SAE ARP 4104-1988 Design Objectives for Handling Qualities of Transport Aircraft《运输飞行器的搬运质量的设计目标》.pdf

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SAE ARP 4104-1988 Design Objectives for Handling Qualities of Transport Aircraft《运输飞行器的搬运质量的设计目标》.pdf_第1页
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1、AEROSPACE RECOMMENDED PRACTICEARP4104Issued 1988-07Reaffirmed 2007-07Design Objectives for Handling Qualities of Transport Aircraft1. SCOPE:This document specifies the requirements for the design objectives for handling qualities applicable to transport aircraft operating in the subsonic, transonic,

2、 and supersonic speed range. These objectives are not necessarily applicable to rotor or VTOL aircraft.2. REFERENCES:2.1 Applicable Documents:N69-22539 THE USE OF PILOT RATING IN THE EVALUATION OF AIRCRAFT HANDLING(NTIS) QUALITIES, GEORGE E. COOPER, ROBERT P. HARPER, 1969 (NASA TND-5153)(NASA)2.2 De

3、finitions:AFCS Automatic Flight Control SystemCLCoefficient of LiftCAS Calibrated air speed (air speed indicator reading corrected for position and instrument error)min MinuteCG Center of gravitylb Poundsec SecondRATIONALE This document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-Year Review policy

4、. SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising there

5、from, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2007 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication m

6、ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)

7、 Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE ARP4104 - 2 -2.2 (Continued):Ve Equivalent Airspeed - True airspeed multiplied by square root of the relative densityStalling speed or minimum usable flying speed in general (see speed (see 3.1.

8、28.2) obtained in a specified configurationStalling speed (see with wing flaps in the landing position and landing gear downV2 Takeoff safety speed or minimum speed with an engine failed.Normally 1.122 VREF Reference speed for landing based on a specified landing configuration.Normally 1.2

9、15 VRC Recommended climb speed with climb thrustVTRIM A speed chosen whereby the airplane is trimmed to fly straight and level hands offVLOF Speed at which the airplane normally lifts off the ground and first becomes airborneVB Design speed for maximum gust intensityVD Maximum design or demonstrated

10、 speedVmca Minimum control speed in the air with the critical engine inoperativeVmcg Minimum control speed on the ground with the critical engine inoperativeHandling Qualities Those qualities of an airplane and its flight control system that effect the ease and precision with which the pilot is able

11、 to control the airplanes speed and flight pathVFC/MFC Maximum speed for stability characteristics (normally speed midway between Vmo and VD, MFC is Mmo + 0.01M)Vmo Maximum operating speedMD Maximum design or demonstrated Mach number, associated with VDMmo Maximum operating Mach No.Vs1gVs1VsoVs1VsoS

12、AE ARP4104 - 3 -2.2 (Continued):K Constant depending upon the period of the lateral-directional oscillation - See Figure 1K/T1/2 Equals 1/C1/2 for periods less than 2.4 secC1/2 Number of cycles for the lateral oscillations to damp to half amplitudeT1/2 Time to damp to 1/2 amplitude Bank angle, degre

13、es Angle-of-attack Sideslip angle, degreesRatio of amplitudes of bank and sideslip angles in oscillatory modeRolling parameter, degrees/ft/sWhere Ve is equivalent airspeed in ft/sg Acceleration due to gravityP Period in secondsDeadbeat To come to rest without perceptible oscillation or overshoot-dut

14、chrollVe-Ve-57.3Ve-=-dutchrollSAE ARP4104 - 4 -3. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS:3.1 General Requirements:Interpretation of Qualitative Objectives - In several instances through the document, qualitative terms, such as “objectionable flight characteristics“, “unacceptable flight conditions“, “unusual pilo

15、t technique“, etc., have been employed as a means of permitting latitude where absolute quantitative criteria might be unduly restrictive. As an overall objective, the aircrafts handling qualities should rate 3 or better on the Cooper-Harper rating scale. For single system failures not improbable, f

16、light in the operating envelope should be controllable to a degree corresponding to a Cooper-Harper rating of 4 or better, while multiple failures may degrade to 6 or better. The detailed objectives are intended to cover all-engines-operating conditions unless stated otherwise; where engine inoperat

