SAE AS 8046-1992 Minimum Performance Standard Angle of Attack Equipment.pdf

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1、The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space I N T E R N A T I O N A L400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001AEROSPACESTANDARDCopyright 1992 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.ASAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “

2、This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical andengineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use , includingany patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE revi

3、ews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invit esyour written comments and suggestions.Submitted for recognition as an American National StandardAS8046Issue d 1992-01-24MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARD ANGLE OF ATTACK EQUIPMENT1 .

4、 SCOPE:This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum performance requirements for an angle of attack (AOA) system.1. 1 Purpose:This document covers two basic AOA Systems. One measures airflow and pressure distribution on the airfoil, and the other measures the angle of airflow with respec

5、t to an arbitrary reference line. Each type of system includes, as a minimum, a sensor and a display to the pilot representative of the aircrafts AOA.1. 2 Sensor Category Usage:Sensor will be categorized for operation in either of the following:a . Category A :For use on aircraft certified for fligh

6、t into known icing conditions.b . Category B :For use on aircraft not certified for flight into known icing conditions.2 .REFERENCES:2. 1 U.S. Government Publications:Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.Federal Aviation Re

7、gulation 25.1359 (d) and Appendix FSAE AS8046- 2 -2. 2 Other Documents:RTCA Document DO-160C, Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for AirborneElectronic/Electrical Equipment and Instruments (December 1989)3 .GENERAL STANDARDS:3. 1 AOA Signal:This signal must be representative of the airplan

8、es AOA.3. 2 Interchangeability:3.2. 1 Systems and components which are identified with the same part number shall be completely interchangeable.3.2. 2 If the equipment components require matching for proper operation and to meet the requirements of this document, they shall be identified in a manner

9、 which will assure proper matching. Installation instructions issued by the manufacturer shall indicate these matching requirements.3.2. 3 Aircraft Identification: The aircraft type and model number, if applicable, for which the equipment has been calibrated and for which it performs its intended fu

10、nction, shall be clearly marked on the equipment nameplate and in the manufacturers installation instructions.3. 3 Adjustments:Adjustments which are not normally adjusted in flight shall not be readily accessible to flight personnel, when the equipment is installed in accordance with the equipment m

11、anufacturers instructions.3. 4 Precipitation:The sensor shall be designed so that it will continue to function properly and give reliable information during flight through rain of 150 mm/h.3. 5 Drainage:If required for proper operation, drain holes should be provided for a sensor where necessary and

12、 such holes shall not result in any errors exceeding those specified in 4.1.3. 6 Fire Resistance:Except for small parts (such as knobs, fasteners, seals, grommets, and small electrical parts) that would not contribute significantly to the propagation of a fire, all materials must be self-extinguishi

13、ng when tested in accordance with the requirements of Federal Aviation Regulation 25.1359 (d) and Appendix F thereto, with the exception that materials tested may be configured in accordance with paragraph (b) of Appendix F or may be configured as used.SAE AS8046- 3 -4 .PERFORMANCE:All instruments s

14、hall be tested to show compliance with this section as well as any additional tests recommended by the manufacturer.4. 1 Accuracy:The sensor must generate a signal representative of the aircrafts AOA, over a minimum airspeed range of stall (Vs) through 1.6 Vsin the clean configuration, to the equipm

15、ent manufacturers defined tolerances over the environmental range of the system. In the case of an airstream sensor device, an accuracy in degrees is required. In the case of a pressure distribution sensor device, an accuracy in force is required.4. 2 Display:The display can be in the form of an ind

16、icator representing the AOA range and/or the AOA relative to a moveable or fixed AOA reference.The manufacturer shall define the instruments scale (including sectors, if applicable) for each airplane wing configuration.4. 3 Electrical Power Monitor:Equipment which uses power to compute the AOA signa

17、l must incorporate means to provide adequate power monitoring. When sufficient power is not available to ensure proper operation of the equipment, the monitor shall provide, in a positive manner, a warning signal to indicate the power failure or malfunction.4. 4 AOA Computer (if applicable):If compe

