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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 339及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 What is a research proposal? 1)intended to convince others that - you have a worthwhile 【 1】 _ - you have

3、 the 【 2】 _ and work-plan to complete it 2)usually structured in the same way as 【 3】 _ . How to write a research proposal? 1)Title - to be concise and 【 4】 _ - often in terms of a functional relationship 2)Abstract - a brief summary of about 300 words - including 【 5】 _, the rationale for study, th

4、e hypothesis, the method and main findings 3)Introduction - purpose: to provide the background for the research problem - frame: to paint your research question in broad brushes and bring out its significance to put the research question in the context of a current hot area, or an older area still v

5、iable to provide a brief but appropriate 【 6】 _ to provide the contemporary context 4)【 7】 _ - many different ways to organize this part - use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to this part 5)Methods -purpose: to provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completi

6、on of your project - guiding principle: sufficient information to justify the soundness of the methodology to demonstrate your knowledge of 【 8】 _ and prove that your method is the most appropriate to use qualitative method and justify it to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional qu

7、antitative research 6)Results - no results at the proposal stage - to have some idea of data to be collected and statistical procedures to be used 7)Discussion - to convince readers of 【 9】 _ of the proposed research - to include merits as well as 【 10】 _ of your research 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】

8、 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer

9、each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 The conversation is primarily concerned with _. ( A) the development of the rubber industry in Malaysia ( B) the impact of rubber industry on Malaysia ( C) the uneven distribution of wealth in Malaysia ( D) the current situation i

10、n Malaysia 12 What percentage does rubber industry account for in the Gross National Product in Malaysia? ( A) 12%. ( B) 20%. ( C) 30%. ( D) 13%. 13 Malaysia is in a good position internationally because _. ( A) it produces a large amount of rubber oil every year ( B) it is rich in fossil resources

11、( C) it is rich in rubber resources ( D) it is a wealthy country with a large population 14 How many people are involved with the production of rubber in Malaysia? ( A) 13 million. ( B) 7 million. ( C) 3 million. ( D) 30 million. 15 Which of the following is NOT the problem a smallholder of rubber b

12、usiness has to face in Malaysia? ( A) Financial problems. ( B) Boredom. ( C) Fatigue. ( D) Lack of insurance schemes. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you

13、 will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Who was found to be involved in the bombing of the National police headquarters? ( A) Al-Qaida. ( B) A militant group. ( C) The Muslim Brotherhood. ( D) A group of separatists. 17 Who were the majority of victims in the bombing on Wednesday? ( A)

14、 Civilians. ( B) Students. ( C) Government officials. ( D) Police officers. 18 According to Salah, continual terrorist attacks were caused by _. ( A) the secular criticism ( B) the religious criticism ( C) the anger over the governments corruption ( D) the antagonistic feelings against the West 19 S

15、haron made a commitment three years ago that _. ( A) he would not harm Arafat ( B) he would withdraw his troops ( C) he would deal with the conflict between Israel and Palestine ( D) he would not overthrow Palestinian government 20 When did Sharon meet Bush and told Bush that he would release himsel

16、f from the commitment? ( A) On April 14. ( B) Three years ago. ( C) Last Friday. ( D) A week ago. 20 A throng of bearded men, in sad-colored garments and gray steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with women, some wearing hoods and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door o

17、f which was heavily timbered with oak and studded with iron spikes. The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery,

18、 and another portion as the site of a prison. In accordance with this rule, it may safely be assumed that the forefathers of Boston had built the fast prison-house somewhere in the vicinity of Cornhill, almost as seasonably as they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnsons lot, and round

19、 about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of Kings Chapel. Certain it is that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weatherstains and other indications of age, whic

20、h gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front. The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than anything else in the New World. Like all that pertains to crime, it seemed, never to have known a youthful era. Before this ugly edifice, and between it an

21、d the wheel-track of the street, was a grassplot, much overgrown with burdock, pigweed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation, winch evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society a prison. But on one side of the portal, and rooted a

22、lmost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature

23、could pity and be kind to him. This ruse-bush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the stem old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed it, or whether, as there is fair authority for bel

24、ieving, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson as she entered the prison-door, we shall not take upon us to determine. Finding it so directly on the threshold of our narrative, which is now about to issue from that inauspicious portal, we could hardly do otherwise than pl

25、uck one of its flowers and present it to the reader. It may serve, let us hope, to symbolize some sweet moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow. 21 The atmosphere of the story in the very beginning is _. ( A) joyous ( B) g

26、loomy ( C) light ( D) auspicious 22 The founders of a new colony found it necessary to build a _. ( A) park ( B) market ( C) house ( D) jail 23 The prison-house mentioned in the second paragraph must be _. ( A) of a long history ( B) of new one ( C) of delicate design ( D) of fashionable design 24 T

27、he rose-bush is a symbol of _. ( A) Natures inhumanity ( B) Mans inhumanity ( C) Natures sympathy ( D) Harshness of society 25 The story that the author is going to tell may be a story of _. ( A) sadness ( B) happiness ( C) joy ( D) kindness 25 In many classrooms around the country, teachers are emp

28、hasizing, and periodically testing, students reading fluency, the current buzzword in reading instruction. The problem is that speed isnt the only element to fluency, educators said, Key elements are also accuracy and expressiveness. “The food was delectable“ is different from “the food was detestab

29、le,“ and Shakespeare should not sound like a chemistry textbook. It is a complicated process teaching students to recognize enough words and read at a consistent rate so they can spend their time concentrating on meaning rather than decoding, educators said. And when tackling a book such as “The Giv

30、er,“ one that deals with a boys discovery that his utopian world comes at the expense of the stifling of intellectual and emotional freedom, meaning is critical. “Fluent readers are readers who know how to dig into a book and pull out just what they are looking for whether it is information, a part

31、with strong language, a part with good character development, or just a chance to read for fun,“ said Susan Marantz, a longtime teacher now at a suburban school in Columbus, Ohio. Yet u combination of politics, insufficient teacher development and an inherent difficulty in capturing all aspects of f

32、luency have led to questionable instruction practices, according to Richard Allington, a reading researcher and University of Tennessee professor. Many students are asked by teachers to reread the same passages over and over often with constant interruptions from the teacher. And some struggling rea

33、ders are given books including textbooks that are above their reading level and soon become a source of frustration. “You can make any adult a disfluent reader by giving them books that are too hard and jump in and interrupt them a lot,“ Allington said. “What do you think it does to kids?“ As a resu

34、lt, some kids are motivated to read only to beat a test clock, he and other researchers said. “The more important question to ask is: Are teachers focusing on all three parts of fluency?“ Beers, vice president-elect of the National Council of Teachers of English, wrote in an e-mail. “When fluency is

35、 only about building automaticity (and therefore speed), then some (teachers) do mistakenly believe that the point of reading is fast decoding. Thats no more the best measure of a skilled reader than fast driving is the best measure of skilled driver.“ The current interest in reading fluency illustr

36、ates the complexities in the long national argument about how best to teach reading, dubbed the “reading wars.“ Advocates of phonics and literature-based instruction have been at odds for years, with the argument only intensifying after a controversial 2000 report by the National Reading Panel. Many

37、 reading experts said the panel relied on a limited set of studies that supported, among other things, intensive drilling in phonics. Reading fluency also was one of the key areas for instruction, along with phonemic awareness and phonics instruction, comprehension, teacher education and computer te

38、chnology. President Bush used the report as a basis for Reading First, a program to improve reading scores that became the centerpiece of his No Child Let Behind law. Although fluency had long been identified by experts as important, it then became a hot issue. Reading researchers began devising pro

39、grams to help teachers improve students fluency. And although there was no consensus definition of fluency, panels approving Reading First money accepted programs that used tools that stressed reading speed, according to some educators. A report by the Department of Educations inspector general this

40、 month slammed the grant-approval processing, saying it was riddled with problems and conflicts of interest. The result, said fluency expert Tim Rasinski of Kent State University, was a massage strut to schools to concentrate on speed. “The influence of No Child Left Behind has been such that even s

41、chools that arent Reading First schools are doing periodic (speed reading) testing of kids,“ he said. In Ottumwa, Iowa, Evans Middle School did it a different way. Evans was declared a school in need of improvement in reading in 2004, and Principal Davis Eidahl said he adopted a program focused on r

42、eading fluency using a model constructed by Rasinski aimed at improving comprehension. Some students, he said, came into the school reading fast but understanding little. “They read so fast, with no punctuation and no expression that wed go back and ask comprehension questions and they werent very s

43、uccessful answering them.“ he said. To slow them down and teach them to talk with expression and comprehension, various exercises were used, including having children read passages to each other and listen to how they sound when reading, asking students to repeat passages, and adding 45 more minutes

44、 of reading time each day, he said. Now, 71 percent of the kids am reading at grade level, up from 58 percent two years ago. What worked, Eidahl said, was addressing all aspects of fluency, maintaining consistency and most importantly, having a quality teacher. “It all comes down to the teacher,“ he

45、 said. “Its people, not programs.“ 26 In the second paragraph, the word “delectable“ is _ “detestable“. ( A) synonym with ( B) antonym with ( C) irrelevant to ( D) similar to 27 It can be inferred from tile passage that “Giver“ is a book which _. ( A) contains many new and difficult words ( B) has m

46、any levels of meaning ( C) is easy to read ( D) is about a boys discovery 28 National Reading Panel focuses on _. ( A) accuracy ( B) speed ( C) comprehension ( D) expressiveness 29 According to the author, “No Child Left Behind Law“ is _ ( A) objective in setting its goal ( B) partial in its basis (

47、 C) useful in addressing reading issues ( D) improving the reading scores of the students 30 It can be inferred from the passage that the key element in improving the reading ability of children lies in _. ( A) No Child Left Behind Law ( B) ail kinds of experiments ( C) the students awareness of the

48、ir shortcomings ( D) the teachers guidance 30 In sixteenth-century Italy and eighteenth-century France, waning prosperity and increasing social unrest led the ruling families to try to preserve their superiority by withdrawing from the lower and middle classes behind barriers of etiquette. In a pros

49、perous community, on the other hand, polite society soon absorbs the newly rich, and in England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for leaching them the manners appropriate to their new way of life. Every code of etiquette has contained three elements; basic moral duties; practical rules which promote efficiency; and artificial, optional graces such as formal compliments to, say, women on their beauty or supe

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