REG NACA-TR-539-1936 Investigation of full-scale split trailing-edge wing flaps with various chords and hinge locations.pdf

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REG NACA-TR-539-1936 Investigation of full-scale split trailing-edge wing flaps with various chords and hinge locations.pdf_第1页
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REG NACA-TR-539-1936 Investigation of full-scale split trailing-edge wing flaps with various chords and hinge locations.pdf_第5页
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1、REPORT No. 539INVESTIGATION OF FULL-SCALE SPLIT TRAILING-EDGE WING FLAPS WITHVARIOUS CHORDS AND HINGE LOCATIONSBy RUDOm WALLMESUMMARY An inwetiion waa conducted in tha N. A. 0. A.fuU-8c4dewind tunnd on a 8maU parmol namwpluneepipped dh three di$erind 8plii traihxlge wringjl.ap8. The Ol)jed of the in

2、m8tiiun Ux13to dlztemnineand comelds data on the ch5racteri8tic4of tb airpluneand jlap8 a8 a$ected by variuiion in p chord, fipdq?ection, amdjizp locaiion along the wing chord. Thechmi% of the jlaps were 10, 20, and 30 perceni of thewing chordand eachj%p waatesteda4dejlectionafrom 0to 76 when locded

3、 aucce8siaelIIai 68, 80, and 88.8percent of tha wing chord l of th-cleading edge. !llkinmxtigaibn inclwded force i%8t8, prewure-dt%ribuiionteat8, and o%wnumh ai high angles of attack, io increme negativelytb Upp8T-8WTfa.C8pre8su$v8. Downwaah 8U.17 somewhat limited data (reference 6)have also been pr

4、eaeni%don flap forces and moments.No information is available, however, as to the effectof split flaps on downwash or pressure distributionover a wing, and the existing force cmd moment datahave been determined mostly from teats of small-scalemodels.This report presents the results of teats conducta

5、din the N. A. C. A. full-scale wind tunnel on a Fairchild22 airplane equipped with split tcaihng-edge wing flaps.A ccmventiomil wing with an N. A. C. A. 2212 airfoilsection was modified so that flaps having ohords 10,20,and 30 percent of the wing ohord oould be tested atdeflections up to 75 with the

6、ir hinge axes located at3 positions along the wing chord. The invedigationincluded foroe tests, prcmm+chs“ tribution tests, andair-flowsurveys. From the force and presauredistribu-tion teatswere determined: the lift, drag, and pitchingmomant of the airplane; the normal force and centerof prsure of t

7、he wing and of the flap at one section;and the normal force, center of pressure, and hinge645Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-546 REPORT NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUIK!Smoment of the total flap. The air-flow surveys in-clude

8、d measurements of downwash anglea and of dy-namic pressures in the region of usual tail-plane loca-tions.APPARATUSAirplane.-The Fairchild 22 is a smm open 2-placeparasol monoplane powered with an invertedj-7,4-4FIGUEELThemodifiedFdr the principal characteris-tics of the airplune are given in table I

9、.The wing is of conventional wood and fabric construc-tion with a span of 32 feet 10 inches and a chord of 66inches. It has rounded tips, a center section cutiutat the trailing edge, and an N. A. C. A. 2212 airfoilsection. The wing was modified for these tests byremotig the hailing edge aft of the r

10、ear spar over theportion of the span normally utilized for ailerons andsubstituting therefor a special trailing+dge assembly.This assembly, consisting of a wooden spar, woodenribs, and shee boards and filler)lates of varying width were used ahead of and behindhe flap to complete the assembly for the

11、 differente-axis looations. A photograph of the wing withhe 20-percent flap hinged at 80 percent of the wingherd and deflected 60 is shown in figure 4.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-547the airpkmeSPLIT TRAILJNG-EDGE WING FLAPS WITH V

12、ARIOUS CHORDS AND HINGE LOCATIONSManometer,-The manometer was of the multitube through the wing to the center line ofliquid type and provided simultaneous photographic and thenca down a streamlne strut to the front cock-Fmwu 4.-Vfew of V with20percantcCap,hingedat lpmmntcandddacted W.records of 100

