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1、大学英语三级(A 级)模拟试卷 230(无答案)Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should dec

2、ide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.(A)On a bus.(B) In the office over the telephone.(C) On the train.(D)In the street.(A)The movie concerns too much about money.(B) The movie will spend their much money and time.(C) He wants to see the film again.(D)The movie is not good.(A

3、)Working for her sister.(B) Helping her younger sister look for a job.(C) Looking for a new job.(D)Looking after a new job.(A)$ 10.(B) $7.00(C) $5.00(D)$3.00(A)John.(B) Sam.(C) Mary.(D)Shelly.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 rec

4、orded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.(A)Sitting around all day.(B) Taking care of th

5、e house while the owner is away.(C) Watching a familys kids in their house.(D)Renting your house to students.(A)He will attend summer school.(B) He will travel to China.(C) He plans to baby sit.(D)He plans to house sit.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are

6、required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D.8 _ in 1943_ the harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles.(A)Only. that(B) It was. then(C) That it was . when(D)It was . that9 Bob leg got hurt _ the Purple Mountains.(A)w

7、hile he is climbing up(B) when we were climbing up(C) while we climbed up(D)when he climbed up10 You _ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.(A)neednt have done(B) must not have done(C) shouldnt have done(D)can not have done11 Go straight into the cave and find out what

8、s in there, _?(A)dont you(B) do you(C) will you(D)can you12 Our teacher recommends that we _ as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.(A)are(B) shall be(C) were(D)be13 If it too much trouble Id love a cup of tea.(A)isnt(B) wasnt(C) werent(D)hadnt been14 I dont swim now, but I _ when I was a

9、 kid.(A)used to it(B) used to doing it(C) used to(D)used to do15 I like watching TV _ to the cinema.(A)more than to go(B) than going(C) more than going(D)rather than to go16 He went ahead _ all warnings about the danger of his mission.(A)in case of(B) because of(C) regardless of(D)prior to17 He spok

10、e confidently, _ impressed me most.(A)so that(B) that(C) it(D)which18 The advance in ears theory has made _ to decrease its price.(A)it possible(B) possible(C) it possibly(D)possibly19 The old man asked the young sailor if he had ever been _ in a dense fog.(A)by sea(B) in the sea(C) at sea(D)on the

11、sea20 This dress is much more fashionable than _ you bought yesterday.(A)it(B) one(C) the one(D)which21 The villagers spent a whole night _ the missing child.(A)searching for(B) seeking after(C) looking around(D)finding out22 They had a drink at a bar _ the railway station.(A)close to(B) near to(C)

12、next(D)besides23 If Tom had enough money and time. He _ on a trip to Beijing.(A)should go(B) would go(C) perhaps went(D)had probably gone24 The officer has given an order that all the trees _ in the capital.(A)be cut off(B) must be cut black(C) be cut down(D)may be cut into25 Now in almost every par

13、t of the world, people like _ the Olympic Games.(A)seeing(B) to look at(C) watching(D)to notice26 Book is the only thing _ he loves very much.(A)what(B) /(C) which(D)in that27 Tom is considering _ the countryside, where he thinks the air is fresh.(A)move in(B) to move on(C) moving to(D)moving for28

14、Do you think she is prepared to _ being a secretary?(A)settle on(B) settle for(C) settle up(D)settle with29 He must have overslept, or he _ then.(A)would have been here(B) had to be here(C) should be here(D)would be here30 There is no use cheating me. You _ tell me the truth.(A)may as well(B) may we

15、ll(C) may better(D)may as well as31 In drug stores, there are many medicines_.(A)for sell(B) on sell(C) for sale(D)on sale32 I went to the bank to _ my dollars _ pounds.(A)converseinto(B) conveyinto(C) convertinto(D)convenceinto33 When Smith couldnt get some materials, he would _ his imagination for

16、 his new book.(A)draw on(B) draw out(C) draw up(D)draw off34 Their arguments _most of the students.(A)appeal for(B) appeal to(C) apply for(D)apply to35 Since their method doesnt work, we can _ other measures.(A)fall on(B) fall down on(C) fall back on(D)fall in upon36 Everyone supported him, because

17、his arguments _ sound facts.(A)rested up(B) rested on(C) reported on(D)reposed on37 The daughter _ the subject, so the mother reminded her to keep to the point.(A)was straying away(B) was staying off(C) as stemming from(D)as straying from38 The students were required to write an article to _ the cla

18、im that the earth is not round.(A)retain(B) refute(C) deny(D)dispute39 The new facts throw some light _ the matter.(A)at(B) in(C) on(D)of40 I would have seen him off, had it been possible but I _ so busy then.(A)had been(B) were(C) was(D)would be41 Because he _ in the sun, he got a bad sunburn.(A)ha

19、d laid(B) has lain(C) has lay(D)had lain42 The President was the person _ .(A)in whose honour the state dinner was given(B) whom the state dinner was given in honour(C) for whom the state dinner was given honour(D)whose honour the state dinner was given43 Only a few students _ through the final exam

20、ination.(A)breezed(B) ran(C) saw(D)went44 She can not _ her mother again, because she shouted at her all day long.(A)keep up with(B) catch up with(C) put up with(D)take up with45 They always give the available information to _ comes first.(A)who(B) whomever(C) whoever(D)whom46 If the two teams were

21、not so evenly matched, it would be easier to _ the outcome.(A)precede(B) expect(C) foretell(D)countTask 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and

22、 D. You should make the correct choice.47 Working at home in your nightclothes while saving hundreds of dollars may sound too good to be true, but it isnt. More and more employees are telecommuting, doing their job at home or another remote site.“Its a trend thats here now and youre going to see a l

23、ot more telecommuting because people dont have to put up with commuting (来回上下班). They want more work/life balance, they want less stress in their lives and companies want to drive costs after their bottom lines,“ says John Edwards, President of the International Telework Association and Council.Howe

24、ver, Edwards says, “The biggest problem at the moment is dealing with middle management who is uncomfortable with management style focusing on results. They are used to the line of sight management style. But they have to change to more results-oriented management style which can often be slightly o

25、pposite, so they feel uncomfortable with that.“Edwards says telecommuting kills distance-and a lot of face to face meetings are replaced by tele-conferences. “Distance does not exist anymore. Its the death of distance, if you like. So now its possible to have more invisible teams so that the necessi

26、ty to have the old bricks and walls existing is beginning to disappear.“ 47 According to the writer, telecommuting refers to the way _ .(A)people do all their work by telephone(B) employees wear nightclothes while working(C) people do their work outside companies(D)employees communicate with each ot

27、her48 Which of the following is NOT the reason why telecommuting has become popular?(A)It can balance employees work and life.(B) It can help save the cost for companies.(C) It can reduce conflicts between employers and employers.(D)It can kill the time spent in going to work from home.49 According

28、to John Edwards, management style in the new trend _ .(A)focuses on sight management(B) is opposite to employers expectation(C) should get used to results management(D)saves unnecessary troubles50 We can infer from the last paragraph that _ .(A)employees hate distance between each other(B) there sho

29、uld be no distance between employers and employees(C) the disappearance of distance improves efficiency(D)telecommuting changes ways of communication51 The passage is mainly concerned with _ .(A)commuting(B) telecommuting(C) teleconferences(D)management styleTask 5Directions: The following is a pass

30、age. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 52 Sportfishing may be done in fresh water or salt water. Freshwater fishing takes place in lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Game fish found in these waters tend to be larger than

31、average freshwater fish. The three most favored methods of fishing in both salt and fresh water are bait fishing (the use of live or dead bait placed on a hook). spin fishing (the use of metal or plastic lures(诱饵) ) . and fly-fishing (the use of feathered lures resembling either insects or small fis

32、h ). In all three methods, a fisher chooses a rod(竿) . a reel(线轴), and line of an appropriate weight and strength.The best sportfishing occurs in spring and fall, when game fish are most active, either searching for prey or reproducing. Although they may be caught during winter and summer, fish are

33、generally more sluggish(行动迟缓的)then and less likely to chase the lure. Several other factors influence fishing. Water temperature is important, as different species are more active at different temperature levels. Also, if a fishs natural prey is nearby, that game fish will be active. Some fish. part

34、icularly in salt water, move to different areas depending upon the phase of the moon and the levels of the ocean tides. Weather affects game fish activity, as fish are more likely to search for food before and after bad weather, when the water is disturbed.52 According to the passage, where can you

35、fish big game fish?53 For people who put a worm on the hook. what can we call this kind of fishing?54 What seasons are suitable for fishing?55 What are the factors which influence fishing?56 Please give us a best title for this passage?57 Service enterprises include many kinds of familiar businesses

36、. Examples include dry cleaners, shoe repair stores, barber shops, restaurants, hospitals, and hotels. (71)In many cases service enterprises are moderately small because they do not have mechanized services and limit service to only as many individuals as they can accommodate at one time. For exampl

37、e, a waiter may be able to provide good service to four tables at once, but with five or more tables, customer service will suffer.(72)In recent years the number of service enterprises in wealthier free-market economies has grown rapidly, and spending on services now accounts for a significant perce

38、ntage of all spending. For example, private services accounted for about 20 percent of U.S. spending in 1994. Wealthier nations have developed postindustrial economies, where entertainment and recreation businesses have replaced most raw material business such as the mining, and some manufacturing i

39、ndustries. Many of these industries have moved to developing nations, especially with the rise of large multinational corporations. As postindustrial economies have accumulated wealth, they have come to support systems of leisure, in which people are willing to pay others to do things for them. (73)

40、 In the United States, vast numbers of people work fixed schedules for long hours in indoor offices, stores, and factories. (74) Many employers pay high enough wages so that employees can afford to balance their work schedules with purchased recreation. (75) People in the United States, for example,

41、 support thriving travel, theme park, resort, and recreational sport businesses.一、Part V Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information.62 奉上鲜花一统,聊表心意,敬请翁教授和夫人笑纳。我俩都在想念你。当你读着这张慰问卡时,希望它能让你知道我们正在思念你,我们还想用一种特别亲切的方式告诉你:我们每天都最深切地思念你和祝愿你。祝翁教授早日恢复健康。代问全家人好。 里德和里德夫人敬赠。


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