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1、I INCH-POUND IA-A-2940AMarch 5.2002SUPERCEDINGA-A-2940December 15, 1995COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONYARDSTICK (WOOD AND ALUMINUM)The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial ItemDescription by all federal agencies.1. SCOPE. This Commercial Item Description covers yards

2、ticks used for general purpose measuring2, CLASSIFICATION. The yardsticks shall conform to the following types.2.1 . Wood2.2 Type 2. Aluminum.3. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS.3.1 Twe 1. Yardstick shall be made of one piece, select, well-seasoned hardwood. The yardstick shallbe 36 inches (+/- 1/32) inch in

3、 length, a minimum of 3/1 6 inch thick, and 1 inch (+/- 1/32 inch) in width.Graduation lines shall be uniform in width and depth and tilled with a durable black material. Figuresshall be clear, permanent, free from ragged edges and breaks, and shall appear in a distinctive manner tobe legible under

4、all service conditions. One side shall be graduated in l/8-inch increments and numberedconsecutively for every inch. The opposite side shall be graduated and numbered at 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8,1/2, 5/8, 3/4, and 7/8 fractions of a yard and read from left to right. The out of parallel error betweenedges

5、 shall not exceed 1/64 inch in 36 inches. The end shall be within 1/2 degree of being square andhave flush-rigidly mounted, corrosion resistant metal, end caps on each end, not extending more than 1/4inch on to both faces. The yardstick shall be protected with a clear durable coating and may have a

6、holein the end for hanging purposes.3.2 Type 2. Yardstick shall be made of one-piece, tempered aluminum with a matt finish. The yardstickshall be 36 inches (+/- 1/32) inch in length, a minimum of 1/16 inch thick, and 1 inch (+/- 1/32 inch) inwidth. The yardstick shall have graduations on one side on

7、ly and both edges shall be in 1/16-inchincrements and numbered consecutively in inches. Graduation lines shall be straight, of uniform width,and of equal height. Figures shall be clear, permanent, fiee from ragged edges and breaks, and shallappear in a distinctive manner to be legible under all serv

8、ice conditions, The errorbetween any twograduationsshallnot exceed 1/64ofan inch.The out ofparallelerrorbetween edges shallnot exceed1/64inch in36 inchesand theend shallbe within 15 minutes ofbeing square.Graduations shallbeblack and durable. The yardstickshallbe eitheranodized orprotectedwith a cle

9、ardurablecoatingandmay have a hole intheend forhanging purposes.Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any other datathat may improve this document should be sent to: General Services Administration, Federal SupplyService, Hardware SuperStore, 6FEE, 1500

10、 Bannister Rd., Bldg.# 6, Kansas City, Missouri. 64131.FSC 5210Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-2940A3.3 Identification marking. Each yardstick shall be marked in a plain and permanent manner with themanufacturers name or trademark

11、 of such known character that the source of manufacture may bereadily determined, part number, and country of origin.3.4 Workmanship. Details of workmanship shall be in accordance with the best commercial practices.Paints, coatings, plating, and finishes shall be smooth, adherent, continuous and not

12、 stained ordiscolored, External surfaces shall be free of tool and gouge marks, nicks, or other surfaceimperfections. The item shall be free from manufacturing workmanship defects (e.g. sharp or roughexternal edges, comers, or surfaces) and material workmanship defects (e.g. pits, rips, tins, burrs,

13、 tears,nodules, cracks, or blisters), which may adversely impact the items serviceability, durabi lity, safety, orappearance4. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS.4.1 Recovered materials. The supplier/manufacturer is encouraged to use recovered materials to themaximum extent practicable, in accordance with para

14、graph 23.403 of the Federal AcquisitionRegulation (FAR).4.2 Metric products, Products manufactured to metric dimensions will be considered on an equal basiswith those manufactured using inch-pound units, provided they fall within the tolerances specified usingconversion tables contained in the lates

15、t revision of Federal Standd 376 and all other requirements ofthis document are met. If a product is manufactured to metric dimensions and those dimensions exceedthe tolerances specified in the inch- pound units, a request should be made to the contracting officer todetermine if the product is accep

16、table.5. PRODUCT CONFORMANCE5.1 Product conformance. The products provided shall meet the salient characteristics of thisCommercial Item Description, conform to the suppliers own drawings, specifications, standards andquality assurance practices, and shall be the same product and offered for sale in

17、 the commercial market.The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance.5.2 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified, the supplier is responsible for theperformance of all inspection requirements and may use any commercial facilities (including thesuppliers own

18、 facilities) suitable for performance of the inspection requirements, unless disapproved bythe Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any inspections deemed necessary toassure the item conforms to the specified requirements.6. PACKAGING. Requirements of preservation, packing, packa

19、ging, and marking of packages shall bespecified in the contract or order.7. NOTES.(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that is not mandatory.)7.1 Addresses for obtaining copies of referenced documents:GSA Specifications Section (3FP-E), Suite 8100,470 L Enfant Plaza,

20、 SW, Washington, DC 20407Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents,Washington, DC 20401-9371.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-2940A7,2 National Stock Numbers (NSNS) The following

21、list of NSNs corresponds to the styles specified inthis CID This list may not be indicative of all possible NSNS associated with this CID.NM5210-00-243-33495210-00-985-6610-TJ!J&127.3 Ordering data. Purchasers should select the preferred options permitted herein and should include thefollowing infor

22、mation in procurement documents:(a) Title, number and date of Commercial Item Description.(b) Type.7.4 Key words. YardstickMILITARY INTERESTSNONE: DoD has no registered interestof revisions or notices to this CommercialItem Description until further notice.Preparing ActivityGSA - FSS3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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