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1、*MMM-A-1:34., Auwst 17. 1$)70SUPERSEDINGMIL-A-8623AApril 12, 1957FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONADHESIVE, EPOXY RESIN, METAL TO METAL STRUCTURAL BONDING1Msspecification was approved by the Commissioner, Federal SupplyService, Geneml Sertices Administmtiofh for the we of all Fedeml agencies.1. SCOPE AND CLASSI

2、FICAON1.1 Scope. Thin specification covers epoxy resin adhesives forstructural bondings such as the fabrication and repair of airframe parts, components,id other applications requiring bonding of a similar 0M1M%, (See 6.1)-.I( 1.2“be furnished in theIclassification.following typesAdhesives covered b

3、y this specification shallas specified (see 6.3):Type I - Room tempemture setting (see 1).Type H- lntermeciiate temperature setting (see 2). - High temperature setting (see 3.3.2. L.3).2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following apectfications and stan HydrocarbonPPP-B-566 - khes, Fol

4、ding, Paperboard.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MMM-A-134Federal Sl-i ficatiuns: (Contd)PPP-B440 -PPP-D-665 -. PPP-three panels (one panel representative of each batch of adhesive) shall be ex-posed at each of the conditions. After e

5、xposure, the panels shall be cut intoindividual specimens and tested in accordance with Cleavage strength. Cleavage panels shall be bonded metal inaccordance with ASTM D1062-51. For acceptance tests two panels as shown infigure 2 shali be bonded and prepared.4.5 Qualification tests.1

6、5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MMM-A-1344.5.1 Qualification retest. Unless otherwise specified by the pro-curing activity, adhesives which have previously passed the qualification testsbut have subsequently been modified in any mann

7、er, shall satisfactorily pass re-testing of the material in order to retain qualification approval. Qualificationtests may be repeated on material previously found satisfactory at any time atthe option of the activity responsible for qualification approval.4.5.2 Sampling instructions. The manufactur

8、er shall submit a dupli-cate set of bonded panels and specimens which shall be prepared as specified in4.4 and subparagraphs thereto. These panels shaII be prepared with adhesivesamples from the same three batches of adhesive and shall be code marked thesame as the panels upon which the data given i

9、n the test report (4.5.3) wereobtained. The manufacturer shall also submit four l-pint samples of liquid adhe-sive together with necessary curing agents, or an equivalent amount of materialin weight or measure if of another form, from each of three different numberedbatches of the adhesive being pre

10、sented for qualification. These adhesive sam-ples shall each be from batches of most recent production-scale manufacture, andmay be from different batches than those used in preparing the above specifiedset of duplicate panels. Part of the adhesive samples from each batch will beused in preparing te

11、st panels for qualification tests and the balance will be usedfor storage life tests (4.5. 5.11). AH samples shalI be identified as to name ofmanufacturer, manufacturers designation, date of manufacture, base polymer andcuring agents (as applicable ), the date of submittaI, and identification of the

12、 ac-tivity submitting the samples, and forwarded to the Naval Air Development Cen-ter (see 6.4). In addition, a statement indicating that the products have notbeen rebranded shall accompany the samples. If rebranded, the names of theoriginal manufacturers and original designations of the products sh

13、all be indi-cated. All information submitted will be treated as confidential.4.5.3 Test report. Prior to conducting the qualification tests(4. 5.5 ), a dated and numbered report, certified by notarized affidat, shall befurnished, giving the results of alI applicable tests listed in table 1. The indi

14、-vidual specimen and average values for each test shaIl be reported (see 6.4.2).Each value reported shall be shown as being for a definitely numbered specimen,the numbering of which shall be coded in the report in such a manner as to def-initely establish the particular panel from which the specimen

15、 was cut and theparticular batch of adhesive with which said panel was bonded and the date ofbonding. Coded identification of the adhesive batches shall include the respec-tive dates of manufacture and sizes of batch. Dates on which the different testswere performed shall be shown in the test report

16、. The test report shall alsocover all the requirements of paragraphs in section 3 (except 3.5). The actualpressure, temperature, and time of curing used in the preparation of the testpanels shall con form to the description given in the instruction sheet and thereport shall so state.16Provided by IH

17、SNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,.- ”. .I,.,.,., .,Ml*1SP8tT1%,dta%4fcn.8II1catfc., t111IIIMMM-A”1344.8.4 sbo, The manufacturer shall submit attached tothe te8t report (4.5.3) ea bhatdoo dwet in a71coordarme Wtth 3.5.4.s.6 Teti. 17be qualfflcatioa

18、tests shall consist of all the tests ofthis Specfflcatioa, a71nd all inolude a71pproval of the manufacturer. inetructtons.Theee tests will be condmted by the Naval Air Development Center (see 6.4. 1).Any chaagw shall be .mtbject to the a71pproval of that activity.4. S.s. 1 Normal tartpenture tensile

