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1、河北专接本英语(基础词法)历年真题试卷汇编 1 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 (2001) To raise the labor_of our factory, the engineers, technicians and workers made a lot of suggestions.(A)effect(B) efficiency(C) resolution(D)influence2 (2001) Wed better plant some trees on the_ hillside.(A)bare(B) empty(C) hollow(D)bla

2、nk3 (2001) The police found that George had still another_of income.(A)means(B) base(C) origin(D)source4 ( 2002) Doctor Kissinger was a key _in the establishment of the SinoUS relationships during 1970s.(A)role(B) figure(C) feature(D)personality5 ( 2002) The majority of Chinese businesses will under

3、go a structural_in the new century.(A)resolution(B) reform(C) solution(D)evolution6 ( 2002) If you encounter any difficulty during your stay in the hospital, you may inform the medical_about your problems.(A)stuff(B) staff(C) colleague(D)faculty7 (2003) Dr. Paul charges a high_for his service.(A)pro

4、fit(B) pay(C) salary(D)earning8 (2006) There is no doubt about the_of the medicine, only its a little too costly.(A)price(B) effectiveness(C) weakness(D)existence9 (2006) The real trouble lies in their_confidence in their abilities.(A)short of(B) reliance on(C) lack of(D)attitude to10 (2006) Recentl

5、y the newspapers have reported several_on the boundaries of Israel and Jordan.(A)incidents(B) affairs(C) accidents(D)happenings11 (2006) Many people have the illusion that wealth is the chief_of happiness.(A)origin(B) source(C) resources(D)rescue12 (2006) My neighbor, George,_ill-tempered when he is

6、 drunk.(A)attempts to get(B) pretends to get(C) tends to get(D)expects to get13 (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Smith were not rich themselves, but they had a sympathetic heart and hated to turn away anyone in need of food and_.(A)bread(B) flat(C) shelter(D)employment14 (2007) We are pleased that our power gene

7、ration technology continues to play a key_ in the country.(A)role(B) instance(C) item(D)rule15 (2008) If you want to see the chairman of the department, youd better make an _with him first.(A)admission(B) agreement(C) appointment(D)announcement16 (2008) China has been following the foreign policy to

8、 develop relations with other countries on the_of the five principles of peaceful co-existence.(A)basis(B) base(C) account(D)foundation17 (2009)Those students seem to be interested only in love_, ignoring their study and even their health.(A)matters(B) events(C) stories(D)affairs18 (2009)The preside

9、nt declared the whole country into a state of_.(A)urgent(B) emergency(C) instant(D)tendency19 (2009)The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.(A)features(B) properties(C) characters(D)virtues20 (2010)The lawyer advised him to drop the_, since he s

10、tood little chance to win.(A)event(B) incident(C) case(D)affair21 (2011) We must keep our _; otherwise, no one will trust us.(A)promise(B) reward(C) goal(D)dream22 (2011) Im sorry Im late. I was held up in a traffic_.(A)block(B) crush(C) group(D)jam23 (2011) To her_, she couldnt remember his name.(A

11、)argument(B) embarrassment(C) requirement(D)relationship24 (2011 ) I only know the man by_but I have never spoken to him.(A)sight(B) heart(C) chance(D)experience25 (2002) Dont have him for a friend. Hes_a criminal.(A)anything but(B) but for(C) nothing but(D)rather than26 (2004) “ Would you like tea

12、or coffee? “ “ Oh,_.“(A)each one is good(B) each will be fine(C) either does well(D)either will do27 (2004) Do you think he studies harder than_in his class?(A)any other boy(B) any boys(C) another(D)any other boys28 (2004) There is_to eat in the house, so I must go to the street to have_noodles.(A)a

13、nything . any(B) something . some(C) nothing . some(D)nothing . any29 (2004)_quite capable of working out this problem.(A)Either of the children is(B) Either of children are(C) Either of the children are(D)Either of children is30 (2004) The population of the developed countries is declining, while_o

14、f the developing countries is growing.(A)that(B) this(C) those(D)these31 (2005)_that the family had taken with them was one bottle of orange juice.(A)Anything(B) Everything(C) What(D)All河北专接本英语(基础词法)历年真题试卷汇编 1 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法2 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法3 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 词法4

15、【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法5 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法6 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法7 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法8 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法9 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法10 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法11 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法12 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法13 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法14 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法15 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法16 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法17 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 词法18 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法19 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 词法20 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法21 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法22 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法23 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 词法24 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法25 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法26 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 词法27 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法28 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 词法29 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法30 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 词法31 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 词法


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