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1、P MIL-P-22314 = 9999906 L5L3204 TL9 - MIL-P-22314 (Wep ) 17 February 1960 SUPERSEDING NAVORD OS 1666 23 January i946 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROPELLANTS, U. S. NAVY GUNS; BALLISTIC APPENDIX I 1. SCOPE I 1.1 Scope. - This specification covers the ballistic requirements for all propellant powders procu

2、red for use in U, S. Navy guns except aircraft guns. The physical and chemical requirements of the various powders are covered by separate specifications. 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Specifications. - The following specifications cover chemical and physical requirements for the manufacture of propel

3、lant powders for U, Se Navy guns. I MIL- P-23 1 - Powder, Smokeless, Pyrocellulose MIL-P-270A - Propellant, Artillery JAN- P -3 O 9 - Powder, Propellant, Cannon, M-1, MIL-P-17449 (Nord) - Powder, Propellant, Cordite N C-MIL-P-18254 (Nord) - Powder, Propellant, Picrite, M-6 and M-14 * c o o 1“ 3. REQ

4、UIREMENTS 3.1 Charges, Pressures and Velocities. - Weight of charge, I muzzle velocity and pressure results obtained with the test powder according to Section 4 must conform to the require- ments listed in Tables I and II for C. the outside of the case is lightly tapped with a soft mallet adjacent t

5、o the rising level of the powder during pouring, MPD varies with powder lot and charge weighto 401.!5 Production Packing Depth, - For a charge of powder, PPD is defined as the MPD for that charge less some empirical constant determined for each cartridge case designo (Excep- tion: the MPD minus PPD

6、difference is not constant foro Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_- MIL-P-22314 W 9999906 1513206 891 W . I MIL-P-22314 (Wep ) gradually necked down cartridge cases such as the 3“/70 case.) PPD is intended to give a powder density whic

7、h is as tight as can be readily attained in production assembly of rounds. Established MPD-PPD values are tabulated in Table III, 4.1.6 Conditioning Rounds. - The first round fired in a gun during a firing is called a conditioning round, Condi- tioning rounds are also interposed between two rounds a

8、ssem- bled with different types of powder charges or when there is a large pressure differential. Conditioning rounds are utilized between rounds assembled with any two of the follow- ing powder types: cordite N, pyro flashing, pyro flashless, If-6 flashing and M-6 flashless powder. conditioning rou

9、nds are also used to obviate effects of large changes in bal- listics. For example, conditioning rounds are fired when a charge is expected to give a velocity 100 f/s higher or lower than preceding rounds. Conditioning rounds may have unusual ballistics either because of propellant type inter- aotio

10、ns or gun condition, and ballistic results obtained with them are disregarded in powder proofo 4.2 Preparation of Charges and Roundso - Propellants to be fired in ballistic testing for determination of charge weight shal;L be conditioned by being stored a% a constant temperature of 90 degrees F for

11、at least 7 days immediately prior to firing. It is important that the powder temperature be maintained as near to 9OF as possible until fired. Every round fired with the master powder is to be loaded to the exact charge weight and powder level (kO,l inch) specified for the master powder, Standard se

12、rvice components as listed in Table III are to be used. Projectiles are to be inert loaded to the specified weight, and rounds assembled for a given powder proof firing should not include more %han one lot number of any single component - caseg prPmer OP projec- tile. All near-service and service ro

13、unds for CL given firing should be assembled in the shortest feasible time. 4.3 Determination of PPD and MPD, - PPD as a function of charge weight must be determined for each 10% of test pro- pellant for 3“ or larger guns, by pouring five 90F condi- tioned charges at each of two weights covering the

14、 range expected to be used in powder proof under MPD conditions. A straight line is drawn through the PIPDQs thus obtained and a PPD line derived by subtracting the previously deter- mined empirical value (or values) from the MPD ffne. The 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

15、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-same powder grains must not be poured twice to determine MPD since the level obtained might be affected by grains broken in previous pourings, For any weight of charge fired in case ammunition, PPD is determined from the PPD line, and the charge is poured to t

16、hat level with further adjustment for the presence of crusher gauges. The effect of crusher pressure gauges on powder level 2s also deter- mined empirically for each cartridge case design and the PPD altered accordingly %o maintain the density of packing which would exist were the oharge assembled t

17、o PPD without gauges. (Table III), 4.4 Ballistic Measurements. - Muzzle velocity and maximum breech pressure measurements are required for each round in this test except for conditioning rounds, Veloeity measure- ments are to be at least as accurate as those obtainable with induction coils and chron

18、ograph. Velocities for all rounds in a firing are to be measured with the same instrumentation, Maximum breech pressures are to be measured with copper crusher gauges (used according to the best 6urrent practice) or any device of greater accuracy and precision, 4.5 Firinn Schedule, - The order of fi

19、ring in powder proof shall follow one of two general schemes as described below, 4.5.1 Firing Scheme I - This firing scheme shall be used for propellant powders for which established velocity and pressure vs charge slopes are tabulated. Fire one test powder charge estimated to give about 75

20、percent of service velocity, Fire two each master service char es and test powder- charges estimated to give within 20 f 7 s of the veloc- it7 of the day (a test powder probing round may be used to estimate the near service charge accurately), Fire one test powder charge estimated to

21、 give 100 f/s over the velocity of the day (first firing only, unless estimated service pressure exceeds the maximum limit - 0.5 tsi). 4.5.2 Firknp: Scheme II, - This fkring ischems shall be used for all other propellants and charge types which do not meet the criteria for Firing Scheme I. Provided

22、by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-22314 9997906 1513208 664 - I -c MIL-P-22314 (Wep 1 4.5.2,l Fire three tsst powder charges near 75 percent of service velocity., The initial round fired is a condition- ing round, 405.202 For service char

23、ges, fire five master service charges and six test charges to give within 20 f/s of the same velocity as the master powder (the velocity of the occasion). For reduced charges, fire three master reduced charges and four test charges estimated to give within 20 f/s of the same velocity of the master p

24、owder (the velocity of the occasion), One of the test charges shall be fired first and considered to be a conditioning roundo It also serves as a check on the initial charge estimate, 4,5,2,3 Fire one test powder charge estimated to give a velocity 100 f/s over the velocity of the day. 4.5.3 Discuss

25、ion of Firing Procedures. 4.50301 General, - For every powder proof the firing scheme should be repeated in four guns with erosion character- istics representative of the range of service life. Those gans which give quickness corrected charge weights differing markedly from Lhe means of other gms sh

26、ould be avoided, Firings should be ccnducted en four occasions with charges for the four firings being assembled on four different days. Firing in fewer than fcjur guns is acceptable in 8n/55 caliber and larger guns provided, in the first scheme, that the number of rounds per firing is increased to

27、three rounds in three guns or ten rounds in two g:snss All propellant lots must be tested in at least two guns differing by at least 50 f/s in mean muzzle veloclty and avoiding conditions of wms:a2 velocity peTPOrraance., (For example, 5i1/38 caliber gms tend to yield considerably more scattered vel

28、ocity resalts beyond a bcjre enlargement at the origin of Octi90 and guns eroded beycnd this scage should be avoided.) 4,1je4 When the master pcwder and teat powder are of the same type so that n3 cqndi%?.cnLng round is required between them (see 4.2.,6), the test and master powders are to be fired

29、in sets of two, The individual rounds and the order in each set are to be determined randomly. In cases involv- irLg the concurrent testing of more than one test powder of the same type as the master (no more than 4 test powders shall be tested concurrently) the rounds in each set shall consist of o

30、ne each from each test powder and one from the master with random selection of rcunds and random distribu- %Zoa of the firing seqxence, 5 - - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-22334 9797706 3533207 5TO 4.5,5 When the test and ma

31、ster powders are of different types, the master powder rounds and test powder rounds must be fired consecutively in separa-groups. shoul be used for the sequence of firing of the teet and master groups from firing to firing. mast be interposed between groups. Concurrent testing of test powders is no

