NFPA 820H-2012 Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities Handbook.pdf

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1、NFPA820Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities Handbook 2012820NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471, USAAn International Codes and Standards OrganizationNFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471An International Codes and Standards Organizatio

2、nNFPA820Annotated by Nancy PearceStandard for Fire Protection inWastewater Treatmentand Collection FacilitiesHandbook 2012Copyright 2013National Fire Protection AssociationOne Batterymarch Park Quincy, Massachusetts 02169-7471 All rights reserved. About this Handbook EditionThis PDF contains the com

3、plete 2012 edition of NFPA 820, Standard for Fire Protection in Waste-water Treatment and Collection Facilities, annotated to assist the readers understanding of the stan-dards language and the intent behind it. The annotations are not part of the NFPA Standard but provide a valuable commentary refl

4、ecting the views, explanations, and insights of authors and contributors selected by the NFPA based on their knowledge of and experience with the standard.How to Navigate Between the Text of the Standard and the AnnotationsNavigate between code or standard text and annotations by using hyperlinked i

5、cons and code numbers.While in code or standard text, click on hyperlinked icon* to the left of the standard sec-tion to navigate to corresponding annotations. Click on the hyperlinked annotative standard section number 1.1 to return to previous standard section.*Please note, only the sections featu

6、ring icons contain annotations.For longer blocks of annotations, it is recommended that you enable the back arrow functional-ity in Acrobats page navigation menu, which will also allow you to return to the previous stan-dard section.How to Ensure You Have the Most Up-to-Date Version of the NFPA Stan

7、dardThe NFPA Standard, in the edition contained herein, is current as of the effective date des-ignated at the time the standard was issued 2012. This Handbook Edition does not, however, include errata, tentative interim amendments (TIAs), or formal interpretations (FIs) that may have been issued af

8、ter the effective date. For all errata, TIAs, or FIs that may have been issued since the effective date, or for any new editions that may have superseded this edition, please visit the “Document Information pages” link for the relevant NFPA Standard located in the “Codes email: F

9、or more information about NFPA, visit the NFPA website at NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING THE HANDBOOK EDITIONNotice and Disclaimer Concerning Liability.Notice Concerning Interpretations Contained in the AnnotationsISBN: g28g26g27g16g20g23g24g24g28g19g25g27g25g23Publication

10、 of this (ANDBOOKEdition is for the purpose of circulating information and opinion among those concerned for fire and electrical safety and related subjects. While every effort has been made to achieve a work of high quality, neither the NFPAnor the contributors to this (ANDBOOKEdition guarantee the

11、 accuracy or completeness of or assume any liability in connec-tion with the information and opinions contained in this (ANDBOOK%dition. The NFPA and thecontributors shall in no event be liable for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, c

12、onsequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this (ANDBOOK EditioNThis (ANDBOOK Edition is published with the understanding that the NFPA and the contribu-tors to this (ANDBOOK Edition are supplying information and opinion but are not

13、 attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Documents”), includ-ing the NFPA Document that is the subject of this (ANDBO

14、OKEdition, are made available for usesubject to Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning NFPA Documents, which are sepa-rately bookmarked and viewable in this (ANDBOOKEdition, and which can also be viewed at codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA

15、 Documents”), including the NFPA Document that is the subject of this (ANDBOOKEdition are developed in accordancewith the published procedures of the NFPA by technical committees comprised of volunteers drawn from a broad array of relevant interests. In this (ANDBOOKEdition the text of the NFPADocum

16、ent is accompanied with annotations providing explanation and commentary on the meaning and intent of the Document. The annotations contained in this (ANDBOOK Edition are not a part of the NFPA Documentand do not constitute Formal Interpretations of the NFPA (which can be obtained only through reque

17、sts processed by the responsible technical committees in accordance with the published procedures of the NFPA). The annotations, therefore, solely reflect the personal opinions of the author or other contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the NFPA or its technical com

18、mittees.Copyright 2011 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.NFPA820Standard forFire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities2012 EditionThis edition of NFPA 820, Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facili-ties, was prepared by

19、the Technical Committee on Wastewater Treatment Plants. It was issued bythe Standards Council on May 31, 2011, with an effective date of June 20, 2011, and supersedes allprevious editions.A tentative interim amendment (TIA) to Table 6.2(a) was issued on August 11, 2011. Forfurther information on ten

