keptat a constantvalueof O*25inch. .Certainmodificationsweremadeto theelevatcirduringthetestswhich

13、madethemodelmorenearlyrepresentthehorizontaltailsurfaceof theparticularairplaneflighttested. !l%edetailsof themodificationsareshownin figures to 7. ModificationA cqnsistedof enlargingthegapbetweenthestabilizerandelevatorby replacing” .thecirculartratling-,edgesectionof thestabilizer(fig.3) with acha

14、nnelsection(fig.). MotiificationB includedrno ”tltis, both CL8, and c% decreasedinmagnitude. ed“,TabCharacteristicsTheresultsof thetab”testsfor theoriginaltail.withhem-lare shownin $ires 8 to 11,and tabtestswithmodificationC andhorn 4 we shownin figures18 to 20. A surmary of thetabresults(d. Ch),.L

15、is includedin table11. .,at ?5t.Tab deflectioncausedonlysmallvariations on theelevator-. hingewoment parametersCha and .Ch . Themaineffectwas a : -w. 1 .038 .040 - : 40B 2 .09 .042- -.-p .CX)09 -.0040 - -17 en tmixmadatEo nphwifhpsdom.0 V = 217 I; average for 2.4n; initial cc.mdition:Be = 0.5, G = -

16、1.alVi = 120 D; initial ocmditicm Se .0, a -3.2:e aa effeot paramateraInoMle effect of tab.S E * B :7: .- -W “-.,-;, b-:.: :_:%:-“:. . - _._.=:.*. -. . 3It view of 0.5 -scale semispanW tail tested.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA

17、 TN No. 1377 Fig. 3a71a71.t9.40Fhinge49.0horn 3.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, .1.4i:(?L/.2 r -/2. .B/.0 .- +m0.8 +Ad 98,6 . l,?.4 .$”4 horn 1; at = OO.I,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

18、license from IHS-,-,-10.6oAngle of Q horn 1; bt = OO. ,. , . .Ia73Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71 a15I I I I I I I Id III I I I I I I I I IR II I I IIL* I I I I I I I I I r%lN,mwwI I I I I I I I I -t.1 h IN I I I I 1 It 1 I 171 ,

19、t. , I IFigurelD.- Aerodynamic characteristicsofthe0.5-scalemodel oflefthorizontaltailsurface. GModificationB; horn 1; 5t = OO.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1412Lo.8.64A.2o7(2)-39s .24a71 -,204642-84048 12 16M of CvYack,c,dqI+6 -12-

20、6.4048124.4? ,a#ack.a,Figure11.- Aerodynsmic characterl#icsofthe0.5-scalemodel oflefthorizontaltailOriginaltail;horn 1; bt = -20.1m . ra7316surfsce. .IProvided by IHS Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-*n(2)-29u +4.332.?8Hzz.0-/6 -A2 -8 -4 0 + 8 12 Ae

21、ofa#ack, cx,dugFi 12.- Aerodyna.miccharacteristicsofthe0.5-scalemcdel“oflefthorizontaltailstiace. -horn 1; bt = -1OO.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-/4/210.8,6G+.2,0$038-.2:8-10.3632.2892:20/6 12 -8 4 0 4 8 /216 wA of mhck, a, deg040F

22、igure13.- Aerodynamic characteristicsofthe0.5-scalemodel oflefthorizontaltailsurface.OriginalMl; horn 1; i3t = 10.* , ,- ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, . I /f H.-/6x -/?u a71-8, .+.!0 . -a71 O20-14 -lza+o+e 12 16 20Angle Ofattwk,r

23、x,dqFiguxe14.- Aercdynamk characteristicsofModificationB;3I llkl Nl 1. I 1.1-! I I I I I I I I I I l-w IL1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I-20-%-/2-8-+0+8 /2 16 WAngle dafhctz, dsgthe O.5-sca.le model of left horizontal Ml surfs.ce.horn 2; bt = OO.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

24、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3+042-8-4048 if16BAn of attack, qdqFigure15.- Aerodynamic charaderisticsoftheO.5-scalemodel oflefthorizontaltallsurface.ModificationB; horn 3; 5t= OO.IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.12lo.(4B.2%+3426+046 12/620ngle of r$bcK,a, decjFre 16.- Aemdynamic characteristicsofthe0.5-w%le model of left horizontal tail surface. %Modification C; horn 3; 5t = OO.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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