NAVY MIL-I-22027-1959 IGNITER JET ENGINE MK 243 MOD 2《MK 243 MOD 2型喷气发动机点火器》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-I-22027-1959 IGNITER JET ENGINE MK 243 MOD 2《MK 243 MOD 2型喷气发动机点火器》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-I-22027-1959 IGNITER JET ENGINE MK 243 MOD 2《MK 243 MOD 2型喷气发动机点火器》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-1-22027 13 W 7977906 0301901 3 W Y, - / 7 ML 1-22 027 (Nord) MILITARY SPEGIFIGATION IGNITER, JET ENGINE, MK 243 MOD 2 1. SCOPE 1,l This specification governs the manufacture, assembly and preparation for delivery of the Igniter9 Jet Ehgine Mk 243 Mod 2 and methods of inspection and tests upon wh

2、ich product acceptance I will be based, 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification: SPECIFICATIONS Federal PPP-T-60 Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Waterproof for Packaging and. Sealing PPP-B-566 Box

3、es, Folding, Paperboard PPP-B- 62 1 Boxea; W00d, Nailed and Lockcorner PPP-B- 636 Boxes; Fiber PPP-B-67 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22027 13 7777706 0301702 5 Military MIL-P-116 MIL-Bol31 STANDARDS Military MIL-STD-105 MIL

4、-STD-129 MIL-STDo356 MIL-STD-351 i MIL-STD-352 MIL- STD- 354 DRAWINGS Bureau of OrdLnaiio.e LD 282366 Preservation, Methode of Barrier Material; Waiter Vaporproof, Flexible Sampling Proeedurea and Tables for Marking f0.r Shipment and Storage Jolt Test for u8e in Production of Jumble Test for ube in

5、Production Forty (40) Foot Drop Teat for use Teqer-eituize md Humidity Test for Iniupsstloar .by Attributes Fuzes of Fuzes in Produstiow of Fuses We in Prod.uction of Fuzee and all drawingsi, s-andarcis ad specifica$iswa listed on the above LD, (Copies of specifications, fn 4,3 o 1 Coqsaaents The Go

6、vemnt iiiqectcar shall acertain that prior t assembly all oonents of the igniter procured under separate specfieations car drawings have been inspected, tested and accepted in accordance with their respective speci- fications 0% drawings, 4,4 Acceptance testso Unless otherwise specified a11 inspee-

7、tion and tests shall be at the place of manufacture, 4,4,1 JmbBs test.:, Four igniters shall be rmdomly selected from each seventy-five (75) prsductisn samples or multiples thereof selected in accordance with 4,4020 shall be subjected to the jumble. test of Standard MZL-STD-351, These igniters Provi

8、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22027 13 77999Ob 030190b 2 4.401,1 Acceptance criteria (1) No explosive or pyrotechnie element shall be initiated, (2) The igniter shall show no signs of breakdown or loosen- ing which will make the as

9、sembly unsafe to handle or dangerous to use, The failure of one or more igniters to meet the above requirements shall be cause for rejection of the lot, subjected t0 the functional test of 4,4,2, more igniters to meet the requirement8 of 30202 ahall be cause for rejection of the lot represented, The

10、se samples shall be Failure of one or 4.4,2 Functional test, The igniter shall be mounted, axis vertically with the primer end up, in a suitable safety chamber which simulates the emergency igniter combustion chamber of Aircraft Jet Engine 5-48“ Head spaceD firing pin protrusion, firing pin tension,

11、 firing pin contour, and seating flange dia- meter shall conform tO applicable combustion chamber drawings. The igniter shall be fired by actuating the firing pin, shall be conducted in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level I, AQL 0,6% percent defective, combustion chamber informati

12、on, Sampling See 602 for 4.49201 Aeeeptmee, Conformance with requirements of 3.2,2 shall determine acceptability, 4.5 Preproduction lot tests, These tests shall be conducted on the prepmduetion lot and on such production material as specifically designated by the Government, lot must prove acceptabl

