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本文([外语类试卷]口译三级综合能力(听力综述)模拟试卷2及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(fatcommittee260)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、口译三级综合能力(听力综述)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART 4 (30 points, 30 minutes) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the recording. This par

2、t of test carries 30 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 1 Causes of Occupational Stress Vocabulary and Expressions Cortisol gastrointestinal buffer 2 Life Lessons Travel Has Taught Me Vocabulary and Expressions hustle and bustle catalyst Depra

3、ved philosophize Louis Vuitton bag abject 3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Urban Living Vocabulary and Expressions tertiary institution GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) cutting-edge technology exorbitant 4 Global Warming: Plants May Absorb More Carbon Dioxide Than Previously Though

4、t Vocabulary and Expressions take into account photosynthesis terrestrial irreversible thrive carbohydrate biosphere responsive 口译三级综合能力(听力综述)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART 4 (30 points, 30 minutes) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You w

5、ill hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the recording. This part of test carries 30 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 1 【听力原文】 Causes of Occupational Stress Job stress results fr

6、om various interactions of the worker and the environment of the work they perform their duties. Location, gender, environment, and many other factors contribute to the buildup of stress. Job stress results from the interaction of the worker and the conditions of work. Views differ on the importance

7、 of worker characteristics versus working conditions as the primary cause of job stress. The differing viewpoints suggest different ways to prevent stress at work. Differences in individual characteristics such as personality and coping skills can be very important in predicting whether certain job

8、conditions will result in stress. In other words, what is stressful for one person may not be a problem for someone else. This viewpoint underlies prevention strategies that focus on workers and ways to help them cope with demanding job conditions. Working conditions Although the importance of indiv

9、idual differences cannot be ignored, scientific evidence suggests that certain working conditions are stressful to most people. Such evidence argues for a greater emphasis on working conditions as the key source of job stress, and for job redesign as a primary prevention strategy. Large surveys of w

10、orking conditions, including conditions recognized as risk factors for job stress, were conducted in member states of the European Union in the last decades. Results showed a time trend suggesting an increase in work intensity. Workload In an occupational setting, dealing with workload can be stress

11、ful and serve as a stressor for employees. There are three aspects of workload that can be stressful. Quantitative workload or overload: Having more work to do than can be accomplished comfortably. Qualitative workload: Having work that is too difficult. Underload: Having work that fails to use a wo

12、rkers skills and abilities. Workload has been linked to a number of strains, including anxiety, physiological reactions such as Cortisol, fatigue, backache, headache, and gastrointestinal problems. Workload as a work demand is a major component of the demand-control model of stress. This model sugge

13、sts that jobs with high demands can be stressful, especially when the individual has low control over the job. In other words, control serves as a buffer or protective factor when demands or workload is high. This model was expanded into the demand-control-support model that suggests that the combin

14、ation of high control and high social support at work buffers the effects of high demands. As a work demand, workload is also relevant to the job demands-resources model of stress that suggests that jobs are stressful when demands exceed the individuals resources to deal with them. Long hours A subs

15、tantial percentage of Americans work very long hours. By one estimate, more than 26% of men and more than 11% of women worked 50 hours per week or more 15 years ago. These figures represent a considerable increase over the previous three decades, especially for women. According to the Department of

16、Labor, there has been a rise in increasing amount of hours in the work place by employed women, an increase in extended work weeks ( 40 hours)by men, and a considerable increase in combined working hours among working couples, particularly couples with young children. 1 【正确答案】 Job stress results fro

17、m various factors, including interactions of the worker and the work environment, location, gender, personality and coping skills etc. Besides above, working conditions, workload and long hours contribute to occupational stress. Working conditions is the key source of job stress and stressful to mos

18、t people. Large surveys of working conditions showed a time trend suggesting an increase in work intensity. Three aspects of workload can be stressful: quantitative workload (overload), qualitative workload and underload, which has been linked to a number of strains, including anxiety, physiological

19、 reactions and may be stressful especially when the individual has low control over the job, or when demands exceed the individuals resources to deal with them. Long hours work is universal in America and some figures represent a considerable increase over the previous three decades, especially for

