1、.-3 -9,;”“.+.?,-”IThis1. SCOPE1.1MILITARY SPECIFICATIONCONTROL PANEL, AIRCRAFT,GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FORMIL-C-81774A23 lfarrh 1973SUFESSEOIXllIL-c-81774s)1 July 1970spaclfication is approved for use by all Dapartmmtsand Agenciee of tha Department of Dafenee.purpose - This specification covers the gen
2、eral requirementsfor control panels for aircrew stations in military aircraft. The term “aircraft“i.mntrolpanel” as used herein includes the backing plate, the lighted panel,fasteners, markings, ffnish, nomenclature, controls, control guards, amldisplays.1.2 Application - l%is specification delineat
3、es documents forthe design of control panels; establishes display and control selectfon, utilizationand arrangement; end provfdes for verification data of these requirements2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following documents, of the fesue fn effect on date offnvttation for bide or request for proposa
4、l, form a part of thfe specificationto the extent specified herein.SPECIFICATIONSMilitaryMIL-S-3950 , Swftches, ToggleMIL-D-5480 Data, Engfneerfng and Technical,Reprocfuctfon Requfremente forMIL-S-5594 Swftch, Toggle, Electrically TrippableMIL-C-6781 Control Panel, Aircraft Equipment, Rack orConsole
5、 MountedMIL-E-7080 Electric Equipment, Aircraft, Selectionand Installation of-,II. Fsc 1680 - ._.-_Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPECIFICATIONSMilitary (Continued)I MIL-G-7703MIL-P-7788I MIL-D-851O MIL-I-8700MIL-H-881OMIL-C-14806MIL
6、-M-18012MIL-S-22885MIL-S-24317MIL-K-25049MIL-C-25050MIL-S-3S039MIL- however,differences in design shall be limited to changes required by reach, manipula-tion and visibility. All markings, legends, and displays shall be visible andlegible to the operator under the range of ambient illumination condi
7、tions fnthe operational environment. The surtice (touch) temperature of all displays,pushbuttons, knobs, etc. that the crew members operate shall conform to therequirements of MIL-STD-454.3. 1.1 Approval - The design (as represented by the data package(3. 2) shall be reviewed and approved hy the hum
8、an factors and engineeringpersonnel of the procuring agency. Only the approved design shall be fabricatedfor aircraft use.3.2 R.,.:17Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-LifL-C-81774Athe knob to provide a gmeping su.face for tumfng. A pull
9、-to-turn knob shallbe knurled.3.8.10 Thumhwheel selectors. discrete - Thumbwheel controle-Y be wed when the function reqree a compact digital fnput device. Thedbnensione for these controle are epecifled to Table IL3.8.10.1 Number of positions - Discrete rotary thurnbwbeel selectorsshall have no mom
10、than 10 positions (O-9).3.8. 10; 2 Thuxnbwheel ehape - The digtta or legends on the drum partof the thnyibwheel shall be in ltne with the raised control tip of the thnmbwheelso that the control tip center line ie perpendicular to the panel sufice when anydigtt or legend is betng read. Thumbwheels sh
11、all not be capable of betngstopped between digits or legends.3.8.11 Continuous rotary control knobs - Conthmoue rotary knobsshall be eelected for control functions requiring manual adjustment over a rangeof values. Knobe shall be deeigned to the requirements of MIL-K-25049 and aespecified herein.3.8
12、.11.1 Shspe - For adjustments where more then one full turn is m)required, a round knob shell be need. For adjustment of less than one full turn,and where the radial position of the knob is not a source of information, othershapes may be used to increase discrimination. Controls having more than 360
13、degreee of rotation (Type A) shall be distinguishable from thoee having lese than360 degrees of rotation (Type B). See Figure 5.3. 8.11.2 Knob skirte - A knob ekirt with a potnter or a slotted sktrtOISyhe used to indicate the rridial position of the knob. The pointer or slot shallbe visible from the