13、individual pressures at each exposure.A detailed description of its design and operation isgiven in reference 8. The manometer was installed inpit. The cockpits were covered to protect the manom-eter and to reduce the over-all drag of the set-up.Wind tunnel and survey apparatus,-The N. A. C. A.full-

14、scale wind tunnel and the survey apparatus aredescribed in detail in reference 9. Figure 6 shows theFairchild 22 airplane mounted on the balance with thesurvey apparatus in tOstposition.TESTSAll tests were conducted with the propeller and thehorizontal tail surfacea removed and with the airplaneset

15、at 0 in roll and yaw. The wing wa9 set 5 to thethrust axis. The teats were conducted at a dynamicpressure of approximately 8 pounda per square foot,corresponding at standard sea-level conditions to avelocity of 56 miles per hour and to a Reynolds Num-ber of 2,880,000 based on the wing chord.The lift

16、, drag, and pitching moment of the airplanewere determined over an ang)e-of-attack range from 16 to 20 for all flap conditions. The 10 and 20percent c flaps were each tested at hinge-ti locations68.0, 80.0Z and 88.8 percent of the wing chord aft ofthe wing leading edge; the 30 percent c flaps werete

17、sted at the 68.0- and 80.O-percent hinge locations.l?lap deflections, or the angular displacement of theflap from its closed position, varied from 0 to 75.The 30 percent c flap was not tested at. deflectionsgreater than 40 nor in the rearmost position becauseof strength limitations of the airplane w

18、ing and struc-ture. A summary of all flap conditions tested is givenin the following table: .FmuaB 4 readings WSIWtaken at *t potto minimim the effect of rapid local the tail-planearrangement (size and location with respect to thewing) determines the effect on tail momenta of aohange in dowmvash ang

19、le. Large diving momentswould be expected, for instance, for rm airplane withsmall tail surfaces poorly located behind awing havinga flap arrangement that gave a relatively large changein wing pitching moment Wd small incree in lift.COMPARISON OF FLAP ARRANGEMENT S AT HIGH ANGLES OFA11AOEFigures 7,8

20、, and 9 are included to illustrate the effectof the various flap arrangement on the aerodynamiccharact+misticaof the Fairchild 22 airplane underlanding conditions. An angle of attack of 12 waschosen to represent such conditions, a fair comparisonof the ouF$ .6 ,3Qw,4 .2.2 ./o 0.-.2-.4-16 /2 -8 4 O 4

21、 # 12 16 POAngle of u+fock of fhrusf uxis,d= ,dgrees -“-7 ”- , I I I I I I I I I I I I. . 60 -. .- +2.0 a71 - 750- a I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 11.8 ,9L6 .8llml Hllll/$Pw?F%$FH, T, ,/ ch ! I .6 ,3.+ 0: o(Plainwthg) t. -20” - X I I I I i 1 1 I t I I III0-+ ttH+H+. . 400 -v?0F-Fr o-62.0 1 1 t 1 I 1 1 Ikc

22、 ,.+,CLEl=7 I -u-uLL$ “6-J.4 .2.2 .!o 0-.2 /1 /*/-.4 - /d-16 12 -8 4 04 8 12 16 20Angle of a+ock of fhrusf UX15,dz ,degrees(d)1110m Wmt oJkIPhkwodat 3PmCantCmm!5FIOIJRE6.LffL dnm,Md pltaldmymomontmoflklontaof thoFolroldkli3nlrpkmowithSplitWU.odgo w llqwProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

23、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Pifcbing-momenfLiffcoeffcienCL coeffl-cienCnI h I ,x I w 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I t ISOLTLLVN021EV 13011OD X?30SIA(IVCCVNOLLVN LWOCIIEH 2!2s. -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.9.8% -

24、. f WI -!-1 . I I I I I If:,-.2*+r-H-JFl i-%,I I I I I -I I I 1L :. 2u0 .x c=# 1:. I-?)/.8 .9.8/.4 .7L2 .cf-h.d ,$“H-H-+I”3W-WL4 .7/.2I I I t? I I /1 1, t / I I 1- I 1 r?,F F 1A F.6 #I I W I 1/11“/ -” I I I u f3Q k .6 .3u-J.4 .2.2 .1I I J ! p ! ! _Y-q-. !.4,2 .1!3rw, .2.1O11I IA u-.-.-/6 -12 -8 -4 0

