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1、板块一 词义辨析类,1.The _ that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.(2018天津高考),A.advice B.order C.possibility D.invitation 答案 C 句意:宇宙中的其他行星上可能存在生命,这个可能性一直激励着科学家去探索外层空间。根据句意可知,这里用possibility表示“可能性”。advice“劝告”,order“命令”,invitation“邀请”都不符合句意。,

2、名词辨析,2.It is important to pay your electricity bill on time,as late payments may affect your _.(2016浙江高考),A.condition B.income C.credit D.status 答案 C 句意:按时缴纳电费很重要,因为拖欠可能会影响你的信用(credit)。故选C项。,3.Go and say sorry to your Mom,Dave.,Id like to,but Im afraid she wont be happy with my _.(江苏高考) A.requests B

3、.excuses C.apologies D.regrets 答案 C 句意:“去向你妈妈道歉,戴夫。”“我想去,但我担心她对我的道歉不满意。”apology “道歉,致歉”,符合语境。故选C项。,4.Some schools will have to make _ in agreement with the national soccer reform.(江苏高考),A.judgments B.adjustments C.comments D.achievements 答案 B 句意:一些学校将不得不做出调整,以便和国家足球改革保持一致。既然要和国家足球改革保持一致(in agreement

4、 with the national soccer reform),那么就应该做出调整(make adjustments),故选B项。,【名师点睛】,名词除了独立考查其词义辨析外,还常结合其他项目一起考查,题型以单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解等形式出现,考查要点主要包括:,1.考查名词词义辨析和习惯搭配。名词词义辨析包括同义词辨析、近义词辨析、同形词辨析和不同词义的名词在语境中的辨析。另外,高考还考查容易混淆的名词的辨形、辨义以及名词的惯用法等。 2.考查名词的数(可数与不可数、单数与复数)、名词所有格、抽象名词的具体化、物质名词的量化、名词和冠词的搭配以及主谓一致等。,3.考查名词的“旧词新意

5、”和“名词动化”现象。这种现象主要以隐形考查的方式出现在阅读理解和完形填空试题中。如:shelter n.庇护,避难所vt.保护,躲避,避难; storm n.暴风雨,大动荡vi.& vt.横冲直撞,猛攻; shoulder n.肩,肩膀,肩部vt.肩负,承担; trail n.小径,痕迹vt.追踪。,1.To warm himself,the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against _.(陕西高考),A.another B.the other C.other D.either 答案 B another “另一

6、个”,指三者或三者以上中的另外一个;the other “另一个”,指两者中的另外一个;other “别的,其他的”;either表示两者中的任意一个。由语境可知,此处表示“另一只赤着的脚”,指“两者中的另外一个”,故用the other。,代词辨析,2.The meeting will be held in September,but _ knows the date for sure.(重庆高考),A.everybody B.nobody C.anybody D.somebody 答案 B 句意:会议将在九月份召开,但是没有人知道确切的日期。句中的转折连词but是解题的关键,表明人们现在只

7、知道会议在九月份召开,但确切日期不知道。,3.How would you like _ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?(浙江高考),A.them B.one C.those D.it 答案 D 句意:当你正在看最喜欢的电视节目时,如果有人走进来,不说一声就关掉了电视,你觉得怎样?like后接从句时,往往先加形式宾语it后再跟从句。it此处指代“if you were watching.aski

8、ng you”这件事。,【名师点睛】,高考对代词的考查主要涉及在所给的上下文中运用代词的能力,以及对不定代词和替代词的考查。命题主要出现在单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解等题型中,侧重于在具体语境中考查各种代词之间的区别。其考点主要包括:,1.考查替代词的用法。常考的替代词有one,ones,the one,the ones,that,those,it等。 2.考查不定代词的用法。常考的不定代词有any,some,all,none,other,another,every,nothing等。,3.考查反身代词的用法。常考的反身代词有myself,yourself,himself,herself,it

9、self,themselves等。 4.考查it的用法。it作形式主语、形式宾语的用法; it的实指用法; it的虚指用法,如:can help it,put it,catch it,come it,make it,see to it that等。,1.I want to see Mr.White.We have an appointment.,Im sorry,but he is not _ at the moment,for the meeting hasnt ended.(2017天津高考) A.busy B.active C.concerned D.available 答案 D 句意:

10、“我想见怀特先生。我们有预约。”“对不起,但他这个时候没空,因为会议还没有结束。”根据答句中的“the meeting hasnt ended”可知怀特先生没空,故选D。available在这里表示“(人)有空的”。,形容词和副词辨析,2.In this article,you need to back up general statements with _ examples.(2016浙江高考),A.specific B.permanent C.abstract D.universal 答案 A 句意:在这篇文章里,你需要用具体的例子来支持文章的概述。specific “具体的,特定的”,

11、符合语境。故选A项。,3.A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience,_ if you are travelling at high speed.(2016浙江高考),A.eventually B.strangely C.merely D.especially 答案 D 句意:急刹车可能是一次非常可怕的经历,尤其是你正在高速行进时。especially “尤其”。故选D项。,【名师点睛】,形容词和副词在高考试题中始终占很重要的地位。近几年高考对形容词和副词的考查具有“淡化语法、注重深层语义”的特点,以形容词和副词辨析为热点。同时继续加强

12、对形容词和副词比较等级的考查。其考点主要包括: 1.考查形容词和副词词义辨析。 2.考查形容词修饰名词时的词序,即指示代词/不定代词数词(序数词、基数词)描绘性形容词特征性形容词(大小、长短、高低、形状、年龄、新旧)颜色形容词国籍、出处物质、材料用途、类别中心名词。 3.考查形容词和副词比较等级的常用句型及其修饰成分在句中的位置。 4.考查与形容词和副词有关的习语结构。,1.At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but eventually he _ as she was so confident about her skill

13、s.(2018天津高考),A.gave in B.dressed up C.broke in D.turned up 答案 A 句意:起初罗伯特不愿意让女儿去潜水,但是最终他妥协了,因为她对自己的技术很自信。从语境的连贯和四个动词短语的含义判断,本空选A“屈服,让步”。B.dress up“穿上盛装”;break in“闯上”;turn up“出现”。,动词和动词短语辨析,2.It took him a long time to _ the skills he needed to become a good dancer.(2018天津高考),A.display B.acquire C.tea

14、ch D.test 答案 B 句意:他花了好长时间学习成为一个优秀舞蹈演员所需要的技能。根据句意,这里应该用acquire表示“获得,学到”。,3.When the time came to make the final decision for a course,I decided to apply for the one that _ my interest.(2016浙江高考),A.limited B.reserved C.reflected D.spoiled 答案 C 句意:当面临做选择课程的最终决定时,我决定申请能反映我兴趣的课程。reflect意为“反映,体现”,符合语境。故选C

15、项。,【名师点睛】,动词及其词组的灵活运用是英语的特色之一,也是学生学习中的难点,因此每年均为测试的重点。在历年高考试题中动词所占的比例最大,设题时往往都是给出四个不同的动词或短语来测试考生在具体语境中对动词(短语)意义的理解和运用。其考点主要包括: 1.考查动词词义辨析。包括常见动词用法辨析、近义词辨析、词形相近词辨析和用法相近词辨析。,2.考查动词短语辨析。主要包括同根动词短语的辨析、同根介词或副词的动词短语的辨析、 不同动词构成的动词短语的辨析以及“动词副词介词”短语的辨析。在动词词组的测试中,绝大多数为基础动词,出现频率较高的词有:get,turn,make,put,go,give,b

