NFPA 261-2013 Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes (Effective Date 12 17 201.pdf

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NFPA 261-2013 Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes (Effective Date 12 17 201.pdf_第1页
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1、NFPA 261 Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes 2013 Edition NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Codes and Standards Organization IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONC

2、ERNING NFPA DOCUMENTS NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY CONCERNING THE USE OF NFPA DOCUMENTS NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Documents”), of which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the Am

3、erican National Standards Institute. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety issues. While the NFPA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does no

4、t independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in NFPA Documents. The NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory,

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8、h this document. Any certification or other statement of compliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. 12 /12 ISBN: 978-145590584-3 (Print) ISBN: 978-145590630-7 (PDF) REMINDER: UPD

9、ATING OF NFPA DOCUMENTS Users of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Documents”) should be aware that NFPA Documents may be amended from time to time through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected by Errata. An official NFPA Document at any point in tim

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15、ct. In order to determine whether a given document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected through the issuance of Errata, consult appropriate NFPA publications such as the National Fire Codes Subscription Service, visi

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27、tions relating to NFPA Documents and all requests for information on NFPA procedures governing its codes and standards development process, including information on the procedures for requesting Formal Interpretations, for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments, and for proposing revisions to NFPA d

28、ocuments during regular revision cycles, should be sent to NFPA headquarters, addressed to the attention of the Secretary, Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101; email: For more information about NFPA, visit the NFPA website at www.nfpa

29、.org. 12/11Copyright2013NationalFireProtectionAssociation .AllRightsReserved. NFPA 261 StandardMethodof TestforDeterminingResistanceofMock-UpUpholsteredFurniture MaterialAssembliestoIgnitionbySmolderingCigarettes 2013Edition ThiseditionofNFPA261,StandardMethodofTestforDeterminingResistanceofMock-UpU

30、phol- stered Furniture MaterialAssemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes, was prepared by theTech- nicalCommitteeonFireTests.ItwasissuedbytheStandardsCouncilonNovember27,2012, withaneffectivedateofDecember17,2012,andsupersedesallpreviouseditions. This edition of NFPA 261 was approved as an Ame

31、rican National Standard on Decem- ber17,2012. OriginandDevelopmentofNFPA261 Regulation of the manufacture of furniture has been a subject of research and debate since 1967,whentheFlammableFabricsActwasamendedbyCongresstoincludeproductsinaddition to wearing apparel and home textiles that might consti

32、tute an unreasonable flammability risk. The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) began funding laboratory research on the subject in 1968.Withitsformationin1973,theU.S.ConsumerProductSafetyCommission(CPSC)became the government agency responsible for administration of the Flammable FabricsAct, includin

33、g the adoption of any program or standard regulating upholstered furniture. The NBS retained responsibilityfordesigningtestmethodsrelatedtoflammablefabrics. In1976,theNBSsubmittedadrafttotheCPSCforaproposedcigarette-ignitionresistance standardforupholsteredfurniture.Shortlythereafter,however,areorga

34、nizationoftheCPSC into separate program areas took place. That reorganization was followed by nearly a years worth of work on the commissions childrens sleepwear standards, due to findings that a chemicaladdedtosleepweartomakeitflameretardantmightbecarcinogenic.InNovember 1978, the CPSC staff, after

35、 modifying the original standard on upholstered furniture pro- posedbytheNBS,recommendedtotheCPSCcommissionersthattheypublishthestandard. ThisstandardwasdevelopedbytheTechnicalCommitteeonFireTestssubsequenttothe CPSC actions of 19781979 and drew heavily on the NBS research and proposed test meth- od

36、ology.Thefirstedition,publishedin1983,wasidentifiedasNFPA260B.The1989edition wasareconfirmationofthefirsteditionandwasrenumberedasNFPA261. The 1994 and 1998 editions represented reconfirmation of the standard with minor edi- torialclarificationsandstylisticrevisions. Forthe2003edition,thechapterlayo

37、utofNFPA261wasreorganizedtoconformwiththe Manual of Style for NFPATechnical Committee Documents. The2009editioncontainedmainlyeditorialrevisions. The2013editionhasbeenrevisedtoreferencetheSRM1196cigarettes,andannexmate- rialaddedtoexplaintherevision. 2611 NFPAandNationalFireProtectionAssociationarer

38、egisteredtrademarksoftheNationalFireProtectionAssociation,Quincy,Massachusetts02169.TechnicalCommitteeonFireTests BarryL.Badders,Jr., Chair SouthwestResearchInstitute,TXRT FaridAlfawakhiri, AmericanIronandSteelInstitute, ILM JesseJ.Beitel, HughesAssociates,Inc.,MDSE RhondaP.Byrne, QAILaboratories,CA

39、RT GordonH.Damant, Inter-CityTesting&Consulting Corp.ofCalifornia,CASE WilliamE.Fitch, P,FLSE MarceloM.Hirschler, GBHInternational,CASE AlfredJ.Hogan, WinterHaven,FLE Rep.InternationalFireMarshalsAssociation PaulA.Hough, ArmstrongWorldIndustries,Inc.,PAM MohammedM.Khan, FMGlobal,MAI WilliamE.Koffel,

40、 KoffelAssociates,Inc.,MDSE RichardT.Long,Jr., Exponent,Inc.,MDM Rep.UpholsteredFurnitureActionCouncil MichaelE.Luna, IntertekTestingServices,TXRT AndreW.Marshall, UniversityofMaryland,MDSE RodneyA.McPhee, CanadianWoodCouncil, CanadaM KathleenA.Newman, Firetect,CAM DavidT.Sheppard, U.S.BureauofAlcoh

41、ol,Tobacco, Firearms&Explosives,MDRT DwayneE.Sloan, UnderwritersLaboratoriesInc., NCRT KumaSumathipala, AmericanForest&Paper Association,DCM RickThornberry, TheCodeConsortium,Inc.,CASE RobertA.Wessel, GypsumAssociation,MDM Alternates ScottW.Adams, ParkCityFireServiceDistrict,UTE (Alt.toA.J.Hogan) Er

42、ikH.Anderson, KoffelAssociates,Inc.,MDSE (Alt.toW.E.Koffel) RichardJ.Davis, FMGlobal,MAI (Alt.toM.M.Khan) TimothyEarl, GBHInternational,MISE (Alt.toM.M.Hirschler) SamW.Francis, AmericanWoodCouncil,PAM (Alt.toK.Sumathipala) StephenP.Fuss, U.S.BureauofAlcohol,Tobacco, Firearms&Explosives,MDRT (Alt.toD

43、.T.Sheppard) RichardG.Gann, NationalInstituteofStandards &Technology,MDRT (VotingAlt.toNISTRep.) MarcL.Janssens, SouthwestResearchInstitute,TXRT (Alt.toB.L.Badders,Jr.) ArthurJ.Parker, HughesAssociates,Inc.,MDSE (Alt.toJ.J.Beitel) StanislavI.Stoliarov, UniversityofMaryland,MDSE (Alt.toA.W.Marshall)

44、InekeVanZeeland, CanadianWoodCouncil, CanadaM (Alt.toR.A.McPhee) RobertJ.Wills, AmericanIronandSteelInstitute, ALM (Alt.toF.Alfawakhiri) JoeZiolkowski, AmericanFurnitureManufacturers Association,NCM (Alt.toR.T.Long,Jr.) Nonvoting RobertH.Barker, AmericanFiberManufacturers Association,VAM RohitKhanna

45、, U.S.ConsumerProductSafety Commission,MDC TracyL.Vecchiarelli, NFPAStaffLiaison This list represents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the final text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership may have occurred.Akey to classifications is found at the back of

46、the document. NOTE:MembershiponacommitteeshallnotinandofitselfconstituteanendorsementoftheAssociationor anydocumentdevelopedbythecommitteeonwhichthememberserves. Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on fire testing proce- dures, for reviewing existing fire

47、test standards and recommending appropriate action to NFPA, for recom- mendingtheapplicationofandadvisingontheinterpretationofacceptableteststandardsforfireproblems of concern to NFPAtechnical committees and members, and for acting in a liaison capacity between NFPA and the committees of other organ

48、izations writing fire test standards. This Committee does not cover fire teststhatareusedtoevaluateextinguishingagents,devices,orsystems. 2612 RESISTANCEOFMOCK-UPUPHOLSTEREDFURNITUREMATERIALASSEMBLIESTOIGNITION 2013 EditionContents Chapter1 Administration . 2614 1.1 Scope . 2614 1.2 Purpose 2614 1.3

49、 Application . 2614 1.4 SummaryofMethod 2614 Chapter2 ReferencedPublications . 2615 2.1 General 2615 2.2 NFPAPublications(Reserved) . 2615 2.3 OtherPublications 2615 2.4 ReferencesforExtractsinMandatory Sections(Reserved) 2615 Chapter3 Definitions 2615 3.1 General 2615 3.2 NFPAOfficialDefinitions 2615 3.3 GeneralDefinitions . 2615 Chapter4 TestApparatus . 2615 4.1 Mock-Ups . 2615 4.2 IgnitionSource . 2615 4.3 SheetingMaterial . 2616 4.4 TestArea . 2616 4.5 ExtinguishingEqu


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