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1、MILITARY SPEC IF ICATION TUBE, STEEL, SEAMLESS, MARINE BOILER APPLICATION MIL-T-16286E (SH+. AM ENDH ENT - 1 25 June 1980 I I This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-T-162860 (SHI, dated 19 September 1977. PAGE 1 2.1 , under “SPECIFICATIONS,. MILITARY“ Add: “MIL-1-45208 - Inspectio

2、n System Requirements.“ PAGO 2 2-2: Delete “ASTH E6w and VASTM E18“ and substitute: “A370 - Mechanicaf Testing of Steel Products, “A450 - General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes.+ 3.1: Delete last sentence. Table I: Column 3 entitled “Manganese“, last item:

3、Delete n193 max“ and substitute +0,93 ma%“. PAGE 3 Add new paragraph 3.1.1: li3. 1.1 Recovered materials. Unless otherwise specified herein , all material incorporated in the products covered by this specification shall be fabricated using materials produced from recovered materials to the maximum e

4、xtent practicable without jeopardizing the intended use. The term “recovered materials“ means materials which have been collected or recovered from solid waste and reprocessed to become a source of raw materials, as opposed to virgin raw materials.Il 3.4: Delete and substitute: n3.4 Surface finish.

5、“3.4.1 All classes of carbon and alloy steel tube shall be free from scale by pickling or shot blasting. When controlled atmosphere heat treat- ment is used, pickling or shot blasting is not necessary. “3.4.2 Austenitic steel tube shall be pickled free from scale. When bright annealing is used, pick

6、ling is not necessary.“ FSC 4710 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-Lb2bE (1) 47 W 9999906 OLI43859 5 W Rockwell Hardness Number (minIl/ No requirements B 70 B 65 B 68 B 68 MIL-T-16286E (SHI AM EN DM ENT - 1 Rockwell hardness Brine

7、ll Hardness Number (rnax) Number (max) B 77 137 B 90 192 B 80 146 B 85 163 B 79 143 3.5.1: Delete and substitute: “3.5.1 Hardness. Finished tubes shall have a hardness not exceeding the maximum values shown in table III. Class c, d, e, and g tube samples having hardness values below the minimum of t

8、able III shall also be tensile tested .n PAGE 4 TABLE III: Delete and substitute: L/ Minimum requirements for Rockwell hardness (or for equivalent Brinell values) are not the basis for acceptance or rejection. Table IV, line 4: Delete vertical lines immediately adjacent to both ends of the item enti

9、tled “Variation in wail thickness, percentn. Table IV, footnote l/: Delete last sentence. Table V: Delete first three items and substitute: Il Under 1 1 to 1-1/2 inclusive Over 1-1/2 to 2 exclusive PAGE 5 Add tlI/n at end of table V. For cold-drawn class c tubes under 2 inch outside diameter, the ma

10、ximum outside diameter variation may be plus or minus 0.010 inch, This increased variation is necessitated by ovality and is not to be added to the values in table V.“ Page 2 of 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-5 MIL-T-l6286E(SH) AME

11、NDM ENT-1 3.7.1: Delete and substitute: “3.7.1 Flaring. When subjected to the flaring test specified in 4.4.4, the test specimen after flaring shall show no tears or ruptures in the test area which exceed a depth of 10 percent of the actual wall thickness. Actual wall thickness shall be measured adj

12、acent to the crack.“ 3.7.2: Delete and substitute : Ii3. 7.2 Flattening. “ Step one. When subjected to the flattening test specified in 4.4.5, the specimen after the first flattening step shall show no tears or ruptures on the inside, outside or end surfaces which exceed a crack depth of 10 p

13、ercent of the actual wall thickness. Actual wall thickness shall be measured adjacent to the crack. “ Step two. When subjected to the flattening test specified in 4.4.5, the specimen after the second flattening step shall show no evi- dence of laminated or unsound material that is revealed du

14、ring the entire flattening test .“ 3.8.1: Delete the second sentence. 3.8.2: Delete first sentence and substitute: “Each length of tube with specified minimum wall thickness of 0.120 inch and below shall be subjected to either an eddy current or ultrasonic test as specified in 4.4.7.n 3.10.2: Last s

15、entence, after “for“, insert “Class c“. PAGE 6 3.11: Delete and substitute: “3.11 Workmanship, Finished tubes shall be of proper dimension with ends cut square, free from burrs, and shall not deviate from straight- ness by more than 0.060 inch in 3 feet of length. Tube surfaces shall conform to 3.4

16、and shall not contain defects such as laminations, laps, seams, tears, cracks, scratches, indentations, abrasions, or pits with depths greater than 10 percent of the specified minimum wall thickness, and which would reduce the wall thickness below the specified minimum wall thickness, Defects of les

17、ser depth may be removed by grinding, provided the wall thickness is not decreased to less than that permitted in table -IV, .a.nd the ground areas are well faired into the remaining portion of the tube. Workmanship quality shall be determined at the place of manu- facture prior to shipment.“ 4 1.1

18、: Delete and substitute : If4.1,1 Inspection system. The contractor shall provide and maintain an inspectisn system in accordance with MIL-1-45208, II Page 3 of 6 . . - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-Lb2bE (1) Lt7 W 77977Ob OLt

19、Lt3bL 3 W MIL-T-16286E (SHI AMENDMENT-1 Char ac ter i s t ic s 4.2.1: Delete and substitute: “4.2.1 Sample unit. The sample unit shall be a length of finished tube of the ordered wall thickness and outside diameter, prior to cutting it to the final ordered length, and after all required heat treatme

20、nt and straightening has been performed .It De f ec t s 4.2.4: Delete and substitute: “4.2.4 Sampling for product (check) analysis. One sample for chemical analysis shall be taken by the tube manufacturer from a billet or tube hollow from each heat of stee1.I 4.2.6, second sentence: Delete “shall“ a

21、nd substitute itmay“. 4.2.7, line 3: Delete “level III“ and substitute lleve1 IIt1. PAGE 7 4.3: Delete and substitute: “4.3 Visual and dimensional examination. Each sample tube selected in accordance with 4.2.3 shall be visually examined and dimensions, as specified herein, measured to verify confor

22、mance with this specification. Any sample tube that deviates from a specific tolerance shall not be offered for delivery. If the number of nonconforming, sample tubes exceeds the acceptance number specified, the entire lot shall be rejected or 100 percent examined to remove all nonconforming tubes.