16、reak,cut,come,look,keep,bring,show,pick,hold,fall,carry,pull,catch,call,take等。,高考对动词、动词短语的考查,除了考查其基本含义辨析外,更注重动词(短语)的新义和引申义,如:polish抛光,磨光(本意)修正,文饰(引申); sniff嗅,闻(本意)鄙视地说,嗤之以鼻(引申); stir移动,搅拌(本意)煽动(引申); break down发生故障,失灵,失效(本意)坍塌,崩溃,瓦解,中断,中止(引申),同时还有“恸哭”之意; look into向里面看(本意)调查,研究(引申),同时还有“浏览”之意; work ou

17、t的基本意思为“解决,算出,制订出”,较生意思为“锻炼”。,3.考查系动词、半系动词用法。动词作系动词用时,后面常接形容词、名词、分词和不定式等,此时动词没有进行时和被动语态。这类动词有:appear,become,feel,look,sound,seem,taste,prove,remain,stay,smell,grow,turn,go,come,fall,stand,lie,exist等。此外,一些无被动语态形式的“个性”动词(短语)也是学习的重点,如belong to(属于),witness(见证,目击)等。,知识链接 高考常考的动词短语辨析 1.break 相关短语,break aw

18、ay from. 脱离,奋力挣脱 break down 出故障,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,强行进入 break into. 闯入,破门而入 break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break through 突围,冲破,突破 break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 If you go on working like that,you will break down sooner or later. 如果你继续像那样工作,迟早你会累垮的。,2.bring 相关短语,bring about 引起,导致,使发生 bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入) bri

19、ng up 抚养,培养,哺育 bring down/up (the price)使降低,减少,降价/提价 比较:(prices) go down/up (价格)下降/上涨 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 The government has taken measures to bring down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable. 政府已经采取措施降低日用品价格以保持市场稳定。,3.call 相关短语,call at (some place) 访问(某地),拜访(某地) 比较:call

20、 on(sb) 拜访(某人),访问(某人) call back 回电话 call in 请来,召集 call off 取消 call on/upon 号召 call up 给打电话,使人想起 call for 提倡,号召,要求,需要,去接某人 The scene of the children playing happily in the park called up memories of her childhood. 孩子们在公园高兴玩耍的场景勾起了她对童年的回忆。,e 相关短语,come about发生,产生 come across 偶然相遇 come on 过来,跟我来,加油,来吧,赶

21、快 come out 露出,出来,出现,出版,发(芽),(花)开 come up 被提出,上来,走近,上升,长出来 come up with. 提出,想出(主意),找出(答案),赶上 come into being 形成 come into use 投入使用 If you come across faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. 如果你发现你想要买的这辆自行车有瑕疵,但是你仍想买这辆,就让服务员降价。,5.get 相关短语,get away from逃脱,逃离 ge

22、t away with 做了坏事而未受惩罚 get down to (doing) sth 开始(做)某事 get in 进入,收割,达到 get over 克服,恢复 get across 理解,(使)渡过 get through 接通(电话),完成(工作),通过(考试) After that,he knew he could get through any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. 在此之后,他知道只要尽全力就能成功应对一切紧急事件。,6.give 相关短语,give away赠送,给予,背弃,

23、泄露,分发 give in 投降,让步,屈服 give back 归还,送回 give off 释放,放出(烟、光、热等) give out 用完,耗尽,分发,发放 give up 放弃,辞去 He said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the final exam,but the look on his face gave himself away. 他说他对期末考试的结果不失望,但是他脸上的表情出卖了他。,7.go 相关短语,go against违反,违背 go over 复习,重温,仔细检查,审阅 go by 走过,经过,(时间)消逝,过

24、去 go out 熄灭,出去,外出 go without 没有也行,没有也能勉强应付 go through 通过,经受,浏览,仔细检查 I always start the day by going through my email. 我每天第一件事就是要看电子邮件。,8.hold 相关短语,hold back隐瞒;控制(情感) hold out 维持;抵抗;硬撑 hold up 使耽搁 hold on 坚持;别挂(电话) hold together 团结一致 hold on to 保留,抓住不放 Id hold on to that house for the time being; hou

