1、MIL-C-81774AAMENDMENT 111 December 1976MILITARY SPECIFICATION,. -CONTROL PANEL, AIRCIUiFT,GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FORThts amendment forms a part of Milttary SpecificationMIL-C-81774A, dated 23 March 1973, and is mandatoryfor use by all Departments and Agencies of the Departmentof Defense. Page 3Under p
2、amgph headed “MiUt+my” delete “MIL-STD-783 Nomenc tature aidAbbreviations in Aircrew Stations”.Page 23.,.Paragraph” Counters/Segmentedcharacter diays. Io line 2delete “of these displays” and insert “of the letters and numerals of thedispbiys”.Delete the” following paragraphs entirely: “3. 9.
3、4.2.1 letter width” and113. Stroke width”.Paragraph 3.” Multidrum counters. Delete the entire paragraph andinsert the foilowing hew paragraph:1;3.9.4. 2.1 Multidigit counters - If a counter displays parametervalues that change rapidly, the number of significant digttswill beequivalent
4、to the resolution of the system and the least significant digttswill be fixed zeros in order to e ltn&te distractions “caused by osci Uationsor by m+pidfivement of the counter.indicated”,. “Paragraph Rate of change.the following new paragraph:Decimal values shall be clearlyDelete the entir
5、e paragraph and insert. Rate of change - Numbers on the display shall followeach other no faster than two per second when the observer is expected toread the numbers consecutive ly!.mProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page 87P
6、aragraph Delete 1Letter widt h“ and insert “MUltidigit counters”.paragraph Delete “Stroke width” and insert “Rate of change”.Delete paragraphs “3.9.4. 2.3 Multidrum counters” and “3.9.4. 2.4 Rate of Change”.SPECIFICATION ANALYSIS SHEET ,Change. addrees as follows:“Commander Naval Air stems CommandAtiN: AIR-5313Washington, D. C. 20360” .custodians : Prepsrtng activity:Army - AV Navy - ASNavy - ASAir Fome -11 Project No. 1680-0433.:$., :.:, ,page 2 of 2 pageeProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-