20、women. 【试题解析】 此文思路非常清晰,题目统领全文:造成压力的因素;三个小标题为各部分主旨,造成压力的三个主要因素:工作环境、工作量和加班;每部分第一句为 topic sentence。在工作量部分又细分为三类影响因素: a工作数量,即超额工作量, 指工作量太大,员工难以轻松应付; b工作质量,即工作太难;c工作量不多,即工作太易,员工不足以发挥其能力水平。把握住了这些,再加上每部分的细节信息,基本上可以比较全面地理解文章。 【知识模块】 听力综述 2 【听力原文】 Life Lessons Travel Has Taught Me Over the years, Ive found

21、I do some of my best thinking when Im traveling. Away from the hustle and bustle of life back home, between checking my phone for texts and being pushed to “succeed“ , I find that I can relax and philosophize in journey. While traveling, its common to have long train rides, plane journeys or bus com

22、mutes that leave me just enough time to just sit back, stare out the window, and reflect. Being in a beautiful place or experiencing something “once in a lifetime“ is also a great catalyst for some deep thinking. I really think that travelling abroad over the years has helped me become a better pers

23、on. Those lessons Ive learned abroad wouldnt have taken hold in me if I hadnt experienced them overseas. So when I am doubtful, sad or trying to tell people that I dont just throw my money out the window and get drunk while traveling, that it actually has MEANING to me, that I actually grow and impr

24、ove from my experiences abroad, I remind myself of these lessons Ive learned hopping around the world. I truly believe that world travel is the best education you can get. Traveling around the world taught me to reevaluate my priorities in life, and I learned to value experiences more than clothes a

25、nd make-up. After traveling so much, I know how much something like a 2 week trip to South America will cost, or how much youll spend to move to Spain for a year and work. Learning to prioritize travel expenditures has made all the differences over the years. Personally, I would much rather have tho

26、se experiences and memories than a new car, a nice apartment, or lets say a Louis Vuitton bag which, if you know me at all, I would do some desperate, depraved thing to be able to own one. Traveling around the world and seeing people in all sorts of circumstances makes me appreciate my freedom more

27、and more. I dont think people can truly appreciate what they have until you travel somewhere and are faced with abject poverty, or to a place where people dont have the same freedoms we are blessed with back home. That is where I consider myself lucky, and I dont think I would have ever come to that

28、 realization without traveling far and wide. Travel has also taught me how to pack a bag for a trip in less than an hour. When you are always rushing for something (plane, bus, boat, or train)being able to pack light and fast is key. I think if you can prioritize and pack a suitcase quickly and effi

29、ciently, this will carry over into your real life and can only help you make decisions and decide whats important. When you have to carry your life on your back like a turtle, you quickly learn the difference between what would be nice to have and what you cant live without. Prioritizing is a great

30、life lesson to learn, and one I can fully thank from travel. Lifes short, for your sake, do what makes you happy. If traveling is what makes you happy, do it now. Do it while you can. This is the last lesson I learned from my world travel. I count myself incredibly lucky that I havent suffered any m

31、ajor accidents, setbacks, or losses that have kept me from following my dreams. Plenty of people around the world arent so lucky. Sometimes it takes a major event or tragedy to make you realize how short and precious life is. You have to make the most of it. Excuse me for even bringing up this painf

32、ul, overdone, almost laughable cliche, but I think its something we are trained to ignore completely. We are so driven down a certain path, we are so focused on the one strong desire to succeed, that we forget that life is a journey, it moves fast, and if you dont stop and look around, you might mis

33、s it. 2 【正确答案】 I have done a lot of world traveling over the years. Whenever Im traveling, I do some of my best thinking or philosophize. I truly believe that world travel is the best education one can get. I actually grow and improve from my travelling experiences abroad, which has helped me become

34、 better. First, traveling around the world taught me to reevaluate my priorities in life, and I learned to value experiences more than clothes and make-ups. Second, traveling around the world and seeing people in all sorts of circumstances makes me truly appreciate my freedom more and more. Third, t

