NFPA 1 ERTA 1-2014 Fire Code.pdf

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1、 Errata NFPA 1Fire Code 2015 Edition Reference: 2.2, Table and (b),,,, 18.5.2, 18.5.3, 20.1.2,, 25.1.1, 25.3, 25.4, A., and A. Errata No: 1-15-1 The Committee on Fire Code notes the following errors in the 2015 edition of NF

2、PA 1, Fire Code. 1. Revise Section 2.2 by replacing the NFPA 1192 edition year of 2014 with 2015, as follows: NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles, 20142015 edition. 2. Revise Table and (b), single-dagger footnote, by replacing the reference to with, as follow

3、s: Minimum Fire Resistance Rating. The fire resistance rating is permitted to be reduced by 1 hour, but in no case to less than 1 hour, where the building is protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13 and supervised in accordance with 3. Revi

4、se by deleting water mist as follows:* In areas protected by automatic sprinklers, automatic water mist heat-detection devices required by other sections of this Code shall not be required. 101: 4. Revise by replacing the reference to with,

5、 as follows: Carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors in accordance with and shall be provided in new one- and two-family dwellings where either of the following conditions exists: (1) Dwelling units with communicating attached garages, unless otherwis

6、e exempted by (2) Dwelling units containing fuel-burning appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces 101: 5. Revise by replacing the NFPA 101 extract citation of with, as follows:* Stairs and ramps that continue more than one-half story beyond t

7、he level of discharge shall be provided with an approved means to prevent or dissuade occupants from traveling past the level of discharge during emergency building evacuation. 101: 6. Revise 18.5.2 by deleting (122 m) and replacing it with (183 m) as follows: 18.5.2 Detached One- and Two-F

8、amily Dwellings. Fire hydrants shall be provided for detached one- and two-family dwellings in accordance with both of the following: (1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant from the closest point on the building shall not exceed 600 ft (122183 m). (2) The maximum distance between fire hydrants s

9、hall not exceed 800 ft (244 m). 7. Revise 18.5.3 by deleting (76 m) and replacing it with (122 m) as follows: 18.5.3 Buildings Other than Detached One- and Two-Family Dwellings. Fire hydrants shall be provided for buildings other than detached one- and two-family dwellings in accordance with both of

10、 the following: (1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant from the closest point on the building shall not exceed 400 ft (76122 m). (2) The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 500 ft (152 m). 8. Revise 20.1.2 Flame-Retardant Requirements by changing the NFPA 101 extract citation

11、s from and to and, respectively, as follows: 20.1.2 Flame-Retardant Requirements. Combustible scenery of cloth, film, vegetation (dry), and similar materials shall comply with one of the following: (1) They shall meet the flame propagation per

12、formance criteria contained in Test Method 1 or Test Method 2, as appropriate, of NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. (2) They shall exhibit a heat release rate not exceeding 100 kW when tested in accordance with NFPA 289, Standard Method of Fire Tes

13、t for Individual Fuel Packages, using the 20 kW ignition source. 101:; 101: Foamed plastics (see definition of cellular or foamed plastic in 3.3.41 of NFPA 101) shall be permitted to be used if they exhibit a heat release rate not exceeding 100 kW when tested in ac

14、cordance with NFPA 289, Standard Method of Fire Test for Individual Fuel Packages, using the 20 kW ignition source or by specific approval of the AHJ. 101:; 101: Scenery and stage properties not separated from the audience by proscenium opening protection shall be

15、of noncombustible materials, limited-combustible materials, or fire-retardant- treated wood. 101:; 101: In theaters, motion picture theaters, and television stage settings, with or without horizontal projections, and in simulated caves and caverns of foamed plastic,

16、 any single fuel package shall have a heat release rate not to exceed 100 kW where tested in accordance with one of the following: (1) UL 1975, Standard for Fire Tests for Foamed Plastics Used for Decorative Purposes (2) NFPA 289, Standard Method of Fire Test for Individual Fuel Packages, using the