13、e prior to any further production under the contract The preproduction 4.5, Jumble test, Twenty-four igniters shdh be subjected to the jumble test of 40401, 4,5,1,1 Acceptance criteria (i) No explosive OF pyrotechnie element shall be initiated, (2) The igniter shall show no signs of breakdm or loose

14、ning which will make the assembly unsafe to handle or dangerous to use, 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22027 13 M 7977706 0303707 4 i *-; MIL-1-22027(NO1?d) Failure of one or more igniters to meet the above requirements shall

15、 be cause for rejection of the lot represented, 4.5 1 1 1 The twenty-four igniters, accepted ia accordance with 4050101, shall be subjected to the functional test of 4,4,2, Failure of two or more igniters to meet requirements of 3.2.2 shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented, 4,5, Tempera

16、ture and humidity test, Fifty igniters shall be subjected to the temperature and humidity test of Standard MIL-STD-354, 4050201 Acceptance criteria, Follcwng this teat the igniters shall be subjected to the functional test of 4.4,2, Failure of four or more igniters to meet the requirements of 3.2.2

17、shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented, 4,5,3 Forty Foot Drop test, Ten igniters shall be subjected to the forty foot drsp test as prescribed in Standard MIL-STD- 352, Two igniters shall be subjected to a guided drop; one to strike flange dom, and one fonge up, The remaining igniters sh

18、all be dropped for random impact, 4,5 3 u 1 Acceptance criteria (1) The igniter shall be safe to handle and dispose of (2) N0 explosive OP pyrotechnic element shall be initiated, Failure of one or more igniters t0 meet the above requirements shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented, 4,5.4

19、 Jolt test, Ten igniters shall be subjected to the jolt test of Standard MIL-STD-350, mounted in a fixture which rigidly sinppsrts the igniter by the flanged end and shall be jolted in each of the following positions: Each igniter shall be (i) Axis vertical; flanged end up (2) Axis vertical; flanged

20、 end dm (3) Axis horisontal 7 Q .i* Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-1-22027 13 M 997990b 0301908 b MIL- 1-22027 (01-d 4,5,4,1 Aeeeptanee criteria (1) No explosive or pyrotechnic element shall be initiated, (2) The igniter shall be

21、 safe to handle and dispose of Failure of one or more igniters to meet the above requirements shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented, . 4,5.5 Functional test at high and low temperatures, igniter8 shall be subjected t0 the functional test of 4,4,2; twenty-five igniters shall be teBted s

22、it miaus 65 degrees F f 5 degrees F and twenty-five igniters shall be tested at plus 160 degrees F f 5 degrees F, by: Fifty The igniter shall function (a) Functioning within one second after actuation of the (b) Burn for a period of 12 firing pin of test chamber 3 eeesnds No igniter shall misfire, 4

23、,5,5,1 Aeeeptanee crfteriai, igniters to meet the above requirements shall. be cause for rejection of the lot represented, Failure of two or more 406 Examination. The preproduction 1st shall conform to 4,3.1 and 4.302, 5, PREFARATION.FOR DELIVERY Sol Preservation and packaging., 50101 Level A, aging

24、 shall be in accordance with the Code of Federal Regula- tions 49 CFR TIm780 In additisn t0 the following, Level A pack- 5 i o 1 1 Gleaning, drying, md preservation app1.ication. Not applicable, 5,101,2 Unit packaging, Ten igniters shall be packaged in accordance with Specificatton MIL-P-116, Method

25、 U-15, inner container shall be a folding carton of Set-up box, with separators, conforming to Specification PPP-B-566 OF PPP-B-676, The 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22027 13 = 777770b 0301707 8 W MIL-1-22027 (Nord) The hea

26、t sealed bag, shall be fabricaed from water vapor proof barrier material conforming to Specification MIL-B-131. Intermediate package. Ten unit packages as described in shall be intermediately packaged in a fiberboard box conforming to Specification PPP-B-636, Type I or II, Class 2, S

