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1、 MIL-T-2370 b9 99779Ob 0407920 O MIL-T-82370 (TD) 1 March 1968 SUPERSEDING 25 April 1967 NAVTRADEVCEN 335-1 34 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TRAINER, TRANSISTOR, PRINTED CIRCUIT This specification has been approved by the Naval Training Device Center, Department of the Navy. 1, SCOPE 1.1 This specification

2、 covers one type of Transistor, Printed Circui t Trai ner. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specifi- cation to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Federal W-C-596 PPP-B-6

3、21 PPP -8-636 Mi 1 i tary MIL-P-116 MIL-L-10547 MI L -T-2 39 91 Connector, P1 ug, Electrical , Connector, Receptacle, Electrical Boxes , Wood, Nai led and Lock-corner Box, Fi berboard Preservation; Methods of Liners, Case, and sheet, Ovewrap Water-vaporproof or waterproof , Flexi bl e Trai ni ng Dev

4、i ces, Mi 1 i tar-y ; General Speci fi cati on for Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82370 (TD) STAN DARDS Mi 1 i tary MIL -STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage DRAW I NGS NAVAL TRAINING DEVICE CENTER (N,AVTRADEVCEN) HS041- DO

5、001 Drawings for Device 6B12A Transistor, Printed Circu PUBLI CATIONS NAVAL TRAINING DEVICE CENTER (NAVTRADEVCEN) Trai ner, t NAVSO P-2923 Maintenance Handbook for Transistor Printed Ci rcui t Trai ner, Devi ce 6B12A (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required b,y suppl

6、iers in connection with specific procurement functlons should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the Contracting ffi Cer. ) 3. REQUIREMENTS as specified on the drawings of HSO 41-DOOO1. herein or on the drawings shall be in accordance with MIL-T-23991. 3.1 Materials.- Unless o

7、therwise specified herein, materials shall be Materials not specified 3.2 Design.- The Trainer as shown on the drawings of HSO 41-DO001 represent a transistorized Navy Radar Special Circuit Chassis. 3.2.1 Interchangeabilit2.- All parts, subassemblies and assemblies having the same part number shall

8、be directly and completely i nterchangea”1e with each other in respect to installation and performance, regardless of sources from which obtained, without alteration and without selection for fit or performance. “3.2.2 Groundin .- The trainer shall be equipped with a 3-wire The ground line cord (one

9、 + of w ich is a grounding wire) and a. grounding-type p conforming to W-C-596, suitable for the power required. wire shall not be interrupted by a power-switching device inserted the line cord.” 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-

10、T-82370 67 U 777770b 0407722 4 U .- . MIL-T-8237 (TD) 3.3 Construction.- Construction shall be as shown on the drawlngs of HSO 41m1. 3.4 Performance.- All controls and moveable components shall operate smoothly without binding. The controls and components, when set to a selected position, shall not

11、reset to a different position until moved manual 1 y. 3.5 Details of components.- The trainer shall consist of the following major components, the details of which shall be as shown on the drawings of HSO 41 -DO001 (a) Main chassis unit (b) 11 Plug-in Circuit Boards 3.6 Dimensions and tolerances.- D

12、imensions and tolerances shall be as shown on the drawings of HSO 41-D0001. drawings shall be maintained to assure meeting Ehe interchangeability and performance requirements specified in 3.2.1 and 3.4 respectively. cal tolerances shall be + - 10 percent. drawings of HSO 41-D0001. Aluminum chassis p

13、arts shall be anodized. Where anodi zing -interferes with electrical properties chemi cal treatment shall be used, Tolerances not shown on the Electri- 3.7 Finish anti color.- Finish and color shall be as shown on the 3.8 Nameplates or product markings .- 3.8.1 Markin s.- Markings of all parts and a

14、ssemblies including the following _p_ namep ate data shall be indelibly inscribed by etching. Characters shall be fi 1 led and sealed. NAVAL TRAINING DEVICE CENTER, ORLANDO, FLORI DA DEVICE TRAINING AGENCY This main chassis is STOCK NO. the power supply for CONTRACT NO. both Device 6B12A and MAN U F

15、ACTU RE R 6B12B P1 ug-i n Boards, Y EAR SERIAL NO, - 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82370 (TD) 3.8.2 Nameplate shall be located on outer apron of all main chassis units. The required information will be provided by the procur

16、ement documents. 3.9 Government-furnished property.- Government-loaned property wi 11 be furnished in accordance with the terms of the contract. 3.10 Workmanship,- The trainer shall be constructed and finished with particular attention given to neatness and thoroughness of soldering, wiring, impregn

17、ation of coils, marking of parts and assemblies, plating, sandi ng , gri ndi ng I pai nti n t , ri veti ng , machi ne-screw assembl age , we1 di ng and braz-i ng . spattered or excess solder, metal chips, and other foreign material after fi na1 assembly. 3.10.2 Wire stri or otherwise 4 amaging t e w

18、ire. 3.10.1 Cleanup.“ Units shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose, in .- Wire stripping shall be done without nicking 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of al

19、l inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the

20、.right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements 4.2 Classification of inspection.- Inspections to be performed are classjfied as follows: (a) in-process inspection (

