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1、全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 4 及答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 common pool2 periodic payments3 open account4 absolute profit5 additional tax6 agency agreement7 all risks8 attract funds9 basic law10 business law二、词组汉译英11 知识产权12 关税配额13 知识密集型产业14 财务状况15 价格条款16 资金周转17 无汇票信用证18 被通知人19 清洁浮动20 人口计划三、配对题20 a. knowledge communicated or

2、received concerning a particular fact or circumstanceb. a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupationc. company stocksd. producing optimum results for the expendituree. a place in which securities are sold and boughtf. deficiencyg. the party in the bill of lading to whom the good ar

3、e shipped h. stocks issued by governmenti. the state of being a member of a certain organization j. stocks and bonds21 market place22 securities23 gilts24 information25 consignee26 membership27 practitioner28 cost-effective29 shortfall30 equities四、名词解释31 protectionism32 force majeure33 drawer34 inte

4、rmediate products35 counter trade五、简答题36 Except counter trade, what are the other modes of trade ?37 Mention some of the risks the exporter and the importer may face in trade.38 What is the unique feature of the letter of credit? How does it offer security to the buyer and the seller?39 What is a cl

5、ean bill of lading?六、句子英译汉40 Freight forwarders act, first, as your agent in moving your product overseas. Second, they are knowledgeable about customs duties, documentation, credit transaction, and insurance in addition to their fundamental role of moving your goods from one point to another. Profe

6、ssional international freight forwarder and instructor do for cargo what travel agents do for passengers. There is no law says that you must use freight forwarder. Just like the airlines or advertising, you can book your own ticket or buy media space directly. Freight forwarders operate like travel

7、agents and advertising agents who, in those cases, receive their commissions from airlines and the media. Freight forwarders receive their commissions from steamships.41 Letter of credit can be worded so that payment is made on the very date that the shipping documents are received by the confirming

8、 bank, or, if you wish to give the buyer extra time, an L/C can also be worded so that payment is made 30, 60, or up to 180 days, which is the customary maximum. It is vitally important, though, that the wording in the L/C be clear and specific and equally important that the words in the shipping do

9、cuments conform precisely with the wording of the L/C. Even slight variations can cause delays in payment until the questions are clarified and answered. Letter of credit can be extremely flexible. An unlimited number of provisions can be specified. For example, the buyer can even indicate what type

10、s of marking should be appear on the shipping containers.七、句子汉译英42 劳务输出输入可以是由个人,或是由公司或是国家组织完成。它正在成为一种重要的无形贸易形式。43 绝对利益理论认为,一种商品将在其耗费资源成本低的国家进行生产。44 经济全球化不仅涉及经济,而且对政治、文化、价值观和生活方式都有重要影响。45 跨国企业组织内部公司之间大量的交易构成了世界贸易的很大一部分。46 各国政府经常采取的贸易保护主义措施也是贸易障碍,典型的例子是关税和配额。全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 4 答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 【正确答案】 共同基

11、金【试题解析】 common 意为“共有的”;pool 意为“共用物,共有款”。2 【正确答案】 分期付款【试题解析】 periodic 意为“周期的,定期的”; payment 意为“付款,支付”。3 【正确答案】 记账交易【试题解析】 专业商务术语,固定译法。account 意为“账户”4 【正确答案】 绝对利润【试题解析】 absolute 意为 “绝对的”;profit 意为“利润”。5 【正确答案】 附加税【试题解析】 additional 意为“附加的”;tax 意为“税”6 【正确答案】 代理协定【试题解析】 agency 意为 “代理,中介”;agreement 意为“协定”7

12、 【正确答案】 一切险,全险,综合险【试题解析】 all 意为“全部,所有”;risk 意为“风险”。8 【正确答案】 吸引资金【试题解析】 attract 意为 “吸引”;fund 意为“基金,资金”。9 【正确答案】 基本法【试题解析】 basic 意为“基础的”;law 意为“法律”。10 【正确答案】 商法【试题解析】 business 意为 “商业”;law 意为“法律 ”。二、词组汉译英11 【正确答案】 intellectual property【试题解析】 intellectual 意为“智力的,知识的”;properly 意为“财产,所有权”。12 【正确答案】 tariff

