SAE ARP 4102 7-1988 Electronic Displays《电子显示器》.pdf

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1、AEROSPACERECOMMENDEDPRACTICEARP4102-7Issued 1988-07Reaffirmed 2007-07Electronic DisplaysFOREWORDChanges in this reaffirm are format/editorial only.1. SCOPE:This document recommends criteria for electronic displays on the flight deck of transport aircraft.Electronic displays include electronic flight

2、 instruments, alert displays, aircraft system displays and control/display units for flight management and radio management systems.2. REFERENCES:2.1 Documentation:This annex should be used in conjunction with the ARP4102 Core Document. The following documents may also be applicable:- SAE S-7 ARP410

3、1, Flight Deck Layout and Facilities- SAE S-7 ARP4105, Nomenclature and Abbreviations for Use on the Flight Deck- AIR1093, Numeral, Letter, and Symbol Dimensions for Aircraft Instrument Displays- ARP1874, Design Objectives for CRT Displays for Transport Aircraft- AS8034, Airborne Multi-Purpose Elect

4、ronic Displays3. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS:3.1 Electronic displays shall not cause eye strain or other undesirable physiological effects. Suitable damping shall be provided to ensure display stability and legibility.3.2 Bezel or surface curvature cut-off should not exist within the viewing angles req

5、uired to satisfy paragraph 6.1.6 of ARP4102 Core Document.3.3 Display elements shall enter and leave the display area smoothly. The last digit of numerical read outs should change without causing distraction (e.g., rolling digit). Digital data of no current value should not be displayed.RATIONALE Th

6、is document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-Year Review policy. SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitabil

7、ity for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyrigh

8、t 2007 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER

9、: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE ARP4102-7- 2 -3.4 Displays shall be legible under all lighting conditions experienced in the flight deck, including direct sunlight, and

10、throughout the flight envelope. Color degradation under high and low levels of lighting shall not preclude the pilot from interpreting display information. Intensity adjustment controls will be minimized and will have a tactile reference point.3.5 Displays shall remain legible, stable, and unambiguo

11、us when operating in a degraded or monochromatic mode.3.6 Normal power transfers or other power fluctuation shall not cause a significant interruption of display operation or change in display content. Pilot selected values shall not change as a result of power interruption.3.7 Adequate electrical p

12、ower sources shall be provided to assure continued display of attitude, altitude, airspeed, heading and appropriate navigation, power plant, alerting and systems information for completion of the flight.3.8 Standby navigation information shall be sufficient to cope with the anticipated weather and t

13、raffic conditions of a specific aircrafts operational environment.3.9 Displays on the pilots panels that a third crew member is required to monitor shall be visible and legible to him from his seated position with the harness condition specified for the phase of flight.3.10 Manual or automatic desel

14、ection of appropriate data may be provided to suppress information not required for a specific flight phase.4. PANELS:Number not used.5. CONTROLS:Number not used.6. DISPLAYS:6.1 General:6.1.1 Primary flight instruments include Primary Flight Display (PFD)/Electronic ADI (EADI), and Electronic HSI (E

15、HSI)/Navigation Display (ND).6.1.2 The hysteresis, inertia, and other lag effects of attitude, speed, altitude, vertical speed and flight guidance displays shall be such that the pilots ability to control the aircraft flight path manually is not degraded.6.1.3 The lag between pilot selection and sub

16、sequent display of primary flight data shall not exceed 0.25 seconds. The lag between format selection and display shall not exceed 1.0 second and the system lag associated with presentation of nonessential data should not exceed 4 seconds.SAE ARP4102-7- 3 -6.1.4 Figures and letters should subtend n

17、ot less than the following vertical angles at the design eye position of the pilot who normally uses the instruments:Primary data - 6 milliradiansNonessential and Secondary data - 4 milliradiansMinor descriptive legends may be reduced to - 3 milliradians6.2 Primary Flight Instruments - EADI/PFD:6.2.

