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1、1Module 6 Unit 3课堂反馈验收一、单项选择。1. It takes 4 hours _ the book.A. to finish reading B. to finish read C. finish reading D. finishes read2. How can I _the park?A. get B. get to C. reach in D. arrive 3. The bus can _ you to the Great Wall.A. leave B. take C. change D. spend4. _?Yes. Go along the street a

2、nd youll see it.A. Wheres the museum B. How far is the museumC. Do you want to go to the museumD. Can you tell me where the museum is5. -_! Could you tell me the way to the zoo?- Im sorry. Im new here.A. All right B. Never mind C. Excuse me D. Thank you2、根据中文提示完成句子。1. 公园对面是一家电影院。A cinema is _ the pa

3、rk.2. 青岛以它的海产食品和海滩而闻名。Qingdao _ _ _ its seafood and beaches.3. 在一天内读完这本书是不可能的。Its impossible to _ _ the book in one day.4. 过马路时要当心。Be careful when you _ _ the road.5. 你必须在下一站下车。You must _ _ at the next stop.2三、根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。1. You can see many famous _(油画) in the gallery.2. Alice likes her _(旅行) of China.3. The plane is flying _(在上方) the sea.4. There are two _(桥) in my hometown now.5. How many _(教堂) are there in your city?参考答案一、 1. A B B D C二、1. opposite 2. is famous for 3. finish reading 4. go across 5. get off三、 1. paintings 2. tour 3. above 4. bridges 5. churches


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