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1、2015 年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 the 100, 000 Strong Initiative2 UN-Habitat3 Occupy Central4 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)5 chemical oxygen demand(COD)6 coal equivalent7 a lame duck8 CCPIT9 Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program(GMS)10 The House of Commons11 Speak

2、er of the House(U. S. Congress)12 devolution of power13 UK Trade and Investment(UKTI)14 PM 2. 515 public private partnership(PPP)汉译英16 海上丝绸之路17 新常态18 自闭症19 国际电信联盟20 可再生能源发电装机容量21 森林蓄积量22 气候变化南南合作基金23 技术转让24 “言必信、行必果 ”25 亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议26 “南海行为准则 ”27 雾霾28 “高大上”29 泰晤士报30 尚书英译汉31 We usually classif

3、y literatureimaginative literature(excluding nonfiction prose)into the following genres or classes:(1)prose fiction;(2)poetry, and(3)drama. These three genres have many common characteristics. All are art forms, each with its own requirements of structure and style. In varying degrees, all the genre

4、s are dramatic and imaginative; they have at least some degree of action, or are based in part on dramatic situations.Imaginative literature differs from textbooks, historical and biographical works, and news articles, all of which describe or interpret facts. While literature is related to the trut

5、hs of human life, it may be based on situations that have never occurred, and which may never occur. This is not to say that imaginative literature is not truthful, but rather that its truth is to life and human nature, not necessarily to the detailed world of reportorial, scientific, and historical

6、 facts in which we all live.Although the three main genres have much in common, they also differ in many ways. Prose fiction, or narrative fiction, is in prose form and includes novels, short stories, myths, parables, romances, and epics. These works generally focus on one or a few major characters

7、who undergo some kind of change as they meet other characters or deal with problems or difficulties in their lives. Poetry, in contrast to prose fiction, is much more economical in the use of words, and it relies heavily on imagery, figurative language, rhythm and sound. Drama(or plays)is the form o

8、f literature designed to be performed by actors. Like fiction, drama may focus on a single character or a small number of characters, and it presents fictional events as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by a group of people composing an audience. Some dramas employ much of the

9、imagery, rhythm, and sound of poetry.32 It must be stressed that a characteristic aspect of the present time is that science is exercising a decisive influence on technology, creating new problems for it, guiding its development and conditioning its progress. As a result, science is tending to becom

10、e a direct force of industry. Scientific theories penetrate technological processes.In its turn, the development of science is strongly influenced by the astounding progress of modern technology, which places at its disposal previously undreamed of means; apparatus of high precision and of tremendou

11、s power, such as particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, electronic computers, etc. The improvement of industrial technology makes possible the realization of high intensity phenomena such as pressure, temperature, very high tension or nearly ideal conditions of vacuum, often indispensable to accur

12、ate experimental results.Science does not, generally, affect industry directly but does so through the intermediary of technology which places at industrys disposal new improved and powerful machines that increase the productivity of labor. It improves technological processes, introduces new forms o

13、f energy, creates new materials not provided by nature, introduces new and varied means of transport, communication and telecommunication control and tele-control. All these means amazingly increase the productivity of labor by substituting human force for those of nature.The raising of the technica

14、l level of industry, therefore, constitutes a major imperative of our time presented to science, which finds itself in the vanguard of social progress.汉译英33 提起新加坡,许多中国人会联想到高效政府、良好秩序、美食、旅游胜地这些正面的标签已被不少游记、随笔、考察报告贴在了这个接近赤道的岛国身上。7 月中旬的一天,我从夏日炎炎的北京飞抵樟宜机场,来到心仪已久的岛国,开始了新加坡之旅。作为一个国家,新加坡很小,小到你只需几天就能游遍她所有的景点。

15、但作为一个多种族并存、高度开放的社会,新加坡很大,大到能够容纳各种文化在这里并行繁衍。几天的走马观花下来,即使用最挑剔的眼光,我对新加坡的基本评价也还是一个简单的字:好。用一句话说就是:这个年轻的国家,实实在在地取得了物质文明和精神文明建设的双丰收。34 埃博拉是一种十分罕见的病毒,1976 年在苏丹南部和刚果(金)的埃博拉河地区发现它的存在后,引起医学界的广泛关注和重视,“埃博拉” 由此而得名。虽然埃博拉疫情在西非地区迅速蔓延,但是科学家们至今仍然缺少一些关键的病毒基因数据,以回答这样一个引起众人担忧猜测的问题:埃博拉病毒是否正在变得更具传染性或致死性? 病毒是否正在发生一些改变,使自己能够

