REG NACA-TN-640-1938 Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 18 combinations in the N A C A variable-density tunnel - combination with split flaps.pdf

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REG NACA-TN-640-1938 Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 18 combinations in the N A C A variable-density tunnel - combination with split flaps.pdf_第1页
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REG NACA-TN-640-1938 Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 18 combinations in the N A C A variable-density tunnel - combination with split flaps.pdf_第2页
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REG NACA-TN-640-1938 Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 18 combinations in the N A C A variable-density tunnel - combination with split flaps.pdf_第3页
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REG NACA-TN-640-1938 Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 18 combinations in the N A C A variable-density tunnel - combination with split flaps.pdf_第4页
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REG NACA-TN-640-1938 Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 18 combinations in the N A C A variable-density tunnel - combination with split flaps.pdf_第5页
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1、,.b.i%$iigzzzq.”e-”1“.1. *.1.-. .:”$.- .-. ,., -.-., ,. -:-uTECEiiiIGAL NOTES , - . . . _NATIONAL ADVISORY (joMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS -.-.-. .No. 640. . ._ . .a71IIITERiUZRIi!ltCE03?WZN AND FUSELAGE1S CO!IBINA21C!IJSIN TEE 31.A.C.A. VARIABLE-D3?JSITYFROM TESTSC!OXBZHATIONS WITE SPLIT ZLAPSBy Albert

2、SharmanLangj,ey Memorial. Aeronp.utca.l LaboratoryWashingtonMarch 1938-OF” -” “-”, . -.TUNNEL._. . . .-.,. . .Provided by IHS Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NA!?IOiALADVISORY COMMITTEE FOIL AERONAUTICSTECHNICAL NOTE NO. 640. . . ,.+, INTERFERENCE O

3、F WING AND SELAX FROM TESTS OF18 COUBINATIONS IN THX N.A.C.Aa VARIABLE-DENSITY TUNNEL.COMBINATIONS WITH SPLIT FLAPS -By Albert Sherman.SUWSARYAS part of the wing-fuselage interference investiga-tion in progress in the IT.A.CA. variable-density wind -,r-tunnel, the effects of various split-flap arran

4、gements ap.-plied to wing-fuselage combinations were determined.Split flaps were fod to exert their influence independ-ently of the interfordncc, and their effects on the aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular-airfoil combina-tions appcareti to be more or loss proportional to span

5、lengths. The interference, moreover, showbd =the same character with the split flaps as without thorn.INTRODUCTION .An extensive program of research is being conductedin the I?-A*C.A. variable-density wind ttignel on the inter-.ference batwcen wing and fuselage at large values of theReynolds Number

6、(references 1, 2, and 3)- Reference 1outlined tho wing-fuselage interference rogram and pre-sented tno initial and basic parts FEGieof, comprisingtest results for 209 combinations that represented, to thewidest practical extent, the most important parameters o-fcombination, such as: wing position re

7、lativo to the fuse-lage, uing shape, juncture shape, and fuselage shape. Theinvestigation was subsequently continued mainly with re-gard to fusolago shape and comprised combinations withround, rectangular, triangular, elliptical, and airfoi-type fuselages. .,Tho wde emplorment of split flaps in desi

8、gn indicat-ed that information uld be desirable concerning the in-terferences asociated with wing-fuselage combinations .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 H.A.C.A. Technical Note l?o. 640having split flaps. Medium-camber or thick wing

9、 sectionsare lfnown to he less affected %y the intetiference of a fu-selage than small-camber or moderately thick profiles(e., the N.A.C.A. 0012). In reference 3, moreove, itappeared that tho effects of adding a slit flap to atapered wing having a thick sectfo.n at the root were lit-tle influenced b

10、y the presence of a fuselage. In thephase of the investigation reported herein, therefore,various split-flap arrangements were daea to wing-fusr3-lage combinations having rectangular N.A.C.A. 0012 air-foils, nnd their offocts, mainly with regard to the maxi-mum lift, wore determined. The description

11、s in table Vof the combinations tested, indicate the scope of the ex-porimontal investigation. .liODELS A.ND TESTSThe ving mbdels emyloyed were rectan ula.r 5- by 30-inch duralumin airfoils of N.A.C.A. 0022 ?seo reference 1),and N.A.C*A= 23012 (reference 4) profiles. The N.A.C.A.0012 airfoil is IIst

