SMTC 90008-2008.10 汽车零件和材料中禁用限用危险物质.pdf

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1、 上汽集团股份有限公司技术中心企业标准 Enterprise Standard of SAIC Motor Technical Center SMTC汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质 Automotive Prohibited/Restricted Hazardous Substances for Parts and Materials 2008-10-21 发布 2008-10-22 实施上汽集团股份有限公司技术中心 标准化技术委员会发布SMTC 90008 2008.10 代替 SMTC 90008-2008SMTC 90008 2008.10 I 前 言 为发展环境友好汽车产品,控制汽

2、车零件和材料中的禁用/限用危险物质,以减少汽车产品从生产到报废回收各个阶段对环境的污染及对人身健康的危害,特制定本标准。 本标准是对 SMTC 90008-2008汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质的修订。自本标准实施之日起代替 SMTC 90008-2008。 本标准与 SMTC 90008-2008 相比的主要变化是: - 根据 2008/689/EC,全面更新了附录 A(规范性附录) 零件及材料中有害重金属豁免清单的内容。 - 在规范性引用文件中,增加了 2000/53/EC。 本标准的附录 A、附录 B 和附录 C 为规范性附录。 本标准由上汽集团股份有限公司技术中心标准化技术委员会提

3、出并批准。 本标准由工程支持部规范管理科负责标准化审核和归口管理。 本标准起草部门:车身部、工程支持部。 本标准主要起草人:付玉生、韩伟民、李娜、戴朝典、肖菁。 本标准于 2008 年 08 月 04 日首次批准发布,2008 年 08 月 05 日实施。本次为第一次修订。 本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为: -SMTC 90008-2008。 SMTC 90008 2008.10 2 汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质 1 范围 本标准规定了汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质的要求及控制方法。 本标准适用于上海汽车技术中心/乘用车分公司开发设计、制造的M1类和N1类车辆以及这些车辆上的全

4、部零件和材料,也适用于售后服务所需的零件和材料。 本标准不适用于在车辆及其零部件制造过程中所消耗的零件和材料 (如切削油, 清洁液, 遮挡胶带、等)。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 IEC 62321 电子电气产品中限用的六种物质(铅、镉、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯、多溴二苯醚)浓度的测定程序 2000/53/EC 欧洲议会和理事会关于报废车辆的指令 3 要

5、求 3.1 禁止在汽车零件和材料中使用危害人身健康和污染环境的危险物质。 3.2 危险物质的名称、编码和限值按有关国家和地区的法律法规的规定或相关国际权威组织的规定。 3.3 在附录 A 中所列出的零件和材料可以在豁免期内使用。 3.4 有害重金属及有害阻燃剂禁止在零件制造过程中故意引入。 3.5 铅(Pb)、汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、六价铬(Cr+6)及多溴联苯(PBB)和多溴二苯醚(PBDE)作为杂质的附加限值要求见表 1。 表1 有害物质 浓度上限(ppm) 铅(Pb) 900 汞 (Hg) 900 镉 (Cd) 90 六价铬 (Cr+6) 900 多溴联苯(PBB) 900 多溴二苯醚(

6、PBDE) 900 注 1:故意引入有害物质不计入杂质中。 注 2:检测方法参考 IEC 62321。 SMTC 90008 2008.10 3 3.6 危险物质的控制应按以下条款: 3.6.1 一般情况下, 供应商须使用附录 B 的表单向 SMC/SMTC 声明所供零件和材料是否符合本标准的规定;SMC/SMTC 则按车型对整车零件和材料中的危险物质进行审查、签署并保存。它的原始拷贝、Excel文件和试验报告通过公司的采购部门递交给设计部门,设计部门审核后交给材料研究部门。 3.6.2 用于车辆型式认证的情况下,则使用认证机构认可的网络 MDS(材料数据系统)审查、控制危险物质。 3.7 试

7、验报告的有效性要求应按以下条款: 3.7.1 递交的试验报告应该是原始文件。 3.7.2 如果试验报告的副本或复印件上盖有出具报告的实验室的正式印章并具有相关负责人签字,该副本或复印件也可以认为同原始版本一样有效。 3.7.3 如果原材料供应商的试验报告盖有实验室正式印章并具有相关负责人签字,则该报告也被认为有效。 4 图样和技术文件的标注 当工程图样或其他技术文件中涉及到零部件材料时,应在图样的技术要求或技术文件中按以下示例进行标注。 示例: 所有汽车零件和材料中危险物质的控制应遵照 SMTC 90008汽车零件和材料中危险物质的控制的要求执行。 5 禁用 /限用危险物质管理程序 禁用/限用

