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本文(ASTM D6433-2003 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys《道路和停车场路面条件系数测量标准实施规范》.pdf)为本站会员(eastlab115)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM D6433-2003 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys《道路和停车场路面条件系数测量标准实施规范》.pdf

1、Designation: D 6433 03Standard Practice forRoads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition IndexSurveys1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6433; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision

2、. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers the determination of roads andparking lots pavement condition through visual surveys usingthe Pavement Condit

3、ion Index (PCI) method of quantifyingpavement condition.1.2 The PCI for roads and parking lots was developed by theU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1, 2).2It is further verified andadopted by DOD and APWA.1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The SI units given in

4、 parentheses are forinformation only.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory lim

5、itations prior to use. Specific precau-tionary statements are given in Section 6.2. Terminology2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:2.1.1 additional samplea sample unit inspected in addi-tion to the random sample units to include nonrepresentativesample units in the determination of th

6、e pavement condition.This includes very poor or excellent samples that are nottypical of the section and sample units, which contain anunusual distress such as a utility cut. If a sample unitcontaining an unusual distress is chosen at random it should becounted as an additional sample unit and anoth

7、er randomsample unit should be chosen. If every sample unit is surveyed,then there are no additional sample units.2.1.2 asphalt concrete (AC) surfaceaggregate mixturewith an asphalt cement binder. This term also refers to surfacesconstructed of coal tars and natural tars for purposes of thispractice

8、.2.1.3 pavement brancha branch is an identifiable part ofthe pavement network that is a single entity and has a distinctfunction. For example, each roadway or parking area is aseparate branch.2.1.4 pavement condition index (PCI)a numerical ratingof the pavement condition that ranges from 0 to 100 wi

9、th 0being the worst possible condition and 100 being the bestpossible condition.2.1.5 pavement condition ratinga verbal description ofpavement condition as a function of the PCI value that variesfrom “failed” to “excellent” as shown in Fig. pavement distressexternal indicators of pavementdet

10、erioration caused by loading, environmental factors, con-struction deficiencies, or a combination thereof. Typical dis-tresses are cracks, rutting, and weathering of the pavementsurface. Distress types and severity levels detailed inAppendixX1 forAC, andAppendix X2 for PCC pavements must be usedto o

11、btain an accurate PCI value.2.1.7 pavement sample unita subdivision of a pavementsection that has a standard size range: 20 contiguous slabs (68slabs if the total number of slabs in the section is not evenlydivided by 20 or to accommodate specific field condition) forPCC pavement, and 2500 contiguou

12、s square feet, 6 1000 ft2(225 6 90 m2), if the pavement is not evenly divided by 2500or to accommodate specific field condition, for AC pavement.2.1.8 pavement sectiona contiguous pavement area hav-ing uniform construction, maintenance, usage history, andcondition. A section should have the same tra

13、ffic volume andload intensity.2.1.9 portland cement concrete (PCC) pavementaggregate mixture with portland cement binder includingnonreinforced and reinforced jointed pavement.2.1.10 random samplea sample unit of the pavementsection selected for inspection by random sampling techniques,such as a ran

14、dom number table or systematic random proce-dure.3. Summary of Practice3.1 The pavement is divided into branches that are dividedinto sections. Each section is divided into sample units. Thetype and severity of pavement distress is assessed by visual1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM C

15、ommittee E17 on Vehicle-Pavement Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E17.41 onPavement Management.Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2003. Published January 2004. Originallyapproved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as D 6433 99.2The boldface numbers in parentheses r

16、efer to the list of references at the end ofthis standard.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.inspection of the pavement sample units. The quantity of thedistress is measured as described in Appendix X1 and Appen-dix X2.

