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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1冒烟,吸烟v.烟n._ 2田野,场地n._ 3举起,抬高v._ 4很坏的,讨厌的adj._ 5诗,韵文n._ 6感到遗憾,懊悔v._ 7机会,可能性n._ 8安全,安全性 n_ 9选择,挑选n._,smoke,field,lift,awful,poem,regret,chance,safety,choice,10支持v.& n_ 11完成,应付v._ 12出席,参加v._ 13困倦的,瞌睡的adj._ 14声音,噪音n._ 15医疗的,医学的adj._ 16阻止,阻挠v._,support,manage,attend,s

2、leepy,noise,medical,prevent,17精力,力量n._ 18敌人,仇人n._ 19收到,接受v._ 20. 目的,目标n._ 21. 位置,地方 n_ 22. 圆圈,圈出n. & v_,energy,enemy,receive,purpose,position,circle,词汇拓展 1safety _(adj.)安全的_(adv.)安全地 2badly_(adj.)严重的;差的 3educate _(n.)教育 4society _(adj.)社会的 5choice _(v.)选择 6value _(adj.)贵重的;很有用的 7noise _(adj.)噪杂的;喧闹的

3、_(adv.)噪杂地,safe,safely,bad,education,social,choose,valuable,nois,nosily,8policeman _(复数形式) 9wolf _(复数形式)狼 10sleep _(adj.)困倦的;瞌睡的 11express _(n.)表达 12medical _(n.)药 13enemy _(复数形式),policemen,wolves,go away,expression,medicine,enemies,重点短语 1回嘴,顶嘴 _ 2自己做决定_ 3挡的路,妨碍_ 4拍照_ 5对某人严格 _. 6关心,在意_ 7避免接近,远离_ 8跑掉

4、_,talk back,make ones own decision,get in the way of,take photos,be strict with sb,care about,keep.away from,run away,9阻止某人做某事_ 10离开_ 11在邻近地区_ 12不仅而且_ 13历史景点_ 14试图做某事_ 15一种_,prevent sb. from doing sth.,go away,in the neighborhood,not only.but also,historical places,try to do sth.,a kind of,重点句型 1我担心

5、你的安全。Im _ _ your safety. 216岁的青少年应该被允许穿耳孔。 Sixteenyearolds should be _ _ get their ears _. 3我认为他们就是想保护这些画。I think they just want to _ the _.,worried,about,allowed,to,pierced,protect,paintings,4当我是一个在田间奔跑的两岁孩童时,她确保着我的安全,让我避免危险。 When I was two running through the field, she _ _ I was safe and kept me

6、_ _. 5父母不应该对青少年太严厉。 Parents should not be too _ _ teenagers. 6但有时候这些可能妨碍他们的学业,并且父母可能担心他们在学校里的成绩。 But sometimes these can get _ _ _ _ their schoolwork, and parents might worry about their success at school.,made,sure,from,danger,strict,with,in,the,way,of,7它一定属于Carla。 It must _ _ Carla. 8他是野餐中唯一的小孩。 H

7、e was the only little kid _ _ _. 9昨天我参加了一场音乐会,因此它可能还在音乐厅里。 I _ _ _ yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.,belong,to,at,the,picnic,attended,a,concert,10巨石阵,一个石头圈,不仅是英国最著名的历史名胜之一,也是最神秘的地方之一。 Stonehenge,a rock circle, is _ _ one of Britains most famous historical places _ _ one of its greate

8、st mysteries.,not,only,but,also,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1regret v& n感到遗憾 【考点归纳】 regret的用法: (1)regret n. /pron. 意为“后悔,对表示歉意”。 The airline regrets any inconvenience.航空公司对所造成的任何不便表示歉意。,(2)regret that/what 从句,意为“后悔,遗憾”。 I have deeply regretted what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。 (3)regret to do意为“对感到遗憾”(事情没有做)。 We regret

9、to inform you that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未通过。 (4)regret ving 意为“后悔做了某事”(事情已经做过)。 He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.他非常懊悔提起那件事。 (5)regret作名词,意为“痛惜,懊悔,遗憾,失望”。 It is with great regret that I accept your resignation.接受你的辞呈,我感到非常遗憾。,2chance n机会;可能性 【考点归纳】chan

10、ce的用法: chance用作名词,意为“机会,机遇;可能性”。常见搭配有:by chance偶然;take ones chance碰运气;have a (good) chance to do sth.有(好)机会去做某事。 I dont get many chances to talk to her recently. 近来我不太有机会与她交谈。 I met him by chance. 我偶然遇到了他。 I havent had a chance to read my letter. 我还没有机会看我的信呢。,3prevent v阻止;阻挠 【考点归纳】prevent的用法: (1)pre

11、vent sth.阻止某事 These rules are intended to prevent accidents.这些规章旨在防止事故发生。 (2)prevent sb.(from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事 He prevented the boy from climbing the tree.他阻止了那个小男孩爬树。,二、中考重点短语 4get in the way 挡路;妨碍 【考点归纳】in the way意为“挡道的;妨碍人的”,常在句中作表语。 No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the wa