19、 abear test (tests NOS. 1 and 2of table I). The test silnelt 8bSU be gripped tightly and uniformly 3cross theends in tb. jaws of the testittg machine with the jsws tuxi specimen so aligned thatthe jaws are directly opposite each other, and in such a position that an imaginarjsttmit be will psas thro

20、ugh the center of the bonded area and through the pointsof auspeasion. The epeoim- shall be gripped 2 inches :1/4 inch from each edgeof the lap joint. The load shall then be applied at a rate of 1200to 1400 pounds pe:square hid per m- or * a71E quivslet bead speed per minute until failure.Tba load a

21、t failure shall be reoorded. The temhg machine a71ccuracy shall be wkkin 1 percenL Umgth a71nd width of eimr a71rea shall be measured to the nearest O. inch ad shell be reoortbd. All fkfhg kade *11 be expreeeed in pounds per of a =-, =a * * -em 0.01 square hch. Ibensttm and peroeM of fsktre, such a7

22、1s oohesive faihtre (failure within the a71dhesiveadhioo hibe dbdve pedttg one p-rt ebdl tM avoilabie for required acceptance teets aod theother part eball be retand for retests, if rweeseary. The etorage condition fortbe retained sample sbsll be that recommended by the aea.ive madxturer(ace 3.3. 3)

23、, and samples shall not S.2.1.1 futfflla the requhmeats for this level.Adhesives, intmaediate packagai as sp=ifidin S. or S. shall be pscked in wod clrntaj plywood boxes con-confonning to requiranents of PPP-B601, overseas type, style optional inqmtities mt to exceal the w

24、eight 1 imitation of the container. Ibx C1OSUYd strapping shall betion. Strapphg shall5.2.2 LevelS.1.l.l.2or S.l.l .2.2m additional ovemackin acmrcke with the ajpcmiix to the box spmifica -be zinc Adhesive, mtemediate pckaged as specified inshall be shipped dlratly m the mtermedate contai

25、nis necessary. 6oxes sM1 be StrAP* M duoruam e.with requirements m the appemiix to l1P-B-63tJ. . .5. 2.3 Level C. Adheuive, ckaged as specified in 5.1 shll be packedto assure carrier acceptance and safe delivery to destination at lowest rating inconformame b requirements of lJniform Freight Classifi

26、cation or lNat10M1tor Freight Classification.5.3 Marking.5.3.1 Civil agencies. Interior and exterior containers shaIl be markedin accordance *ilh Federal !jtanciard Na. 123. Fxterior containers shall be marked2sProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

27、 IHS-,-,-,I. .,-MMWA-184-with e of manufacture of conteti, by month a71nd year,ebaIIhmarked dtha*tiva UJatoqe, suob as:“Asivea COdO to thie 0P8Cffi0atiai be stored a71t 8 temperature d leee tha lMOF.(30” C.) in the a71heence of direet a71nl. Iftransit or normal a71tomge oondttioas, or M however,shop

28、 facilities permitting higher pressures in accorckmce with the manufacturersinstructiooa may be umd wherever practicable.26Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. I, ,. . . 1., . ., ,.NMM-A-M46.1.1 IM uB-WU oovmd by this spdfldtom are ak Du

29、fablafor ether eondruotlau lnoludtag wood, glau, enotlo, polyester arida71- rnfn lamttmtu to each x = in oombMtt-6.1.s Dee*re - -d tit heu 8hwb Vdu- SpeoifiedbexdD are hod oa teds wrf-d witla c1ad dumhum alloy. For uee * otherT8?i810, Vduu of the a71-swe shall be furtbr iovestifptd6.1.3 AdJuWea awe-

30、d by thh specifhetion are xmtintended forUee b bold= 8adwtoh ttona unlamathey coeform to MIL-A-2546&6. Z Suitability for use with expioeivea. W&8 suitability for ueewttb 8 partieuhr explosive is required, 8 special teet all be cooducted a71t adeeigmted Govermnent hlxwQ*ry to de*rxnlne compliance of

31、tlm adumive in Wrespect, Tbe proourbg ctivl a71ball reque9t this ket to be oon&oted, shallS* the cular explosive to be treed and desigxmte the qualifying laboratory.6.3 Wkllfng -. RWch8Ders should e%eroise any dedmd Optionsoffered heroin d proourozn= docmsn=ti shmdd a71pu t& fdlo.-(a)(w(c)(d)(e)m(8)

32、(M(i)me, number, ad ate of Ma SPeolfiutlon of a71btive mm 1.2), adbuivo ooda number (88.3.20 $.1)Form of adhe8Jve required (se. S. 2)Amowste d unit quantities of dhesivu required (see&1. 1)m of liquid dwsivea inaneL8ngths uddt& and thickness of film adhealveWhen oanpmeda dial be pnokaged M a71 kitNw