18、1 The instrument shall provide a clear and unmistakable display of aircraft attitude and/or flightpath relative to the true horizon. The display shall provide unmistakable information of unusual attitudes in all possible combinations of pitch and roll.6.2.2 Pitch attitude scaling shall be such as to

19、 enable the pilot to determine the aircraft attitude with an accuracy of one degree within the range of +30 and -20 degrees.6.2.3 A horizon reference/ground patch/sky patch shall be visible to 85 degrees of pitch up or pitch down. From 86 to 90 degrees of pitch up or down, only the sky or ground tex

20、ture will show.6.2.4 The roll reference scale and pointer should be located at the top of the attitude display and coordinated to minimize incorrect roll direction and should not overlap or blank pitch lines.6.2.5 The display shall incorporate means for displaying command (director) information and

21、deviation for flight paths and profiles used in normal operation. When command and deviation information for a single function are both included, similar symbols shall not be used for both parameters.6.2.6 The following information shall be presented:(i) Horizon line(ii) Aircraft reference symbol(ii

22、i) Pitch scale(iv) Roll pointer and scale(v) Flight Director Command (or Equiv.) when selected(vi) Speed deviation and scale (F/S) (may be incorporated in an airspeed display)(vii) Vertical deviation and scale (when ILS or MLS is selected)(viii) Lateral deviation and scale (when ILS or MLS is select

23、ed)(ix) Lateral acceleration(x) DH/MDA warning (when selected)(xi) Failure annunciation(xii) Flight path angle/flight path vector6.2.7 When the EADI/PFD is located above the EHSI/ND, the following information shall be presented in the EHSI/ND and may be duplicated in the EADI/PFD:(i) Magnetic headin

24、g/track and scale(ii) Selected heading/track(iii) Selected course/desired trackSAE ARP4102-7- 4 -6.2.7 (Continued):The following information shall be presented close to or within the EADI/PFD in positions that preserve the Basic T arrangement:(iv) Indicated airspeed and Mach number (F/S deviation an

25、d scale may be deleted when incorporated in the PFD.)(v) Selected airspeed(vi) Barometric altitude (feet QNH)/height (feet/SEL option in meters)(vii) Barometric setting (ins Hg and/or mbs) and/or hp (and/or hP and STD)(viii) Selected altitude/MDA(ix) Altitude deviation alert(x) Marker indication(xi)

26、 Radio height(xii) Selected DH(xiii) Vertical speed/flight path angle or flight path angle (if incorporated)(xiv) Selected vertical speed/flight path angle or flight path angle (if incorporated)(xv) Flight guidance mode and status annunciation(xvi) Collision avoidance indication (if incorporated)(xv

27、ii) Autopilot mode and status (when selected)(xviii) Autothrottle mode and status (when selected)(xix) Barometric altitude (metric &/or QFE as add on options to vi)(xx) Minimum decision altitude (MDA) barometric may be incorporated in an altimeter scale6.2.8 When the EADI/PFD is located beside the E

28、HSI/ND, the information specified in paragraph 6.2.7 shall be presented within the EADI/PFD in positions that preserve the Basic T arrangement.6.2.9 Provided that digital values of items specified in paragraph 6.2.7 (ii), (v), (viii), and (xiv) are located with the flight guidance controls, their di

29、splay on the EADI/PFD may be by means of an analog presentation of actual values.6.2.10 Manual or automatic deselection of appropriate data may be provided to suppress information not required for a specific flight phase.6.2.11 The following information may be presented close to or within the primar

30、y flight instruments:(i) Airspeed rate/prediction(ii) Windshear data(iii) Ground speed(iv) Angle of attack and scale(v) Flight path angle/flight path vector(vi) Selected flight path/flight path target(vii) Potential flight path(viii) ILS gate/MLS gate(ix) Runway perspective(x) Runway roll-out comman

31、dSAE ARP4102-7- 5 -6.2.11 (Continued):(xi) Distance to glideslope origin(xii) V-Speeds(xiii) Flap and slat positions6.2.12 Indicated airspeed shall be readable to at least 2 knots, and rate of change of airspeed/ground speed/TAS should be readable to 10 knots per minute. Selected airspeed shall be s

32、ettable to 1 knot increments throughout the usable range.6.2.13 Mach number should be numerically displayed to at least the second decimal or equivalent rate of change indication provided. An alert shall be given when Vmo/Mmois exceeded.6.2.14 Barometric altitude shall be readable to 10 feet through

33、out its range. Altitude data shall be displayed in such a way as to eliminate reading error. An altitude select control and readout shall be provided, accessible and clearly visible to both pilots. Selected altitude/flight level shall be settable to 100-foot increments throughout the usable range. A

34、n advisory indication may be provided for approach to the selected altitude, and an alert shall be provided for deviation from selected altitude. Note: If barometric altitude is displayed within the electronic display(s), it may include a display of minimum descent altitude (MDA) and be settable to