14、 design eye position defined in MIL-STD-1333 for any pointerpmition. All knobs or knob skirte with imlices ehall be illuminated in accord- 1ante with the requtremente of MIL- P-7788.3.8. 11.3 Concentric knobe - Concentrically stacked knobs may beused for related fnnctione. The rotation of one knob s
15、hall not affect tbe settfngof the other.3. 8.11.4 Knobe incorporate ng a switch position - If the continuouscontrol incorporates a discrete function, the radtal position of the knob shall be16 -,+ :1 II -.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,
16、-,-.,. - “ .-. .”91,9ivllL-b-OK-linmarked and indexed with the panel Iabcd in the detent position. The force toovercome the detent position shall not exceed 12 inch-ounces but shall be atleast twice the continuous reeistzmce. The starting position or OFF pckitionshatl be at the extreme counter-clock
17、wise poeition.3.8.12 Continuous rotary thumbwheels - Thumbwheels may beselected for continuously varfable control functions to coneeme panel epace. = - ThumbwheeIs ehafl be round with sermted edges.38. 12.2 Dimension - Thumbwheel dtmeneione are given fn Table II.3.8.13 -s- .3.8. 13.1 Levere
18、for finger opemtion - Levers for finger opexationshall meet tbe following requi remente. Limb SUpport - When levere for finger movement are usedto make fine or continuous adjnstmenta, arm euppert efmll be provided. - If a epherical handle is provtded, the diameter shellbe greater
19、 then 0.5 inch end shall not =ceed 0.75 inch. K a cylindrical handleis used (cylinder encircled by thumb and fingers), the cylinder shall be 0.375 inchmtnimurn and O.50 fnch maxfmum. Resistance - Nnger opemtton resistance shall be 32 ouncesminimum and 60 ounces maximum. fiand contr
20、ollers - Levers deeigned for hand control shallbe accordance with IwfL-H-8810 and shall meet the folfowfng requirements. Limb eupport - When hand control levere are used to makefine adjuetmente involvfng emsll hand movements, arm support shall be pro-vided. - The hand-grip of a c
21、ontroller may be either round oroval in crose-section. The diameter or major axte shall he 0.75 incbmfnimumand 1.50 inches maximum. The length of the lever should be at least 3.75 inches.3.8. 13.2,3 Resistance - Minimum resistance for a hand-controlled leveris two pounds. Maximum allowable resistanc
22、e depende upen actuation sensitivitypjacenlent and direction of control movement. Fore-aft movement: 10 inchee19 -.,. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-81774A.Ia71 1forward of Neutral Seat Reference Point (NSRP) -30 pounds; 16-2
23、4 inchesforward of NSRP -50 pounds. I.ateral movement: IO-19 inchee forward ofNSRP -20 p0UUd8.3.9 Dieplays - Selection and application of displays for thecontrol panel ehall be baeed on the dieplay requirements enalyaie and theperformance requirements of MIL-H-46855 and ehall be in accordance withth
24、e criterta of MIL-STD-1472. In the eelection and application of displaycomponents, consideration shall be given to the wie capabiltttee ad limits- -1.tions of the operator and to the operational environment in wbtch the dieplayewill be used.3.9.1 Information - Tbe limits, epecifici and, accuracy, fo
25、rm,redundant y, and combining of information ehall be as followe:(a)(M(c)(d)(e)The information dieplayed to an operator eball belimited to that information neceeeary for tie operatorto perform the epeciftc actions or make tbe requtreddecieions.The information shall be however, care shell also be t d
26、ownie the direction from head to foot. Right is the direction from the operatorsmidline toward his rtght band. L for controls installed in26 I1 :,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I:,1“j.I “.I1MIC-81774A ,rotary-wing aircraft, MfI.=STD
27、-250 shall apply. For controls not treated in theabove, the fokwing shall apply. Diec release: OFF.Holding or reset function actuation shell be depress: ON; release: no change;depress: OFF; release; no change. Momentary pushbuttons shall be discrimtnablefrom holding pushbuttons.