17、20 kW ignition source 101:; 101: 9. Revise Projection Rooms by changing the NFPA 101 extract citations from 12.4.6.X and 13.4.6.X to 12.4.7.X and 13.4.7.X, respectively, as follows: Projection Rooms. Film or video projectors or spotlights uti

18、lizing light sources that produce particulate matter or toxic gases, or light sources that produce hazardous radiation, without protective shielding shall be located within a projection room complying with of NFPA 101. 101:; 101: Every projection room shall

19、 be of permanent construction consistent with the building construction type in which the projection room is located and shall comply with the following: (1) Openings shall not be required to be protected. (2) The room shall have a floor area of not less than 80 ft2 (7.4 m2) for a single machine and

20、 not less than 40 ft2 (3.7 m2) for each additional machine. (3) Each motion picture projector, floodlight, spotlight, or similar piece of equipment shall have a clear working space of not less than 30 in. (760 mm) on each side and at its rear, but only one such space shall be required between adjace

21、nt projectors. 101:; 101: 10. Revise 25.1.1 by adding NFPA 102 as follows: 25.1.1 The construction, location, protection, and maintenance of grandstands and bleachers, folding and telescopic seating, tents, and membrane structures shall meet the requirements of this chapter. Seat

22、ing facilities located in the open air or within enclosed or semi-enclosed structures, such as tents, membrane structures, and stadium complexes, shall comply with this chapter, NFPA 101, and NFPA 102, Standard for Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, and Membrane Structures. 11. Revi

23、se Section 25.3 by changing all NFPA 101 extract citations from 12.4.8.X.X to 12.4.9.X.X, as follows: 25.3 Grandstands. 25.3.1 Seating. Where grandstand seating without backs is used indoors, rows of seats shall be spaced not less than 22 in. (560 mm) back-to-back. 101:

24、 The depth of footboards and seat boards in grandstands shall be not less than 9 in. (230 mm); where the same level is not used for both seat foundations and footrests, footrests independent of seats shall be provided. 101: Seats and footrests of grandstands shall be supported s

25、ecurely and fastened in such a manner that they cannot be displaced inadvertently. 101: Individual seats or chairs shall be permitted only if secured in rows in an approved manner, unless seats do not exceed 16 in number and are located on level floors and within railed-in enclo

26、sures, such as boxes. 101: The maximum number of seats permitted between the farthest seat in an aisle in grandstands and bleachers shall not exceed that shown in Table 101: 25.3.2 Special Requirements Wood Grandstands. An outdoor wood grandstand s

27、hall be erected within not less than two-thirds of its height and, in no case, within not less than 10 ft (3050 mm) of a building, unless otherwise permitted by the following: (1) The distance requirement shall not apply to buildings having minimum 1-hour fire resistancerated construction with openi

28、ngs protected against the fire exposure hazard created by the grandstand. (2) The distance requirement shall not apply where a wall having minimum 1-hour fire resistancerated construction separates the grandstand from the building. 101: An outdoor wood grandstand unit shall not

29、exceed 10,000 ft2(929 m2) in ground area or 200 ft (61 m) in length, and the following requirements also shall apply: (1) Grandstand units of the maximum size shall be placed not less than 20 ft (6100 mm) apart or shall be separated by walls having a minimum 1-hour fire resistance rating. (2) The nu

30、mber of grandstand units erected in any one group shall not exceed three. (3) Each group of grandstand units shall be separated from any other group by a wall having minimum 2-hour fire resistancerated construction extending 24 in. (610 mm) above the seat platforms or by an open space of not less th

31、an 50 ft (15 m). 101: The finished ground level area or length required by shall be permitted to be doubled where one of the following criteria is met: (1) Where the grandstand is constructed entirely of labeled fire-retardant-treated wood that has passed the standard r

32、ain test, ASTM D 2898, Standard Test Methods for Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire Testing (2) Where the grandstand is constructed of members conforming to dimensions for heavy timber construction Type IV (2HH) 101: The highest level of seat platform

33、s above the finished ground level or the surface at the front of any wood grandstand shall not exceed 20 ft (6100 mm). 101: The highest level of seat platforms above the finished ground level, or the surface at the front of a portable grandstand within a tent or membrane structu

34、re, shall not exceed 12 ft (3660 mm). 101: 12.4. 89.3.5 The height requirements specified in and shall be permitted to be doubled where constructed entirely of labeled fire-retardant-treated wood that has passed the standard rain test, ASTM D 2898, or where constructed of

35、members conforming to dimensions for heavy timber construction Type IV (2HH). 101: 25.3.3 Special Requirements Portable Grandstands. Portable grandstands shall conform to the requirements of Section 25.3 for grandstands and the requirements of through 101: 12.

