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本文(ASTM E1480-1992(2013) Standard Terminology of Facility Management (Building-Related)《设备管理的标准术语 (与建筑相关的)》.pdf)为本站会员(eveningprove235)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM E1480-1992(2013) Standard Terminology of Facility Management (Building-Related)《设备管理的标准术语 (与建筑相关的)》.pdf

1、Designation: E1480 92 (Reapproved 2013) An American National StandardStandard Terminology ofFacility Management (Building-Related)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1480; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of rev

2、ision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology consists of terms and definitionspertaining to the description, measurement, predi

3、ction,improvement, and management of buildings and building-related facilities, and, in particular, terms related to the stan-dards generated by ASTM Committee E06 on Performance ofBuildings.1.2 The purpose of this terminology is to provide meaningsand explanations of technical terms, written for bo

4、th thetechnical expert and the non-expert user.1.3 This terminology is one of a group of specialterminologies, subsidiary to the comprehensive TerminologyE631.1.4 Terms are listed in alphabetical sequence. Compoundterms appear in the natural spoken order. Where definitionsherein are adopted from oth

5、er sources, they are copied exactly.The source is identified at the right margin following thedefinition and is listed in Section 2. The equivalent term inFrench is listed in parentheses after the English term.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E344 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hy

6、drom-etryE631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsE833 Terminology of Building EconomicsE1334 Practice for Rating the Serviceability of a Building orBuilding-Related Facility3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:active hourssee hours of operation.adjusted serviceability scoresee serviceability score.ambien

7、t lightsee lighting.architectural programsee facility program.areasee space drawingsee drawing.assignable areasee space categories.base building, n (immeuble de base)a general-purposeoffice building intended, but not yet adapted, to suit theoperational requirements of a specific

8、tenant.DISCUSSIONFacility management is concerned primarily with theuse of office buildings as facilities. When other than office buildings aremeant, the term would be modified to, for example, warehouse basebuilding.basementsee space categories.brief (of a facility)see facility program.building, n

9、(btiment) a shelter comprising a partially ortotally enclosed space, erected by means of a plannedprocess of forming and combining materials. Comparebuilding construction. E631building component, n (composant de btiment)a buildingelement using industrial products that are manufactured asindependent

10、units capable of being joined with otherelements. E631DISCUSSIONExamples include an air handling unit; a cooling tower;an electrical transformer; a door.building construction, n (construire de btiment)(1) the actor process of making or forming a building by assembly orcombining elements, components

11、or systems. (2) the struc-ture or part thereof so formed. Compare building. E631building core and service areasee space categories.building envelope, n (enveloppe dun immeuble)perimeterelements of a building, both above and below ground, thatdivide the external from the internal environment.DISCUSSI

12、ONCommonly included are exterior walls, windows,doors, roofs, and subfloors.building gross areasee space categories.building occupantsee occupant.building performance, n (rendement ddifice)the behaviorin service of a construction as a whole, or of the buildingcomponents. Compare facility performance

13、. E631durability, n (dure) the capability of a building, assembly,component, product, or construction to maintain serviceability1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.25on Whole Buildings and F

14、acilities.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2013. Published January 2013. Originallyapproved in 1992. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as E1480 92 (2004).DOI: 10.1520/E1480-92R13.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm

15、.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1for at least a specified period of time. Compare facilitydurabi

16、lity. E631serviceability, n (fonctionnalit)the capability of abuilding, assembly, component, product, or construction toperform the function(s) for which it is designed or used, orboth. Compare facility serviceability. E1334building projection, n (saillie dun immeuble)pilaster,convector, baseboard h

17、eating unit, radiator, or other buildingelement located in the interior of a building wall thatprevents the use of that space for furniture, equipment,circulation, or other functions.building service areapreferred term is building core andservice area. See space categories.building spacesee space ca

18、tegories.building subsystem, n (sous-systme dimmeuble)complete, integrated set of parts that functions as a unitwithin the finished building. E631building system, n (systme dimmeuble)collection ofequipment, facilities, and software designated to perform aspecific function. E833capital cost, n (cot e

