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本文(ISO 3880-1-1977 Building construction Stairs Vocabulary Part I Bilingual edition《房屋建筑 楼梯 词汇 第1部分 两种语言版》.pdf)为本站会员(fuellot230)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ISO 3880-1-1977 Building construction Stairs Vocabulary Part I Bilingual edition《房屋建筑 楼梯 词汇 第1部分 两种语言版》.pdf


2、rs - Vocabulaire - Partie I Premiere Edition - 1977-06-15 UDC/CDU 69.026 : 001.4 Ref. No.lRBf. no : IS0 3880/l-1977 (E/F) Descriptors : construction, buildings, stairways, vocabulary/Descripteurs : construction, bAtiment, escalier, vocabulaire. Price based on 4 pages/Prix base sur 4 pages FOREWORD I

3、S0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical comm

4、ittee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval

5、 before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 3880/l was developed by Technical Committee lSO/TC 59, Building construction, and was circulated to the member bodies in September 1975. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following count

6、ries : Australia Austria Belgium Canada Cuba Denmark Egypt, Arab Rep. of Finland France Germany Hungary India Iran Israel Japan Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of Mexico Netherlands Norway Romania No member body expressed disapproval of the document. South Africa, Rep. of Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United

7、Kingdom U.S.S.R. Yugoslavia 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1977 l Printed in Switzerland ii AVANT-PROPOS LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membresde IISO). Lelaboration des Normes interna

8、tionales est confide aux comites techniques de IISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comitd technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec IISO, participent Bgalement aux travaux. Les pr

9、ojets de Normes internationales adopt run ICDN + USA/ : The horizontal distance between the nosings of two consecutive steps, measured on the walking line. 5 handrail : An element attached to a wall or balustrade 5 main courente : Blement fixe au mur ou au garde-corps and so designed as to afford a

10、grip to persons using the et destine B offrir une prise aux personnes utilisant stair. Iescalier. 6 headroom : The minimum unobstructed vertical dis- 6 &chape : Hauteur libre minimale audessus de la ligne tance above the pitch line of the stair. de pente de Iescalier. 7 landing : A platform or part

11、of the floor structure at the 7 palier : Plate-forme ou partie de plancher situee aux ends of the flights. extremites dune volee. Coordinating stair width f Largeur de coordination de Iescalier 4 giron : Distance horizontale entre les nez de deux marches con&cutives, mesuree sur la ligne de foul&e.

12、2 IS0 3880/l -1977 (E/F) 8 intermediate landing : A landing inserted between two floors. 9 nosing : The front edge of a tread. 10 pitch : The angle between the pitch line and the horizontal plane. 11 pitch line : A notional line connecting the nosings of successive steps taken on the walking line an

13、d which extends down to the landing at the bottom of the flight. 12 rise : The vertical distance between two consecutive steps. 13 riser : The part closing the front face of the step. 14 stair : A succession of horizontal stages (steps or landings) which makes it possible to pass on foot to other le

14、vels. 15 stair enclosure : The volume reserved for accommodat- ing the stair, and faces of the walls limiting the volume. 16 stair opening : A space reserved in a floor for the stair. 17 stair well : The space around which a stair is disposed. 18 step : A part of a stair including a horizontal surfa

15、ce on which the foot is placed to go upstairs or downstairs. 19 string : An inclined member supporting the ends of steps. 20 tread : The horizontal part or upper surface of a step. 21 walking line : A theoretical line indicating the average path of the users of the stair. 8 palier intermediaire : Pa

16、lier situ6 entre deux Stages. 9 nez de marche : Extremite avant du plan de marche. 10 pente de Iescalier : Angle compris entre la ligne de pente et Ihorizontale. 11 ligne de pente : Ligne imaginaire reliant les nez de marches successives, prise sur la ligne de foulee et sbtendant vers le bas jusquau

17、 palier inferieur. 12 hauteur de marche : Distance verticale comprise entre deux marches consecutives. 13 contremarche : Paroi fermant le devant de la marche. -14 escalier : Suite de degres horizontaux (marches ou paiiers) qui permet de passer B pied dun niveau a dautres niveaux. 15 cage descalier :

18、 Volume reserve au logement de Iescalier, et parois delimitant ce volume. 16 tremie descalier : Vide reserve dans un plancher pour Iescalier. 17 jour descalier : Espace autour duquel est construit un escalier. 18 marche : Partie dun escalier comportant une aire horizontale sur laquelle on pose le pi

19、ed pour monter ou descendre Iescalier. 19 limon : l%ment de charpente ou ossature inclinee supportant les extremites des marches. 20 plan de marche : Surface superieure plane et horizon- tale dune marche. 21 ligne de foulee : Ligne conventionnelle figurant la trajectoire moyenne des usagers de Iesca

20、lier. 3 Iso3880/1-1977 (E/F) ANNEX LIST OF CORRESPONDING TERMS IN GERMAN ANNEXE LISTE DES TERMES EQUIVALENTS EN ALLEMAND 1 (Treppen) brtistung 2 (Treppen) laufbreite-Koordinationsmass 3 Treppenarm 4 Auftritt 5 (Treppen) handlauf 6 Lichte Treppendurchgangshiihe 7 (Treppen) podest 8 Zwischenpodest 9 Stufenvorderkante 10 Neigungswinkel 11 Neigungslinie 12 Steigung 13 Setzstufe 14 Treppe 15 Treppenhaus 16 Treppenloch 17 Treppenauge 18 (Treppen) stufe 19 (Treppen) wange 20 Trittflkhe 21 Lauflinie

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