17、The distress data are used to calculate the PCI for eachsample unit. The PCI of the pavement section is determinedbased on the PCI of the inspected sample units within thesection.4. Significance and Use4.1 The PCI is a numerical indicator that rates the surfacecondition of the pavement. The PCI prov

18、ides a measure of thepresent condition of the pavement based on the distressobserved on the surface of the pavement, which also indicatesthe structural integrity and surface operational condition (lo-calized roughness and safety). The PCI cannot measure struc-tural capacity nor does it provide direc

19、t measurement of skidresistance or roughness. It provides an objective and rationalbasis for determining maintenance and repair needs andpriorities. Continuous monitoring of the PCI is used to estab-lish the rate of pavement deterioration, which permits earlyidentification of major rehabilitation ne

20、eds. The PCI providesfeedback on pavement performance for validation or improve-ment of current pavement design and maintenance procedures.5. Apparatus5.1 Data Sheets, or other field recording instruments thatrecord at a minimum the following information: date, location,branch, section, sample unit

21、size, slab number and size, distresstypes, severity levels, quantities, and names of surveyors.Example data sheets for AC and PCC pavements are shown inFigs. 2 and 3.5.2 Hand Odometer Wheel, that reads to the nearest 0.1 ft(30 mm).5.3 Straightedge or String Line, (AC only), 10 ft (3 m).5.4 Scale, 12

22、 in. (300 mm) that reads to18 in. (3 mm) orbetter. Additional 12-in. (300 mm) ruler or straightedge isneeded to measure faulting in PCC pavements.5.5 Layout Plan, for network to be inspected.6. Hazards6.1 Traffic is a hazard as inspectors may walk on thepavement to perform the condition survey.7. Sa

23、mpling and Sample Units7.1 Identify branches of the pavement with different usessuch as roadways and parking on the network layout plan.7.2 Divide each branch into sections based on the pave-ments design, construction history, traffic, and condition.7.3 Divide the pavement sections into sample units

24、. If thepavement slabs in PCC have joint spacing greater than 25 ft (8m) subdivide each slab into imaginary slabs. The imaginaryslabs all should be less than or equal to 25 ft (8 m) in length,and the imaginary joints dividing the slabs are assumed to bein perfect condition. This is needed because th

25、e deduct valuesdeveloped for jointed concrete slabs are less than or equal to 25ft (8 m).7.4 Individual sample units to be inspected should bemarked or identified in a manner to allow inspectors andquality control personnel to easily locate them on the pavementsurface. Paint marks along the edge and

26、 sketches with locationsconnected to physical pavement features are acceptable. It isnecessary to be able to accurately relocate the sample units toallow verification of current distress data, to examine changesin condition with time of a particular sample unit, and to enablefuture inspections of th

27、e same sample unit if desired.7.5 Select the sample units to be inspected. The number ofsample units to be inspected may vary from the following: allof the sample units in the section, a number of sample units thatprovides a 95 % confidence level, or a lesser number.7.5.1 All sample units in the sec

28、tion may be inspected todetermine the average PCI of the section. This is usuallyprecluded for routine management purposes by availablemanpower, funds, and time. Total sampling, however, isdesirable for project analysis to help estimate maintenance andrepair quantities.7.5.2 The minimum number of sa

29、mple units (n) that must besurveyed within a given section to obtain a statisticallyadequate estimate (95 % confidence) of the PCI of the sectionis calculated using the following formula and rounding n to thenext highest whole number (see Eq 1).FIG. 1 Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Rating ScaleD

30、6433032FIG.2FlexiblePavementConditionSurveyDataSheetforSampleUnitD6433033n 5 Ns2/e2/4!N 1! 1 s2! (1)where:e = acceptable error in estimating the section PCI; com-monly, e=65 PCI points;s = standard deviation of the PCI from one sample unit toanother within the section. When performing the initialins

31、pection the standard deviation is assumed to be tenfor AC pavements and 15 for PCC pavements. Thisassumption should be checked as described below afterPCI values are determined. For subsequent inspections,the standard deviation from the preceding inspectionshould be used to determine n; and,N = tota

32、l number of sample units in the section. If obtaining the 95 % confidence level is critical, theadequacy of the number of sample units surveyed must beconfirmed. The number of sample units was estimated based onan assumed standard deviation. Calculate the actual standarddeviation (s) as follo

33、ws (see Eq 2):s 5 (ni51PCIi PCIs!2/n 1!1/2(2)where:PCIi= PCI of surveyed sample units i,PCIs= PCI of section (mean PCI of surveyed sampleunits), andn = total number of sample units surveyed. Calculate the revised minimum number of sampleunits (Eq 1) to be surveyed using the calculated standar

34、ddeviation (Eq 2). If the revised number of sample units to besurveyed is greater than the number of sample units alreadysurveyed, select and survey additional random sample units.FIG. 3 Joint Rigid Pavement Condition Survey Data Sheet for Sample UnitD6433034These sample units should be spaced evenl