25、se prices are rising sharply at the moment. 我目前要守住这套房子,这段时间房价涨得很快。,9.look 相关短语,look back on.回顾,回忆 look on 旁观,观望 look into. 往里面看,浏览,调查 look out (for) 留神,当心,注意,警惕,提防 look through 看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习 look up 仰视,往上看,(在字典或参考书中)查阅,查询 The authorities will look into the case further before they can come to a c

26、onclusion about it. 官方要对此案做进一步调查才能得出结论。,10.make 相关短语,make the best of充分利用 make up for 补偿,弥补 make out 辨认出 make fun of 取笑 make up ones mind 下定决心 make sense 有道理(意义),讲得通 make good/full use of 充分利用 make up 编造;组成;构成;补齐,凑足 The boy is working harder than ever,hoping to make up the time he has wasted playing

27、 online games. 为了把浪费在网络游戏上的时间弥补回来,男孩比之前学习更努力。,11.put 相关短语,put away将某物收拾起来,存钱,储存 put down 扑灭,镇压,记下 put forward 提出,建议 put off 延期,拖延 put on (戏)上演,穿上,戴上 put out 扑灭,熄灭,出版,生产 put up 挂起,张贴,搭起,建立,住宿 put up with 忍受,容忍,Why do we have to put up with Susans selfish behavior? We have to teach her to care for oth

28、ers. 为什么我们要忍受苏珊的自私行为?我们得教她关心别人。 He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night。 他决定当晚直接开车回家,而不住旅馆。,12.set 相关短语,set about doing sthset out to do sth着手/开始做某事 set aside 留出,搁/放在一边 set off 出发,启程,引起爆炸,激起,引起 set out (for.) 动身去() set up 创立,设立,开办,竖起,支起 The coup

29、le set aside some money every month for their future use even though their income can only make ends meet. 这对夫妻每个月都存一些钱以备将来使用,尽管他们的收入只能使他们勉强维持生计。,13.take 相关短语,take in吸收,接纳,欺骗 take on 呈现,雇用 take over 继承,接管,接替 take up 从事,开始,专注于,占去(时间、空间、地位等) take off (飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣帽/鞋),成名,成功,事业转机,生意起色 Some insects take o

30、n the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. 有些昆虫为了自我保护会随着周围环境改变自身颜色。,14.turn 相关短语,turn down拒绝;调低 turn in 上交 turn out 结果是,证明是 turn over 移交,交给 turn up 出现;调高 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开,turn away 走开 turn to 求助于;翻到 You look upset.Whats the matter? I had my proposal turned down again. 你看上去很伤心,怎么

31、了? 我的建议再次被拒绝了。,1.Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went _.(2018天津高考),A.at first B.after all C.above all D.at random 答案 B 句意:鲍勃觉得自己不能参加这个派对,因为他要写一份报告,但是最终他还是去了。根据句意,这里用after all表示“终究”。at first“起初”;above all“最重要的是”;at random“随便地”。,介词和介词短语辨析,2.Good morning,

32、 Mr.Lees office.,Good morning.Id like to make an appointment _ next Wednesday afternoon.(2018北京高考) A.for B.on C.in D.at 答案 A 早上好,李先生的办公室。早上好。我想预约下星期三下午。根据语境可知,此处用介词for表示“安排或预约于(某时间)”。,3.Many people who live along the coast make a living _ the fishing industry.(2017北京高考),A.at B.in C.on D.by 答案 B 句意:沿

33、海地区的许多人靠渔业为生。根据句意可知,空格处用in表示“在方面”。,4.When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California,you will be_trees that are over 1,000 years old.(2017天津高考),A.among B.against C.behind D.below 答案 A 句意:当你开车穿行于加利福尼亚州的红杉林时,你就会置身在那些树龄超过1 000年的树木之间。这里用介词among表示“在当中”,与前面的“through the Redwood Forests”呼应。,5.We o