12、andardlfR,sa critical airfoil for interference invosttigation. Tho N.A.C.A.23012 ;raincluded to show the effect on the inierferoncoassociated with the use of a more rocont profile. Thes ewings woro combined only with the round fuselage (refer-ence l.),which is cm airship form of pol

13、ished dura.lumin,20.156 inches in lengths having a fineness ratio of 5.86.The various flap arrangements were made of brass plateand had harpened trailing- edges. ,They were all 20 pqr-cent of the wing chard in width and had the deflections,, nnd span posftions ifidicated in table V.The

14、fillets ere formed of smoothly finished plaster ofParis as indicated in the third column of table V. Photo-graphs of representative combinations are shown in fig-ures ,1 ,and 2.ho tests mere performed in the variable-density windtunnel (reference 5) at a test Reyriolds Number of approx-imately 3,1OO

15、,OOO (effective R = S,200,000). In nddition,values of the maximum lift- coaffici,gmt were obtainqd at areduced speed corresponding to a te:st Reynolds Number ofnpproximr.tely 1,400,000 (ef-fectivo R = 3,700,000). !l!hetesting ,procodure and test precision, which nro practical-ly the same as for an a

16、irfoil alono, m-c ftilly describedin r.C*0nC13 1. Sinco tho tests of reference 1 were made,n small ,zdil,itionalcorrection of-less thnn -1 pcrcont hasa71a11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I;.A.C.A. !Tochniczl Note No. 640 3been applie

17、d to the measurement of the dynamic pressure qto improve the precision of the results. RESULTSThe test data are given in the same manner as in ref-erence 1, in which the nethods of analysi”s and of presen-tation of the results are fully d.iscussod.,AS in the preceding reports of the interference Pro

18、-gram (rofcrences 1, 2, and. 3), tho test results are givenin tables supplemented by figures. !l!a_bleI contains thecharacteristics of the wings alone nd table II, those ofthe fuselage. Table III presents the sums o-f the fuselagecharacteristics and the interferences at various angles ofattack for e

19、ach of the combinations tested. The valuesgiven represent the differences between the characteristics” -Of each combination and those of the wing alone or of thewing with a full-span split flap. !Thus, for convenience, .-the effects of reductions in the flap sga-n a% of changesin the tlap shape are

20、included. in the interference O-fthefuselage. Obviously, the characteristics of the com%fna-tions tilemselves can, if desired, he obtained by adding .,corresponding items i.ntables I and III. Table IV of theprogram (see reference 1), which presents interferenceaata for disconnected combinations, ts

21、not continued hero-in because no additional combinations of this characterwcro investigated. .Table T contains the combination diagrams and. iw is the angle ofwing setting.Tlm last nine columns of the table present the fol-lowing important characteristics as standard nondfnen-sional coefficients bas

22、ed on the original wing areas of150 square inches: -.-, lift-curve sIope (in de:ree measure) as deter-mined in the o.cefficicnt rangO fOr an ef-Foctivo aspect ratio of 6.86. This valu of.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4“e,CD 9reinCLo

23、ptno ,nm. 9cLib$CLmax ?N.A.C.A. Technical Note No. 640a71the .aspec.tratio differs from the actual v.alu.efor tho models becnusti the lift results are not Lotherwise corrected fQr tunnel-wall interfer-ence . For most of ihe N.A.C.A. Tariable-Densi”ti Tunnel.T.R. No. 540, I?.A.C.A. , 1935. .- -Sherna

24、n, Allcrt: Interference of Wing and Fuselagefrom Tests of 28 Combinations in the N.A.C.A. l-aria-ble-Density Tunnel. T.R. NO. 575, N.A.C.A. , 1935.shra, rt: Interference of -Wing and Fuselagefrom Tests of 30 Combinations in the N.A*C=A. Vs,ria-ble-Density Tunnel. Combinations with Triangularand Elli

25、ptical Fuselages. T.R, No. (to be pub-lished), N.A.C.A. , 1938. .Jacols , Xastman N., and Clay, William C.: Chars,cter-istics of the N.A.C.A. 23012 Airfoil from Tests in -the Full-Scale an Variable-Density Tunne”ls. T*R.:o. 530, N.A:C.A. , 1935. ,.Jacobs , Eastman IT., and Abbott, Ira E.: The lT.A.C

26、.A.Variable-l)ensity Wind Tunnel. T.Iiw NO. 416,2.A.C.A., 1932. .-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . .TA8LE I - AIBIUILCRplasterrlmidl: Dw ,pllt Imp-m+ p: I!#,t: 0mlerd rlll.+pb,ta. rbtlmh,600 191it rlwoII1,., .,rti-LIld-Lnn/.1.Sk.9.

