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1、全国自考(英语国家概况)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 Among the three tribes of the Celts coming to Britain, the most industrious and vigorous of the Celtic tribes was the _. ( )(A)Gaels(B) Brythons(C) Belgae(D)Vikings2 _ laid the foundations of the English state. ( )(A)Roman(B) The Celts(C) The Anglo-Saxons(D)The Viki

2、ng and Danish Invasions3 At the bottom of the English feudal scale were_. ( )(A)slaves(B) free peasants(C) villeins(D)freemen4 William II was known as_because of his red complexion. ( )(A)Rufus(B) the Conqueror(C) the Confessor(D)the Unready5 The Hundred Years War between England and France lasted f

3、rom_. ( )(A)1066 to 1215(B) 1215 to 1266(C) 1337 to 1453(D)1066 to 13816 Black Death reduced Englands population from_ million to million by the end of the 14th century. ( )(A)5, 3(B) 4. 5, 3(C) 4, 3(D)4, 27 _was above all responsible for the religious reform in England. ( )(A)Alfred the Great(B) Ed

4、ward I(C) Henry VIII(D)William the Conqueror8 Which of the following statements about Elizabeth I (15581603)is true? ( )(A)Elizabeth was 35 when she came to the throne.(B) Elizabeth remained single.(C) Elizabeth was not able to work with Parliament.(D)Her reign was a time of diminishing English nati

5、onalism.9 In 1603,_ became the first of the Stuarts to take the throne. ( )(A)Edward I(B) Henry VII(C) James VI(D)James II10 In December 1653, by an Instrument of Government, Oliver Cromwell became _ of the Commonwealth of England. ( )(A)Prime Minister(B) King(C) Lord Protector(D)Emperor11 The age o

6、f constitutional monarchy began with the accession of_to the throne. ( )(A)Charles II(B) James II(C) William and Mary(D)Oliver Cromwell12 _led the U. K. to final victory in the Second World War. ( )(A)Winston Churchill(B) Neville Chamberlain(C) Tony Blair(D)William Gladstone13 King George III was ni

7、cknamed _ because he was so enthusiastic about changes in agriculture. ( )(A)Farmer George(B) peasant George(C) Agricultural George(D)Enthusiastic King14 The British policy of_of German aggression was no longer tenable after Germany invaded Poland. ( )(A)non-interference(B) appeasement(C) mutual fri

8、endship(D)containment15 In Canada, Australia and New Zealand,_ is the official head of state. ( )(A)Prime Minster(B) Governor-General(C) President(D)Queen in Britain16 The two parties that have held power in Britain since 1945 are_. ( )(A)the Democratic Party and the Republican Party(B) the Conserva

9、tive Party and the Labor Party(C) the Labor Party and the Social Democratic Party(D)the Labor Party and the Democratic Party17 There are_police forces in England and Wales,8 in Scotland and one in Northern Ireland. ( )(A)40(B) 41(C) 42(D)4318 The Two established churches in Britain are_. ( )(A)Churc

10、h of England and Church of Wales(B) Church of Ireland and Church of England(C) Church of Ireland and Church of Scotland(D)Church of England and Church of Scotland19 Which of the following holidays is not celebrated in Scotland? ( )(A)Bank Holiday.(B) Summer Bank Holiday.(C) Christmas Day.(D)Good Fri

11、day.20 There are about _ daily and Sunday newspapers published in Britain. ( )(A)180(B) 150(C) 130(D)10021 _, the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century. ( )(A)Basketball(B) Tennis(C) Football(D)Baseball22 Th

12、e Republic of Ireland is bounded by all the following but_. ( )(A)the English Channel(B) the Irish Sea(C) St George Channel(D)the Atlantic Ocean23 Migration in Ireland declined sharply . ( )(A)during WWI(B) in recent years(C) in the early decades of the 20th century(D)after the establishment of the

13、Irish Free State24 What is Ireland called in Irish? ( )(A)Irea.(B) Aire.(C) Eare.(D)Eire.25 The slave system in the United States was formally ended by ( )(A)The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution(B) President Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation(C) the Declaration of Independence(D)Both A and B

14、26 Three weeks after the battles at Lexington and Concord, the_was held at Philadelphia. ( )(A)Peace meeting(B) Second Continental Congress(C) negotiation with Britain(D)meeting for independence27 President Jefferson bought the from France for 15 million dollars. ( )(A)Mississippi(B) Louisiana terri

