1、. . . -1.,/ MIL-G-21569B(SBIPS)5 February 1965sUPERSEDINGM2L-G-21569A(SB2PS)8 November 1961,.(Se Cartxm Blacic G=kets0 1390- Method of Tesr for Stress Reiaxxion of vdcized Rubber in CompressionCopies may be obiaincd rem the American Society for Testimg Mteriis, 19 i6 Race Street,Phif adclphia 3, Pt.
2、 ) IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .,-$MIL-G-21569B(SHXPS)I(Tecbzdcaf society and technicaf association specfficmfons and standards are generafIy avafktble forreference from Iibraries. They are atso tistribubsd among tecbotcal grou
3、ps and using Federal agencies. )3. REQUIREMENTS Y “3.1 Preproductlon sample. - “Prior to beginning production samples shaf3 be testf.d as specflied in 4.2(see 6. 3).3.2 Mat.+a.f.- T%e rubber mafei+a3 used in the gaskets shafl be as follows:3.2.1 lSS I.- A compound utifizing a copolymer of bufadiene
4、and acrylonftrfle as a tiic maiefial.3.2.2 U.- A compound uftftzimg elastomeric polyslmxanes as a tiic materkaI.3.3 Form. - The gaskets shall be furnished Im the form and dlmensiom spedfied (see 6. 2).3.4 Properties of rubber. - Tbe rubber tn tbe gaskets shaft conform to the requirements speclfledin
5、 fable I.Table I . Physiuf requirements of rubber.Testfnitlaf properties: CIa.ss I class II ProcedureTensile strength, Psi, mfniUIUmUlfimtie elongation, percent, minimumSardnes, durometer paintsPr.aperttes after oven agfnTensile strength, percent of fnifh.f, mfnttnumHot compression act, w rcent, max
6、imumProperties after wafer immersion:Tenaf2e strength, percent of bdfia.f, rntnimumVolume change, percent (no shrinkage aitowed)Pmperffes after oi2 lmmeratOu-Ten6fle strength, percent of initial, minimumVolume ctmnge, percent (no shrfnkage U130ved)Compression stress rekuatfon, (Cktngs onl).fnitial b
7、ack load. pounds, minfmumStress rela.ufion, percenb maxfmum180025065 + 10755015Ofozo75Otolo507050Q12065 + 10755065ofn15500 to 1540604. =.- G=kets shall be marked with the class number, using a SUltiIJle permaent markingmaterial or in the case o
8、f individual one-item packagtng, the marldng may be put on the package.3.6 Workmanship. - TIM workmanship shali he in acmrdancc with goad commercial practice for thistype at commodity. DefecL+ sN1 be evaluated as specified in 4-4.4. QUA3JTY ASSURANCE Provisions4.1 Resucmsihility Ior inspection. - Ur
9、dess othemfise specified in the contract or purchase order, thesupplier is responsible for the performance of all inspecifon requirements = specified herein. Except asothemvise specified, the supplier may utilize his own fzcillties or any commercial laboratory o.cccptable 10the Government. The Gover
10、nment reserves the rkht to perform my of the inspections set forth in thespecification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services. amform toprescribed requirements.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-III
11、/“ .MIL-G-21569B(SSUPS)4.2 Prenroduction inspection. - Preprodumion inspection shall consist of the examination and testsspecified m 4.4 and 4.8. The CO”LriICWr shall not proceed with the pmductton under the concrict or orderwithout written apprwaI of the pteproductlon test results by the procuring
12、actlv2fy. Preprafuctfon testsare not required U the material was previously supptied under contract and subject at that Nme to pre -twoductton testirm and found to conform to thfs snectflcation, tmovided no chanqee have been made In prc. -ucttm technique or materials since such tests: .74.3 SamuUng.
13、-4.3.1 t. - AH gaskets of the same size and chss and prod3i1 .22344.3.3 Sampling for tests Sample gaskets shall be taken M iandom from each lot thzt passes theexamtmxion of 4.4. in suiflcient auantitv to conduci the production check tests or mmlih conform=cetests speci ied in 4“.5 and 4.6, that offi
14、berboard hOXeS shall not exceed the welghf Iimlttiions of the applicable box spectflcailam Unit bcr.ces con-forming to weather res2.stant class of PPP-B-636, clm seated and banded x specified herein, and used wthe shipping container need not be overpackecf.5.2. 1.2.2 QQ. - MateriaI pack2ged u S.pecf
15、lied (see 6-2), shail be packed fn domestic typewood cleated fiberboard, nailed wood, wirebound wood, cteated plywood or wood cleated yencer paperoverlaid boxes or weather-resistit ctass fiberboard boxes conforming to PPP-B-591, PPP-B-621,PPP-B-585, PPP-B-601, PPP-B-576, class I or PPP-B-636, respec
16、tively, attheoption of tbe contractor.Box cfosure shatl be as specified in the applicable box spectflcation or appmdfx thereto except strapping offiber fxnrd bOxeS conforming to weather-resistant class of PPP-B-636 wili nOLbe required. The grossweight of WGUCIor wood clezted boxes shall not exceed 2
17、00 pounds: thaf of fiberboard boxes shail not exceedihe weight limitations oi the appiicabte tax specification. Unit fiberboard boxes conforming to PPP - B-636,chased as specfIled herein, and used u the shipping container need “ot be overpacked. . .6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne
18、tworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I M3L-G-21569B(SHSPS)5.2. 1.3 M- In additton to any speclaf marldng required (see 3.5 and 6. 2), interior packagesand exterior stdppins containers shalt be marked in accordance with MsL-STD - 129 and with the date cured.6. NOTES .-/”6.1 fntended use. -
19、 The gaskets covered by tid5specUicatta” sre intended for use as seals for thecyunder Uners in diesel engtnss.6.2 330-N064SHl.IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.MIL-G-21569B(SPS).7”Fi!wre 1 - Test specimen or load relXx2.Lion tests.Pro
20、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I;IIII/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;=ANDARD12ATIoN oocuMEwr IMPROVEMEW PROPOSALI.See IIwmctiom Rewrse Side)DOCUMENT NUM6ER 2 OOCIJMENT TITLEINAME OF suBMI171N0 0nCANIZA710NAOORESWS-C. Clq. slam. n? C*JPSOBLEM AREAS.
21、PwmmOh Numb sod Wc.rdl”g.TYPE OF ORGAN1UTION (M* O.U) ,a75VENDORa75 USE Rh -nlNldOd W.rao.g :.c. 1+-m. tiwul. for RROn-,-.timl:3EMARKS.,. . .NAME OF 5USMITTER al. Flint. Mr) - OrI,lond b. WORK TE LEPHONG N“MBE R (/.1”.+8 A-acode, -0.,10 0w.o LING ADORE% ,S,=.1. City. SIE,. ZIP L.-1 -00,00”.0 8. DATE OF SU8MISS1ON (r Y.WMDDJProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-