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1、2007 年专业英语四级真题试卷(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage w

2、ill be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversati

3、ons. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 Which of the following is NOT needed for the Lost Property Form?(A)Name.(B) Nationality.(C) Address.(D)Phone number.3 From the conversation we know that Mark Adams comes from _.(A)Essex(B) Edinburgh(C) London(D)t

4、he U. S.4 What will Mark Adams do the day after tomorrow?(A)To come to the office again.(B) To wait for the phone call.(C) To call the office.(D)To write to the office.5 At the university Mr. Robinson specialized in _.(A)maths(B) physics(C) water management(D)geography6 Mr. Robinson worked for the I

5、ndian Government because of _.(A)university links(B) government agreements(C) company projects(D)degree requirements7 After Mr. Robinson returned from India, he _.(A)changed jobs several times(B) went to live in Manchester(C) did similar work as in India(D)became head of a research team8 Members of

6、the club are required to _.(A)register when they arrive(B) bring up to three guests(C) register their guests(D)show membership cards on arrival9 Which of the following details about the changing rooms is NOT correct?(A)There is a charge for the use of the locker.(B) Showers are installed in the chan

7、ging rooms.(C) Lockers are located in the changing rooms.(D)Lockers are used to store personal belongings.10 According to the clubs roles, members can play _.(A)for 30 minutes only(B) for one hour only(C) within the booked time only(D)longer than the booked time11 Which of the following details is N

8、OT correct?(A)Players can eat in the club room.(B) Players have to leave the club by ten oclock.(C) The courts are dosed earlier than the club room.(D)Players can use both the club room and the courts.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passag

9、es carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 According to the talk, the owner of a bike has to _.(A)register his bike immediately(B) put his bike on a list at one(C) have it stamped with a number(D)report to the police station13 The speaker in the talk recommends_.(A)two locks for an e

10、xpensive bike(B) a good lock for an expensive bike(C) cheap locks for cheap bikes(D)good locks for cheap bikes14 What is the main idea of the talk?(A)How to have the bike stamped.(B) How to protect your bike.(C) How to buy good locks.(D)How to report your lost bike to the police.15 How old was Leona

11、rdo da Vinci when he moved to Milan?(A)25.(B) 30.(C) 35.(D)4016 Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci worked as all the following EXCEPT _.(A)a painter(B) an engineer(C) an architect(D)a builder17 Where did Leonardo da Vinci die?(A)In France.(B) In Milan.(C) In Florence.(D)In Tuscany.18 Which cours

12、e(s) runs or run for one hour each time?(A)Conversation class.(B) Writing skills class.(C) Examination skills class.(D)All of the three courses.19 Which course(s) does or do NOT require enrolment beforehand?(A)Conversation class.(B) Writing skills class.(C) Examination skills class.(D)All of the thr

13、ee courses.20 Which course(s) is (are) designed especially for students of economies and social sciences?(A)Conversation class.(B) Writing skills class.(C) Examination skills class.(D)All of the three courses.21 Which course(s) is (are) the shortest?(A)Conversation class.(B) Writing skills class.(C)

14、 Examination skills class.(D)All language courses.22 Who had to leave the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?(A)The Israeli army.(B) The Jewish settlers.(C) The Palestinians.(D)The Israeli Prime Minister.23 How many settlements would have to be removed altogether in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?(A)2.(

15、B) 4.(C) 21.(D)2524 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the following news?(A)The agreement has to be approved by Romania.(B) The agreement has to be approved by Bulgaria.(C) The agreement has to be approved by some EU states.(D)The agreement has to be approved by all the EU states.25 Romania

16、 and Bulgaria cannot join the EU in 2007 unless they carry out reforms in the following areas EXCEPT _.(A)manufacturing(B) border control(C) administration(D)justice26 What is the theme of the forum?(A)Business leadership.(B) Global business community.(C) Economic prospects in China.(D)Business and

17、government in China.27 According to the news, the first forum was held _.(A)10 years ago(B) 3 years ago(C) in 1999(D)in 200128 About _ of the 15,000 visitors on the opening day of Hong Kong Disney land came from the mainland.(A)4,000(B) 5,000(C) 6,000(D)7,00029 According to the news, residents in _

18、showed least interest in visiting the theme park.(A)Beijing(B) Guangzhou(C) Shanghai(D)Hong Kong30 What is the news mainly about?(A)Religious violence.(B) Refugee issues.(C) A ferry disaster.(D)A rescue operation.31 The ferry boat was designed to carry _ passengers.(A)198(B) 200(C) 290(D)500二、PART I

19、II CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 32 Until I took Dr Offutts class in DeMatha High school, I was an underachieving student, but I left that class

20、【B1】 never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, 【B2】 by example as words that it was my moral 【B3】 to do so and to serve others.【B4 】 of us could know how our relationship would 【B5】 over the years. When I came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Off

21、utt, the department chairman. My discussion with him were like graduate seminars in adolescent 【B6】 , classroom management and school leadership.After several years, I was 【B7】 department chairman, and our relationship 【B8 】 again. I thought that it might be 【B9】 chairing the department, since all o

22、f my 【B10 】 English teachers were 【B12】 there, but Dr. Offutt supported me 【B11】 . He knew when to give me advice 【B13】 curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me 【B14】 my own course.In 1997, I needed his 【B15】 about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. 【B16】 he had asked

23、me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. 【B17】 , he encouraged me to seize the opportunity.Five years ago, I became the principal of DeMatha. 【B18 】 , Dr. Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could 【B19】 him. I have learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible 【B20】 of lessons t