17、ive conditions are not specifically mentioned, some degradation from the all-engines-operating standards will be accepted.Rates of Operation of Auxiliary Aerodynamic Devices - Although it has not been considered feasible to include in this document quantitative criteria for rates of operation of tri

18、m tabs, trimmable stabilizers, artificial feel trimmers, etc., or for rates of extension and retraction of flaps, speed brakes, etc., the influence of such rates on the handling qualities may be appreciable and is treated in,, and In general, trim devices should operate rapi

19、dly enough to enable the pilot to maintain trim under changing conditions as normally encountered in operation of the airplane, and yet must not be so rapid in operation as to induce oversensitivity under any flight condition. Automatic trim rates and authorities should be airspeed scheduled and g l

20、imited to the point that pilot control applied in opposition will arrest aircraft motion sufficiently long to disengage an errant system. Flaps and other high-lift devices should operate at a rate sufficient to permit transition into the high lift configuration without undue delay, and yet must not

21、operate so rapidly as to cause sudden or erratic trim or excessive loss of lift during retraction. This limitation on rate of operation applies also to speed brakes which, nevertheless, must function at a rate sufficient to meet the operational needs.3.1.1 Aircraft Loading: Unless otherwise stated,

22、the DESIGN OBJECTIVES shall apply to all aircraft weights and CG locations within the approved limits.SAE ARP4104 - 5 -3.1.2 Altitudes: Unless otherwise stated, the requirements for the following regimes of flight shall apply at the altitudes listed.3.1.3 Temperature: Unless otherwise stated, these

23、objectives should apply to all temperatures within the approved operational envelope for the appropriate flight regime.3.1.4 Configuration: The basic airplane configurations should be as described below. Items not specified such as cooling provisions, wing sweep, and deceleration devices should be c

24、onsidered in their normal setting for the specified configuration. Additional configurations may be defined by the manufacturer.a. Takeoff - Gear down, high lift devices at takeoff position, takeoff thrust and/or augmentation, if provided.b. Takeoff, second segment - Gear up, high lift devices at ta

25、keoff position, takeoff thrust and/or augmentation, if provided.c. Climb - Clean, thrust and speeds for normal operation, as specified for each climb condition.d. Cruise - Clean and thrust for level flight at all specified operating speeds.e. Descent - Clean, speed brakes, reverse thrust, and gear d

26、own, if appropriate, and speed, as specified, for each descent configuration.f. Maneuvering Approach - Thrust for level flight at the recommended initial approach speed, gear up, flaps and high lift devices at specified setting.g. Landing Approach - Thrust for approach descent at recommended landing

27、 approach speed, gear down, flaps, and high lift devices at landing setting.h. Go-Around - Flaps and high lift devices in specified Go-Around position, gear up, thrust and speed as specified.SAE ARP4104 - 6 -3.1.5 Operational Flight Envelopes: Operational flight envelopes in terms of airspeed, altit

28、ude and normal acceleration should be specified for each of the flight conditions listed in 3.1.1, 3.1.2, Manual or Mechanically Powered/Boosted Flight Control Systems - Characteristics: Control Friction and Breakout Force: Longitudinal, lateral and directional controls should exh

29、ibit positive centering in flight at any normal trim setting. The degree of centering should be such that the combined effects of centering, breakout force, stability and force gradient do not produce objectionable flight characteristics or permit large departures from trim conditions with controls

30、free. Control system friction in all airplanes should be as low as possible, and breakout forces, including friction feel preload, etc., should not exceed the values given in Table I. These values refer to the pilot control force required to start movement of the control surface, and apply in flight

31、 at all attainable conditions of trimmed airspeed, altitude, temperature and control deflection.TABLE I3.1.6.2 For Abnormal Operation: Upon dual failure of a power-operated or power-boosted control system, the allowable maximum breakout forces specified in Table I may be doubled. The allowable force

32、s should remain the same for a single failure. Rate of Control Displacement: The ability of the airplane to perform the maneuvers expected of it should not be limited by the rates of control surface deflection or auxiliary control operation, nor should the rates of operation of either primary