27、tyle RSC. material conforming to Specification PPP-T-60, Sems, joints and closures shall be taped with 5.103 Level C. Not applicable 5.2 Packing 5,2,1 Level A, Irra addition to the following Level A packing shall be in aecordanee with the Code of Federal Regulartiono 49 CFR 71-78, 5,2,1,1 Teal fntsd

28、iaits packages as described in 5,1,1,3 shall be packed in a wocsd cleated plw0od box, overseas type con- forming to Specification FPP-B-661 or nailed wood box, Class 2 conforming to Specification FPP-B-621 u tainer ehd.1 be in accordance with the Appendix of the applicable specification o Strapping

29、of the con- 50202 Level Bo N0t applicable 5,2,3 Level 6, East applicable 5,3 Marking 5,3.1 Special markings, Marking of exterior containers shall be in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR al-$80 503.2 N0rmal nearkings. by the contract OK carder, tainers shall be marked! in accorda

30、nde with Standard MIL-STD-129. Pn addition to the markings required Uni% packaged and shipping eon- 5.4 MIEInufacturing data cards. Five copies-of pyrotechnic shall be filled manufacturing data cards (NavQrd Form 1284) put fo3ppsch Ist, The Govemernit inspector shall fib1 in the Provided by IHSNot f

31、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22027 13 777770b 0301710 4 W MIL-I- 22027(NOd) acceptance data section, endsrss the cards, and forward t0 the procuring agency, “he folowing data shall be listed: Shell case Dwg Noo Primer TYP Pyrotechnie Composition

32、 Bwg No, F33-B Igniter mg No, 5,5 Psrfsmance data cards, Five pyrotechnic ammunition performance data cards (NavOrd FQ 1187) shall be filled out and enclosed in each container, shall be listed as foll0ws: The elements of performance (a) Primr action (specify time from actuation of the (b) Burning ti

33、m firing pin to funetioning), 6, NOTES 6,l Intended use, The Pgniter, Jet Engine Mk 243 Mod 2 is fsr use for the emergency ignition of Aireraft Jet Engine J-48 o 6,2 Emergency igniter combustissi chamber, The Emergency Igniter Combustion Chamber for Jet Engine Jn-48 is described in Pratt and Whitney

34、 5-48 Turbo Jet Engins Bulletin NO, 48, dated 21 August 1954, to be satisfactory for the purpose intended, Other test chambers must be demonstrared 603 Ordering data, Procurement QCUWXIS shall specify: (a) Title, number and date of this specification (b) Agency where preproduction sauqlss should be

35、forwarded 6,4 General safety precautions, The loading, assembly and handling of the item CXDV%P by this specification, and the sub- assemblies thereof, involve hazardous spsratisns and therefore require suitable explosives safety precautions, specification will not be cobastrued QI to relieve the eo

36、n- tractor or manufacturer 0f responsibility for the safety of his operations, Use of this Listed beam are certain minimum provisions 10 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22027 13 9777706 0301711 b M 3 MIL-1-22027 (NOrd) which a

37、 contractor or mnufaegurer (which explosively loads the item covered) should observe in order to fulfill his responsi- bility for safety. At Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department, and other government plante, theBe provieion8 are mandatory. Such other warnings and precautions peytinent to the operatio

38、nal effectiveness or safety during use or loading of the specified itern gh, and where necessary, employ suitable grounded conductive coverings for floors, work benches and tables, and workers conductive shoes. Workers clothing of a type to minimize the accumulation of static charges should be emplo

39、yed, Fabrics BU also, clean up any spilled material iumediatsly, Notice, When Gcwe*mmt drawings, specifications, or other data are used f0r my purpose other than in sonnaetion with a definitely related ovem mi nit proamremewt operation, the U. S. Goveraimen thereby incurs no responsibility nor any o

40、bligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Governnat may knave formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, speeifiea- tions or other data is not to be regarded by implieation or other wise as in any manner lieensing the holder 0r any other person or corpdration r conveying any rights 0r permission to manufacture, use OF sePl any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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