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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 785(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Is City the Only Working Place for College Graduates? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. 目前,大学毕业生仍把城市作为就业的第一选择2造成这和现象的原因3

2、.其实,家村和落后地区对于大学生的发展更有优势Is City the Only Working Place for College Graduates? 二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark

3、:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 HealthHealth could be defined theoretically in terms of certain measured val

4、ues; for example, a person having normal body temperature, pulse and breathing rates, blood pressure, height, weight, acuity of vision, sensitivity of hearing, and other normal measurable characteristics might be termed healthy. But what does normal mean and how is it established? It is well-known t

5、hat if the temperatures are taken of a large number of active, presumably healthy, individuals the temperatures will all come close to 98.6F(37). The great preponderance of these values will fall between 98.4F and 98F. Thus health could in part be defined as having a temperature within this narrow r

6、ange. Similarly, a normal range can be established for pulse, blood pressure, and height. In some healthy individuals, however, the body temperature may range below 98.4F or above 98.8F. These low and high temperatures fall outside the limits defined above as normal and are instances of biological v

7、ariability.Health might better be defined as the ability to function effectively in complete harmony with ones environment. Implied in such a definition is the capability of meeting physically, emotionally, and mentallythe ordinary stresses of life. In this definition health is interpreted in terms

8、of the individuals environment. Health to the construction worker would have a dimension different from health to the bookkeeper. The healthy construction worker expects to be able to do manual labour all day, while the bookkeeper, although perfectly capable of performing his own sedentary work, wou

9、ld be totally incapable of such heavy labour and indeed might collapse from the physical strain; yet both individuals might be termed completely healthy in terms of their own way of life.The term physical fitness, although frequently used, is also exceedingly difficult to define. In general it refer

10、s to the state of optimal maintenance of muscular strength, proper function of the internal organs, and youthful vigour. The champion athlete prepared to cope not only with the commonplace stresses of life but also with the unusual illustrates the concept of physical fitness. To be in good physical

11、condition is to have the ability to swim a mile to save ones life or to slog home through snow drifts when a car breaks down in a storm. Some experts in fitness insist that the state of health requires that the individual be in prime physical condition. They prefer to divide the spectrum of health a

12、nd disease into (1) health, (2) absence of disease, and (3) disease. In their view, those who are not in prime condition and are not physically fit cannot be considered as healthy merely because they have no disease.Healthy involves more than physical fitness, since it also implies mental and emotio

13、nal well-being. Should the angry, frustrated, emotionally unstable person in excellent physical condition be called healthy? Certainly he could not be characterized as effectively functioning in complete harmony with his environment. Indeed, such an individual is incapable of good judgment and ratio

14、nal response. Health, then, is not merely the absence of illness or disease but involves the ability to function in harmony with ones environment and to meet the usual and sometimes unusual demands of daily life.The definitions of illness and disease are equally difficult problems. Despite the fact

15、that these terms are often used interchangeably, illness is not to be equated with disease. A person may have a disease for many years without even being aware of its presence. Although he is diseased, he is not iii. Similarly, the diabetic person who has known disease and has received adequate insu

16、lin treatment is not ill. The cancer victim is often totally unaware of his disorder and is not ill until after long years of growth of the turnout, during which time it causes no symptoms. The term illness implies discomfort or inability to function optimally. Hence it is a subjective state of lack

17、 of well being produced by disease. Regrettably, many diseases remain submerged for long years before they produce discomfort or impair function and, thus, escape detection and possible cure.Disease, defined as any deviation from normal form and function, may be trivial if the deviation is minimal.

18、A minor skin infection might be considered trivial, for example. On the eyelid, however, such an infection could produce considerable discomfort or illness. Any departure from the state of health, then, is a disease, whether health be measured in the theoretic terms of normal measured values or in t

19、he more pragmatic terms of ability to function effectively in harmony with ones environment.Health is not a static condition but represents a fluid range of physical and emotional well-being continually subjected to internal and external challenges such as worry, over work, varying external temperat

20、ures, bacteria, and viruses. These constantly changing conditions require the adjustment of the function of the various systems within the body. Mechanisms are continually at work to maintain a constant internal environment. The maintenance of this relatively constant internal environment is known a

21、s homeostasis (体内平衡).Bacteria, viruses, and other microbiologic agents are obvious challenges to health. The body is able, to a considerable extent, to protect itself and adjust to challenges, and, to the extent that it is successful, the state of health is maintained. While health is often thought

22、of as fragile and subject to many evils, it is, in fact, a ruggedly guarded state protected by a host of internal mechanisms. Few machines made by man could tolerate the abuse heaped on the human body and still be capable of functioning.Some of the mechanisms vital to the maintenance of health inclu

23、de (1) the maintenance of the internal environmenti. e. , homeostasis; (2) adaptation to stress situations; (3) defense against microbiologic agents, such as bacteria and viruses; (4) repair and regeneration of damaged tissue or ceils; and (5) clothing of the blood to prevent excessive bleeding. Des

24、pite these separate considerations, the commonality of purposethe preservation and maintenance of healthmust not be lost sight of. Insofar as each of these mechanisms works to maintain a constant internal environment, it can be considered as a homeostatic mechanism.2 The major functions important in

25、 the maintenance of homeostasis are fluid and electrolyte (电解质 ) balance, acid-base regulation, thermoregulation, and metabolic control. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG3 A normal range has been established for body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, height, etc. for health. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG4 According to some exper

26、ts in fitness those who have no disease are healthy. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG5 Health might be defined as the ability to function effectively in meeting physical, emotional, and mental stresses of life. (A)Y(B) N(C) NG6 Except for physical fitness, health also involves _. 7 Disease may either be associated w

