1、 Tentative Interim Amendment NFPA1616 Standard on Mass Evacuation and Sheltering Program 2017 Edition Reference: 5.6.4(3), A.5.6.4(3) (New), 5.6.5*(New) and A.5.6.5 (New) TIA 17-1 (SC 16-11-7 / TIA Log #1249) Note: Text of the TIA was issued and approved for incorporation into the document prior to
2、printing. 1. Revise paragraph 5.6.4(3) and add new associated Annex A material to read as follows: 5.6.4(3)* Identification of appropriate sheltering facilities by location, size, types of services available, and building safety. A.5.6.4(3) See Annex E for best practice guidance on building safety c
3、onsiderations in selection of resilient sheltering facilities and guidance on shelters for specific hazards. 2. Add new subsection 5.6.5 and associated Annex A material to read as follows: 5.6.5* Sheltering facilities shall be deemed appropriate for temporary occupancy of evacuees for the applicable
4、 hazards by the local authority having jurisdiction and conform to the applicable requirements to ensure public health, safety, and general welfare. A.5.6.5 Sheltering facilities should be deemed appropriate for use as a temporary shelter facility for the applicable hazards by the local authority ha
5、ving jurisdiction and conform to the applicable structural, fire safety, means of egress, accessibility, light, ventilation, and sanitary requirements to ensure public health, safety, and general welfare. Issue Date: December 1, 2016 Effective Date: December 21, 2016 (Note: For further information on NFPA Codes and Standards, please see www.nfpa.org/docinfo) Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION