NSF 61 ERTA-2016 Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects.pdf

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NSF 61 ERTA-2016 Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects.pdf_第1页
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1、Date of Issue: January 2016 Affected Publication: NSF/ANSI 61-2015, Drinking Water System Components- Health Effects. ERRATA This errata corrects editorial errors in the 2015 version of NSF/ANSI 61. Page 13, 4.1 Scope change: 4.1 Scope This section covers products used as coagulants, flocculants, an

2、d filtration aids in treating drinking water. Products include individual treatment chemicals, blends of treatment chemicals, and dilutions of these products. Uses include removal of suspended solids, color, dissolved components, and sludge dewatering (where recycle flows exist). 4.1.1 The requireme

3、nts in this section apply to pipes and pipe-related products and the water-contact materials associated with these products. Pipe-related products include, but are not limited to, the following items: fittings, couplings, mini-manifolds, flexible and rigid tubing, riser tubing, dip tubes, hoses, wel

4、l casings, drop pipes and well screens. 4.1.2 Coatings and other barrier materials requested to be evaluated on their own that are intended for application to pipes or pipe-related products shall be evaluated under 5. NOTE Coatings and other barrier materials, which meet the requirements of 5 at a s

5、pecific surface area-to-volume ratio, shall be considered to meet the requirements of a pipe or pipe-related product application for a surface area-to-volume ratio less than or equal to the ratio accepted under the 5 evaluation. to: 4.1 Scope 4.1.1 The requirements in this section apply to pipes and

6、 pipe-related products and the water-contact materials associated with these products. Pipe-related products include, but are not limited to, the following items: fittings, couplings, mini-manifolds, flexible and rigid tubing, riser tubing, dip tubes, hoses, well casings, drop pipes and well screens

7、. 4.1.2 Coatings and other barrier materials requested to be evaluated on their own that are intended for application to pipes or pipe-related products shall be evaluated under 5. NOTE Coatings and other barrier materials, which meet the requirements of 5 at a specific surface area-to-volume ratio, shall be considered to meet the requirements of a pipe or pipe-related product application for a surface area-to-volume ratio less than or equal to the ratio accepted under the 5 evaluation.

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