21、b) Quality conformance inspection. 4.3 In-process inspection.- In-process inspection shall include such visual, electrical, and mechanical examinations and testing of materials, subassenibl ies, parts, and accessories (including purchased standard items) during the manufacturing process as may be ne

22、cessary to assure conformance to all the requirements specified herein, 4.4 Quality conformance inspections.- 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82370 b9 W 4497906 O407424 & M MIL-T-82370 (TD) 4.4.1 Pre roduction ins ection.-. Pr

23、eproduction inspection shall be conducted on -+ a prepro uct on sw and shall consist of all the examina- tions and tests specified in 4.3. 4.4.2 Production inspection.- Production un the extent necessary to maintain qual i ty control Government accepted preproduction sample. 4.5 Examinations.- Exami

24、nations shall be pe mance to the following requirements: (a) Materi als ts shall be inspected to and conformance to the #formed to verify confor- (b) Construction (such as welding, wiring, and soldering) (c) Dimensions and tolerances (d) Finish and color (e Nameplates or product markings ( f ) Workm

25、ans hi p (9) Preparation for delivery. 4.6 - Tests.- The following tests shall be performed: (a) Electrical tests specified in Section III of NAVES0 P-2923 and the drawings of HSO-41-DO001 shall be perfonned using test equipment certified by the cognizant Government Inspector. 5. PREPARATION FOR DEL

26、IVERY 5.1 Preservation and packagin9.- Preservation and packaging shall be level A or C (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Level A.- For level A, each trainer shall be preserved and packaged forni cal and physical protection in accordance with Specification MIL-P-116, Method II utilizing containers conforming to 5.2.

27、1. 5.1.2 Level C.- For Level C, preservation and packaging shall conform to manufacturers commercial practice, 5.2 Packing.- Packing shall be level A or C (see 6.2). 5.2.1 Level A.- Units packaged in accordance with 5.1.1 shall be packed in exterior containers conforming to Specifications PPP-B-621

28、or 5 .* r+- - .= :*. . : _ - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82370 (TD) PPP-B-636. Unless otherwise specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2), the gross weight shall not exceed the weight limitations of the shipping containe

29、r. Each exterior shipping container shall be lined with a waterproof moisture barrier sealed with adhesive or tape to effect water reststance in accordance with Specification MIL-L-10547. A case liner shall notbe required where the package(s) and package dunnage have been treated to resist water. Un

30、it fiber boxes, conforming to Speciffcation PPP-B-636, class 2, closed, reinforced and waterproofed as specifled in the appendix thereto, and used as shipping containers, shall not be overpacked, packed in cmrs which will insure acceptance by common carrier and safe delivery at destination, Shipping

31、 containers shall comply with conon carrier rules and regulations as applicable to the mode of transportation. 5.3 Physical protection.- All material shall be packaged and packed in containers constructed to provide a compact and nonshifting load. Adequate cushioning, blocking and bracing shall be p

32、rovided within sKpping containers in a manner designed to prevent damage due to shock, vibration or impact during shipment, handling and storage. 5.2.2 Level C.- Units packaged in accordance with 5.1.2 shall be 5.4 Markin .- Interior packages and exterior shipping containers shall be + mar e in acco

33、rdance with Standard MIL-STD-129. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use,- The trainer will be used in a classroom for basic electronics student training in conjunction with a course curricul un. 6.2 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specify the following: (a Title, number, and date of this specificat

34、ion (b) Procuring activity designation (device number or other) (see 6.3.4) (c) Selection of applicable levels of preservation, packaging and packing (see 5.1 and 5.2). a.s 6.3 Definitions.- Except as specified herein, definitions shall be pecified in MIL-HDBK-220. 6.3.1 Preproduction sample.- A pro

35、duction i tem furnished under produc- tion contracts for the purpose of determi ni ng compliance with requirements of the detail training device specification already established and accepted. 6 -, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL

36、-T-2370 69 4799906 0407726 L W It shall be electrically and mechanically representati ve of production sets though not necessarily made with production line jigs, fixtures and methods. fonn of final production design made by production tools, jigs, fixtures and methods, 6.3.2 Production unit.- A uni

37、t in its final mechanical and electrical 6.3.3 Trainin device.- An item designed exclusively for training purposes an hTTTe7f-T. w IC fa s into one df the following categories: (a) Trainer - A training device designed to provide a synthetic situation in which human skills or techniques are developed

38、 or improved by direct partici pation of trai nee 6.3.4 Th Center as Dev Training aid - A training device designed to demonstrate or i 11 us trate a concept. s item has been designated by the Naval Training Device ce 6B12A for Navy prosuremen. Speci fi cal ly excl uded are trai ni ng-type operati on

39、al equi pment such as trai ning aircraft and al 1 other ordnance, electronics and transportation equipment designed for operating use as distinguished from training purpose, and which are or may be used in a training situation. 6.4 Avai 1 abi 1 i ty of NAVTRADEVCEN documents. - The NAVTRADEVCEN Draw

40、ings of HSO-41-00001 and publicatian NAVSO P-2923 cited in Section 2 will be available only for inspection purposes Center Code 335, Or1 ando, FI ori da. at the Naval Training Device Cus todi an Navy - TD Prepar Navy - Projec ng acti vi ty : TD NO. 6910-N143 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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