13、 quota【试题解析】 tariff 意为 “关税”;quota 意为“配额”。13 【正确答案】 knowledge-intensive industry【试题解析】 knowledge 意为“知识”;intensive 意为“密集的”;industry 意为“工业,产业”。14 【正确答案】 financial standing【试题解析】 financial 意为“金融的,财政的”;standing 意为“情况”。15 【正确答案】 price terms【试题解析】 price 意为“价格”;term 意为“条款 ”。16 【正确答案】 capital turnover【试题解析】

14、capital 意为“资金”;turnover 意为“颠覆,周转”。17 【正确答案】 nondraft credit【试题解析】 non 为否定前缀,意为 “非,不”; draft 意为“汇票”;credit 意为“信用证”。18 【正确答案】 notify party【试题解析】 notify 意为“通知,通告”;party 意为“当事人”。19 【正确答案】 clean float【试题解析】 clean 意为“清洁的”;float 意为“浮动,飘动”。20 【正确答案】 populationplanning【试题解析】 population 意为“人口”;planning 意为“计划”

15、。三、配对题21 【正确答案】 e22 【正确答案】 j23 【正确答案】 h24 【正确答案】 a25 【正确答案】 g26 【正确答案】 i27 【正确答案】 b28 【正确答案】 d29 【正确答案】 f30 【正确答案】 c四、名词解释31 【正确答案】 Protectionism is a trade barrier to international trade for the purpose of protecting a nations own domestic market and industriesIt includes tariff barriers and nontar

16、iff barriers【试题解析】 protectionism 意为“贸易保护主义 ”,是指在国际贸易中为了保护国内市场和工业而采取的一种贸易壁垒,包括关税壁垒和非关税壁垒。32 【正确答案】 Force majeure is a default of the contract which is given rise to not because of the contracting partiesdefault,but because of the uncontrollable causesOne type of the cause is the natural force and the

17、 other is social cause【试题解析】 force majeure 意为“不可抗力”,是一项免责条款,指不是由于当事人的过失而是由于无法控制的原因造成的违约。不可抗力通常分为两种,一种是自然力量引起的,一种是社会原因引起的。33 【正确答案】 The person who draws the bill of exchange is called the drawer【试题解析】 drawer 意为“出票人”,开出汇票的人,通常是出口商,称作出票人。34 【正确答案】 Intermediate products are products which are not the sa

18、me as the raw materials or as the finished goodsThey can be called semi-finished products【试题解析】 intermediate products 意为“中间产品”,是介乎于原材料与最终产品之间的各种产品的统称,大体上相当于通常所说的半制成品。35 【正确答案】 Counter trade is the generic terms to describe a set of cross-border contracts which link a sellers exports to imports from

19、the buyer【试题解析】 counter trade 意为“对销贸易”,它已经成为一系列将卖方的出口与从买方的进口联系起来的跨国界合同的术语总称。五、简答题36 【正确答案】 Among other modes of trade are processing trade, consignment,leasing trade,agency,etc 【试题解析】 除了对销贸易,其他贸易方式还有加工贸易、寄售、租赁贸易、代理等。37 【正确答案】 For the exporter there is the risk of buyer default. The importer might fa

20、il to pay in full for the goodsOn the part of theimporter,there is the risk that the shipment will be delayed,and he might only receive them long after paymentThere is also arisk that wrong goods might be sent as a result of negligence of the exporter or simply because of his lack of integrity【试题解析】

21、 对于出口商来说,他面临着对方不付款的风险。对于进口商来说,他面临的是拖延装运的风险,他可能是在付款后很久才收到货物。还有一种风险,即由于出口商的疏忽,或是不诚实造成发运出不合要求的货物。38 【正确答案】 The seller has the security to get paid provided he presents impeccable documents while the buyer has the security to getthe goods required through the documents he stipulates in the creditThe bil