35、at least 10-foot increments.6.2.15 Radio height shall be readable to at least 5 feet below 100 feet, at least 10 feet between 100 and 500 feet, and at least 50 feet between 500 and 2500 feet. An alert signal shall be provided at the selected radio height. Decision height shall be settable to one-foo

36、t increments below 200 feet and at least 10-foot increments above 200 feet.6.2.16 Vertical speed shall be readable to 100 ft/min up to 1000 ft/min, then 200 ft/min up to 3000 ft/min.Thereafter, means shall be provided to display all normal and abnormal rates likely to be encountered. Inertial quicke

37、ning of vertical speed is desirable. If flight path angle is displayed in lieu of vertical speed, it shall be in degrees of vertical angle and in units of at least one-tenth of one degree.6.3 Primary Flight Instruments - EHSI/ND:6.3.1 The instrument shall provide a clear and unmistakable display of

38、aircraft position, heading and track relative to desired course/track. It shall require a minimum of pilot computation or interpretation.6.3.2 In addition to the compass rose format EHSI/ND equipment shall generate a moving map format upon which weather radar data may be superimposed, and should pro

39、vide a plan format for verification of stored flight plans.SAE ARP4102-7- 6 -6.3.3 The compass rose format when installed shall present the following information:(i) Magnetic/true heading/track and scale(ii) Selected heading(iii) Selected course/desired track(iv) Aircraft reference symbol(v) Vertica

40、l path deviation and scale(vi) Lateral path deviation and scale(vii) Bearing pointer(s) (optional)(viii) To/From indication(ix) Distance to waypoint(x) Annunciation of manually selected navaids(xi) Failure flags6.3.4 The map format shall incorporate the following features:(i) Data areas shall not de

41、grade moving symbols or tracks(ii) Alphanumeric legends shall remain upright with map rotation except compass numerals on the heading scale(iii) Waypoints, VORs, NDBs, airports, reporting points, intersections, etc., shall be identified by conventional terminology and abbreviations(iv) Symbols shall

42、 reflect accepted navigation chart usage(v) Courses and desired track lines shall remain in view when their origin or termination is not visible(vi) Actual courses or projected track lines shall be clearly distinguishable when coincident with planned courses or track angles(vii) Movement of symbols

43、and lines shall be smooth during map rotation and parameter selection(viii) Automatic and/or manual de-clutter as a function of flight phase shall be provided6.3.5 The map format shall present the following information:Items (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (ix), (x), (xi), or paragraph 6.3.3 and:(xii) Later

44、al path deviation from desired track(xiii) Wind speed and direction (if available)(xiv) Range marks/scale(xv) Weather radar data identifying precipitation rates and/or turbulence levels(xvi) Active flight plan(xvii) Waypoint/VOR/NDB/Airport/Reporting point/Intersection data6.3.6 The map format may p

45、resent the following information:(i) Lateral and/or vertical path deviation and scale(ii) Drift angle/track angle error(iii) Ground speed(iv) Wind on nose/tail and/or crosswind componentSAE ARP4102-7- 7 -6.3.6 (Continued):(v) Time to go(vi) ETA/ETE/ETO(vii) Radial from selected navaid(viii) Frequenc

46、y and/or identification of active navaid(ix) Bearing pointers(x) To/From indication(xi) SIDs, Holding patterns and STARs(xii) Area minimum altitudes(xiii) Obstructions(xiv) Predictive track (inhibited for turn rates less than 0.5 deg/second and removed when bank angle exceeds 35 deg)(xv) Optimum cli

47、mb/descent, including top of climb/descent and bottom of climb descent(xvi) Altitude intercept arc(xvii) Waypoint constraints(xviii) Time marks/deviation(xix) Collision avoidance indication6.4 Flight Management Display:6.4.1 In addition to data presented on the control and display unit (CDU) of the

48、Flight Management System (FMS), integration with electronic flight instruments and flight guidance controls, displays, and annunciators shall be provided. The total flight deck arrangement must meet the objectives describes described in paragraph 6.1 of ARP4102 Core and ARP4102- The CDU of th

49、e FMS shall be located forward of the pilots shoulder line and be clearly visible to crew members. When pilot selections are made, there should be no masking of the display as viewed from the pilots design eye position.6.5 Alerting Display (AD):6.5.1 The AD, if installed, shall conform to the requirements described in ARP4102-4 and be clearly visible to all crewmembers as specified in ARP4102 Core.6.5.2 The AD may be a separate display dedicated for this purpose or may be integrated as a part of one or more multi-purpose displays (see also paragraph 6.6.3).6.5.3 Adequat


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