20、tative interim amendments, see Section 5 of the NFPA RegulationsGoverning Committee Projects available at: http:/ edition of NFPA 820 was approved as an American National Standard on June 20, 2011.Origin and Development of NFPA

21、820The Committee on Wastewater Treatment Plants was organized in 1983 to have primaryresponsibility for documents on safeguarding against the fire and explosion hazards specificto wastewater treatment plants and associated collection systems. This document includes thehazard classification of specif

22、ic areas and processes. The need to develop NFPA 820 was basedon fire or explosion incidents that, while infrequent, are relatively severe when they do occur.Initial work on the document was begun early in 1985 and resulted in the first edition beingissued in 1990. Extensive changes were made betwee

23、n the first edition and the 1992 edition,with the most notable revision being the document title, which was changed from Recom-mended Practice for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment Plants to Recommended Practice for FireProtection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities. In addition,

24、 the document scope wasrevised to include storm sewer systems and their appurtenances.In 1995 the document was changed from a recommended practice to a standard, whichcontains mandatory requirements. This was done because NFPA 820 was widely referenced byvarious jurisdictions.The 1999 edition of NFP

25、A 820 was changed to include some editorial corrections and tomake the document more enforceable. The definitions were also modified to conform toNFPAs Manual of Style.For the 2003 edition, the entire document was reformatted to conform to the Manual ofStyle for NFPA Technical Committee Documents. D

26、efinitions were revised to conform to the NFPAGlossary of Terms.The 2008 edition included guidance on waste gas burners and enclosed aeration basins.Definitions were coordinated with the NFPA Glossary of Terms.The 2012 edition incorporates editorial changes to Table 5.2, Table 6.2(a), and Table 6.2(

27、b). Anew definition has been added for waste gas burners, and mitigation steps to Section 10.11 on fireand explosion prevention control procedures. Ventilation requirements and supporting languagehave been revised to provide clarity and to tie in with an effort to better coordinate with associatedin

28、dustry documents.8201NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.Technical Committee on Wastewater Treatment PlantsGlenn E. McGinley, II, ChairState of Ohio, OH EJohn R. Anderson, Marshfield Hills, M

29、A SEChristine Harmon, City of Toledo, Division of WaterReclamation, OH UJohn N. Harrell, Wilson also an underdrained, shal-low, diked earthen structure used for drying sludge.3.3.14 Enclosed Space. The interior space of any tank or unitprocess that is closed to the atmosphere, excluding vents orpres

30、sure relief, or the area around any open tank or unit pro-cess surrounded by a building or other structure constructedwith a roof and solid walls.3.3.15 Equipment. In wastewater treatment facilities, a gen-eral term that includes items such as material, fittings, devices,appliances, and fixtures and

31、 apparatus, used as part of, or inconnection with, a mechanical, instrumentation, or electricalinstallation.* Gas-Handling Equipment. Equipment, includinggas compressors, sediment traps, drip traps, gas scrubbers,and pressure-regulating and control valves, used in the re-moval of gas evolved

32、 from the anaerobic digestion processand the compression, conditioning, or treatment of such gas. Utilization Equipment. Equipment that utilizeselectric energy for electronic, electromechanical, chemi-cal, heating, lighting, or similar purposes. 70:100.I3.3.16 Equipment Enclosure. The housin

33、g that covers, pro-tects, or guards a piece of equipment that is not intendedfor personnel occupancy but that can provide access to theequipment.3.3.17 Explosionproof Apparatus. Apparatus enclosed in acase that is capable of withstanding an explosion of a specifiedgas or vapor that may occur within

34、it and of preventing the igni-tion of a specified gas or vapor surrounding the enclosure bysparks, flashes, or explosion of the gas or vapor within, and thatoperates at such an external temperature that a surroundingflammable atmosphere will not be ignited thereby. 70:100.I3.3.18 Filter. Bel

35、t Filter. A sludge-dewatering or -concentratingdevice having continuous bands or belts of filtering mediathat pass around rollers and from which the material caughton the media is usually removed by gravity and pressure. Pressure or Gravity Filter. A filter used to pass liq-uid through a med