19、n capital (frais dimmobilisations)costs of acquiring, substantially improving, expanding,changing the functional use of, or replacing, a building orbuilding system. E833cellarsee space categories.circulation spacesee space categories.classes of buildings, adj (catgories dimmeubles)buildingscategoriz

20、ed by selected attributes concerning facility ser-viceability and bination of features, nsee featureof a ponentsee building component.criterionsee requirement programsee facility performance.drawing, n (dessin)record set drawing (as-built drawing), n (dessin de louvragefini (dessin

21、daprs excution)construction drawing revisedto show changes made during the construction process, usuallybased on marked-up prints, drawings, and other data furnishedby the contractor.working drawing, n (dessin dexcution)detail drawing,usually produced by a draftsperson under direction of anarchitect

22、, engineer, or other designer showing the form,quantity, and relationship of construction elements and mate-rials and indicating their location, identification, grades,dimensions, and connections. E631durabilitysee building performance.dwelling, n (logement)building designed or occupied as theliving

23、 quarters for one or more families or households. E631engineering economics, n (conomie du gnie)applicationof engineering, mathematical, and economic techniques tothe economic evaluation of engineering alternatives. E833evaluate, v (valuer (installations)(a facility) to assess thecapability of a fac

24、ility to perform the function(s) for whichit is designed, used, or required to be used.DISCUSSIONFacility evaluation includes the assessment of facilityperformance in use. Facility evaluation is a general term, whichincorporates a range of methods and levels of precision.evaluationsee facility evalu

25、ation.fabric, n (difice)of a building, all the elements,components, parts, and materials of a building, at any scaleand of any age. E1334historic fabric, n (difice historique)those portions of thebuilding fabric that have historic significance. E1334facility,n(facilit)a physical setting used to serv

26、e a specificpurpose. E1334DISCUSSIONA facility may be within a building, or a wholebuilding, or a building plus its site and surrounding environment; or itmay be a construction that is not a building. The term encompasses boththe physical object and its use. Compare building.facility durability , n(

27、dure de facilit) of a facility, thecapability of a facility to maintain serviceability for at leasta specified period of time. Compare durabilityof abuilding. E1334facility evaluation, ncomparison of the qualitative andquantitative results of judgments, observations,measurements, analyses, or other

28、tests against performancecriteria established for a specified purpose, and to a specifiedprecision and reliability. (see also requirement statement.)Compare rating process. E1334facility-in-service, n (installation en service)facility as com-pleted and operational; for example, an occupied building

29、ora road in service.facility operator, n (exploitant dinstallations)organizationor agency having a contract with the owner or investor tooperate a facility.DISCUSSIONThe facility operator assumes responsibility aftercompletion of the implementation phase and during and after thecommissioning phase.f

30、acility performance, n (rendement dinstallations)behaviorin service of a facility for a specified use.DISCUSSIONThe scope of this performance is of the facility as asystem, including its subsystems, components, and materials and theirinteractions such as acoustical, hydrothermal, air purity, and eco

31、nomic,and the relative importance of each performance requirement. E631facility program, n (programme dinstallations)design program, n (programme de conception)(designbrief) document specifying what facilities will be provided tothe occupants, and confirming to the owner the requirementsfor the faci

32、lity.functional program, n (programme fonctionneldocumentthat specifies functional facility servicability requirements ofoccupants and owner.DISCUSSIONIt is normally prepared by the occupants or owner, ortheir consultant.project brief, n (expos de projet)document describing therequired facility serv

33、iceability in detail sufficient for theproject to proceed.E1480 92 (2013)2facility project brief (statement of work), n (expos de projetdinstallations (expos de travaux)document describingservices to be provided by the design consultant (architect,engineer, or interior designer) for a facility, in d

