NFPA 1081-2012 Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications (Effective Date 06 20 2011)《工业消防人员专业资格标准 生效日期 2011-06-20》.pdf

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NFPA 1081-2012 Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications (Effective Date 06 20 2011)《工业消防人员专业资格标准 生效日期 2011-06-20》.pdf_第1页
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NFPA 1081-2012 Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications (Effective Date 06 20 2011)《工业消防人员专业资格标准 生效日期 2011-06-20》.pdf_第5页
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1、NFPA1081 Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications 2012 Edition NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Codes and Standards Organization Become a MemberSubscribeto theRegister forSeminars, Webinars, and Online CoursesVisit theNFPA CatalogNOTICE

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9、 NFPA DOCUMENTS IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA DOCUMENTS ADDITIONAL NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS Updating of NFPA Documents Users of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Documents”) should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any time by the iss

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24、during regular revision cycles, should be sent to NFPA headquarters, addressed to the attention of the Secretary, Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02169-7471; email: For more information about NFPA, visit the NFPA website at 12/

25、09Copyright 2011 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.NFPA1081Standard forIndustrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications2012 EditionThis edition of NFPA 1081, Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications,was prepared by the Technical Commit

26、tee on Industrial Fire Brigades Professional Qualificationsand released by the Technical Correlating Committee on Professional Qualifications. It was issuedby the Standards Council on May 31, 2011, with an effective date of June 20, 2011, and supersedesall previous editions.This edition of NFPA 1081

27、 was approved as an American National Standard on June 20, 2011.Origin and Development of NFPA 1081In 1996, the NFPA Standards Council, after receipt of a request for the development of astandard for the professional qualifications of industrial fire brigade members, approved theestablishment of a T

28、echnical Committee on Industrial Fire Brigades Member ProfessionalQualifications under the Professional Qualifications project. The purpose of the documentwas to identify requirements for personnel who perform as members of organized industrialfire brigades at specific sites or facilities. An organi

29、zational meeting of the new committee washeld in October 1997 in Tampa, FL. The technical committee met a total of eight timesduring the development of this document.The development process was coordinated with other professional qualifications docu-ments and with the Technical Committee on Loss Pre

30、vention Procedures and Practices, thecommittee responsible for NFPA 600, Standard on Industrial Fire Brigades. To accommodate thesite-specific needs of industrial fire brigades at various locations, the committee developed acore set of job performance requirements, as well as site-specific requireme

31、nts for each de-fined level in the document. The intent is that the management of a facility utilizing therequirements of NFPA 1081 would identify those site-specific requirements applicable to thefacility and incorporate them into the requirements for their industrial fire brigade members.This depa

32、rture from the traditional style of other professional qualifications documents wasnecessary in order to track with the NFPA 600 and OSHA requirements in 29 CFR 1910.156for fire brigades.The first edition of NFPA 1081, Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Quali-fications, adopted

33、 at the May 2001 meeting of the National Fire Protection Association, estab-lished job performance requirements for the levels of industrial fire brigade operations de-fined in NFPA 600: Incipient, Advanced Exterior, and Interior Structural. Requirements forthe position of Fire Brigade Leader were a

34、lso provided in the document.The 2007 edition of NFPA 1081 was a complete revision of the document and includededitorial changes to JPRs, Requisite Knowledge and Requisite Skills statements, and theirassociated Annex A statements. New material was also added for “site-specific requirements.”In the 2

35、012 edition of NFPA 1081, the committee has added time requirements of 2 min-utes (120 seconds) to Chapters 6 and 7 that relate to the donning and doffing of thermalprotective clothing and donning and activation of SCBA and PASS devices. In addition, asection has been added that addresses the limits

36、 and responsibilities of industrial fire brigademembers in order to be consistent with NFPA 600, Standard on Industrial Fire Brigades. Thecommittee has also added a chapter to address the qualifications that support memberswould provide to the industrial fire brigade.10811NFPA and National Fire Prot

37、ection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.Technical Correlating Committee on Professional QualificationsWilliam E. Peterson, ChairPlano, TX MRep. International Fire Service Training AssociationStephen P. Austin, Cumberland V

38、alley VolunteerFiremens Association, DE LRep. TC on Traffic Control Incident ManagementProfessional Qualifications(VL to Professional Qualifications SystemsManagement)John Michael Brackin, Blackhawk Technical College,WI URep. TC on Accreditation specifically,the issuance of a document that states th

39、at an individual hasdemonstrated the knowledge and skills necessary to functionin a particular fire service professional field. 1000, 20113.3.2 Drill. An exercise involving a credible simulated emer-gency that requires personnel to perform emergency responseoperations for the purpose of evaluating t

40、he effectiveness ofthe training and education programs and the competence ofpersonnel in performing required response duties and func-tions. 600, 20103.3.3 Emergency Response Operations. Activities related toemergency incidents, including response to the scene of theincident and specific response du

41、ties performed at the scene.600, 20103.3.4 Enclosed Structure. A structure with a roof or ceilingand at least two walls that can present fire hazards to employ-ees such as accumulations of smoke, toxic gases, and heat,similar to those found in buildings. 600, 20103.3.5 Facility. A structure or build

42、ing located on a site thatserves a particular purpose.3.3.6 Fire Fighting.* Advanced Exterior Fire Fighting. Offensive firefighting performed outside of an enclosed structure whenthe fire is beyond the incipient stage. (See also 3.3.8, Incipi-ent Stage.) 600, 20103.3.6.2 Defensive Fire Fighti

43、ng. The mode of manual firecontrol in which the only fire suppression activities takenare limited to those required to keep a fire from extendingfrom one area to another. 600, 20103.3.6.3 Incipient Fire Fighting. Fire fighting performed in-side or outside of an enclosed structure or building whenthe

44、 fire has not progressed beyond incipient stage.* Interior Structural Fire Fighting. The physical activ-ity of fire suppression, rescue, or both, inside of buildingsor enclosed structures that are involved in a fire beyond theincipient stage. 600, 20103.3.6.5 Offensive Fire Fighting. The mode

45、 of manual firecontrol in which manual fire suppression activities are con-centrated on reducing the size of a fire to accomplish ex-tinguishment. 600, 20103.3.6.6 Structural Fire Fighting. Rescue, fire suppression,and property conservation activities in buildings, enclosedstructures, aircraft inter

46、iors, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, or likeproperties that are involved in a fire or emergency situation.3.3.7 Incident Management System (IMS). A system that de-fines the roles and responsibilities to be assumed by respond-ers and the standard operating procedures to be used in themanagement and dir

47、ection of emergency incidents and otherfunctions. 1561, 20083.3.8*IncipientStage. Refers to the severity of a fire where theprogression is in the early stage and has not developed beyondthat which can be extinguished using portable fire extinguish-ers or handlines flowing up to 473 L/min (125 gpm).3

48、.3.9 Industrial Fire Brigade. An organized group of employ-ees within an industrial occupancy who are knowledgeable,trained, and skilled in at least basic fire fighting operations,and whose full-time occupation might or might not be theprovision of fire suppression and related activities for theirem

49、ployer. 600, 20103.3.10 Industrial Fire Brigade Apparatus. An industrial firebrigade emergency response vehicle designed and intendedprimarily for fire suppression, rescue, or other specializedfunction that includes pumpers, foam apparatus, aerial lad-ders, rescue vehicles, and other such apparatus. 600, 20103.3.11 Industrial Fire Brigade Leader. An individual respon-sible for overseeing the performance or activity of othermembers.3.3.12 Industrial Fire Brigade Management. The individualdesigna


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