8、危险物质的管理程序见附录C。 6 豁免清单的修订 本标准附录A中列出的零件及材料中有害重金属豁免清单将根据相关法规适时修订,供应商及相关部门应跟踪和关注本标准的修订信息,并与材料研究部门的有关人员讨论实施标准的具体措施,使产品适应标准的变化。SMTC 90008 2008.10 4 附录 A (规范性附录) 零件及材料中有害重金属豁免清单 零件及材料中有害重金属豁免清单见表A.1。 表 A.1 零件及材料中有害重金属豁免清单 项目 材料及部件 豁免期限及范围 标记 1. 机械加 工 用钢材或镀锌钢 , 铅含量不超过 0.35%质量百分比 2(a). 机械加工用铝材,铅含量不超过2%质量百分比

9、2005年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 2(b). 机械加工用铝材,铅含量不超过1.5%质量百分比 2008年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 2(c). 机械加工用铝材,铅含量不超过0.4%质量百分比 3. 铜合金,铅含量不超过4%质量百分比 4(a). 含铅轴瓦和轴套 2008年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 4(b). 发动机、变速器和空调压缩机的含铅轴瓦和轴套 2011年7月1日,以及之后作为2011年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 5. 电池 6. 减振器 7(a). 制动软管、燃料软管、通风软管、底盘用弹性体/金属件和发动机支 承的硫化剂和稳定剂 2005年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 7(b).

10、制动软管、燃料软管、通风软管、底盘用弹性体/金属件和发动机支承的硫化剂和稳定剂 , 铅含量不超过 0.5%质量百分2006年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 7(c). 动力总成用弹性体黏合剂, 铅含量 不超过0.5%质量百分比 2009年7月1日 8(a). 电子线路板中的和其他电气应用中的焊料(除玻璃之外)2010年12月31日之前批准的车型和这些车型的备件(2009 年复审) a8(b). 玻璃上电气应用中的焊料 2010年12月31日之前批准的车型和这些车型的备件(2009 年复审) a9. 气门座 2003年7月1日前开发的发动机机型的备件 10. 含铅玻璃或含铅陶瓷基化合物的电器部件(不

11、包括灯泡玻璃和火花塞釉面)b b(对零部件来说,发动机中的压电晶片除外) 铅(Pb) 11. 点火气体发生器 2006年7月1日前批准的车型和这些车型备件 SMTC 90008 2008.10 5 表 A.1 零件及材料中有害重金属豁免清单 (续) 项目 材料及部件 豁免期限及范围 标记 12(a). 防腐涂料 2007年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 12(b). 底盘装配用螺钉螺母防腐涂料 2008年7月1日之前上市车辆的备件 六价铬(Cr+6) 13. 旅居车内的冰箱吸热剂 14(a). 前照灯用放电灯 2012年7月1日之前批准车型和这些车型的备件 汞(Hg) 14(b). 仪表板显示器使

12、用的荧光管 2012年7月1日之前批准车型和这些车型的备件 镉(Cd) 15. 电动车辆用电池 2008年12月31日及其后的作为2008年12月31日之前上市车辆的备件 注 1:在均质材料中最大浓度值不超过 0.09质量的铅、六价铬和汞以及在均质材料中最大浓度值不超过 0.009质量的镉应被允许,倘若这些物质不是被故意引入的。 注 2:在豁免期满的日期已经在市场上销售的再使用的车辆零部件允许在限制之外,因为它不被 2000/53/EC 的 4(2)(a)条款涵盖。 注 3: 2003 年7月1日之 前上市车辆上使用的在 2003 年7月1日之 后上市的备件应被排除在 2000/53/EC 的

13、条款 4(2) (a)c的禁止之外。 a 如果与第 10 条款相关,拆解平均阀值为 60 g/车则超出限值。对于此条款的应用,非生产厂商安装的电器设备不记入此值。 b 如果与第 8 条款相关,拆解平均阀值为 60 g/车则超出限值。对于此条款的应用,非生产厂商安装的电器设备不记入此值。 C 本条款将不适用于车轮平衡重物、电动机碳刷和制动衬片。 SMTC 90008 2008.10 6 附录 B (规范性附录) 符合 SMTC 90008 的声明 附录B 符合SMTC 90008的声明.xlsSMTC 90008 2008.10 7 附录 C (规范性附录) 禁用/限用危险物质管理程序 责任部门

14、 工作流程 输出内容 PM TV PM,ES,BO DRE(ALL) Supplier COC/DRE BO/material PD/SQE Supplier TV,BO DRE 项目书 分析报告 方案准备书 图纸 SOR MDS 系统 (RMS) 潜在市场 ELV 法规分析符合潜在市场 ELV 法规的项目实施方案编制或修改技术文件,零件增加 ELV 要求发 SOR申报材料表单零件试制审核项目市场计划ELV 测试SOPOTS 认可材料替换信息输入English version SMTC 90007 2008.108 FOREWORD This standard has the purpose

15、of developing environment friendly products by prohibiting and restricting the use of hazardous substances for automobile parts and materials, minimizing environmental pollution and damage to personal health during every stage-from production to end life-of automobile products. Annex A、Annex B and A

16、nnex C are normatives. This standard is a revision for SMTC 90008-2008 .This standard will replace SMTC 90008-2008 from the implementation date of this . This standard compares with SMTC 90008-2008, the major changes: - According to 2008/689/EC, this standard has renewed the Annex A (Normative Annex

17、) over-all. - This standard has increased 2000/53/EC in Normative Reference. This standard was proposed and approved by Technical Committee of Standardization of SAIC Motor Technical Center. This standard was examined and verified for standardization by Specification Management Section of Engineer S

18、upport Department. The draft department of this standard: Body Dept. The main drafters of this standard: Fu yusheng、Han weimin、Li na 、Dai chaodian、Xiaojing. This standard was first approved and issued from 04 Aug 2008 and it will be implemented from 05 Aug 2008. This revision is the first revision.

19、The issued case of all previous edition of the standards which was replaced by this standard: - SMTC 90008 2008。 English version SMTC 90008 2008.10 9 Automotive Prohibited/Restricted Hazardous Substances for Parts and Materials 1 Scope This standard specifies the prohibition/restriction on using haz

20、ardous substances for automobile parts and materials. This standard applies to the automobile M1(9 or less-passenger car, microbus, RV, etc.), N1(truck with gross weight of 3.5 tons or less) designed by SAIC Motor Technical Center(SMTC) and manufactured by SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co.(SMC), and

21、all of the parts and materials used for these vehicles as well as after-sales service parts. This standard is not appliable to the parts and materials (such as cutting oil, cleaning solution, masking tape, etc.) consumed in the manufacturing process of vehicles and parts. 2 Normative Reference The f

22、ollowing documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this national standard.For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However,parties to agreements based on this national standard are enco

23、uraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below. For undated references,the latest edition of the document referred to applies. IEC 62321 Electrotechnical products-determination of levels of six regulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium,

24、 hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers). 2000/53/EC Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 18 September 2000. 3 Requirements 3.1 The hazardous substances that are harmful to personnel and environmental safety shall not be used in parts

25、and materials for automobile. 3.2 The designation, coding and limit value of hazardous substances shall accord with the laws and regulations of associated countries and regions or correlative international authority organizations. 3.3 However, among the hazardous parts and materials, those listed in

26、 appendix A, may be used until the exemption period. 3.4 Hazardous heavy metals and hazardous flame retardants shall not be intentionally introduced to parts in their manufacturing process. 3.5 Allowance criteria for lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr+6), polybrominated b

27、iphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) as impurities are listed in table 1. Table 1 Hazardous substances The limit of concentration not intentionally introduced (ppm) Lead(Pb) 900 Mercury (Hg) 900 Cadmium(Cd) 90 Hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) 900 polybrominated biphenyls( PBB) 900 poly

28、brominated diphenyl ethers( PBDE) 900 Remark1: Intentional introduced hazardous substances are not included in impurities. English version SMTC 90008 2008.10 10 3.6 Provisions for control of hazardous substances 3.6.1 Generally, suppliers should declare to SMC/SMTC whether their supplied parts and m

29、aterials accord with the requirements in this standard by filling the table in appendix B. After checked, the table shall be recorded by vehicle type in the form as in appendix B and signed and sealed by SMC/SMTC. Then, its original copy, Excel file, and the test report shall be submitted to the Des

30、ign Department through the Companys Purchasing Department. Furthermore, the Design Dept. shall check and then submit them to the Material Research Department. 3.6.2 In condition of vehicle type-approval, network MDS(Material Data System) approved by the certificate authority shall be used to review

31、and control the hazardous substances. 3.7 Requirements for validity of test report 3.7.1 The test report shall be the original one. 3.7.2 If the official seal of an analysis lab and the signature of person in charge are set as in case of a counterpart or copy issued by it, these copies shall be deem

32、ed valid as the original. 3.7.3 A test report issued officially by raw material supplier shall be deemed valid, provided that it shall meet the requirements for an official document with seals of representative director and lab director. 4 Marking of drawing and technical document When parts materia

33、ls are referred in drawing or other technical specification, the notation shall be marked as the following example in drawing technical requirements or other technical specification Example: Control of hazardous substances in all automobile parts and materials shall comply with the requirements of S

34、MTC 90008 Automotive Prohibited/Restricted Hazardous Substances for Parts and Materials . 5 Work flow of prohibiting/restricting hazardous substances Work flow of prohibiting/restricting hazardous substances, see appendix C. 6 Revision of exemption list The list of parts and materials exempted from

35、heavy metal restriction (appendix A) in this standard shall be revised timely according to associated regulations. Suppliers and parties to agreements shall pay attention to the revision of this standard, discuss with material research department about the detailed implementation measures to make th

36、e products adapt to the changes of this standard. English version SMTC 90008 2008.10 11 Annex A (Normative Annex) Materials and components exempted from heavy metal restriction Materials and components exempted from heavy metal restriction see Table A.1. Table A.1 Materials and components exempted f

37、rom heavy metal restriction Item Materials and components Scope and expiry date of theexemption To be labeled 1. Steel for machining purpose and galvanized steel containing up to 0.35% lead by weight 2. a) Aluminum for machining purpose with a lead content up to 2% by weight As spare parts for vehic

38、les put on the market before July 1, 2005 2. b) Aluminum for machining purpose with a lead content up to 1.5% by weight content up to 0.4% by weight As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before July 1, 2008 2. c) Aluminum for machining purpose with a lead content up to 4% by weight 3. Copper

39、 alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight 4. a) Bearing shells and bushes As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before July 1, 2008 4. b) Bearing shells and bushes in engines, transmissions and air conditioning compressors 1 July 2011 and after that date as spare parts for vehicles put on th

40、e market before 1 July 2011 5. Batteries 6. Vibration dampers 7. a) Vulcanising agents and stabilizers for elastomers in brake hoses, fuel hoses, air ventilation hoses, elastomer/metal parts in the chassis applications, and engine mountings As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before 1 July

41、 2005 7. b) Vulcanising agents and stabilizers for elastomers in brake hoses, fuel hoses, air ventilation hoses, elastomer/metal parts in the chassis applications, and engine mountings containing up to 0.5% lead by weightAs spare parts for vehicles put on the market before 1 July 2006 7. c) Bonding

42、agents for elastomers in powertrain applications containing up to 0.5% lead by weight 1 July 2009 Lead (Pb) 8 a). Solder in electronic circuit boards and other electric applications except on glass Vehicles type approved before 31 December 2010 and spare parts for these vehicles (review in 2009) aEn

43、glish version SMTC 90008 2008.10 12 Table A.1 Materials and components exempted from heavy metal restriction (continuous) Item Materials and components Scope and expiry date of theexemption To be labeled 9. Valve seats As spare parts for engine types developed before 1 July 2003 8 b). Solder in elec

44、tric applications on glass Vehicles type approved before 31 December 2010 and spare parts for these vehicles (review in 2009) a10. Electrical components which contain lead in a glass or ceramic matrix compound except glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs b(for components other than piezo in engine

45、s) Lead (Pb) 11. Pyrotechnic initiators Vehicles type approved before 1 July 2006 and spare parts for these vehicles 12. a) Corrosion preventive coatings As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before 1 July 2007 12. b) Corrosion preventive coatings related to bolt and nut assemblies for chass

46、is applications As spare parts for vehicles put on the market before 1 July 2008 Hexavalent Chromium (Cr+6) 13. Absorption refrigerators in motorcaravans 14 a). Discharge lamps for headlight application Vehicles type approved before 1 July 2012 and spare parts for these vehicles Mercury (Hg) 14 b).F

47、luorescent tubes used in instrument panel displays Vehicles type approved before 1 July 2012 and spare parts for these vehicles Cadmium (Cd) 15. Batteries for electrical vehicles 31 December 2008 and after that date as spare parts for vehicles put on the market before 31 December 2008 Notes 1: A max

48、imum concentration value up to 0.09% by weight and in homogeneous material, for lead, hexavalent chromium and mercury and up to 0.009% by weight in homogeneous material for cadmium shall be tolerated. Notes 2: The re-use of parts of vehicles which were already on the market at the date of expiry of an exemption shall be allowed without limitation


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