25、 4 8 /2 16 ZOItttntn.o-.2-.4-/6 -/2 -8 -4 04 8 12 16 ZOo H7iAngle of affuck of fhru.sfa.zI”s,dT ,degrees(h) The SOpwcentoflaphfngedatSOP9rmntfiAngle of ai+ack of fhrusf axis,dr , deqrees(g)The SO_to IlaphkwedatUSl=nt J_-1 I y Hvl - - - - Zlj - - -I ,Hal 1-1-1 J.J -I-+-+-=X34-I i;nd-wtE%+-d= - 12.7P.

26、 IQ at high angles ofattack, to increase negatively the upper-surfs C13pressurw.8. 13xisting empirical equations for computingdownwash angles do not accurately define the patternof dovrmvash angles in the wake.9. Air-flow surveys indicated that horizontal tailplanes located rtboe the extended chord

27、line of thewing would be more effective than those below incounteracting the increased diving moment of theairplane with the flaps deflected.LANGLEY MEMORIAL AERONAUTICAL LABORATORY,NATIONAL ADVISORY COMIJImEE FOR AERONAUTICS,LANGLEY FIELD, VA., May 10, 1996.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

28、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPLIT TRAILINGEIDGE WING FLAP6 WITH VARIOUS CHORDS AND HINGE LOCATIONSREFERENCESTABLE ICHARACTERISTICS OF THE FAIRCHILD 22AIRPLANE AND SPECIAL WING1. Weick, Fred E., and Harria, Thornas A.: The AerodynamicCharaoterietfce of a Model Wing Having

29、 a Split Flap De-fleoted Downwardand Moved to the Rear. T. If. No.422, N. A. C. A., 1932.2. Wenzinger, Carl J.: The Effect of Partial-Span Split Flapaon the Aerodynamic Characteristic of a Clark Y Wing.T. N. No. 472, N. A. C. A., 1933.3. Wenzinger, Carl J.: The Effects of Full-Span and Partial-Span

30、Split Flaps on the Aerodynamic characteristics of aTnpered Wing. T. N. No. 606, N. A. C. A., 1934.4. Joyce, Temple N.: Zap Flaps and Ailerona. Trans. A. S.M. E., vol. 66, no. 4, April 1934, pp. 193-201.6. Wrdlace,RudoffN.: TheEffectof SplitTrailing-EdgeWingFlapson the AerodynamfoCharacteristkaof a P

31、arasolMonoplane. T. N. No. 475, N. A. C. A., 1933.:;-212 -L42-i z i %.72 .58-0.17.-. 01:.:-o.lJ:12.-: 28. 21.19-a M.OJ.02$.10.OJ: 15. m. Isam:E.05:g.12!?.01.17-: i%. 10.-. E. 24-L62.42-262.81-3.26.9110 PERCENT c FLAP IZINGED AT .XIPEROENT c-0.10.;.2:10.25.39.ii.32.

32、-. %=%. : -_a: -a41J _a R -0.36. . .01-1.63 -1.30 -LC4 -.74 . 48.16-2$ -2 ; -i% 1: ; . 64.51-. . 49 . 49 . 46 :%a-:60 -i % -i H ZR : z.29-2 t% -i % -i i $ . 70.91 .74 .61. n . 51 -.66 : :%. 36 . 23 . ml-: : :%.46-L 35 L 66 L20 . 86 . m.62 .45 .83 .83 .47-ag a 22 o. 22 -(l 21: $ ;: :

33、=%. 12 . 12 . 12 -: H.W. -: % : :.: .17. 41 : E . 41 . 41:; ;: : # :.41 . 41 . 4 . 3a.62: g : g : g : Z.46. 41 . 41 . 41 . 41.M; g : n : . 60.M .66 .410.148m .M7L460.31340 LlKc3L 605I. 42a04 L125L12376 L 170-7.4L 8Q.1-7.6L60.0-7.7L68.9L41PP=- a 61LQwar_ -.63uppar- -2: -;: -i.65o.34.16: R-: ;: z.E.70