27、34.x.9M1.G02ttla.w. ).000DDDIl,.11-?.,,m.m.*. mII ;,. .T i-.Wam,es,05,: ,!%.imowl17Dw5.16.15.*I.D46.16mm.4.65JDlo,015.014%.Oxl.21ml.,2D-la-.W-cm-,lp%.5L 1%.8h .8,rrOO-lV*.2 xP1.542,mLrlZ.9%17h,al%,.s4%3kw*.I3h.%“Z.m“2.xO1./01.7%!Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networki

28、ng permitted without license from IHS-,-,-l,utm$vht S. A,O.A. mln Cirfoil mith d fuels. . I. II1+m-ltn-10?I137Ef4mfl26TAmi v. (am. )1! III1I, .hu r. fw-ma 1)Lrm.ed fnlet,;.a,l.m finl,hWU6 rnleu;!uter fm,h:P VIM rlllatsl$,l$nl;:Wu-d rulatl,l“tm finishpmd fllletqlamb, finish,10 Split flmnLpar

29、d flnlab:P relitflqQ9?d fill,i.Lld.f. flni.ht1 epllt rw00000000Utimlm.l-Iionv. .00000000,.ml .U7.a.C81.06e.b16ml“ml.wa1 , t!an:f i-9M),*a.e5.85.%,.01111.I.c%,012.17.10.Om.U4w.mL L.M11.2$3L.SOm-.lT-U 1 , I . ”.,1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li

30、cense from IHS-,-,-. . . . .r. lomnz. )ETIw.ta71L- 6.I.078.074.Lw9.Cpoll?nomq,rmimlpni-:Imw.if&mbol9.a5.83.5*Man%n-bbo 1. A.O.A, QWE? a71 tioil .lth rawt 2usdn00000“lxl%f.?a%.37%.47b8.03%-2%.10%?. MU L-m .L? alciuLth iuu.pplit napOflmtd d.17al.Ou.17mulb,m-

31、+-mpmd rillm1-20, rlnidILpu.d Iiuebluten flnM-C split ImpIas ?01 “PC-mS?remt In hid-mea n%c.“Fvm mmnt W9C dol. l-me.hi-wmnt in WO-lwt mm.Rum iaomlao irl&a2 Fr.uuru a.t!nttm tmakdombttm rd., to tn., of W emmm Cm=4mted titn ttu 1,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

32、hout license from IHS-,-,-N.A.O.A.TeohnLoalNotel?o.640 Figs. 1.2. .,272- - -zZ-L“-.- _285.278Figure 1.- Combinatlona 272, 285, and 278, ahoming apllt flaps. .- ._,. Figure2.- Combination 283, showing alr brake.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

33、IHS-,-,-m.A.o.A.Tmehdml IOt* 10. 640a.4 .a4I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / 1a.a II I b,?! I It 17, Iia.o1.s- %*P?- +$ I1.4fflia”l.a , , , , , , - .18-1.0 - do2 I I WC -0.34 Igm .8 ,-rtY iii” I Ii /“” i, I I 1 ! I I I I I I,?2 IQ4AAA=!”ag Is Iomimtio.a7a IU II I . O.M !1.6 !/ /2+I I I xl,. r r , .C1

34、1 I 1 I.4 - .04oombiMtiOIIa77 -o/.& o . 1. I I I I I I I I I.a Q14-H-l.oaOombiu*ion aao . v- . -0I IKiIXZ tibh + llt flSp &-.a r r , -.1A A+-+- -.-. e-la -% -4 0Anglo of4at*nk, :, 6*.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-E,A.O.A.O=.*?igumTe

35、ahldosl IO* so. 640 rig.1 Ir1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I IWIW with fall-8X _Plit-fkPa.h Oombinatioa Z!/l -. _- 0 Al I .ahI /+I II I I I I I I1 I I L/II4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-X. A.O.A. OObdCdlbtm Io. 8M ?ig. sb?bgi=Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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