36、 Portable grandstands shall be self-contained and shall have within them all necessary parts to withstand and restrain all forces that might be developed during human occupancy. 101: Portable grandstands shall be designed and manufactured so that, if any structu

37、ral members essential to the strength and stability of the structure have been omitted during erection, the presence of unused connection fittings shall make the omissions self-evident. 101: Portable grandstand construction shall be skillfully accomplished to produce the strengt

38、h required by the design. 101: Portable grandstands shall be provided with base plates, sills, floor runners, or sleepers of such area that the permitted bearing capacity of the supporting material is not exceeded. 101: Where portable grandstands rest direct

39、ly on a base of such character that it is incapable of supporting the load without appreciable settlement, mud sills of suitable material, having sufficient area to prevent undue or dangerous settlement, shall be installed under base plates, runners, or sleepers. 101: All bearin

40、g surfaces of portable grandstands shall be in contact with each other. 101: 25.3.4 Spaces Underneath Grandstands. Spaces underneath a grandstand shall be kept free of flammable or combustible materials, unless protected by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance

41、 with Section 13.3 or unless otherwise permitted by the following: (1) This requirement shall not apply to accessory uses of 300 ft2(28 m2) or less, such as ticket booths, toilet facilities, or concession booths where constructed of noncombustible or fire-resistive construction in otherwise nonsprin

42、klered facilities. (2) This requirement shall not apply to rooms that are enclosed in not less than 1-hour fire resistancerated construction and are less than 1000 ft2(93 m2) in otherwise nonsprinklered facilities. 101: 25.3.5 Guards and Railings. Railings or guards not less than

43、42 in. (1065 mm) above the aisle surface or footrest or not less than 36 in. (915 mm) vertically above the center of the seat or seat board surface, whichever is adjacent, shall be provided along those portions of the backs and ends of all grandstands where the seats are more than 48 in. (1220 mm) a

44、bove the floor or the finished ground level. 101: The requirement of shall not apply where an adjacent wall or fence affords equivalent safeguard. 101: Where the front footrest of any grandstand is more than 24 in. (610 mm) above the floor, railings

45、 or guards not less than 33 in. (825 mm) above such footrests shall be provided. 101: The railings required by shall be permitted to be not less than 26 in. (660 mm) high in grandstands or where the front row of seats includes backrests. 101: Cross

46、aisles located within the seating area shall be provided with rails not less than 26 in. (660 mm) high along the front edge of the cross aisle. 101: The railings specified by shall not be required where the backs of the seats in front of the cross aisle project 24 in. (

47、610 mm) or more above the surface of the cross aisle. 101: Vertical openings between guardrails and footboards or seat boards shall be provided with intermediate construction so that a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter sphere cannot pass through the opening. 101: An o

48、pening between the seat board and footboard located more than 30 in. (760 mm) above the finished ground level shall be provided with intermediate construction so that a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter sphere cannot pass through the opening. 101: 12. Revise Section 25.4 by changing all NFPA 101 e

49、xtract citations from 12.4.9.X.X to 12.4.10.X.X, as follows: 25.4 Folding and Telescopic Seating. 25.4.1 Seating. The horizontal distance of seats, measured back-to back, shall be not less than 22 in. (560 mm) for seats without backs, and the following requirements shall also apply: (1) There shall be a space of not less than 12 in. (305 mm) between the back of each seat and the front of each seat immediately behind it. (2) If seats are of the chair type, the 12 in. (305 mm) dimension shal


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