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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 89(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will

2、 be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations

3、. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What does the man want to buy?(A)Art supplies.(B) Art books.(C) An automatic camera.(D)Photography books.3 What is the name of the store Anne recommended?(A)Main street.(B) Mixed media.(C) New Vegetarian.(D)Photogra

4、phy store.4 Whom does the man buy the stuff for?(A)His nephew.(B) His sister.(C) His cousin.(D)His niece.5 Which is NOT necessary at a funeral in Western countries, according to the passage?(A)To be artificially cheerful(B) To avoid all the sadness.(C) To speak to the bereaved.(D)To take the front s

5、eat.6 What is the difference between Western and Chinese customs at funerals?(A)People in China make no noise at all at funerals.(B) Chinese tend to show little feelings at funerals.(C) Westerns tend to walk very close to the bereaved.(D)In Western countries, a solemn quiet always prevails.7 Which o

6、f the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?(A)Anyone who wishes may go to the funerals.(B) The best friends of the person who has died take the front seats.(C) A pressure of the hand is not enough to comfort the bereaved.(D)Funerals are always sad.8 Janet has eventually decided to go

7、 on a _.(A)fly-drive holiday(B) car trip(C) two-city holiday(D)conducted tour9 What is fly-drive?(A)To have a car waiting at the arrival airport.(B) To rent a car that can be driven fast.(C) To have a car tour.(D)To visit many places in a short time.10 Which of the following statements is TRUE?(A)Th

8、e speakers are going on a holiday.(B) The speakers are cousins.(C) The trip schedule is heavy.(D)The organized tour will leave out many sights.11 From the conversation, we get the impression that Janet is _.(A)pragmatic(B) outgoing(C) willful(D)calculatingSECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this sectio

9、n, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 Why should one reply to an invitation promptly?(A)It is a custom observed by every people in the world.(B) The hostess may want to have a certain number of guests at her table.(C) Otherw

10、ise one would not be invited again.(D)The host may cancel the meeting if one fails to reply.13 It is unnecessary to reply to an invitation when _.(A)the invitation bears the letters “R. S. V. P“(B) you are very busy.(C) a great many people are invited.(D)the hostess wants to invite others.14 What do

11、es “R. S. V. P“ stand for?(A)Thank you for your invitation.(B) French words meaning “Goodbye“(C) Will you please reply.(D)Require small visa and passport.15 Readers guess what the book is going to tell them by reading the following EXCEPT _.(A)the price of the book(B) the title of the book(C) the pi

12、ctures of the book(D)the author of the book16 Which of the following is NOT tree?(A)Guessing is not fun in reading a newspaper.(B) When you guess, you alert your mind to a challenge.(C) Guessing is a thought game.(D)Sometimes it is all right to be wrong.17 The article is suggesting that _.(A)the lon

13、ger the book, the better(B) people learn less from their mistakes than from things they get right(C) people learn more from their guessing.(D)in guessing it is all right to make mistakes18 The American blacks emigrate from the South to the North from 1865 to 1915 in order to _.(A)rebuild the war-des

14、tructed North(B) leave big industrial cities(C) find jobs in the North(D)live in better slums.19 What is a ghetto according to the passage?(A)It is a community in New York.(B) It is an industrial center in Chicago.(C) It is a place where poor blacks live.(D)It is a nickname for Chinatown.20 Which of

15、 the following is NOT the problem the American blacks had to face according to the passage?(A)Inadequate schools for children.(B) Unstable families.(C) High employment rate.(D)Children taking drugs.21 Why did television have an enormous influence on the blacks?(A)It made their life more frustrated.(

16、B) It opened an entirely new world to them.(C) It showed them a much better life of the American whites.(D)It taught their children many things useful.22 Who is Mahmound Abbas?(A)The newly elected president of Palestine.(B) The newly elected president Of Israel.(C) The newly elected president of Ira

17、q.(D)The late president of Saudi Arabia23 When did Yasser Ararat die?(A)On November 11th.(B) On November 10th.(C) On December 11th.(D)On December 10th24 What was the result of his remarks?(A)They added to the optimism felt in the region since Abbas election Sunday.(B) They added to the depression fe

18、lt in the region since Abbas election Sunday.(C) They brought nothing.(D)They reassured the people in Israel.25 What is the newly developed drug for?(A)To produce a better and safer pregnancy.(B) To enable woman to have multiple births.(C) To balance the hormone.(D)To test whether a woman is pregnan

19、t or not.26 When is the new drag available to the customers?(A)In two or three years(B) In four or five months(C) In four or five years(D)In two or three months27 From where will the researcher get the permission for the new drug?(A)The American Government.(B) The City Hospital(C) The Medical Resear

20、ch Institute(D)The U. S. Food and Drug Administration.二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 27 Our ape-men forefathers had no obvious natural

21、weapons in the struggle for survival in the open. They had neither the powerful teeth nor the strong【C1】_ of the big cats. They could not【C2】_ with the bear, whose strength, speed and claws【C3 】 _ an impressive “small-fire“ weaponry. They could not even defend themselves【C4】_ running swiftly like th

22、e horses, zebras or small animals. If the ape-men had attempted to compete on those terms in the open, they would have been【C5】_ to failure and extinction. But they were【C6】_ with enormous concealed advantages of a kind not possessed by any of their competitors.In the search 【C7】_ the pickings of th

23、e forest, the ape-men had【C8】_ efficient stereoscopic vision and a sense of colour that the animals of the grasslands did not possess. The ability to see clearly at close 【C9】_ permitted the ape-men to study practical problems in a way that lay far【C10】_ the reach of the original inhabitants of the

24、grassland. Good long-distance sight was【C11】_ another matter. Lack of long-distance vision had not been a problem forforest-dwelling apes and monkeys because the higher the viewpoint, the greater the range of sight- so【C12】_ they had to do was climb a tree. Out in the open, however, this simple solu

25、tion was not【C13 】_ Climbing a hill would have helped, but in many places the ground was flat. The ape-men【C14】_ the only possible solution. They reared up as high as possible on their【C15】_ limbs and began to walk upright.This【C16】_ change of physical position brought about considerable【C17】_ .It w

26、as extremely unstable and it meant that the already slow ape-men became slower still.【C18】_ ,they persevered and their bone structure gradually became【C19】_ to the new, unstable position that【C20】_ them the name Homo erectus, upright man.28 【C1 】(A)claws(B) paws(C) hoofs(D)hands29 【C2 】(A)match(B) c

27、ompare(C) rival(D)equal30 【C3 】(A)became(B) equipped(C) posed(D)provided31 【C4 】(A)in(B) upon(C) by(D)with32 【C5 】(A)driven(B) doomed(C) forced(D)led33 【C6 】(A)bestowed(B) given(C) presented(D)endowed34 【C7 】(A)for(B) of(C) on(D)at35 【C8 】(A)progressed(B) generated(C) developed(D)advanced36 【C9 】(A)

28、distance(B) range(C) scope(D)area37 【C10 】(A)from(B) apart(C) beyond(D)above38 【C11 】(A)rather(B) quite(C) much(D)really39 【C12 】(A)anything(B) that(C) everything(D)all40 【C13 】(A)available(B) enough(C) sufficient(D)convenient41 【C14 】(A)chose(B) adopted(C) accepted(D)took42 【C15 】(A)back(B) hind(C)

29、 behind(D)front43 【C16 】(A)vivid(B) vital(C) vigil(D)sudden44 【C17 】(A)advantages(B) disadvantages(C) conveniences(D)inconveniences45 【C18 】(A)However(B) Therefore(C) Meanwhile(D)Subsequently46 【C19 】(A)accustomed(B) familiarized(C) adapted(D)suited47 【C20 】(A)obtained(B) called(C) deserved(D)earned

30、三、PART IV GRAMMAR general hospitals in the country and holiday areas are worst off.From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some contact with a hospital teacher and that contact may be as little as two hours a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find

31、a teacher in hospital at all. They had not been prepared for it by parents or their own school. If there was a teacher, they were much more likely to read books and do math or number work; without a teacher they would only play games.Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child fallin

32、g behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents referred to them as “the library lady“ or just “the helper”. Children tend to rely on concerned school frie