24、o teach.32 【B1 】(A)concerned(B) worried(C) determined(D)decided33 【B2 】(A)as much(B) much as(C) as such(D)such as34 【B3 】(A)work(B) job(C) duty(D)obligation35 【B4 】(A)Both(B) Neither(C) Either(D)Each36 【B5 】(A)evolve(B) stay(C) remain(D)turn37 【B6 】(A)process(B) procedure(C) development(D)movement38

25、 【B7 】(A)called(B) named(C) asked(D)invited39 【B8 】(A)moved(B) altered(C) went(D)shifted40 【B9 】(A)awkward(B) uneasy(C) unnatural(D)former41 【B10 】(A)older(B) experienced(C) former(D)/42 【B11 】(A)/(B) still(C) even(D)already43 【B12 】(A)through(B) throughout(C) at the beginning(D)all the way44 【B13 】

26、(A)for(B) at(C) over(D)about45 【B14 】(A)chart(B) head(C) describe(D)manage46 【B15 】(A)opinion(B) request(C) permission(D)order47 【B16 】(A)Even if(B) Although(C) If(D)When48 【B17 】(A)Naturally(B) Instead(C) Consequently(D)Still49 【B18 】(A)Once again(B) Repeatedly(C) Unusually(D)Unexpectedly50 【B19 】(

27、A)count in(B) count down(C) count out(D)count on51 【B20 】(A)stock(B) bank(C) wealth(D)store三、PART IV GRAMMAR it is the reality I took with me into sleep. I try to think of something else.Immediately the woman in the marketplace comes into my mind.I was on my way to dinner last night when I saw her.

28、She was selling skirts. She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos. Her long black hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selling. In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white. They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfr

29、iends and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.I dont know the word for “ribbons“, so I put my hand to my own hair and, with three fingers against my head. I looked at her ribbons and said “Beautiful.“ She lowered her eyes and said nothing. I wasnt sure if she understood me. (I dont

30、speak Laotian very well. )I looked back down at the skiffs. They had designs in them: squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk. They were very pretty. I decided to buy one of those skirts, and I began to bargain with her over the price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia. In Laos ba

31、rgaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness.She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfuln

32、ess of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price; then, immediately, we made another offer and then another shake of the head. She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last offer I made. But it was too soon. The price was too low. She was being too generous and woul

33、dnt make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three at the price set; that way I was able to pay her three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase. She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit li

34、fted. I almost felt happy.The feeling stayed with me while she wrapped the skirts in a newspaper and handed them to me. When I left, though, the feeling left, too. It was as though it stayed behind in marketplace. I left tears in my throat. I wanted to cry. I didnt, of course. I have learned to defe

35、nd myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy.I get up, light a candle and want to look at the skirts. They are still in the newspaper that the woman wrapped them in. I remove the paper, and raise the skirts up t

36、o look at them again before I pack them. Something fails to floor. I reach down and feel something cool in my hand. I move close to the candlelight to see what I have. There are five long silk ribbons in my hand, ail different colors. The woman in the marketplace! She has given these ribbons to me!T

37、here is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry, and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didnt cry.87 According to the writer, the woman in the marketplace _.(A)refused to speak to her(B) was pleasant and attractive(C) was selling skirts and ribbons(D)recogni

38、zed her immediately88 Which of the following is NOT correct?(A)The writer was not used to bargaining.(B) People in Asia always bargain when buying things.(C) Bargaining in Laos was quiet and peaceful.(D)The writer was ready to bargain with the woman.89 The writer assumed that the woman accepted the

39、last offer mainly because woman _.(A)thought that the last offer was reasonable(B) thought she could still make much money(C) was glad that the writer knew their way of bargaining(D)was tired of bargaining with the writer any more90 Why did the writer finally decide to buy three skirts?(A)The skirts

40、 were cheap and pretty.(B) She liked the patterns on the skirts.(C) She wanted to do something as compensation.(D)She was fed up with further bargaining with the woman.91 When the writer left the marketplace, she wanted to cry, but did not because _.(A)she had learned to stay cool and unfeeling(B) s

41、he was afraid of crying in public(C) she had learned to face difficulties bravely(D)she had to show in public that she was strong92 Why did the writer cry eventually when she looked at the skirts again?(A)She suddenly felt very sad.(B) She liked the ribbons so much.(C) She was overcome by emotion.(D

42、)She felt sorry for the woman.93 The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students, in my way to work these mornings. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape.These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. Th

43、e calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once supervised by teachers and principals, they now appear to be “self care.Passing them is like passing through a time zone. For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family

44、. In 19th century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only S percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as if our children went home early to milk

45、the cows and took months off to work the crops. Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as something holy. But when parents work an eight-hour day

46、 and a 240-day year, it means something different. It means that many kids go home to empty houses. It means that, in the summer, they hang out.“We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and realities of family life,“ says Dr. Ernest Boyer, head of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advanceme

47、nt of Teaching.Dr. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable. “School, whether we like it or not, is educational. It always has been.“His is not a popular idea. Schools are routinely burdened with the job of solving all our social problems. Can the

48、y be asked to meet the needs of our work and family lives?It may be easier to promote a longer school year on its educational merits and, indeed, the educational case is compelling. Despite the complaints and studies about our kids lack of learning, the United State still has a shorter school year t

49、han any industrial nation. In most of Europe, the school year is 220 days. In Japan, it is 240 days long. While classroom time alone doesnt produce a well-educated child, learning takes time and more learning takes more time. The long summers of forgetting take a toll.The opposition to a longer school year comes from families that want to and can provide other experiences for their children. It comes from teachers. It comes from tradition. And surely from kids. But the most important pa


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