32、t permissible under these conditions, Random selection A conditioning round the product of the reciprocal of the tabulated velocity-charge slope and the algebraic difference between the velocity of the day and the average near service test powder ve3.c ei.”,yg the approprhle Pli:rimh in Table IVc Th

33、is eharge is the matching charge for that firing, The average of the matching charges for all firings of an index is taken as the assigned charge Sor the propellant under test. charge is detvrmined as follows: weight results, From the fitted line select the charge corresponding to the velocity of th

34、e occasion, matching charge fcr this firing, When the existence of bal- listic powder quickness differences is suspected, fit a Lhe guickness correction, if any, calculated with lated in Table IV) and the algebraic difference between the matching charge for that firing and the near service charge fi

35、red; appropriate formula listed in Table IV. the product of the pressure-charge slope (tabu- the quickness correction determined using the 1. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4,7.1,2 Assigned Test Powder Pressure, - The value deter-

36、mined in 4,7.l is the corrected pressure for that firing, The average correated pressure for all firings of the test powder is the assigned test powder pressure, 4,7,2 Propellants Tested Under Scheme II, - The test powder assigned pressure is determined as follows: Draw a smooth curve through the th

37、ree average pressure vs charge points for each firing (except that if the over-service point falls below a straight line through the other two points, that line through the other two points should be usedr From the matching charge for that firing read the corresponding pressure frou the curve drawn

38、aboveo To the above pressure add algebraically the differ- ence between the assigned master powder pressure and the pressure of the .occasiono 4.7e2,1 Assigned Test Powder Pressure in the Presence of Ballistic Powder Quickness Differences, - Analyze the pressure data obtained against the pressure of

39、 the occasion in exactly the same manner as for velocities in 406,2, The test powder pressure corresponding to the average new gun master powder pressure is the assigned %est powder pres sure , 4.7,2,2 Assigned Test Powder Pressure When No Sianificant Ballistic Powder Quickness Exists. - When there

40、is no evidence of significant ballistic powder quickness differences, the value found in 4,7,2 is the correoted pressure for that firings The assigned test powder pressure is the average correated pressure for all test powder firings, 4,8 Uniformityo - The unbiased sample standard deviations of the

41、observed near service pressures and velocities about Che sample means are computed as follows: Add Lhe sums of the squares of the deviations from the corresponding sample means-for the first, second, etco firings, Divide this sum by Lhe total number of rounds involved minus the number of firings. Th

42、e square root of this value is the unbiased sample standard deviation* 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.9 Application of Specification, - The assigned pressure is required to fall within the applicable limits of Table I and Table I

43、I. The standard deviation for velocity and pres- stare must not exceed the applicable limits of Table I and Table II. The assigned service charge weight is required to fall between the appropriate limits of Table I and Table II except that where no ballistic quickness differences have been previousl

44、y observed in a category and statistical anal- ysis accepts an hypothesis that no quickness difference between the test and master powder exists at a .lo level sf confidence, this limit may be waived, A test propellant mast satisfy all of these ballistic requirements to be judged acceptable, In the

45、absence of criteria for a new propellant category the uniformity requirement shall be that the test powder uniformity values not be significantly larger than those for the master powder at a .O5 level of confidence, The assigned pressure corrected for the master powder pres- sure of the occasion plu

46、s four master or test powder sample standard deviations (whichever is larger) shall not exceed preof pressure for the guno Zo appreciable ballistic quick- ness difference shall exist between different lots of the test powder, This last is, in effect, a charge weight limi- t; a5 ion o hel0 Retest, -

47、A propellant lot failing the balPPstic %zst may, at the discretion of the Bureau of Ordnance be Tetested in the same or different guns with respect to the failing attribute, Failure of the propellant to pass the retest is considere sufficient grounds for rejection of the Pot, 4ell Si! for 3“/50 Cali

48、ber Gun“ is intended for use exclusively in offshore procurement contraots. Although the procedures in that specification differ in detail from those in paragraph 4 above, they can be expected to give equivalent resultso 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

49、 license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-22314 9999906 L513214 368 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-n pi a, Fs U I=- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-22314 = 9979906 15132Lb 730 /- n O0 551 I In a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction


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