33、nds to keep in touch with school work. Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school. Once back at school, children rarely get extra teaching, and are told to catch up as best they can.Many short stay child patients catch up quickly. But schools do very little to

34、ease the anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed.78 The author points out at the beginning that _.(A)every child in hospital receives some teaching(B) not enough is known about hospital teaching(C) hospital teaching is of good quality(D)the special childrens hospit

35、als are worst off79 It can be inferred from the latest survey that _.(A)hospital teaching across the country is similar(B) each hospital has at least one part-time teacher(C) all hospitals surveyed offer education to children(D)only one fourth of the hospitals have fulltime teachers80 Children in ho

36、spital usually turn to _ in order to catch up with their school work.(A)hospital teachers(B) schoolmates(C) parents(D)school teachers81 We can conclude from the passage that the author is _.(A)unfavorable towards children receiving education in hospitals(B) in favor of the present state of teaching

37、in hospitals(C) unsatisfied with the present state of hospital teaching(D)satisfied with the results of the latest survey81 Mizuho, the worlds largest bank in terms of assets, expects to post a net loss of $16 billion, the largest ever incurred by a Japanese company. The loss would be more than doub

38、le last years.Mizuho, like other Japanese banks, has been saddled with tens of billions of dollars in bad loans. The burden grows heavier as more Japanese firms declare bankruptcy due to the sluggish economy. Mizuho has also been troubled by technical glitches more than two million banking transacti

39、ons went awry last April because of computer errors.James Fiorillo, a senior banking analyst at Commerz Securities, said the government may be forced to bail out Mizuho with taxpayer money if its capital ratio drops below eight-percent, the legal limit. “I do not know where they are going to get the

40、 appropriate level of capital to make up for some of these losses I think it brings Mizuho in line with some of the more aggressive banks in terms of what they are writing off this year,“ he said. “But its not clear how they are going to recapitalize themselves and how they are going to deal with th

41、e fact that bad debts, new bad debts are still coming on line at a very rapid rate.“Mizuhos top executives say they hope to avoid government intervention and raise bailout funds from private investors.The bank was created in September 2000 through the merger of three big Japanese financial instituti

42、ons and has so far proved a major disappointment to its founders and shareholders.The Bank of Japan, the countrys central bank, says the outlook on the countrys economy remains grim. In its monthly economic report, the BOJ says Japans exports and industrial output are flat and warns there is still s

43、ubstantial uncertainty about prospects for an economic recovery after more than a decade of weakness.The report came out one day after the central bank decided to leave monetary policy unchanged, defying a call from Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to take bolder action to reverse three years of def

44、lation. Some economists expect the central bank to buy more bonds as early as next month to help shore up the economy.A group of Japanese oil companies takes a stake in an Iranian oil deal organized by energy giant Royal Dutch/ Shell. The group, led by the Japanese Petroleum Exploration Company, bou

45、ght a 20-percent share in the $800 million ventures to develop two oil fields in Iran. The fields have an estimated reserve of more than one billion barrels of oil.Investors will be repaid in oil in exchange for their investment. Japan is eager for a role in Iranian oil production because it is larg

46、ely dependent on imports from the Middle East.82 According to James Fiorillo, what would the bank have to do to avoid government intervention?(A)To raise enough fund to compensate for the losses.(B) To deal with bad debts first.(C) To recapitalize themselves.(D)To borrow money from other banks.83 Wh

47、at did the banks shareholder think about it?(A)They thought their investment worthwhile.(B) They held high hope for the bank.(C) They were greatly disappointed.(D)They thought highly of the bank.84 What was the opinion of BOJ on the Japanese economy?(A)It said that the economy was to recover after y

48、ears of weakness.(B) It was not sure about the swift recovery of Japanese economy.(C) It praised the development of Japanese economy after years of weakness.(D)It said that the exports and industrial output of Japan were pretty good.85 What was the relation of the BOJs monetary policy and the call f

49、rom Japanese Prime Minister?(A)The policy supported his call.(B) The policy was against the call.(C) The policy and the call were interdependent.(D)The policy and the call were the same to some degree.85 Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations. They think that if countries play games together they will learn to live together, and even in worse situations, tha


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