35、ravel has taught me how to pack a bag for a trip in less than an hour, which will carry over into my real life and can help me make decisions and decide whats important. Prioritizing is a great life lesson that Ive learned from travelling. Last, life is short and travel while you can. This is the la

36、st lesson Ive learned from my world travel. 【试题解析】 全篇行文采用 “总一分 ”式结构,谈论的主要是我从旅行中学到的人生经验。第一段作者讲自己常常在旅行中进行思考,第二段作者讲旅行让自己变 得更好,从而得出结论:在全世界旅游是人类所接受的最好教育。接下来,作者介绍自己从旅行中学到的人生经验: 1)旅行让作者重新审视生活中应该看重的东西; 2)旅行让作者越来越感谢他所拥有的自由; 3)旅行让作者学会了出行打包不到一个小时; 4)人生短暂,要做让自己开心的事情。 听力综述写出文章中的总概句以及四个要点,恰当使用篇章衔接和连贯手段,使其组成一篇连贯的短

37、文。 【知识模块】 听力综述 3 【听力原文】 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Urban Living A hundred years ago, only 20 percent of the worlds population lived in urban areas, but the 21st century saw a dramatic shift that marks a turning point in history. Today, more people live in cities than in rural areas, and urb

38、anization continues to grow around the world. City living is much more efficient in a variety of ways. Its easier to provide services when people live closer together. People migrating to the urban areas can take advantage of the well-established infrastructure and available social benefits. Advanta

39、ges Improved basic Amenities the urban area is filled with numerous and improved basic facilities. There are good schools in the cities equipped with relevant facilities and adequately trained teachers. Tertiary institutions in the urban area are better furnished than the ones in the rural setting.

40、There is constant electricity supply in the cities. Big shopping malls are also many in the urban area making it possible for shoppers to have a variety of commodities from which to choose. Current medical facilities are also available in the cities availing people the opportunity to be treated prop

41、erly. The roads in the urban area are good and spacious making commuting smooth, fast and pleasant. The cars in the urban cities also tend to last longer because of the quality of the roads. Recreational facilities such as parks, gardens, cinemas are plenty in the urban areas for people to enjoy and

42、 relax. There are also many museums where tourists can go for sightseeing. Effective telecommunication is also another merit that urban living possesses. There are many GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)providers in the cities with strong signals at affordable rates while there may be lim

43、ited offers in the villages. Numerous employment opportunities employment opportunities are readily available in the urban areas because of many industries, offices, shopping complexes, factories, and even government agencies. This makes it possible for people to move from one job to another in the

44、cities which guaranties consistent flow of income. Cutting-edge technologies the kind of technologies that are available in the urban areas are quite advanced and make life comfortable for people. These technologies make services rendered to consumers very attractive and affordable. For instance the

45、 kind of gadgets that are in a hair salon in the cities cannot be compared with the ones at the rural areas. Availability of various business ventures due to the high population density in the urban areas, goods and services are needed on a higher scale in the urban areas thereby making it possible

46、to have many business opportunities. Disadvantages High cost of living goods and services are quite expensive in the cities. Vegetables and fruits that cost next to nothing in the villages are exorbitant in the urban areas. This makes it difficult for people to consume healthy foods. Lack of persona

47、l relationships life in the urban area is very fast-paced and clumsy. This makes it impossible for people to have time for interpersonal relationships. People in the villages are fewer and they know one another. Pollution there is a high level of pollution in the cities because of many factories, in

48、dustries, cars and trucks. That is why you have a lot people that are sick and climate change is the order of the day. Overcrowding there is also the problem of congestion in the urban area because many are there to enjoy the aforementioned advantages. There are a lot of traffic jamming, crowded nei

49、ghbourhoods, and overstretched public facilities. High rate of crime the level of crime in the cities are higher than what is obtainable in the rural areas because of the crowded nature of the urban area. People know one another in the villages, so you cannot commit a crime and easily get away with it. These advantages and disadvantages are some of the features of most urban areas in the world. Individuals should consider their life goal before deciding whether to stay in the urban or rural areas. 3 【

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