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1、IIII/,.,MIL-C-81302016 April 1985SUPERSEDINGMIL-C-81302C7 Aprtl 1981MILITARY SPECIFICATIONCLEANING COMPOUNO, SOLVENT, TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANEThis specification is approved for use by all Departments andAgencies of the Department of Defense.1“ 1. SCOPEI I.1 IMethods of TestingSampling Procedures and

2、 Tables for Inspection byAttributesMarking for Shipment and Storage(Copies of specifications, standards, handbcoks, drawings, and publicationsrequired by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functionsshould be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by thecontracting o

3、fficer.)2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. Thefollowing other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a partof this specification to the extent specified herein.COOE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSCFR, Title 49 - TransportationCFR, Title 29 1910.1200 - Hazard Communic

4、ation Standard(Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent ofDocuments, Government Printing Office, Washington, OC 20402.)2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein. The issues of the documentswhich are indicat

5、ed as 000 adopted shail be the issue listed in the currentDoDISS and the supplement thereto, if applicable.AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYReagent Chemicals, A.C.S. Grade(Application for A.C.S. publication should be addressed to the AmericanChemical Society, li55 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 2003

6、6).2IIIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIIIIIILAMERICAN SOCIETYFOR TESTINGMIL-C-813020ANO MATERIALS (ASTM)aASTM O 270ASTM O 3951ANSI/ASTM O 3443 -ANSIIASTM D 3444 -“ ANSI/ASTM O 3445 -ANSI/ASTM D 3446 -ANSI/ASTM D 3447 -ANSI/ASTM F 30

7、2 -Sampllng Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsPackaging, CommercialChloride in TrfchlorotrifluoroethaneTotal Acid Number of TrichlorotrifluoroethaneNonvolatile Matter in TrichlorotrifluoroethaneHater Content of Trichlorotrifluoroethane withKarl Fischer ReagentPurity of TrjchlorotrifluoroethaneField Sa

8、mpling of Aerospace Fluids in Containers(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society forTesting and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA I9103).AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTEANSI Z 129.1 - Precautionary Labeling of Hazardous IndustrialChemicals(Application for

9、copies should be addressed to the American NationalStandards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018)NATIONAL MOTOR FREIGHT TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION, INC., AGENTNational Motor Freight Classlflcation Rulesa71 (Application for copies should be addressed to the National Motor FreightTraffic Assoc

10、iation, Tariff Department, 616 P Street, N.Ii.Washington, DC20036)UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE, AGENTUniform Freight Classification Rules(Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform ClassificationCommittee, Rcnm 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606).2.2. I Order of Pr

11、ecedence. In the event of a conflict between the textof this specification and the references ctted herein, the text of thisspecification shail take precedence.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Material. The material covered by thjs specificationshall be 1, 1,-trichloro 1, 2, 2 -trifluoroethane.3.2 Chemical and ph

12、ysical properties. The solvent shall conform to therequirements of table I and 3.3 through 3.5 when tested as specified in Leakage (Type 11A only). iJhentested as speciffed in 4.4.8, thepressurized container shall not leak nor become distorted.a71 32IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

13、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-81302D3.4 Welqht (Type 11A only). When tested as specified in 4.4.9, thecontent of the pressurized container shall weigh not less than 13 ounces(avoirdupois) for the 16 ounce Type 11A container and 9 ounces (avoirdupois)for the 12 ounce

14、Type 11A container.3.5 Content (Type 11A only). When tested as specified in 4.4.10, thefilled pressurized can shall contain a minimum of 12 ounces (by weight) forthe 16 ounce Type 11A container and 8 ounces (by weight) for the 12 ounce Type11A container of solvent and the remainder shall be carbon d

15、ioxide. Theamount of carbon dioxide propellant shall be adequate to expel all the solvent.3.6 Material Safety Data Sheets. A Material Safety Data Sheet shall beprepared and submitted in accordance with FED-STD-313. Questions pertinent tothe effect of trichorotrifluoroethane on the health of personne

16、l when usedfor its intended purpose shall be referred by the acquiring activity to theappropriate medical service who will act as adviser to the acquiring activity(see 4.5 and 6.2(g).3.7 Workmanship. I/henexamined visually, the solvent shall be a clearcolorless liquid.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS

17、4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in thecontract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspectionrequirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in thecontract, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable forthe perf

18、ormance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unlessdisapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to performany of the inspections set forth in this specification where such inspectionsare deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribedrequirement

19、s.4.1.1 Test facilities. 14henspecified by the acquiring activity,detailed test procedures, schematic diagrams of the test setups and a list oftest equipment to be used shall be retained by the contractor and madeavailable to the acquiring activity for approval prior to use.4.2 Test conditions. Unle

20、ss otherwise specified, all inspections shallbe performed in accordance with the applicable paragraph herein.4.3 Classification of inspections. The inspections specified herein areclassified as follows:(a) Quality conformance inspection (normal) (see 4.3.1)(b) Quality conformance inspection (special

21、) (see 4.3.2)4.3.1 Quality conformance inspection. The quality conformance inspectionshall consist of the tests and examinations in 4.3.4 through 4.3.8 and thetests specified in tabie Special inspection (types I and II). Nhen specified (see 6.2), aspecial inspection shall be performed by th

22、e procuring activity at themanufacturers or other designated facility. Nhen such an inspection isperformed, the results shall constitute acceptance or rejection, voiding thenormal quality conformance inspections. Under normal inspection conditions,4a71Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

23、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Isamples for4.3.4.1 andMIL-C-813020this special Inspection shall be selected in accordance with4.3.8. However. the acguiring activity reserves the right toa71 of thesolvent.establish the sample size at any level deemed necessary to assure the quality

24、4.3.3 Lot formation. Packaed lot. A packaged lot shall consist of the total numberof containers of the same size and construction that have been filled withsolvent produced by one manufacturer, at one plant, from the same materials,and under essentially the same conditions provided the operat

25、ion is continuousand does not exceed a 24-hour period. In the event the process is a batchoperation, each batch shall constitute a lot (see 6.3). Bulk lot. A bulk lot shall be an indefinite quantity of solventproduced in accordance with and limited to one container.4.3.4 Sampling for

26、tests. Packaged lot. Containers of types I and 11 solvents shall beselected in accordance with ANSI/ASTM F 302. One liter of solvent shall bewithdrawn from each container for the performance of the tests specified intable I. Tvne I solvent shall be samgled under clean room conditions. If oneE

27、ach determinationtests in 4.4.8of the tests in tablecleanest conditionsI or more properties fail to meet the requirement, the lot represented by theI sample shail be rejected. The sample unit shall be one container. For type11A solvent, 15 containers shall be selected at random and tested as aI comp

28、osite sample for the properties listed in table 11.I shall be in duplicate and average results reported. Thethrough 4.4.10 shall be performed prior to the remainder a71 Bulk lot. Samples shall be taken under thepossible after the container has been filled. When the container is equippedwi

29、th a pumping system that will completely recirculate its contents within onehour, take samples at intervals of one and two hours after initiation ofrecirculation. Hhen the content cannot be thoroughly circulated, threesamples representing the top, middle and bottom sections respectively of thecontai

30、ner shall be drawn in accordance with ASTM O 270. The samples shall betested for the requirements specified in table II. Nonconformance of one ormore characteristics to any requirements of a sample unit shall be cause forrejection of the lot represented by the sample.4.3.5 Visual examination of the

31、end item. The sample unit for thisexamination shall be one filled unit contaner. The content shall be examinedfor the defects listed in table IV. The sample size shall be in accordancewith table III. Any evidence of nonconformance shall be cause for rejection,.ofthe lot. .,4.3.6 Net content packaged

32、 lot. The determination shall be applicableonly to types I and 11 packaged lots. The sample unit for this examinationshall be one filled unit container. The sample size shall be as specified intable V. The lot shall be unacceptable if the average net content perI container for all units examined is

33、less than specified.5IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-8130204.3.7 Bulk lot content. The contatner shall be examined for conformanceto If the quantity of solvent is less than the quantity specified bythe acquiring activi

34、ty (see 6.2), the lot shall be rejected.4.3.8 Examination of packaginq and marking. An examination shall be madeto determine that packaging, packing and marking comply with the requirementsof Section 5 of this specification. Defects shall be scored in accordancewith table VI. The sample unit for thi