36、ium to remove suspended solids. Trickling Filter. A treatment unit process consistingof stone, plastic, redwood, or similar media over which waste-water is distributed and through which wastewater trickles tothe underdrains and is treated by the microbial slimes formedon the surface of the m

37、edia. Vacuum Filter. A unit process, used to dewaterwastewater sludge, consisting of a cylindrical drum mountedon a horizontal axis, covered with a media, and subjected toan internal vacuum.3.3.19 Filter Press. A plate and frame press used in a unitprocess that is operated hydraulically and

38、mechanically to pro-duce a semisolid sludge cake from a slurry.3.3.20* Fire Barrier. A continuous vertical or horizontal mem-brane, such as a wall or floor assembly, that is designed and con-structed with a specified fire resistance rating to limit the spreadof fire and that also will restrict the m

39、ovement of smoke.3.3.21 Fire Loading. The amount of combustibles present ina given area, expressed in kJ/m2(Btu/ft2). 851, 20103.3.22 Fire Prevention. Measures directed toward avoidingthe inception of fire. 801, 20083.3.23 Fire Protection. Methods of providing for fire controlor fire extinguishment.

40、 801, 20083.3.24 Fire-Rated Penetration Seal. An opening in a fire bar-rier for the passage of pipe, cable, duct, and so forth, that hasbeen sealed so as to maintain a barrier rating. 851, 20103.3.25 Flammable Limits. Lower Flammable Limit (LFL). That concentrationof a combustible material i

41、n air below which ignition will notoccur. Also known as the lower explosive limit (LEL). 329,20103.3.25.2 Upper Flammable Limit (UFL). The highest con-centration of a combustible substance in a gaseous oxidizerthat will propagate a flame. 68, 20073.3.26 Flash Dryer. A device for vaporizing water fro

42、m partlydewatered and finely divided sludge through contact with a cur-rent of hot gas or superheated vapor that includes a squirrel-cagemill for separating the sludge cake into fine particles.3.3.27 Flash Mixer. A device for quickly dispersing chemicalsuniformly throughout a liquid or semisolid.3.3

43、.28 Flocculator. A device used in a unit process used forthe formation of floc in wastewater.3.3.29* Fluidized Bed Reactor. A pressure vessel or tank that isdesigned for liquidsolid or gassolid reactions; the liquid orgas moves upward through the solids particles at a velocitysufficient to suspend t

44、he individual particles in the fluid.3.3.30 Force Main (Pressure Main). A pressure pipe connect-ing the pump discharge of a wastewater pumping station un-der pressure to a point of discharge.3.3.31* Galleries. Long tunnels or walkways connecting sepa-rate buildings or structures that are generally u

45、nderground,without windows, and with limited entrances and exits.3.3.32 Gas. Digester Gas. Gas obtained as a by-product from acontrolled anaerobic sludge digestion unit process fromthe decomposition of organic matter.* Fuel Gas. A gas used as a fuel source, includingnatural gas, manu

46、factured gas, sludge gas, liquefied petro-leum gasair mixtures, liquefied petroleum gas in the va-por phase, and mixtures of these gases.* Sewer Gas. Gas resulting from the decomposi-tion of organic matter in wastewater in sewers and from theincidental, uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons o

47、r de-composition of organic matter in stagnant liquid and septicsludge in wastewater treatment plants.8207DEFINITIONS2012 Edition3.3.32.4* Sludge Gas. Gas obtained as a by-product of theanaerobic sludge digestion process from the decomposi-tion of organic matter in biosolids in liquid or semi-solids

48、tate when stored for extended periods of time.3.3.33 Hazardous (Classified) Location. A location that is clas-sified based on the properties of the flammable vapors, liquids,or gases, or combustible dusts or fibers that might be present andthe likelihood that a flammable or combustible concentration

49、 orquantity is present.3.3.34 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). A toxic and lethal gas pro-duced in sewers and digesters by anaerobic decomposition ofwastewater solids or other anaerobic wastewater or sludge treat-ment processes.3.3.35 Identified (as applied to equipment). Recognizable assuitable for the specific purpose, function, use, environment, ap-plication, and so forth, where described in a particular Code re-quirement. 70:100.I3.3.36 Incinerati


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