12、y.无疑他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。 【拓展】与way有关的短语: by the way 顺便说一下,in this way 以这种方式, on ones way (to) 在通往的路上。,三、中考重点句型 5Sixteenyearolds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.应该允许16岁的青少年打耳眼。 【考点归纳】get their ears pierced 意为“打耳眼”,此处,get是使役用法,相当于make或have,意为“使,让”。“get (have) 宾语过去分词”结构表示“让别人做了某事”,其中过去分词所表示的

13、是让别人做的,与句中的主语无关。 He got/had the watch repaired.他请人把表修好了。 When are you going to get your hair cut?你打算什么时候去理发?,6He should stop wearing that silly earring.他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。 【考点归纳】stop动词,表示“停止,阻止”。常用于下列结构: (1)stop doing sth.指的是停止正在做的事。 Why did he stop talking? 他为什么停止了讲话? (2)stop to do sth.指的是停下手头所做的事情,去做另一

14、件事。 He stopped to have a look at the boy.他停下来看了看那个男孩。,(3)stop sb.from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”。 We should stop him from throwing the rubbish everywhere.我们应该阻止他乱扔垃圾。 (4)cant stop doing sth.意为“忍不住做某事”。 I couldnt stop laughing when I heard it.听到那件事,我忍不住大笑起来。,7I hear water running in the bathroom.我听到浴室里水在流

15、淌。 【考点辨析】hear sb./sth. doing sth.与hear sb./sth. do sth.,I heard him singing when I walked past the shop. 我走过那家商店时,听见他正在唱歌。 I often hear her sing in the evening. 我经常听见她在晚上唱歌。,( )1.I really regretted_ my wallet at home. I had to walk home now. Aleaving Bleft Cleave Dto leave,A,( )2.What makes you so u

16、pset? I wanted to explain why I was late, but Mr. White didnt give me a(an)_ Away Bchance Cidea Dexcuse ( )3.You must prevent your brother _ too much time on the screen.Its bad for his health and eyes. Aspends Bspend Cspending Dto spend,B,C,( )4.I couldnt get through the door because there was a big

17、 box _. Aby the way Bon the way Cout of the way Din the way ( )5.When we saw the funny movie characters in the movie, we all couldnt stop_. Alaughed Blaugh Claughing Dto laugh,D,C,( )6.After you have the classroom _, youd better say thanks to him or her. Acleaning Bcleaned Cclean Dto clean ( )7.Who

18、can get this good chance? I think _ can get it if he can put his heart into it. Anone Banyone Csomeone Dno one,B,B,( )8.Lucy knows her brothers purpose is _ those homeless people. Ahelp Bhelping Chelped Dto help ( )9.If you want to stay healthy,you should _ junk food. Akeep in touch with Bcatch up w

19、ith Cfall in love with Dkeep away from,D,D,( )10.A strange thing happened _ her last night,so she is afraid to stay at home alone tonight. Aat Bfor Cwith Dto ( )11.Im really not sure when they will come.They _ come at about six oclock. Amay Bmust Cshould Dcant,D,A,( )12.He _ be a doctor.There is the

20、 name of the hospital on his sweater. Amight Bcan Cmust Dmay ( )13.Did Kate_your birthday party yesterday? No,she didnt.But she joined us for dinner. Aattend Bjoin Ctake part in Djoin in,C,C,( )14.Why didnt you_my help just now? I could do it all by myself. Areceive Baccept Ccheck Dbreak,B,中考真题汇编,(

21、)1.(2017安徽)Mum, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it? Im not sure. It_ be a present from your uncle. Aneed Bmust Cmay Dwill ( )2.(2017安徽)The New Silk Road will offer a good_ for more nations to communicate. Achance Bhabit Cquestion Dprice,C,A,( )3.(2015安徽)Do you have any plans for this Sunday? Im not

22、 sure.I _ go to the countryside to see my grandmother. Acan Bmust Cmay Dneed,C,( )1.(2018贵港)Children under 12 years old _ ride sharing bikes.Its too dangerous. Ashouldnt allow to Bshouldnt allow Cshouldnt be allowed to Dshouldnt be allowed ( )2.(2018益阳)If you are over 18 years old, you_to drive a ca

23、r in our country. Acan allow Bcant allow Ccan be allowed,C,C,( )3.(2018河南) Are you going to the cinema tonight? I dont know.I_go or I_stay at home. Awill; will Bmust; must Cshould; should Dmight; might ( )4.(2018十堰)I went to Wount Mudang with my five friends in one small car last weekend. Oh, my God

24、! I think it _ be an uncomfortable trip. Amust Bcant Cmay Dshouldnt,D,A,( )5.(2018安顺)Look! The man welcoming us at the school gate _ be our headmaster. No, it _ be him.He is having a meeting in the office now. Amust; cant Bmust; mustnt Ccant; mustnt Dmustnt; can ( )6.(2018苏州) She _ be slow, but at l

25、east she doesnt make stupid mistakes. Aneednt Bmay Ccant Dshall,A,B,( )7.(2018黔南)Please stop_and go out for a walk. Remember_ warm clothes. Ato study; wearing Bstudying; to wear Cto study; to wear Dstudying; wearing ( )8.(2018苏州)The boy has been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his _. Aattention Bsafety Caction Dgrowth,B,B,( )9.(2018武威)_pencil is this,Toms or Henrys? AWhat BWhen CWho DWhose ( )10.(2018新疆)I think my English teacher is nice. _.She can make her classes interesting. AIm not sure BIm afraid not CI dont think so DI think so,D,D,

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