27、ith illness or be _. 8 Altogether there are _ mechanisms essential to the maintenance of health. 9 The human body is able to protect itself and adjust to challenges of _. 10 _ is the maintenance of the relatively constant internal environment of the body. 11 Any minimal deviation from normal form an

28、d function may be _. Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question the

29、re will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)She cant help the man out until later.(B) The task will take more time than the man thinks.(C) She complains that the man should have come earlier.(D)She cant support the

30、 mans argument during his debate.(A)He doesnt know what tools to bring.(B) He doesnt mind helping the woman.(C) The woman wont have to carry tools.(D)The donkeys will carry the womans personal items.(A)The man and the woman live in different buildings.(B) The woman is upset that she wasnt invited to

31、 the party.(C) The woman is complaining about the mans carelessness.(D)The man and his friends might be louder than the woman expected they would be.(A)He majors in engineering.(B) He wasnt at the lecture at that time.(C) He has only recently become interested in philosophy.(D)He thinks the woman sh

32、ould also attend Prof. Warners class.(A)They dont enjoy swimming.(B) They dont know how to swim.(C) Theyll swim in. the lake tomorrow.(D)They wont go swimming in the lake today.(A)Jack has made others wait before.(B) Jack has often had to wait for Shelly.(C) Jack enjoys playing tricks with others.(D

33、)Jack doesnt usually make people wait.(A)They should buy a lot of coffee.(B) Theres room to stack up the cans of coffee.(C) They should wait for a better deal on coffee.(D)The store they are talking about is out of coffee.(A)The boss is often late for work.(B) The boss will probably discipline the w

34、oman.(C) The boss may disregard the womans lateness.(D)The boss didnt know the woman was late again.(A)One with large hard disc.(B) One with a wide screen.(C) One with large memory.(D)One with pink color.(A)$100.(B) $200.(C) $300.(D)$ 350.(A)Because she cant afford it.(B) Because nobody in her unive

35、rsity use it.(C) Because it has no Chinese writing program,(D)Because she doesnt like its appearance.(A)She doesnt want to pay the late fee.(B) She is given incorrect information.(C) She cant afford to pay her tuition.(D)She didnt pass her mathematics class last semester.(A)The director couldnt give

36、 her an appointment right away.(B) The office was closed the first time she went.(C) The computers were out of service file first time she was there.(D)She did not have acceptable identification with her on her first visit.(A)Her prior schooling.(B) Her name and residence address.(C) Her age.(D)Her

37、driving record.(A)The director probably isnt able to make an exception.(B) The director probably wont see her.(C) The director usually isnt very helpful.(D)Part-time students arent the directors responsibility.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

38、assage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)A delicate art.(B) A way of life.(C) An exact science.(D)A religion.(A)His general health will b

39、enefit greatly.(B) He will begin to breathe more regularly.(C) He will lose weight readily.(D)His flexibility will decrease.(A)Begin breathing through the nostrils.(B) Slow down a little bit, but continue straining.(C) Stop the particular exercise immediately.(D)Close his mouth at once.(A)It means t

40、o rent a house for 25 years.(B) It means to buy an old house at a low price.(C) It means to borrow money from a bank to buy a house.(D)It means to borrow money from a friend to buy a house.(A)Money paid to a bank before the mortgage is given.(B) Money borrowed for a bank as a mortgage.(C) Monthly pa

41、yments to a bank as the mortgage.(D)Interest charged by a bank on the mortgage.(A)What salary the borrower makes.(B) What kind of job the borrower has.(C) What kind of house the borrower lives in.(D)How much money the borrower owns.(A)Plants can produce some poisonous chemical for defence against in

42、sects.(B) Insects have been eating plants for many million years.(C) Insects have developed ways of dealing with poisonous chemicals produced by plants themselves.(D)Insects have already developed some resistance to man-made poisons.(A)The use of insecticides should be limited and controlled.(B) A c

43、ombination of some insecticides should be used at the same time.(C) New insects should be introduced to mate with those that have survived from a certain kind of insecticide.(D)New kinds of insecticides should be explored and developed.(A)Insects would be out of control some day if nothing were done

44、 about the present situation.(B) Insects will some day eat all green vegetables on earth.(C) Insects are the most adaptable creatures.(D)Insects have developed resistance to both botanical and artificial poisons rapidly.(A)Insects Out of Control(B) An Urgent Challenge in Agriculture(C) How to Use In

45、secticides Properly(D)Insects and InsecticidesSection CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks

46、 numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 The Spanish-American War took place in the late 1800s

47、 during the administration of President William McKinley.Unlike other presidents of the late 1800s, William McKinley spent much of his presidency dealing with foreign policy. The most serious problem 【B1】_Spain.Spain ruled Cuba at that time. Cuban rebels had started a fight for 【B2】_. The Spanish go

48、vernment promised the Cuban people 【B3】_rights and self-rule but in the future.President McKinley felt Spain should be left alone to 【B4】_ its promises. He also felt responsible for protecting the lives and 【B5】_of Americans in Cuba. When 【B6】_broke out in Havana, he ordered the battleship Maine to

49、sail there.One night in early 1898, a powerful explosion 【B7】_the Maine. More than 250 American sailors died. There was some evidence the explosion was caused by an accident in the ships fuel tanks. But many Americans 【B8】_Spain. They demanded war to free Cuba and make it independent.President McKinley had a difficult decision to make. 【B9】_. If he refused to fight Spain, his Republican Party could lose popular support.【B10


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