35、s examination shall be one shlpplngcontainer fully prepared for deltvery except that it shall not be palletizedand need not be sealed. Shipping containers fully prepared for delivery thathave not been palletized shall be examined for defects of closure. The lotsize shall be the number of shlppfng co

36、ntainers in the end item inspectionlot. The samples for this examination shall be selected at random inaccordance with MIL-STD-105, inspection level S-2 and acceptable quality level(AQL) 4.D defects per hundred units.4.3.9 Examination for palletization. An examination shall be made todetermine that

37、palletization complies with the requirements of Section 5 ofthis specification. Defects shall be scored in accordance with table VII.The sample unit shall be one palletized unit load fully prepared fordelivery. The lot size shall be the number of palletized unit loads in theend item inspection lot.

38、The samples for this examination shall be selectedat random in accordance with MIL-STD-105, inspection level S-1 and acceptablequality level (AQL) 6.5 defects per hundred units.4.4 Test methods.4.4.I Boilinq point. Add 250 ml of solvent to a clean, dry T 24/40”Joint, 500-ml round bottom flask contai

39、ning three boiling chips. Assemble theaPParatus as shown in figure 1, using polytetrafluoroethylene sleeves at eachground glass joint. (NOTE: Oo not use lubricants to seal the ground glassjoints.) Position the calibrated JL-3 thermometer tip 0.5 inch above thesurface of the liquid. Adjust the water

40、flow through the condenser. Wrapglass wool around the exposed portion of the flask, leaving a small opening inthe glass wool so that the thermometer bulb can be observed. Seat the flaskn an electric heating mantle and adjust the heat rate so that a reflux rateof approximately two drops per second is

41、 maintained at the thernnmeter bulb.Allow the solvent to reflux at equilibrium in a draft-free area for 30 minutesprior to recording the boiltng point temperature and the barometric pressore(see 6.4). (NOTE: The barometer shall be located in the same room and within3 feet of the boiling point appara

42、tus. Correct the boiling point forbarometric pressure using the graph in figure 2.)4.4.2 Purity. The purity of the solvent shali be determined inaccordance with ANSI/ASTM D 3447.4.4.3 Moisture content. The moisture content of the solvent shaldetermined in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D 3446.be4.4.4 Chl

43、oride ion. The chloride ion content of the solvent shal bedetermined in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D 3443.shall be determined in4.4.5 Acid number. The acid number of the solvenaccordance with ANSI/ASTi4O 3444.6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from I

44、HS-,-,-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIL-C-81302D4.4.6 Residue. The residue shall be determined !n accordance withANSI/ASTM D 3445.The sample shall be collected in clean room conditions. -a71 4.4.7 Particulate matter. Particulate matter shall be determined inaccordance with Method 3009 of FED-STD-791, exc

45、ept that a 500 ml portion ofeach sample shall be subjected to the test. The following precautions shallbe observed:CAUTION: Never strike the membrane filter disc with a stream of thetest or rinse solvents.CAUTION: Use forceps with underrated tips to handle the membranefilter discs.4.4.8 Leakage. Usi

46、ng a filled pressurized can, spray the solvent forthree seconds and pause for two seconds. Repeat this operation five times.The can shall then be submerged completely n a saturated sodium chloride orbrine soluton maintained at 54C I“C (130 2 2“F). Let the canremain for five minutes, The emission of

47、bubbles shall indicate leakage. Atthe end of five minutes, remove the can from the water and examine it forevidence of distortion. Invert the can and submerge for an additional threeminutes to check for leakage.4.4.9 Height. Weigh the filled pressurized can to the nearest O.Olg.Spray the content for

48、 3 minutes and pause for one minute. Again, spray for 3minutes and pause for one minute. Repeat the cycle until there is no evidenceof spray formation. Puncture a hole in the can and empty it completely.Idelghthe empty can to the nearest O.OIg. Calculate the weght of the contenta71 by subtracting th

49、e weight of the empty can from the weight of the full can.4.4.10 Content. Accurately weigh the flled can to the nearest the can for a minimum of 24 hours in a cold box maintained at -23DC II“C (-lOF Z“F). Remove the sample and puncture a small hole in thetop of the can. Allow the temperature of the sample to rise gradually untilit reaches room temperature. Weigh the remainder (can plus solvent) to thenearest O.Olg. The can shall then be emptied and weighe


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