1、 E u =E$a ;o = _ o ., P o, Y Y e ; ,._ c oF - Eu; E :n c y V Y dE o E c V V 0 P _o oo n= voau O c O t O u r bWg. nNO. O C V Y aO l Or u w P O u c a s u c u c o P j g O O YOnQ -a O V V L Y C L Y . u O O v V C U n r O ._ ;oo o u . pwu y b O - E o : gt a v .= a C U Y -9 vn ,o N O U P o E or 0 0 - k 0 3
2、 o= x= , Society of Automotive n, cn. AERONAUTICAL 388 N w Yo k Cityt MMENDED PRACTICE Issued 2-1_g7 UNIVERSAL JOI:VTS - DESIGN CHITIA FOR Revised Page i of 4 A. INTRODUCTION This data sheet is intended for general use by aircraf“t manufacturers contemplating the use of universal joints in their des
3、igns. Although this sheet was prepared primarily to aesiet in the eelection of universal ,jointe for helicapter rotor drivee, it is recommended that it be used for other universal oint applicationa ae Well. The purpose of the data aheet is to provide a atandardized form for providing the uniereal oi
4、nt manufacturer Mith all pertinent information regarding the factors whih determine h3s recommendation of aoint for a particular application. It ehould be kept in mind that the more completely this form is filled out. the greater will be the assurance that the univereal oint recommended will adequa,
5、tely perform it intended Punetion. I. TYPE OF YEHICI,E: Airlane (), Helicopter () Autogyro ( ), Other . II. PURYOS for which joint ia to be used (Main Helicotter inre ca, Inc. Q Issued 2-1-47 v Revised IY&$SAS+ JOINTS - 1SI(N CEITERIA FOH - 2 - $. Power and Speed Batinge: (1) TAIi-OFF . . . . . . .
6、. . _p. at RPM (2)MAICIMUM CONTINUUS ., hp. at RPM (3)NOEMAL CEUISING. . . . . . _ hp. at BPM C. Number of Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . _ D. Eine (ea Batio . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ T Total Ratio of Engine BPM to Joint RPM (If 2ranemission, Acceeeory, or other gear ratios are involved) . . .
7、. . . . . . _ F. Type of Vibration Damper (iP ay) E. Coefficient of Speed Fluatuation (if aveilable) c=v v o O, OPERATINf# CONDITIOASs A. (1) Condition III(A)(1) oP expeeted life. . . . . . . . . _ period spplied conLinuously . . . ss. min. Cotdition III(A)(2) bf expected life . . . . . . . . . . pe
8、riod applid continuougYy . . . hre._,in. Conditioa III(A)(3) of ezpeced liPe. . . . . . . . . _ period applied continuonsly . . . _,re._ia. , (2) Condition III(H)(1) of ezpected life. . . . . . . . . _, period applied continuously . . . lre._Jnin. Condition III(B)(2) . of erpected life. . . . . . .
9、. . , period applied continuoualy . . . _re.,_ia. B. Number of atarta during ezpected life . C. Shock loading conditions (severity and Prequency such ae during starting, etc.). . . . . . . . . D. Ezpected life (houre) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaued 2-1-47 A UNIYERSAL JOINTS -, ESIGN CfiITE&IA F08
10、Revised - 3 - E. Desired Dieasaembly Inspection Period (hours) F. Desired Servicfng Period (I,ubrication, etc.) (hours) Q. A,aial Loading (if any) . . . . . . . . . . . lbe. Reeulting ror VI. INSTALIATION INFQRt4ATI0N: A. Permanent (fixed) angle (1)Angularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _,_degreee
11、 (2)Fluctua.tion (due to flexible mountings, vibration etc.) . . . . . . . . . . degrees B. Pariable angle l M87C111L1II1 BIllA. . . degreea i of expected life . . . . . . . . . . . _ period applied continuously. . . . irr. min. (2) Normal e.ngle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . degreee of expected life
12、. . . . . . . . . . . _,_, period applied continuouely. . . , hre. min. (3) Minimwn angle. . . . . . . . . . . . , degrees of expected life . . . . . . . . . . . _, period ,pnlied continuoualy. . hre. i min. C. A,xial movement. Give axial movement reqnired due to: (1) Operating conditione . . . . .
13、. . . . . inchea (2)Manufacturing tolersnces . . . . . . , inches D. Dimensional Limitations (Interference Limitations, Diametral Clearance Permissible Length, etc.) (Eaplain wher3 necesse.ry): E. Deaired Wefght Limita,tion. . . . . . . . . . _ts. Q R“ -1-47 IyLy JOINTS - DESI(N CHITIA F a19 -4- F.
14、Diagranmatio Sketch of Inetallation (ShoMing Location of Driving and Dria )lmbere inoiae. Univerasl Joiat Tranomiseion, Clntch, etc.) (I+absl and plain rhsro aecasear) : d. Mieaellaneous iaforaaticn on ilange or pline conaectioae and eise, or as other data to be ooneidsred ia sslaotion of IInitersal Jeint: