1、 Collection of SANS standards in electronic format (PDF) 1. Copyright This standard is available to staff members of companies that have subscribed to the complete collection of SANS standards in accordance with a formal copyright agreement. This document may reside on a CENTRAL FILE SERVER or INTRA
2、NET SYSTEM only. Unless specific permission has been granted, this document MAY NOT be sent or given to staff members from other companies or organizations. Doing so would constitute a VIOLATION of SABS copyright rules. 2. Indemnity The South African Bureau of Standards accepts no liability for any
3、damage whatsoever than may result from the use of this material or the information contain therein, irrespective of the cause and quantum thereof. SABS 0120 S Part 2 Section L-1983 Medimpressure pipelines PART 2 : PROJECT SPECIFICATION SECTION L CONTENTS Clause L . 2 . 3 . 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3
4、3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 3.2.10 3.2.11 3.2.12 3.2.13 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.5 Page Number ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLAUSES .a 1 . ESSENTIAL DATA 1 . ADDITIONAL CLAUSES 1 General 1 Normal Projects 1 . AC pipes. COD and CID types 1 Steel pipes. fittings. and specials l Valve cha
5、mbers and manholes for projects in South-West Africa/Nmibia 2 Concrete for ancillary work 2 Pipelaying personnel . 2 Depths and cover . 2 Fire hydrants . 2 Concrete pipes with caulked joints . 3 Flanges (steel pipelines) 3 Setting of valves . 3 Brickwork 3 Disinfection of potable water pipelines 3 R
6、adiographic and ultrasonic examinations . 3 Prestige Projects 3 General . 3 Embedded coupling rings . 3 The testing of large diameter AC pipelines . 4 Subeconomic Projects . 4 Labour-Based Projects . 4 First Revision March 1983 This section of the code supersedes SABS 0120 : Part 2 : Section L-1380
7、Approved by the COUNCIL OF THE SOUTti AFRICAN BUREAU OF STANDARDS SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section L-1983 Hedium-pressure pipelines SABS 1200 L : MEDIUM-PRESSURE PIPELINES NOTE a) Number the PSL clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification in the sequence in which the clauses to which they relate app
8、ear in SABS l200 L. b) The clause number(s) given at the beginning or after the heading of a clause is/are, unless otherwise stated, the numberfs) of the relevant clause(s) of SABS 1200 L. ESSENTIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATION CLAUSES Set out suitable clauses in Portion 2 of the project specification to p
9、rovide the essential information, as follows: a) (Subclause 3.1) State types of pipes and fittings required, if not scheduled. b) (Subclause 3.2) When relevant, state whether AC pipes are to be bitumen dipped. c) (Subclause 3.4.3(a) When relevant, state or schedule the grade of steel pipe required.
10、d) (Subclause 3.6) In the case of prestressed concrete pipes, state the diameter, length, etc. e) (Subclause 3.8.4) In the case of flanged pipes state whether bolts and nuts are to comply with SABS 135 or SABS 136. f) (Subclause When relevant, state which of the protective systems specified
11、 is required for steel pipes of nominal bore over 150 mm. (See also Subclause 1.3.2 of Section L of Part 3 of the code.) g) (Subclause 3.9.3) Where so required, specify that protection against electrolytic corrosion is to be provided. h) (Subclause 3.9.5) If joints, bolts, etc. are not to be bitumen
12、 dipped, state the requirements. (See also Subclause 2.2.5 of section L of Part 3 of the code. ) i) (Subclauses and Specify the cover required over pipes. (See 3.2.6 below). j) (Subclause 7.2.2) If radiographic examination of welds is required, specify in detail the method and exten
13、t of such examination. ESSENTIAL DATA The availability of certain essential data may affect the prices tendered. Except where such data have been given in the schedule or in the tender drawings, set out suitable clauses covering items such as the following in Portion 2 of the project specification:
14、a) (Subclause 3.4.2) State the class and coupling method required if, in the case of steel pipes of nominal bore up to 150 mm, medium class screwed pips are not acceptable. b) (Subclause 3.4.4) Where applicable, state that, for shop welding of steel pipes and specials, a welding test other than the
15、procedure approval test of RP1 1104 may be agreed between the engineer and the contractor. (See also Subclause 3.2.1 of Section t of Part 5 of the code.) c) (Subclause 3.9.3) If protection against electrolytic corrosion is required, state 1) whether it is to be in lieu of, or additional to, any othe
16、r protective coatings and 2) which sections of the pipeline are to be so protected. d) (Subclause Where the maximm depth of trench excavation is to be greater than 1,5 m, state the depth required. (See also Subclause 3.1.5 of Section L of Part S and Subclause 2.3.2 of Section L of Part 3 of
17、 the code.) e) (Subclause State the depth of the threaded outlet of a pipe feeding a fire hydrant, if it is to be other than 400 m below the level of the top of the hydrant cover and, when appropriate, state or show on drawings other arrangements that are to be used to control the depth of