15、tory(C) New Mexico(D)California28 Abraham Lincoln belonged to . ( )(A)the Federalist Party(B) the Whig Party(C) the Republican Party(D)the Democratic Party29 New Freedom was the program of . ( )(A)Woodrow Wilson(B) Theodore Roosevelt(C) Franklin Roosevelt(D)Henry Truman30 The most important features

16、 in the growth of the American economy in the early 20th century were ( )(A)the use of steam and electricity as chief energy, the use of machines and the development of railway(B) the appearance of airplane,the use of electricity on a large scale and urbanization(C) the development of large corporat

17、ion, urbanization and the application in production of new technology(D)the development of industry and large cities, the expansion of railroad network31 In 1932,in the depth of the depression, the American people chose_as their next president who promised to get America out of the depression. ( )(A

18、)Theodore Roosevelt(B) Franklin D.Roosevelt(C) Woodrow Wilson(D)Herbert C.Hoover32 The real purpose of the Marshal Plan is to_. ( )(A)prevent Greece and Turkey from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union(B) support any country which said it was fighting against Communism(C) help Western Europe r

19、ecover from the disrupted industrial production(D)prevent Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion33 Under the pressure of the Anti-war Movement, _ decided not to run for the presidency for a second term. ( )(A)Truman(B) Nixon(C) Johnson(D)Kennedy34 Among the following, _is not automobile giant

20、. ( )(A)Chrysler(B) the International Business Machines(C) Ford(D)General Motors35 The writers of the Constitution worked out the “checks and balances“ in order to_. ( )(A)prevent the government from being too strong(B) prevent the government from being separated(C) prevent the government from misus

21、ing its power(D)prevent the government from losing power36 To be successful, a candidate for the U. S. Presidency must receive at least_electoral votes. ( )(A)260(B) 180(C) 270(D)53837 In the U. S. ,_stood mainly for northern commercial and industrial interests and opposed Jacksons economic policies

22、. ( )(A)Parliament(B) the Democratic Party(C) the Republic Party(D)the Whig party38 Recently, _are emphasized in the U. S. elementary schools. ( )(A)socialization skills(B) values education(C) foreign languages(D)visual arts39 _ is not written by Theodore Dreiser. ( )(A)Sister Carrie(B) Trilogy of D

23、esire(C) An American Tragedy(D)The Scarlet Letter40 Valentines Day is on_. ( )(A)April 1st(B) November 20th(C) February 14th(D)May 4th41 _is an ice-free harbour and the major Canadian outlet to the Pacific Ocean and the largest cargo port on the pacific. ( )(A)Ontario(B) Vancouver(C) Montreal(D)Sask

24、atchewan42 In_, Canada was formally declared to be partner nations with Britain and became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. ( )(A)1919(B) 1927(C) 1940(D)193143 _are the two official languages in Canada. ( )(A)French and Indian(B) English and French(C) English and Italian(D)Italian and French

25、44 In recent years there has been a decline in European applications to immigration to Canada and an increase in those from Asia, the Caribbean and_. ( )(A)the U. S.(B) New Zealand(C) Australia(D)North America45 The highest peak in Australia is _which is 2,255 metres above sea level. ( )(A)the Outba

26、ck(B) the Plateau(C) the Eastern Highlands(D)Mount Kosciusko46 Western Australia is known as . ( )(A)the garden states(B) the sunshine state(C) the state of excitement(D)the holiday isle47 Australia is politically divided into_. ( )(A)ten states and three territories(B) six provinces and two countie

27、s(C) six states and two territories(D)seven states and four districts48 The sunniest city in Australia is_. ( )(A)Sydney(B) Melbourne(C) Adelaide(D)Darwin49 The following are the volcanic mountain in North Island except_. ( )(A)Tongariro(B) Mt. Cook(C) Ngaurohoe(D)Ruapehu50 The only native mammals i

28、n New Zealand are ( )(A)rabbits(B) bats(C) opossums(D)goats二、简答题51 Why is King Alfred known as “ the father of the British navy“?52 How did the Wars of Roses get its name?53 What was the direct result of the Glorious Revolution?54 What are the main functions of the British Parliament?55 What are the

29、 two provinces of the Church of England?56 In what way were the puritans different from the Pilgrims?57 How was the 1920s in the United States described by many historians?58 What are characteristics of the U. S. economy?59 What are the reasons for the rapid growth of the community college in Americ

30、a?60 What are the two largest ethnic groups in Canada?三、名词解释61 the Great Charter62 Wars of Roses63 “Great Compromise“of July 1664 Transcendentalism全国自考(英语国家概况)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在迁入英国的三个凯尔特部落中,贝尔盖人是最勤奋、最精力充沛的。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 盎格鲁一撒克逊人为英国国家的形成打下了基础。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 处在封建等级制底层的是农奴和奴隶差不

31、多的没有自由的人们。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 威廉因其面色红润而被称为“红脸威廉”。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 百年战争是指从 1337 年开始,断断续续直至 1453 年结束的英法两国之间的战争。6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 黑死病使英国的人口在 14 世纪末从 400 万锐减至 200 万。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 亨利八世是英国宗教改革的最重要的责任者。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 伊丽莎白 25 岁时登基,选项 A 说 “35 岁登基”表述有误。她统治英格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰 45 年,一直独身;选项 B 正确。伊丽莎白统治时期人民自信,民族主义高涨,在文学

32、和其他艺术方面,在探险和对外战争方面都取得了巨大成就,选项 D 表述有误。总的来说,伊丽莎白能与议会合作,这是因为尽管下议院中的清教徒要求进一步推行宗教改革,但他们仍忠于女王;选项 C 表述错误。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 1603 年 3 月,伊丽莎白无嗣而终,由远亲苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世继位,他是苏格兰女王玛丽.斯图亚特之子。苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世同时也是英国国王詹姆斯一世,是英国斯图亚特王朝的首位君主。10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 1653 年 12 月,根据政府文告,克伦威尔成了英格兰共和国的护国公。11 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 威廉和玛丽接受权利法案)(1689 年)后

33、,在威斯敏斯特教堂被共同加冕为王。从此,议会限制王权的君主立宪制时代开始了。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 温斯顿.丘吉尔爵士作为战时领导人受到群众普遍欢迎,他领导英国在 1945 年获胜。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 乔治三世对温莎的农业变革极为热心,因此得了“农夫乔治”的绰号。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 1939 年 9 月 1 Et 德军入侵波兰。张伯伦发现他的绥靖政策已站不住脚,只得于 9 月 3 日对德宣战。15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 虽然英国是君主所在地,但女王也是澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰这些英联邦国家的国家元首。在这些国家,女王由总督代表。总督由其所在国

34、的大臣提出建议再由女王任命,但总督完全独立于英国政府。16 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 自从 1945 年以来保守党和工党轮流执政。17 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 英格兰和威尔士有 43 个警察署,苏格兰有 8 个北爱尔兰有 1 个。18 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 英国两大国教,即国家法律上承认的官方教会为:英格兰的英格兰教,苏格兰的苏格兰教。19 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 苏格兰没有夏季公假。20 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 英国约有 130 份日报(从星期一到星期六出版)和星期日报出版,英国公众实际上比世界上任何其他国家的人看报的都多。21 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在

35、英格兰和欧洲,足球(通俗的称法“soccer”)是最受欢迎的运动,其传统老家在英格兰,出现于 19 世纪。22 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 爱尔兰共和国东北部与北爱尔兰接壤,东部和东南部紧接爱尔兰海和圣乔治海峡,北部和西部紧接大西洋。23 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 爱尔兰自由邦建立后(1921 年),移民数量锐减。24 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 在爱尔兰语中,爱尔兰被称为 Eire。25 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 1863 年林肯的解放奴隶宣言和 1865 年的宪法第十三条修正案正式结束了奴隶制。26 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 莱克星顿和康科德战斗之后的第三周,第二次大陆会议

36、再次在费城召开。27 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 十八世纪九十年代,美国人越过了密西西比河,这促使拿破仑以1500 万美元的价格把路易斯安那地区卖给了美国。美国的疆土一下子增加了近一倍。在安德鲁.杰克逊的军事指挥下、美国向南挺进,迫使西班牙让出佛罗里达和墨西哥湾沿岸地区。28 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 作为共和党的总统候选人亚伯拉罕.林肯于 1860 年当选为总统。29 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 威尔逊总统推行他的“新自由”政策。30 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 20 世纪早期,美国的经济增长有以下特点:越来越多的工业和金融业合并;随着工业的发展和铁路网的扩张,城市也迅速发展起来;

37、新技术也迅速发展。31 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 1932 年,在大萧条处于低谷的时候,美国人民选举富兰克林.罗斯福为他们的下一任总统,他许诺实施“新政”使美国走出危机。32 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 为了保护西欧免受苏联影响,美国决定给予西欧国家经济援助。后来此举被称为“马歇尔计划”。33 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 迫于压力,约翰逊决定不参加竞选下一任期的总统职务。34 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 汽车工业有三巨头,分别是通用汽车公司、福特汽车公司和克莱斯勒汽车公司。35 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 宪法的制定者们想确保新政府不滥用自己的权力。36 【正确答案】 C【试题解析

38、】 一位总统候选人要想获胜就必须获得 270 票。37 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 辉格党主要代表北方的商业和工业利益,反对杰克逊的经济政策。38 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 近年来开始强调社交技巧(公民课)。全国很多学区已经开设了价值观念教育,在人文学科的教育中已开始关注全球教育。39 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 德莱塞的第一部小说是嘉莉妹妹。德莱塞因他的欲望三部曲而出名一金融家、巨人、斯多葛,还有被认为是他最好作品的美国的悲剧。40 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 圣瓦伦丁节是 2 月 14 日,是情人的节日。41 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 温哥华是不列颠哥伦比亚省的最大城市,也是

39、加拿大的第三大城市,它是一个极为重要的不冻港,而且也是加拿大到太平洋的主要通道及太平洋沿岸最大的货运港口。42 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 加拿大国根据 1931 年的威斯敏斯特条例,包括加拿大在内的不列颠自治领正式宣布成为英国的伙伴国,并且“地位平等,绝无主从关系”,效忠共同君主的信念使他们结合在一起。从那时起加拿大就成为英联邦国家的成员。43 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 本题主要考查的知识点是加拿大的官方语言。在加拿大,英语和法语是两种官方语言。44 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 以前,英国和西欧是主要的移民来源。但近几年欧洲人的申请数量下降,亚洲、加勒比地区和美国人的申请数量上升。4

40、5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 澳大利亚没有很高的山,最高的山峰是科修斯科山,海拔 2255 米。46 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 西澳大利亚也被称为令人鼓舞的州。47 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 澳大利亚从政治上分为六个州和两个区。48 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 达尔文市是澳大利亚阳光最充足的城市,每天的光照时间达 84小时。49 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在新西兰北岛的中央高原矗立着三座火山:高 2797 米的鲁阿佩胡火山和高 2290 米的纽鲁霍伊火山都是活火山。第三大火山汤加里多火山是死火山,它已经很长时间没有显示出任何火山活动了。库克山,高 3764 米,位于被新西兰的

41、南岛。50 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 惟一的本国陆地哺乳动物是两种蝙蝠,所有的其他动物都是引讲的,主要来自英国。二、简答题51 【正确答案】 Because he founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea and then protected the coasts and encouraged trade. 52 【正确答案】 Its name was coined by Sir Walter Scott: the House of Lancaster was symbolized by the red roses a

42、nd the House of York, by the white. 53 【正确答案】 The result was that a constitutional monarchy was last founded in England. 54 【正确答案】 The functions of the British Parliament are lawmaking, authorizing taxation and public expenditure, and examining the actions of the government. 55 【正确答案】 Canterbury and

43、 York are the two provinces of the Church of England. 56 【正确答案】 Pilgrims were mostly poor artisans and peasants while the puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen. 57 【正确答案】 It was described as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness. 58 【正确答案】 T

44、he American economy is characterized by a high degree of monopoly. 59 【正确答案】 The reasons are their open admission policies, cheap tuition and fees, convenient location and flexible curriculum structures and avil-ability of financial aid through government loans and grants and private scholarships. .

45、 60 【正确答案】 The two largest groups are those of British and French origin.三、名词解释61 【正确答案】 King Johns reign caused much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Magna Carta,or the Great Charter which has 63 clauses. Though it has long been regarded as the founda

46、tion of English liberties, its spirit was the limitation of the kings powers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land. 62 【正确答案】 They refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1445 and 148The former was symbolized by the red rose, and the

47、latter by the white rose. After the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king s power became supreme. Tudor monarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years. 63 【正确答案】 On July 16,1787, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention agreed to give each state an equal vote in the

48、 Senate but making representation in the House reflect the size of each state s population. 64 【正确答案】 Transcendentalism was a movement that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s among American young intellectuals which emphasized mans potentiality for goodness, creativity, and self-development. RalphWaldo Emerson was regarded as the leader of the movement.


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