34、etail suffi-cient for the design to proceed.DISCUSSIONIncluded is general project information specificallyrelated to the project, such as functional, technical, and designrequirements; time plan; cost plan; and technical design data. E631facility servicability, n (fonctionnalit dinstallations)capabi

35、lity of a facility to perform the function(s) for whichit is designed, used, or required to be used. E631facility serviceability profile, n (profil de fonctionnalitdinstallations)graphic display, usually as a bar chart, ofthe set of rating scores for aspects of the serviceability of afacility.DISCUS

36、SIONUsed to summarize the functional capability of afacility for selected aspects of serviceability.facility use, n (utilisation dinstallations)functions and ac-tivities that take place in a facility. E631feasibility study, n (tude de faisabilit)study of a plannedscheme or development, the practical

37、ity of its achievement,and its projected financial outcome.feature, n (lment caractristique)of a facility, a buildingelement, building component, building subsystem, unit offurnishing or equipment, or aspects of design, arrangement,form of color, which helps or hinders the satisfaction of arequireme

38、nt for serviceability. E1334DISCUSSIONAfeature may be a physical feature or design feature, orboth. It may only have effect on meeting a requirement when someother feature is also present; for example, a wall with a specified soundtransmission coefficient may only have effect on meeting a requiremen

39、twhen sound above a specified level is produced in an adjacent bination of features, n (lments caractristiquescombin)of a facility, features which, when present togetherin a facility, affect satisfying a requirement for serviceability.E1334fit-up, n (amnagement)alterations and improvements to thebas

40、e building and to the building systems includingdemolition, where required, to prepare the accommodationfor occupancy.floor, n (plancher)(in a building) supporting structure (gen-erally horizontal) and constituting the bottom level of eachstory. E631floor area, n (superficie de plancher)gross floor

41、area (superficie brute de plancher)entire areawithin the inside perimeter of the exterior walls.DISCUSSIONOnly courts and shafts not under the roof are excluded.E631net floor area (superficie nette de plancher)that part of thegross floor area located within occupiable space.DISCUSSIONAccessory areas

42、 and thicknesses of walls are excluded.E631function, n (fonction)the action for which a person or thingis specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists. E1334;Websters New Collegiate Dictionary (1980)functional, adj (fonctionnel)performing or able to perform aregular function; designed or dev

43、eloped chiefly from thepoint of view of use. E1334; Websters New CollegiateDictionary (1980)functionality, adj (fonctionnalit)being suitable for a par-ticular use or function.functional programsee facility program.functional requirement, nsee serviceability requirement.function performance, nsee fac

44、ility serviceability.glaresee lighting.gross floor areasee floor for rating, n (guide dvaluation)a document whichexplains how to rate the serviceability of an existing orplanned facility for a specific purpose. A guide identifiestypical requirements and provides a rating scale for com-par

45、ison with the relevant combinations of features present inthe facility. E1334historic fabricsee fabric.hours of operation, n (heures dexploitation)active hours, n (heures dactivit)times when a facility isnormally fully occupied and operational.silent hours, n (heures dinactivit)period when a facilit

46、yis essentially unoccupied and only security and buildingoperations staff are present.transitional hours, n (heures de transition)times in themorning after the first workers normally arrive, until a facilityis fully operational, and in the evening from the end of normalwork until the occupants have

47、, n (maison)building intended in its entirety as adwelling. E631importance factor, n (coefficient dimportance)of a facilityrequirement, a numerical indication of the relative impor-tance of a requirement for serviceability, expressed on ascale of 0 to 9, with 0 being not related, 1 being r

48、elevant butleast important, and 9 being most important.DISCUSSIONThe scale of 0 to 9 has been selected for rating relativeimportance of requirements and for rating each combination of fea-tures. This does not imply that a scale of 0 to 9 should necessarily beused for purposes other than preparing a

49、rating of serviceability offacilities. For example, this would not necessarily apply to question-naires used in general survey research about the built (bail)contract between the owner of real property(lessor) and another party (lessee) for the possession and useof the property for a specified term in return for rent or (clairage)ambient light

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