18、fire hydrants relative to fire mains and pavements or ground level. (See also 3.2.7 below.) f) (Subclause 7.3.1) Unless given on the drawings, state the maximum working pressure applicable to the various parts of the pipeline. In addition, if the factor of 1,25 is not to be used, state the factor (g
19、enerally between 1,l and 1,251 that is to be applied to the maximum working pressure to determine the pressure at which the contractor must test the pipeline. g) (Subclause 8.2.5) In the case of short pipe runs, state details of the method of fixing, attaching, supporting, or bedding to be used, if
20、not shown on the drawings. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES GENERAL. Where it is necessary to amplify or otherwise to vary the terms of SABS 1200 L to render them suitable for use in projects to be carried out in particular locations or under particular circumstances, include in the project specification clauses
21、dealing with matters other than those covered by Clauses 1 and 2. NORMAL PROJECTS NOTE: To meet requirements imposed by various norms of economic development, projects are classified as normal, prestige, subeconomic, and labour-based projects (see Clause 4 of Section 0 of Part 3 of the code) . AC Pi
22、pes, COD and CID Types (Subclause 3.2). See Subclauses 1.1.2 and 2.2.2 of Section L of Part 3 of the code. Steel Pipes, Fittings, and Specials (Subclause 3.4). Where the pipe details stated in Subclause 3.4 of SABS 1200 L are unsuitable, set out the applicable requirements as follows (see SABS 719):
23、 a) The grade of pipe required; b) when relevant, that test certificates are required; c) the average length or exact length of pipe required, as relevant; d) the outside diameter; e) whether the ends are to be plain or are to be prepared for field welding and, in the latter case, the type of end pr
24、eparation, if other than as specified; 1 when relevant, that the height of inner weld reinforcement shall not exceed 1 mm; q) when relevant, that the requirement for height of upset metal and flash on the outer surface of electric resistance welds shall also be applicable to the inner surface; h) ad
25、ditional markings, if required. 1) Electric welded low carbon steel pipes for aqueous fluids (ordinary duties). SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section L-1963 Hedim-pressure pipelines Valve Chaabers and Manholes for Projects in South-West Africa/Naaibia (Subclauses 3.11.1 cnd 5.6). Insert a clause such as the fo
26、llwing in the case of projects in South-West Africa/Namibia PSL 1.1 Bricks (Subclause 3.11.1) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subclause 3.11.1 of SABS l200 L, cement bricks coeplyinq with the requirements for Class S7 of SABS 97) will be accepted. Concrete for Ancillary Work (Subclauses 5.4 - 5.
27、7). Insert a project specification clause! requiring the use of a prescribed mix concrete in lieu of the strength concrete where the circunstances !e.g. the situation of the works) are such that the engineer wishes to specify the sources of the material as required in terns of Subclause of S
28、ABS 1200 G). (See also Subclause Z.l(d) of Section G). Pipelaying Personnel (Subclause 5.1.1). Where it is required that only registerled persons undertake pipelaying, include a clause such as the following: PSL 1.2 Pipelaying personnel (Subclause 5.1.1). The laying of pipes and ancillary fittings s
29、hall be perforred only by a qualified person who is registered by the local authority as an artisan in the plumbing, pipefitting, or drainlaying trades or who is qualified by reason of having attended and passed the course on pipelaying of the Civil Engineering Industry Training Board. See also Subc
30、lause 3.1.6 of Section L of Part 5 of the code. Depths and Cover (Subclause 5.1.4 and see also Subclauses 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 of section L of Part 3 of the code). The followinq clauses are generally applicable to urban reticulation systfzms: PSL 1.3 Intersections of water and stormwater pipes in streets
31、. (Subclause 5.1.4) a) Except =allowed in Ib) below, water mains shall be so laid in road verges and in erven that the minimum cover from the finished surface level to the top of the pipe barrel i.s 600 mm. Under carriageways, water mains shall be laid horizontally and so that the minimum cover is 7
32、50 mm, the change to the cover under the carriageway fraa the verge being effect.ed as specified in Subclause of SABS l200 L. b) Where stormwater pipes and water mains cross, the minimum clear distance between the outsides of the pipe barrels (or the outside of the pipe barrel and the outsid
33、e of the wahter amin sleeve :ioint) shall be 150 BB. Drawing indicates the required invert level for the water main. Where the cover specified, read in conjunction with the specified stormwater invert levels, wul3 lead to a clear space between the pipes of lees than 150 m, the water main shall be la
34、id horizontally at tk required invert level for a distance of at least 1,O m on either side of the centre line of the stormtater pipe and reversion to the specified cover shall be carried out as #pacified in Subclause of 8ABS 1200 L. C) The Contractor may increase the cover by a maximm of 20
35、0 r (except as ellawed in (b) .ba?e, m dccreaue in cover will be permitted) or he nay vary the specified invert levnls by a rulrur of 50 r provided that the clear space between the stormater pipe and the water main for sleeve joint, if applicable) is at least 150 R. PSL 1.4 Cover in cultivated land.
36、 In cultivated land the aininum cover shall be 1,O m. PSL 1.5 Measurement and payment for trench depths on basis of cover. Pap!nt for trench excavation for mains will be on the basis of the depth of cover and the invert fevels opecificd, regardless of local variations adopted by the Contractor. Fire
37、 Hydrants (subclause An example of a clause dealing with different methods of laying fire hydrants is given below. PSL 1.6 Hydrant distance pieces (Subclause Where the depth of cover to the water main exceeds 760 m, a distance piece of flange-to-flange length 210 m shall be fitte
38、d between the hydrant and the hydrant-tee flange, and where the depth of cover exceeds 970 rs, two such distance pieces shall be fitted. Ueasurement and payment for hydrant distance pieces will be by number and as specified in Subclause 8.2.3 of SABS l200 L. The rate shall cover the cost of the oper
39、ations specirEied in Subclause 8.2.3 of SABS 1200 L and also the cost of all delays and additional operations arising from circumstances which are beyond the Contractors control because the need for distance pieces can be ascertained only after the laying of the water main. (NOTE: The specified deta
40、ils far the distance pieces are based on the dimensions set out telow and the requirement of Subclause of SABS 1200 L that the top of the threaded outlset shall te not mre than 400 m below the cover level and the requirement that the top of the hydrant spindle shall be at least 50 w below th
41、e cover level: a) Hydrant tees Nominal pipe dim., w Distance from top of pipe to top of flange, mm 108 b) Hydrants Bottom of flanae to too of threaded outlet 263 nun - - Bottom of flange to tap of spindle 400 mm Should the contractor intend providing hydrant tees or hydrants of dimensions other than
42、 those qiven above, he should advise the engineer accordingly and ask for an amended specfication for distance pieces. 2) Cement bricks. 3) Concrete (structural). SABS 0120 : Part 2 Section L-1983 Medium-pressure pipelines Concrete Pipes with Caulked Joints (Subclause 5.2). As concrete pipes with ca
43、ulked joints are not usually used for pressure pipelines, where they are required insert in the project specification a clause such as the following: PSL 1.7 Concrete pipes with caulked joints (Subclause 5.2). In the case of concrete pipes with plain ends and loose collars, between and , the collars
44、 shall be slipped over the joints and held in place by means of wedges to provide a uniform caulking space all round. The pipe ends and the inside of the collar shall be cleaned and wetted before caulking is commenced. Caulking shall be done with a mortar of one part cement and two parts clean river
45、 sand, or an approved jointing compound, inserted to the full depth of the joint. The mortar shall be damp enough to form a cast when squeezed in the hand. When caulking has been completed, the joint shall be cured by being covered with damp sand, or by the use of other suitable and approved methods
46、. The curinq period shall be at least 48 h. Flanges (Steel Pipelines) (Subclause 5.2.2). Rubber insertion material is suitable for pipelines of diameter up to about 800 nun and pressures up to about 1,O HPa. Beyond these ranges, higher quality insertion materials such as clinkerite and/or specially
47、shaped flanges should be used. Consult current publications on steel pipe joints for advice on types of insertion materials that are suitable under various conditions. Setting of Valves (Subclause 5.3). State the position in which each gate valve and each butterfly valve is to be set, if the setting
48、 required is other than as specified in SABS l200 L. Brickwork (Subclause 5.8). Where the bond arrangement specified in Subclause 5.8 of SABS l200 L is not warranted and stretcher bond is acceptable, set out the requirements for the bonding of the inner and outer skins. Specify the size and number o
49、r spacing of wire ties or brickforce, or both, required (see also Subclause 1.3.7 of Section L of Part 3 of the code). Disinfection of Potable Water Pipelines (Subclause 5.10). See Subclause 1.3.8 of Section L of Part 3 of the code. Radiographic and Ultrasonic Examinations. If radiographic and ultrasonic examinations are required, set out a project specification clause such as the following: PSL 2.1 Radiographic and Ultrasonic Examinations (Subclause 7.2.2). Radiogra hic examination shall be carried out in accordance with BS 2600 or in accordance with BS 2910sP, or both, as approp
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