16、避开诊断性测试或疫苗? 成千上万份埃博拉感染患者的血液样本目前已经储存在非洲和欧洲的冷藏库内,至今仍未被研究过。直到这一期科学期刊交付印刷的时候,几个拥有最新的病毒基因组序列信息的研究团队仍然没有将这些序列信息公之于众。2015 年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 十万强计划,十万人留学中国计划2 【正确答案】 联合国人类住区规划署,简称人居署 (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)3 【正确答案】 占领中环(占中)4 【正确答案】 跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系协定5 【正确答案】 化学需氧量6 【正确答案】 煤当量7

17、 【正确答案】 跛脚鸭(无用之人)8 【正确答案】 中国国际贸易促进委员会(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)9 【正确答案】 大湄公河次区域经济合作10 【正确答案】 (英国、加拿大)下议院11 【正确答案】 美国众议院议长12 【正确答案】 权力下放13 【正确答案】 英国贸易投资总署14 【正确答案】 细颗粒物15 【正确答案】 公私合营;公私合作汉译英16 【正确答案】 the Maritime Silk Route17 【正确答案】 New Normal18 【正确答案】 autism19 【正确答案】 In

18、ternational Telecommunication Union20 【正确答案】 installed renewable power generation capacity21 【正确答案】 forest stock22 【正确答案】 South-South Climate Cooperation Fund23 【正确答案】 technology transfer24 【正确答案】 Always be true in word and resolute in deed.25 【正确答案】 the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)E

19、conomic Leaders Meeting26 【正确答案】 The Code of Conduct in the South China Sea27 【正确答案】 smog28 【正确答案】 high-end29 【正确答案】 The Times30 【正确答案】 The Book of Documents英译汉31 【正确答案】 我们通常将文学虚构文学(不包括纪实类散文)分为以下几种体裁或类别:(1)散文体小说;(2) 诗歌;(3) 戏剧。这三种文体间存在许多共同点。它们都属于艺术形式,在结构和风格上有各自的要求。它们都展现出了不同程度的戏剧性和想象力;具备一定的情节,或在某种程度上取


21、存在的一种文学形式。跟小说一样,戏剧将重点放在一个或几个角色上,讲述虚构事件,仿佛它们就发生在当下,得到构成观众的一群人见证。还有一些戏剧会大量运用诗歌中的意象、韵律及音感。32 【正确答案】 我们必须强调这一点,当今时代的一个典型特点是:科学正在对技术产生决定性的影响,为它创造新的问题,指导它的发展,并决定它的进程。因此,科学正逐渐成为工业中的一种直接决定力量,科学理论贯穿整个工艺流程。反之,科学发展受到现代技术迅猛发展的强烈影响。现代技术为科学研究提供了过去甚至无法想象的手段:精度高且动力大的装置,如粒子加速器、核反应堆和电子计算器等。工业技术的进步让高强度条件,如压力、温度、极高电压或近

22、乎理想的真空条件,成为可能,而这些条件是取得精准实验结果所不可或缺的。一般而言,科学并不直接影响工业,而是通过技术这个中间媒介施加作用,技术为工业提供动力更大的改良机器,提高生产效率。它还改进工艺流程,引入新型能源,创造出自然界本不存在的新材料,引进多样的交通、沟通、通信控制和远程控制新方式。通过用人力代替自然力,这些方式极大地提高了生产效率。因此,工业技术水平的提升是我们这个时代科学进步的必要因素,而科学则是社会进步的领航者。汉译英33 【正确答案】 To many people in China, Singapore is associated with efficient governm

23、ent, good order, tasty foods, and tourists attractionsattributes given to the equatorial island-state by numerous travels, essays, and inspection tour reports. One hot day in mid-July, the airplane from Beijing having touched down at Changi Airport, I started my tour of Singapore, a land I had longe

24、d to visit.Singapore is so small a country that you can exhaust all her scenic spots within a few days, and yet it is such an open and expansive society that races live in harmony and cultures flourish side by side. A few days cursory sightseeing left meeven with the most critical eyeonly one simple

25、 word to describe the country: Good. Or, to borrow a set phrase from China, this young country has verily attained a high degree of civilization in both material and spiritual senses.34 【正确答案】 A rare virus, Ebola has attracted broad and serious attention by the medical community ever since it was fi

26、rst detected in South Sudan and areas near the Ebola River of Congo in 1976. Ebola was named after the river where it was found. As the Ebola epidemic sweeps through West Africa, scientists lack key genetic data to answer a question that has provoked much worried speculation: Is the virus becoming m

27、ore transmissible or more deadly? Is the virus acquiring changes that would let it evade diagnostic tests or vaccines? Thousands of blood samples from Ebola patients have been sitting in refrigerators in Africa and Europe, untouched. And, as Science went to press, the few groups that have new genomic sequence data have not made them public.


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