SAE AS 15532-1999 Data Word and Message Formats《数据字和信息格式》.pdf

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1、AEROSPACESTANDARDAS15532Issued 1999-01Data Word and Message FormatsFOREWORDThis document was developed as a supplemental standard to SAE AS15531, Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus. This standard is the result of a conversion of a military document to a commercial standard. Th

2、e lineage of this document is:Chapter 11, MIL-HDBK-1553, Multiplex Applications HandbookSection 80, MIL-HDBK-1553A, Multiplex Applications Handbook.These documents were originally prepared under the SAE AS-1A Avionics Integration Subcommittee.This document should be used as an aid to the development

3、 of data word and message formats for use in 16-bit data bus architectures. This document is applicable to both MIL-STD-1553B and SAE AS15531, and as such, references made internal to this document are shown as 15531/1553 to show when applicable.This document has been updated from the previous Secti

4、on 80 of MIL-HDBK-1553A as a result of suggestions and corrections recommended by users. Additionally, editorial changes and clarifying notes have been added throughout the document.This document was prepared under the direction of:Chris deLong Chairman, Avionics Systems DivisionHoneywell Defense Av

5、ionics Systems9201 San Mateo Blvd. NEAlbuquerque, NM 87113(505) 828-5492Please send any comments and/or corrections to the above.Reaffirmed 2011-11RATIONALEThis document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-year Review policy. SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is

6、 published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each tec

7、hnical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright 2011 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transm

8、itted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE

9、WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.orgSAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

10、S-,-,-SAE AS15532- 2 -TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SCOPE .51.1 References52. WORD FORMATS72.1 Interface Control Document Signal Presentation Format72.2 General Rules for 15531/1553 Word Construction .252.2.1 Data Word/Bit Designation252.2.2 Signal Coding and Placement. 2s Complement Unsign

11、ed Numeric. Discrete Bit292.2.2.4 Coded Bits.302.2.2.5 Validity Bit .302.2.2.6 Floating Point 312.3 How to Construct a Data Word Format.312.4 Naming402.5 Standard Data Word Formats .403. MESSAGE FORMATS1103.1 Interface Control Document Message Presentation Format.1103.2 General Rules for Me

12、ssage Construction .1183.3 Command and Status Word ICD Presentation Format.130FIGURE 1 ICD Presentation Sheet, Single Word .14FIGURE 2 ICD Presentation Sheet, Double Precision .18FIGURE 3 Standard Data Word Bit Designation Related to Word Definition .26FIGURE 4 Word Format Example 28FIGURE 5 Establi

13、shing a Data Word Format .33FIGURE 6 Data Word Format for Example Signal43FIGURE 7 Vehicle Fixed-Axis Coordinate System .44FIGURE 8 Message Format ICD Presentation Sheet.111FIGURE 9 Example of a Completed Message ICD Presentation Sheet.115TABLE I Presentation Format, Single Word 8TABLE II Presentati

14、on Format, Double Precision.9TABLE III Standard Terminal Acronyms for Use in Word IDs.24TABLE IV Word ID Examples 25TABLE V Index of Typical Signal Categories34TABLE VI Standard Data Word Format Index .41TABLE VII Acceleration Category, Meters/Second/Second, Double Precision 47TABLE VIII Acceleratio

15、n Category, Feet/Second/Second .48TABLE IX Angular Category, Semicircles, Double Precision.49Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 3 -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)TABLE X Angul

16、ar Acceleration Category, Semicircles/Second/Second.50TABLE XI Angular Velocity Category, Semicircles/Second, Double Precision 51TABLE XII ASCII Data Category (Character)52TABLE XIII BCD Data Category (Channel Select).53TABLE XIV Convergence Factor Category 54TABLE XV Cosine/Sine Category, Double Pr

17、ecision 55TABLE XVI Counts Category (Signed).56TABLE XVII Counts Category (Unsigned).57TABLE XVIII Data Validity Category (Checksum) 58TABLE XIX Data Validity Category (Error Protection)59TABLE XX Deviation Category, DDM61TABLE XXI Distance Category, Meters, Double Precision.62TABLE XXII Distance Ca