33、 controls or auxiliary devices result in objectionable flight characteristics. See Flight Deck Control Free Play: The free play in each flight deck control, i.e., the motion of the flight deck control, from the trim position, which does not move the control surface in flight, should

34、 be insignificant in normal, and not objectionable in alternate configurations. See ARP4104 - 7 - Artificial Stability Systems: Normal operation of artificial stability systems for improvement of any characteristic should not introduce any objectionable flight or ground handling

35、characteristics. Failure of any single system shall not result in a hazardous flight condition. Given a speed excursion from trim speed and return to the trim speed, the airplane should be in trim and at the same trim device setting as before the speed change. The artificial stability trim, if used,

36、 should be smooth in operation vs. airspeed changes. Control Sensitivity: Careful attention must be given to the design of control forces and displacements on all axes, versus the airplane response rates and accelerations throughout the operational flight envelopes and in all airplane configu

37、rations listed in 3.1.4. This is mandatory so that the longitudinal, directional and lateral control characteristics are compatible with the requirement for precision flight path control. See Control Force Harmony: The peak maximum dynamic control forces required to perform maneuver

38、s which are normal for the airplane should have magnitudes which are related to the pilots capability to produce such forces. As a tentative guide on this subject, it is desired that the relative magnitudes of dynamic control forces in coordinated maneuvers should be approximately in the ratio of 1:

39、2:3 for roll, pitch, and yaw force, respectively, for conventional controls.3.1.7 Longitudinal Stability and Control: Static Longitudinal Stability: Variation of pitch control force with airspeed at the forward and aft critical loadings should be a smooth, continuous, essentially linearly var

40、ying force with a minimum average gradient that may not be less than zero up to heavy buffet in 1g flight (constant thrust lever setting). It should be stable in response to external disturbances. Under conditions of maximum takeoff or go-around thrust, a limited degree of instability is acceptable,

41、 provided that the rate of divergence is not so fast as to be objectionable. Table II lists the other desirable flight conditions for static stability tests.SAE ARP4104 - 8 -TABLE II3.1.7.2 Static and Maneuvering Longitudinal Stability for Augmentation (CWS or Fly-by-Wire) Equipped Airplanes Followi

42、ng Augmentation Failure(s): The most aft flight CG locations shall not result in hazardous instability or result in a Cooper-Harper rating of greater than 6. Means should be available to make the static stability zero or greater within 15 min of the failure by configuration control or flight restric

43、tion, unless Cooper-Harper rating of 4 or better. Short Period Characteristics: The dynamic response of airplane pitch attitude and normal acceleration to the pilots use of elevator control in performing the mission of the airplane that is appropriate to the flight condition and airplane conf

44、iguration should be such as to produce precise flight path control. The airplane response should be neither too sluggish nor too abrupt, nor should there by any tendency for an objectionable oscillation resulting from efforts of the pilot to control the flight path or during controls-free operation

45、in the presence of external disturbances, such as turbulence.SAE ARP4104 - 9 - Long Period Oscillations: There should be no objectionable flight characteristics attributable to poor phugoid damping. If the period of a longitudinal oscillation is less than 5 times the short period oscillation,

46、 the oscillation should be at least neutrally damped. The time to double amplitude after augmentation failure should be greater than 6 seconds. Control Effectiveness in Accelerated Flight: In the forward critical loading, when trimmed at any permissible speed and altitude in the configuration

47、s listed in Table II, it should be possible to develop at the trim speed, by use of the primary longitudinal control alone, the limit load factor, the lift coefficient corresponding to or a load factor consistent with the operational flight envelope. Control Forces in Steady Accelerated Fligh

48、t: Increases in pull forces should produce an increase in normal acceleration throughout the range of likely accelerations, in steady turning flight and pull-outs. A positive slope of stick force versus g curve is not necessarily required at speeds and g combinations beyond VFC/MFC and/or buffet ons

49、et. Probable inadvertent excursions beyond the boundaries of buffet shall not result in unsafe conditions. The variation of force with normal acceleration at all points beyond the breakout force shall be approximately linear, except that an increase in slope is permissible above 0.85 limit load factor (might be introduced by an acceleration restrictor).The average force gradient should be within the limits shown in Table III for all configurations throughout the operational flight envelope up to 0.85 limit load factor


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