22、ateral security is the unique and characteristic featureof the letter of credit【试题解析】 对于卖方来说,只要他提交了正确无误的单据就可保证得到货款,而买方通过他在信用证中所规定的单据,保证可以得到所需要的货物。这种双边保证是信用证独特的、具有代表性的特征。39 【正确答案】 A clean bill of lading is one which states that the goods have been shipped in apparent good order and conditionIt ismean

23、t that the document is devoid of any qualifying remarks concerning the packing and the outer appearance of the goodsAndthe carrier admits full liability for the goods described in the bill of lading and is bound to carry the goods and deliver them in likecondition in which he has received them【试题解析】

24、 清洁提单指货物在表面状况良好的情况下装船,这意味着提单上未加注任何有关包装或货物外表不良的批注,承运人对于提单中描述的货物承诺全部责任,并有责任将货物以其收到时的状况运到目的地。六、句子英译汉40 【正确答案】 运输代理,首先是作为你的代理人向海外运输货物;其次,除运输货物的基本作用外,他们还熟悉关税、单证、赊购交易和保险业务。专业的国际运输代理和运输指导对货物所做的工作与旅行社为旅客所做的上作一样。没有法律规定必须使用运输代理。就像乘飞机和做广告一样,你可以直接订票和购买广告播出时间,也可委托旅行社和广告代理商进行。运输代理就像旅行社和广告代理商一样开展工作。所不同的是,后两者从航空公司和

25、广告公司收取佣金,而运输代理则是从运输公司收取佣金的。【试题解析】 本段并非教材课文原句,考生可参考教材第十四课运输相关的知识进行翻译。翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要词汇及短语:freight forwarders:运输代理;customs duties:关税;documentation:单证;credit transaction:赊购交易:insurance:保险;professional:职业的,专业的;cargo:货物;book:此处为动词,译作“订购”;commission:佣金;steamship:本意为“轮船”,此处引申为“运输公司”。41 【正确答案】 信用证可以表明在保兑银行收到

26、货运单据的日期付款,或者,如果你想给买方多一点时间付款,信用证也可以表明在见单后 30 天、60 天或习惯上最长的期限180 天付款。但是确保信用证上的措辞清楚明确是非常重要的,航运单据上的内容也必须与信用证上的内容完全一致,这点也同样重要。即使是细微的出入也会导致延期付款,直到问题得以澄清和解决。信用证可以是非常灵活的,可以规定无限多的条款。例如,买方甚至可以对货运集装箱上出现的标志类型做出要求。【试题解析】 本段并非课本原文,考生可参照教材信用证一课所学的知识来进行翻译。翻译时注意以下商务术语及重点单词和短语:letter of credit:信用证;confirming bank:保兑行

27、;shipping documents:货运单据;extra:特定的;LC:信用证(缩写);payment:付款;variation:改变;delay:延期;flexible:灵活的; shipping container:货运集装箱。七、句子汉译英42 【正确答案】 Import and export of labour service may be undertaken by individuals,or organized by companies or even by statesIt is becoming an important kind of invisible trade【试

28、题解析】 本句为教材第六课课文原句,翻译时注意从下商务术语和重要词汇和短语。劳务:labour service;输入:import;输出:export;无形贸易:invisible trade。第一句语态为被动语态;第二句时态需用现在进行时。43 【正确答案】 The theory of absolute advantage holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources【试题解析】 本句为教材第五课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重点词汇短语:

29、绝对利益论:The theory of absolute advantage;商品:commodity ;资源:resource。44 【正确答案】 Economy is not the only element involved in economic globalization since it also has an important beating on politics,culture,value and way of life【试题解析】 本句为教材第五课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:经济全球化:globalization;政治:politics;文化:cul

30、ture ;价值观:value;生活方式:way of live;对有重要影响:have an important beating on45 【正确答案】 Extensive intra-MNE transactions constitute a very significant proportion of total international trade【试题解析】 本句为教材第四课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:跨国企业组织内部公司:intra-MNE ;构成: constitute;世界贸易:international trade。46 【正确答案】 Protectionist measures which are often taken by governments are also barriers to trade,and typical examples are tariffs and quotas【试题解析】 本句为教材第六课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:政府:government;贸易保护主义:Protectionist :措施:measure;障碍:barrier;关税:tariff ;配额:quotas。


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