34、-0.34.93:H. 45. 2440:47.E.66.4s-a26-. 2$:-. 34.24:-.:.49. 4-:-g-.:z.k3$. 49.$6-: g -a a : o. %: : . s : %_.OJ _. 26 _: g z-:ii :z :Z :.). -: z :E -:H.%!.37 . lb. 49 : 8 . 48 -.47. ih .60 .44 .2340Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-570 RE

35、PORT NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITFEE FOR ADRONAU!MCSTABLE 11.VALUES OF p/q FOR WING AND FLAP-ContiiuedwingStatIonfrom L. E., t wing ohord Flap *tfm L 70L2 pg -L634 , JIPO-4.4 Jw - : g-L1 %1- 2 so36 bpw%_-. -6: z.103 E_ -. -.0.40-L 23.07.Ei %;-4.76.99i .ls28-i00.81-2 %-241-i z.83. %. e!l-i %.13-L 06-i 8-

36、i E.s4.34.E-g-L 70.51-272-i 2.90-0. !23. 40-. 62%-.L !-i:-i U.6s.34.2-.-. %-:-L SO-i %!.73:%-.ti.M-L 25.45-L 95.70- -a 26. 23. 2.m.37. 23. H.20. 35. ls. 34=%.:%.60. 52. S5. m.E.67. 40. %.%. 70.a.M.-: /J.7J-.66.;:76-: #.ea-.2-o.M.! la; f-.:-. .2;-.60-.;, 4Q.6-J-.70-.:-.#.=-.:-.81-a 25.C

37、r3-:-:-. .%!-.18.29-.16.30.:-.W-.:.#w-.%-.49.46-.%-.%-.01.04-.-.05-.8-a 36-,%:z01-.R-.17.1!4-.10,18-: #-:10-: :;-,.!?-,.%-,47.23-:-: ;-.01.30-.$-. !?3-: E.T3.19 .21-L 10 . m-i % %.KJ .43. .2:g . 43. 70 : z.16: :;-L !23 . 79.51-: ;:. .: .Z: R . m: : #-: g : n-L 23 : %.02-i Z . m95 .05.m.ecl.71: fl.40

38、3.461.749LIMSmL 471L97221S3.m.67.70. 70.30.220 PEROENT c FLAP HINQED AT 8%4 PEROENT-a 25.15-.21-: %.2-J-:37-: -.OJ-.-; $-. a.06.-a 14.-; #-,.:-:-: M-.=-.%-: z-.2J-0: #-: H-.14.10-.64.16-: E-.48.23-: E-.76.L!a-: %-; g-.11.m-: %-.37-. 02-,.%-: R-,.:-.,Z-.%0.339al L 125L.02.Eg.b5.8:%. 49; .$-am.25. 29.

39、 25. fi.-. 40. 69. 623?.ti.M 76.02.m-ag -: g -o. !23-. .3625-. -. .2! -:2 . 13 . 13.52:! : z -.5591:. :% -. m.70:46 -.45 :;-.45-. M : E -.06-. 05-: z -: E:$-. S3 -: g : %-. m .79-0.25.a3-.:-.19.40-.E-.!l. 47.lw-.%. 76.70-.%.93I 1 1 I30 PEEOENT e FLAP EINGE ENTc -2 lmI “-7.5 pw - _Q:10 .969 L 6 pw$-:

40、 : gL644 p- g9.0 Lower-4340 .fa-7.8 l-:%:%.ti-a Pa. 13.m-a 10-.13-.16-.10-.19-.-. %-. 40-. 35-.-. ti-. xl-. w-. u-. a-cl 14.%. 11.36: z.Z-.:-.Z.2.:-.-a 14-: ?.2?3.E-.%-.2.%.%-: %-.8-a 10.24-. %. 40-. 37%-. 3). E41. 05-. 54. 8-. l:3Z.Eg.7JI:76.3z 40. 40.-. 2. xl. Ml. M. 69. a. 02. !4: ti.Ei.;.2.8.42-L 31W-. 02-. 00-. 00. 91.61.Q9 .83,!, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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