23、Any deviation from a specific tolerance shall constitute a defect. Types of defects is contained in table VI.“ Design and construction (see 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3) Surface finish (see 3.4) Workmanship (see 3.11 1 and Mar king ident if ic at ion (see 3.10 through 3.10.3) Packaging (see 5.2) Tubes n

24、varia- tion exceeds the allowable limits. Not free from mill scale as speci- fied. Contains unallowable surface imper- fections, Out of straightness tolerance. Ends not cut square and free of burrs Missing, incomplete, not legible, or not continuous as specified, Marking fluid smears in normal handl

25、ing. Not as required. Page 4 of 6 -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I . MIL-T-16286E (SHI AM ENDM ENT - 1 4.4.2, second sentence: Delete and substitute: “The specimen and .test procedure shall be in with ASTM A370.“ 4.4.3

26、: Delete and substitute: “4.4.3 Hardness test. Hardness testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM A370 on test specimens selected as specified in 4.2.6. The position on the tube and wall thickness requirements at the test loca- tion shall be in accordance with ASTM A450. Five randomly distr

27、ibuted hardness determinations shall be made and the highest and lowest values discarded. The remaining values shall be averaged to obtain the hardness number for compliance with table III. If any specimen exceeds the maximum hardness value of table III, the entire lot shall be rejected.“ PAGES 7 an

28、d 8 4.4.4: Delete and substitute: sh Te “4.4.4 Flaring test. A specimen between 2 and 4 inches in length all be cut from one end of each sample selected as specified in 4.2.7. st specimen ends shall be smooth, but no special conditioning of the specimen surface is permitted. Each specimen shall with

29、stand flaring with a flaring .tool having a 60 degree included angle until the specimen at the mouth of the flare has been expanded uniformly to the requirements of. table VII. The rate of flaring shall be slow and uniform. After-flared specimens shall meet 4he requirements of 3.7.1. Should tears or

30、 ruptures occur on the flared end, which appear to be near to or in excess of 10 percent of the actual wall thickness, the specimen shall be sectioned and polished with 320 grit or finer to determine maximum crack depth. Defect measurement shall be from the original tube surface measured radially to

31、 the depth of maximum penetration of the defect, Defect depth shall be measured to the nearest one-thousandth of an inch using a 1OX lens and reticle. If the flaring test specimen results do not meet the acceptance/ rejection criteria of MIL-STD-105, the entire lot shall be rejected subject to the r

32、esubmittal provision of 4.5.2.“ PAGE 8 TABLE VII, L/, line 2: Delete “actual specimen dimensionst1 4.4.5: Delete and substitute: “4.4.5 Flattening test. A specimen not less than 2-1/2 inches in length shall be cut from each sample selected as specified in 4.2.7. No special conditioning of the specim

33、en surface is permitted. The sample shall be flattened cold between parallel plates at a slow and uniform rate in two steps. During the first step, which is a test for ductility,. flat- tening shall continue until the distance between the plates correspond to the value of H calculated as follows: an

34、d substitute nas specified (see 6.2.1).“ H = (1 + e)t e + t/d Where: H = Distance between flattening plates in inches. t = Specified minimum wall thickness of tube in inches. Page 5 of 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-T-162BbE (I

35、) 47 W 9799906 044363 7 i MIL-T-l6286E(SH) AM ENDM E NT - 1 d = Specified outside,diameter of tube in inches, e = Deformation per unit length: For classes a, c and d: e = 0.09 For class e: e = 0.08 For class g: e = 0.07. Should tears or ruptures occur which appear to be near to or in excess of 10 pe

36、rcent of the actual wall thickness, the specimen shall be sectioned and polished with 320 grit or finer to determine maximum crack depth. Defect measurement shall be from the original tube surface measured radially to the depth of maximum penetration of the defect. Defect depth shall be measured to

37、the nearest one-thousandth of an inch using a 1OX lens and reticle, During the second step, which is a test for soundness, the flattening shall be continued until the specimen breaks or the opposite . walls of the tube meet. Flattened specimens shall conform to the require- ments of 3.7.2. If the fl

38、attening test results do not meet the acceptance/ rejection criteria of MIL-STD-105, the entire lot shall be rejected subject to the resubmittal provision of 4.5.2. PAGE 9 Delete last sentence and substitute: “Ultrasonic inspec- tion shall be in accordance with section entitled “Pipes and t

39、ubes - seam- lessn of MIL-STD-271 with the exception of the following: (a) Location and dimensions of the calibration reference notches shall comply with the requirements herein in lieu of those specified in table entitled “Calibration reference notch dimensions of square and “Un bottom notch“ of MI

40、L-STD-271. deleted, (b) Reference to the 3 percent notch sensitivity shall be The tubes or the probes may be rotated to achieve the requirements of this test.“ 4.5.2: End of line 2, add “ben. PAGE 11 6.2.2: Delete. PAGE 12 6.2.2. 1: Delete. Preparing activity : Navy - SH (Project 47 1 O-N 476 ) *US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980-603-12112827 Page 6 of 6 , - -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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