18、tegory, Feet, Double Precision 63TABLE XXIII Distance Category, Kilometers, Double Precision.64TABLE XXIV Distance Category, Nautical Miles (Low Range).65TABLE XXV Distance Category, Nautical Miles (High Range), Double Precision.66TABLE XXVI Flow Category, Kilograms/Hour (Low Range).67TABLE XXVII Fl

19、ow Category, Kilograms/Minute (High Range) .68TABLE XXVIII Frequency Category, Hertz (Four Words).69TABLE XXIX Frequency Category, Kilohertz (ADF) .73TABLE XXX Frequency Category, Megahertz (VHF/UHF)74TABLE XXXI Mass Category, Kilograms (Low Range).75TABLE XXXII Mass Category, Kilograms (High Range)

20、76TABLE XXXIII MGRS Category (Five Words) 77TABLE XXXIV Percent Category 88TABLE XXXV Pressure Category, Kilopascals, Double Precision.89TABLE XXXVI Pressure Category, Inches of Mercury90TABLE XXXVII Ratio Category 91TABLE XXXVIII Temperature Category, Degrees Celsius92TABLE XXXIX Time Category (Thr

21、ee Words).93TABLE XL Time Category (Time Tag), Microseconds, Double Precision.96TABLE XLI Time Category (Time To), Seconds 97TABLE XLII Time Category, Pulse Repetition Interval98TABLE XLIII Time Category, Pulse Width99TABLE XLIV Torque Category, Newton-Meters, Double Precision100TABLE XLV Vector Wor

22、d Category.101TABLE XLVI Velocity Category, Meters/Second, Double Precision.104TABLE XLVII Velocity Category, Feet/Second, Double Precision.105TABLE XLVIII Velocity Category, Kilometers/Hour 106TABLE XLIX Velocity Category, Knots .107TABLE L Velocity Category, Mach .108TABLE LI Voltage Category, Vol

23、ts, Double Precision .109TABLE LII Recommended Data Word Sequences for Message Development119TABLE LIII BC-To-RT Transfer, Standard Message Format .120TABLE LIV RT-To-BC Transfer, Standard Message Format .121Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduct

24、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 4 -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)TABLE LV RT-To-RT Transfer, Standard Message Format .122TABLE LVI Mode Command Without Data Word, Standard Message Format123TABLE LVII Mode Command With Data Word (Transmit), Standard Message Format

25、 .124TABLE LVIII Mode Command With Data Word (Receive), Standard Message Format 125TABLE LIX BC-To-RT Transfer, Broadcast, Standard Message Format.126TABLE LX RT-To-RT Transfer, Broadcast, Standard Message Format .127TABLE LXI Mode Command Without Data Word, Broadcast, Standard Message Format128TABL

26、E LXII Mode Command With Data Word, Broadcast, Standard Message Format.129TABLE LXIII BC-To-RT Transfer, Standard Command Word Format .131TABLE LXIV RT-To-BC Transfer, Standard Command Word Format .132TABLE LXV RT-To-RT Transfer, Standard Command Word Format133TABLE LXVI Mode Command Without Data Wo

27、rd, Standard Command Word Format 134TABLE LXVII Mode Command W/Data Word (Transmit), Standard Command Word Format136TABLE LXVIII Mode Command W/Data Word (Receive), Standard Command Word Format.137TABLE LXIX BC-To-RT Transfer, Broadcast, Standard Command Word Format .138TABLE LXX RT-To-RT Transfer,

28、Broadcast, Standard Command Word Format .139TABLE LXXI Mode Command W/O Data Word, Broadcast, Standard Command Word Format .140TABLE LXXII Mode Command W/Data Word, Broadcast, Standard Command Word Format.142TABLE LXXIII Receive, Standard Status Word Format143TABLE LXXIV Transmit, Standard Status Wo

29、rd Format.144Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 5 -1. SCOPE:The emphasis in this standard is the development of data word and message formats for AS15531 or MIL-STD-1553 dat

30、a bus applications. This standard is intended as a guide for the designer to identify standard data words and messages for use in avionics systems and subsystems. These standard words and messages, as well as the documentation format for interface control document (ICD) sheets, provide the basis for

31、 defining 15531/1553 systems. Also provided in this standard is the method for developing additional data word formats and messages that may be required by a particular system but are not covered by the formats provided herein. It is essential that any new word formats or message formats that are de

32、veloped for a 15531/1553 application follow the fundamental guidelines established in this standard in order to ease future standardization of these words and messages. The standard word formats presented represent a composite result of studies conducted by the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force (see Re

33、ferences 1, 2 and 3, respectively).1.1 References:1. MIL-STD-1553 Data Word Standardization Technical Report, STR- DD-81273-1, SEMCOR, September 1981, U.S. Army Avionics R it lies in establishing common usage word formats and common usage output message formats to provide a subsystem designer the in

34、formation required to build compatible communication interfaces.This standard is subdivided to allow easy access when selecting the appropriate word or message format from the standards available. For signals that do not fit the standard word formats available, guidelines are provided for establishi

35、ng the appropriate word format. Common signal naming practices and an ICD presentation format are provided. Some of the key benefits gained by use of the principles presented in this standard will be (1) subsystem word format definition, (2) common signal naming practices, and (3) standardization of

36、 ICD format across programs. The guidelines required for developing message formats and an ICD presentation format are also provided.Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 7 -2.

37、 WORD FORMATS:A word format is the structure, order, and value represented by the bits in a signal data transmission.To properly define a data word format requires knowledge concerning the signal, the 15531/1553 application, and the coding technique used to communicate the information. All of these

38、elements are discussed in the following paragraphs.The general rules for 15531/1553 word construction (paragraph 2.2) apply to all data words whether standard or nonstandard. These rules are to be followed in the development of words that do not fit the formats listed in the standard word tables (pa

39、ragraph 2.5). The procedures on how to construct a data word format described in paragraph 2.3 also apply to any data word whether or not it is eventually determined to fit a standard format. Paragraph 2.1 describes the standardized ICD presentation format that should be used for all 15531/1553 word

40、s.2.1 Interface Control Document Signal Presentation Format:The ICD format required for the documentation of all words in a 15531/1553 system is shown in Tables I and II. Presentation formats are provided for single word (Table I) and double precision (Table II). Signals that require more than two w

41、ords should use the single word format with the number of words indicated in the REMARKS section (e.g., “3 word quantity-word 1 of 3“) of the word format presentation sheet. The ICD presentation sheet entries are discussed in the following paragraph.Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under

42、license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 8 -TABLE I - Presentation Format, Single WordCopyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

43、S-,-,-SAE AS15532- 9 -TABLE II - Presentation Format, Double PrecisionCopyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 10 -Notes to Tables I and II:Tables I and II are the skeleton ICD sh

44、eets. Figures 1 and 2 provide the detailed layout for the ICD presentation sheets. The definition of each entry is as follows:DOC. NO.: The interface control document number.REV.: The revision symbol for this sheet.DATE: The calendar date of the latest revision to this sheet.SHEET 1 OF #: This sheet

45、 count allows multiple sheets.WORD NAME: The formal name selected for this word as described in paragraph 2.4, Naming.WORD ID: Code identifying the message of which this word is part. The WORD IDis constructed as follows:XXXXSX-YYYYSY-W# or XXXXSX-YYYYSY-W#/W#, where:XXXX = Transmitting terminal nam

46、e (see Table III for examples). Transmitting terminal has T/R bit = 1.SX = Transmitting terminal 15531/1553 subaddress from whichthe word originated.YYYY = Receiving terminal name (see TABLE III for examples). Receiving terminal has T/R bit = 0.SY = Receiving terminal 15531/1553 subaddress to which

47、the word is addressed.W# = Word number of single word.W#/W# = Word numbers of double word (i.e. 12/13).Note that the XXXXSX-YYYYSY section of the Word ID is the Message ID. The rules for Message ID construction are:Entries in XXXX and YYYY are four characters left-justified withtrailing blanks (such

48、 as “INS1“, “SMS “, “MC “). In the broadcast mode of operation, YYYY is “ALL “.Copyright SAE International Provided by IHS under license with SAENot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SAE AS15532- 11 -Notes to Tables I and II (continued):Entries in SX and

49、SY are two numeric characters with a range of 01-30 or the characters BC, M0, or M1. The latter characters are used in conjunction with the bus controller and the transmission of 15531/1553mode codes. M0 represents the transmission of 00000 in the subaddress/mode field of the 15531/1553 command word; M1 represents th

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