34、ffer an excellent education to our students._,we expect students to work hard.(2017天津高考),A.On average B.At best C.In return D.After all 答案 C 句意:我们给我们的学生提供优质的教育,作为回报,我们期待学生能努力学习。根据句意,这里用介词短语in return表示“作为回报”。on average “平均”;at best “充其量,至多”;after all “终究,毕竟”。,【名师点睛】,介词和介词短语也是高考的一个必考点,每年都保持在一至两个题目,命题形

35、式除了单项填空外还在完形填空中进行考查,其考点主要涉及常用介词的用法区别,介词与动词、名词、形容词等的常见搭配,介词在特定语境中的选用和介词短语的用法等。掌握介词必须要立足基本用法,广泛记忆,细心体会比较。其考点主要包括: 1.考查常用介词和介词短语的基本用法。从历年全国及各省市高考题中可看出,介词类考题常集中于一些常用介词,如at,in,for,from,to,of,on,with,until,about,by,since,as,around等。,2.考查常用介词或介词短语含义和用法的辨识能力。尤其是在一定的语言环境中,辨析意义相同或相近以及使用范围不同的介词或介词短语。 3.考查介词与某些名词、形容词或动词的各种搭配形式。特别是那些搭配繁多、用法灵活的介词,不同的搭配可用来表示种种不同的意义。,

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  • BS PD CEN TR 15120-2005 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods — Guidance and recommendations for loading transport and unloading《危险物品运输用槽罐车 装载,运输和卸载的指南和建议》.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15120-2005 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods — Guidance and recommendations for loading transport and unloading《危险物品运输用槽罐车 装载,运输和卸载的指南和建议》.pdf
  • BS PD CEN TR 15128-2005 Survey of European Standards for rehabilitation of drain and sewer systems《排水和污水系统的修复用欧洲标准的调查》.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15128-2005 Survey of European Standards for rehabilitation of drain and sewer systems《排水和污水系统的修复用欧洲标准的调查》.pdf
  • BS PD CEN TR 15131-2006 Thermal performance of building materials — The use of interpolating equations in relation to thermal measurement on thick specimens — Guarded hot plate and.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15131-2006 Thermal performance of building materials — The use of interpolating equations in relation to thermal measurement on thick specimens — Guarded hot plate and.pdf
  • BS PD CEN TR 15134-2005 Non-destructive testing — Automated ultrasonic examination — Selection and application of systems《无损检测 自动超声波检验 系统的选择和应用》.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15134-2005 Non-destructive testing — Automated ultrasonic examination — Selection and application of systems《无损检测 自动超声波检验 系统的选择和应用》.pdf
  • BS PD CEN TR 15139-2005 Petroleum products and other liquids - Applicability of test methods on sulfur determination in petrol and diesel fuel《石油产品及其他液体 汽油和柴油中的硫含量测定的试验方法的适用性》.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15139-2005 Petroleum products and other liquids - Applicability of test methods on sulfur determination in petrol and diesel fuel《石油产品及其他液体 汽油和柴油中的硫含量测定的试验方法的适用性》.pdf
  • BS PD CEN TR 15160-2005 Petroleum and related products - Applicability of diesel fuel test methods for Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) - Information and results non round robin tes.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15160-2005 Petroleum and related products - Applicability of diesel fuel test methods for Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) - Information and results non round robin tes.pdf
  • BS PD CEN TR 15175-2006 Characterization of sludges Protocol for organizing and conducting interlaboratory tests of methods for chemical and microbiological analysis of sludges《污泥的.pdf BS PD CEN TR 15175-2006 Characterization of sludges Protocol for organizing and conducting interlaboratory tests of methods for chemical and microbiological analysis of sludges《污泥的.pdf
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