28、Positive indication - Positive indications of control actuation(momentary and continuous), shall he provided, e. g., snap feel, integral lighting,visible displacement or eimple indicator. Multlsfation pushbuttons - A multistation pushbutton in-corporates *O or more pushbuttons tn a single
29、 frame. Either lockfng or inter-leeldng features or both eball be incorporated in multistation pushbuttons toassure error-free operation. Locking or interlocking actuation shall be basedon functional requirements of the system. The type of lock or interlock &dshall be selected from those described i
30、n MIPS-24317. One pushbutton stationin a multistation switch shall always be in a down or active position with itsassociated circuitry activated. Depressing any other pushbutton station shall notcause deactuation of activated. circuitry until the pushbutton station befng depressedis positively commi
31、tted to activating ite associated circuitry.: Interacting pushbutton stations - H two panels contain thesame functions controlled by multistation pushbuttons, the pushbuttons on eachel shall fnteract to present the same indication of actuation. Panels withinteracting puehbuons shall indic
32、ate which crew station has control. Provisionto lock out one set of pushbuttons may be made upon approval of the procuringagency. ff lock-out of one panel is provided, the lock-out mafe eball be dleplayedon both panels.3.11.13 Arrang ement of markings - Orientation - Nomenclature shall be o
33、riented left to rightwith respect tn the operator except for the title which will be arrtmged top tobottom. LaCation - Nomenclature for controls shall be arranged asindicated in Figure 3. Nomenclature shall not be dbacured by controls whenviewed from the operating position. ,.a71)- “.,I128.
34、, ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIIMI C-8177U3.11.13.3 Control position nomenclature arrange ment - Nomenclature. .which indicate control position shall be placed to relate clearly the position to thecontrol. At leaet O.375 inoh sh
35、all separate control position labels from adjacentcontrol markings.3.12 - Coding shall be used to facilitate identification,enhance discrimination and mfnfmize error with respect to the location of panels,legibility of dieplays, and operation of controls within the full range of opera-tional and env
36、ironmental conditions. In a new aircraft design, ceding methodologyshall be established for the complete crew station end applied to individual panele.3.12.1 Special coding applications - Where advantages are to hegained in terms of human performance, the contractor shall recommend specialapplicatio
37、ns of ceding pficiples to tie procuring agency. Approval for specialcoding methods may be obtained in accofiance with the procedures establishedby of this specification.4. QUALITY ASSUR4NCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection - Unlese otherwise specified0)fn the contract or purchase
38、order, the supplier is responsible for the performanceof all inspection requirements as spectfied herein. Except as otherwise specifiedin the contract or order, tie eupplfer may use his own or any other facflittessuttable for the perfomna.nce of the inepedon requirement epeoified herein,unless dieap
39、proved by the Gwernment. The Govement reserves the right toperform any of the tnepections eet forth in the specification where such inspectionsare deemed necessary to assure supplies and cervices conform to prescribed re-quirements. When required, the supplier wtll provide the Government with testda
40、te.4.2 Inspection end teeting requirements - The. methods by whichepecitication compliance will be determined are listed for each requirement inthe specification. The metheds are: component testing, inspection, mock-upreview, demonstration, end data review. The contractor shall present evidencethat
41、the required compliance has been achieved in the design. The records ofthe tests, tnspectione, end reviews eball be available for inspection by the pro-curing agency. The teetlog and inspection performed under this specificationshall not duplicate but, as necessary, shsll be fn addition to the teats
42、 and in-spections performed against other contract requirements.29.+ . .- - _. . . . -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-81774AThe Inspection and Teeting Requirements List is coded to indicate one of thecategories defied belowCT Co
43、mponent te8tiUg - All components used in the air-craft control panel shall be teeted in accorckuice withthe applicable military or contractor specification.Contractor specifications must be approved by theprocuring agency Pllo? to testing,I Inspection - Inspection includes the visual inspectionof th
44、e panel end measurements of dfmeneions. Theinspection shall also be performed on tbe film negatfveor film positive, which ebrdl be a true copy of thepanel.1“DDRM Mock-up revtew - T%review ie an hi33ctton Of a three-dimenefoml mmk-up of the panel defdgn and “dl controls,dteplays, swltdme, ewitch guar
45、ds, and markings onthe panel. The panel will be viewed with the designeye relationship as specified to determtne the legibilityand visibility of all markInge and legends, the control-dlsplay pcsitton relatbnehipe, and the adequacy of thepanel layout and arrangement.Demonstration - A demonetratlon sh
46、all establish that thepanel or component can perform the functions for whtchit was designed when installed on an aircraft andoperated by approved procedures. When requested, .alighting mock-up review skill be%onduct%d to demonstratethat the lighting provides suitable vielbilt and legibilityunder the levels of illmnlnatIon specified.Review of data - Thte category includes revtew endapproval by the procuring agency of the data eubmittedin reepcnse to the requtremente of 3.2.90Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-