35、y across the section.Repeat the process of checking the revised number of sampleunits and surveying additional random sample units until thetotal number of sample units surveyed equals or exceeds theminimum required sample units (n) in Eq 1, using the actualtotal sample standard deviation.7.5.3 Once

36、 the number of sample units to be inspected hasbeen determined, compute the spacing interval of the unitsusing systematic random sampling. Samples are spaced equallythroughout the section with the first sample selected at random.The spacing interval (i) of the units to be sampled is calculatedby the

37、 following formula rounded to the next lowest wholenumber:i 5 N/n (3)where:N = total number of sample units in the section, andn = number of sample units to be inspected.The first sample unit to be inspected is selected at randomfrom sample units 1 through i. The sample units within asection that ar

38、e successive increments of the interval i after thefirst randomly selected unit also are inspected.7.6 A lessor sampling rate than the above mentioned 95 %confidence level can be used based on the condition surveyobjective. As an example, one agency uses the following tablefor selecting the number o

39、f sample units to be inspected forother than project analysis:Given Survey1 to 5 sample units 1 sample unit6 to 10 sample units 2 sample units11 to 15 sample units 3 sample units16 to 40 sample units 4 sample unitsover 40 sample units 10 %7.7 Additional sample units only are to be inspected whennonr

40、epresentative distresses are observed as defined in 2.1.1.These sample units are selected by the user.8. Inspection Procedure8.1 The definitions and guidelines for quantifying distressesfor PCI determination are given in Appendix X1 for ACpavements. Using this test method, inspectors should identify

41、distress types accurately 95 % of the time. Linear measure-ments should be considered accurate when they are within10 % if remeasured, and area measurements should be consid-ered accurate when they are within 20 % if remeasured.Distress severities that one determines based on ride quality areconside

42、red subjective.8.2 Asphalt Concrete (AC) Surfaced PavementIndividually inspect each sample unit chosen. Sketch thesample unit, including orientation. Record the branch andsection number and the number and type of the sample unit(random or additional). Record the sample unit size measuredwith the han

43、d odometer. Conduct the distress inspection bywalking over the sidewalk/shoulder of the sample unit beingsurveyed, measuring the quantity of each severity level ofevery distress type present, and recording the data. Eachdistress must correspond in type and severity to that describedin Appendix X1. T

44、he method of measurement is included witheach distress description. Repeat this procedure for eachsample unit to be inspected. A copy of a Blank FlexiblePavement Condition Survey Data Sheet for Sample Unit isincluded in Fig. 2.8.3 PCC PavementsIndividually inspect each sample unitchosen. Sketch the

45、sample unit showing the location of theslabs. Record the sample unit size, branch and section number,and number and type of the sample unit (random or additional),the number of slabs in the sample unit and the slab sizemeasured with the hand odometer. Perform the inspection bywalking over the sidewa

46、lk/shoulder of the sample unit beingsurveyed and recording all distress existing in the slab alongwith their severity level. Each distress type and severity mustcorrespond with that described in Appendix X2. Summarizethe distress types, their severity levels and the number of slabsin the sample unit

47、 containing each type and severity level.Repeat this procedure for each sample unit to be inspected. Acopy of a Blank Jointed Rigid Pavement Condition SurveyData Sheet for Sample Unit is included in Fig. 3.9. Calculation of PCI for Asphalt Concrete (AC)Pavement9.1 Add up the total quantity of each d

48、istress type at eachseverity level, and record them in the “Total Severities”section. For example, Fig. 4 shows five entries for the DistressType 1, “Alligator Cracking”: 5L, 4L, 4L, 8H, and 6H. Thedistress at each severity level is summed and entered in the“Total Severity” section as 13 ft2(1.2 m2)

49、 of low severity and14 ft2(1.3 m2) of medium severity. The units for the quantitiesmay be either in square feet (square meters), linear feet(meters), or number of occurrences, depending on the distresstype.9.2 Divide the total quantity of each distress type at eachseverity level from 9.1 by the total area of the sample unit andmultiply by 100 to obtain the percent density of each distresstype and severity.9.3 Determine the deduct value (DV) for each distress typeand severity level combination from the distress deduct valuecurves in Appendix X3.9.4 Determine the

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