33、n&r of Mm to be pmcked in intermediate pack (see5. of packagiag sai cking required (see 5.1 and 5. 2)6.4 Qualification tnsting.27Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,. . . . .)ChtM-A-M46,4.1 Qualification. With respeot ti p r

34、equiring qualification,warde wfll be made only for pro&cte which are at tie time set for opening of bide,qidifhd for inclueion in the a71Pioable Qualified Productt Ltet whether or not suchpmxhwte have a71ctually been so Msted by that date. The a71ttention of the euppliera hcalled to this requirement

35、, a71d manufacture- are urged to srrange to have theprrxkmts that they pmpse to offer to the Federal Govermnont, tested for qualifi-cation in order tbt they may be eligiblo to be swarded wntrae or omlers for theprwkwte covered by this .pecifloation. The activity reepondble for the QualifiedProduote

36、Liet is tho Naval Air Syetem Command, Washington, D. C. 20360: how-ever, infomnstion pexWntng to q=tion of Prodt=ta may be obtained from theDtrr, Aero Materials Department, Naval Air IMrelopnent Center, Johneville,wamin8m, Pam8yivanta 18974.6.4.2 Ia wthorlaing qudffiatton te8tD, it ehould be stated

37、in thebtter of Authorizatloo t!mt the follcmdng information a71nd earnplea should be fumdshtat mt b the GuvernmenL(a).,(M(c)(d)Notarized tat report 4. S. 3) liatlng all &ta oMMnd withthree mpe-te batches of the a71dhedve in evaluation teetaperformed h mOs*nee W3 M meciflc=timA duplicate set of bonde

38、d bst pnels prepared with theurns three btchee of a71dhesive and under the 8ame bxbgOotiuona as Ueed to Obtain the am given in the teat report.TWelve lap-joid WKWlS(11 with a71 l/2-inch overlap and onewith a 3/8-inch ovorlap), wtth eaoh of the thrw batches ofadbeoive *1 h requiti (see 4.4, 4.4.1, an

39、d 4. S. 2for el prewmtion and identifiatlon of Paels wftb ad-heaive batoh. )In8tmction sheet (4. S. 4) Iipttng all of the information aarared in 3.5 and including sto-ge Ufe recomrntitiona(3.3. s).Four l-pint eamples of Uqd dbeeive togetherwith mcueary curing agents, or an equivalentamount of matert

40、al in weight and meaeum if of anotherform, from each of three diflerent batcheo of adhesivee.The adhesive earnplea shall & from batches of recentproduction scalo manufacture and may be from differentbtehes from thee uwd in -* the above teat psneta.fheee aampies should each be proper!y pckaged for st

41、orag(see section 5) and sbll b vwrb idenifi (SIHas. %22Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(.,!,“. .,. . . . . .(0)f).-MMM-A-134If the remanmendad mebd of Preprfng the metal 8ud5cefor kmdlng rquired the uae of chemicals other than s-rdoom

42、merolal ackh, edventa, or adium chromate, thernambctwer shall fnolu amgh of such chemicale tomake z Ona of solution.Z%acturer shall pay the tmnspo-tion chargesto and from the ckdgnated pofnt -m teata are to be made.h the c8se of hllura of the eampXeor aample8 auixnloonsidention will he given to tlw

43、requeti of the mmmbtumrfor addtiotml test only after itha been clqrly a71lmwn thatcimngec have been rna& in the product which the Govern-ment conddere sufficient to wamnt additional teeta.6.4.3 Applkatba for kmta of sul*bili& for uae with expheivea,may be made to the Commanding Officer, Ploatiaoy Ar

44、senal, Dover, New Jersey,AttaMon: Samuel Fehxmn Ammuaiticm Mmmtoriu, Ombance Corps, FkaticMhoratory.6.4.4 Admaivea conforming ti the tier rquiremenu of Ma spaci-fkmttcm nmy, at the option of the qualifying a71oWi&, he *d 00 the QuaMiadPm&da hat of produeta quaUfled umier MMM-A-134 (see 6.4.1) prior

45、to thecompletion of the storage life tests. Modlficationa d the manufacturera storageMfe reoommemhtbna or removal of the a71dkdve fmm the Qualifiul PrO&ota I-Wwill be neoeaeary, if aubaqumtly the a71dhesive &ua I W the stonge life teet.MILITARY INTEREST:Custodku:Arsny “ MRNavy - AsAtr Foroe -11Revie

46、w actlvltles:Army - MI, MR, AV, EL,CL, ME, MU, WCcmLAmcm311mu!qT :GSA - F=JUSHEwCOM-NBAGRVA-DMS .Navy - ASAir Force -84,User activities:Navy - YD, CC,85SH, OSNavy - ASOrdere for this publication a71 re to be placed tith General SmAcea n=i-t zatlon, acting aa an agent for the Superintendent of Ibcume

47、nto. Seesection 2 of this epeclficstlon to titaln extra copies and other dom.mentsreferenced herein. Price cents each.29Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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