18、nsation for aircraft configuration (flap extension, slates, etc.) change is necessary, the computer must be capable of accepting signals from the AOA sensor (or computed signal from other sources) and other selected transmitters (flap, airspeed, gear, etc.), and must provide an output with the accur

19、acy specified in 4.1. The computer shall be designed so that a failure in it (with the exception of shorted wires on the input leads) will not adversely affect the operation of other devices which furnish signals to it.4. 5 Hermetically Sealed Equipment:The tests described in 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 apply t

20、o hermetically sealed equipment only.SAE AS8046- 4 -4.5.1Thermal Shock Test:The component shall be subjected to four cycles of exposure to water at 85 C 2 without the evidence of moisture penetration or damage to coating or enclosure. Each cycle of the test shall consist of immersing the component i

21、n water at 85 C 2 for a period of 30 min and then within 5 s of removal from bath, the component shall be immersed for a period of 30 min in another bath maintained at 5 C 2. This cycle shall be repeated, one cycle following the other, until four cycles have been completed. Following this test, the

22、component shall be subjected to the sealing test specified in 4.5.2. No component leakage shall occur as a result of this test.4.5.2Seal Test:The equipment shall be immersed in a suitable liquid such as cold water. The absolute pressure of the air above the liquid shall then be reduced to approximat

23、ely 1.25 in of Hg (31.8 mm Hg) (4.23 kPa) and maintained for 1 min or until air bubbles cease to be given off by the liquid, whichever is longer. The absolute pressure shall then be increased to 2.5 in of Hg (63.5 mm Hg) (8.47 kPa). Any bubbles coming from within the equipment case shall be consider

24、ed as leakage and shall be cause for rejection. Bubbles which are the result of entrapped air in the various exterior parts of the case shall not be considered leakage. Other test methods which provide evidence of the integrity of the equipments seal may be used. If the equipment incorporates nonher

25、metically sealed appurtenances, such as a case extension, the appurtenances may be removed prior to the seal test.5.ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS:The following tests are for qualification purposes and to demonstrate that the equipment is designed to meet these specifications.5.1Test Requirements:The foll

26、owing environmental tests shall be performed under the environmental conditions set forth in Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) Document DO-160C. The order of tests must be in accordance with paragraph 3.2 of DO-160C.The test procedures specified or referenced are satisfactory for use

27、 in determining the performance of AOA equipment under normal and extreme environmental conditions. Alternate approved test procedures that provide equivalent results may be used. Tests indicated with an asterisk (*) are required to be performed on the sensor only. The manufacturer must specify the

28、categorized limits for each of the following environments. The equipment must meet the performance standards in Section 4 under the environmental tests listed in Table 1:SAE AS8046- 5 -5.1(Continued):5.2Icing Tests:In addition to those tests in 5.1, the icing tests described in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 shall

29、 be performed on all Category A sensors as defined in sensor shall be tested in an icing wind tunnel at an indicated airspeed of 175 knots 5 (324 km/h 10) (19.0 m/s 2.6), and ambient temperature of -10 C 2. The following conditions shall be maintained during the test:a.Liquid

30、 water content: 1.0 g/M 3 10%b.Droplet size: 12.5 m 10%The test specimen shall remain free of interfering ice accumulation for a period of 15 min after stability of above conditions is achieved.5.2.2De-Icing:Under the conditions of 5.2.1, turn off the power to the heaters and allow the exposed part

31、of the element to build up approximately 0.25 in (6.4 mm) of ice. Apply heater power; the time required to clear the ice cap shall not be more than 2 min.PREPARED BY SAE COMMITTEE A-4, AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTSTABLE 1 - Environmental TestsDO-160C Test4567812141516171819202122Temperature and altitudeTempe

32、rature variationHumidityOperational shock and crash safetyVibrationSand and dust*Salt spray*Magnetic effectPower inputVoltage spikeAudio frequency conducted susceptibility testInduced signal susceptibilityRadio frequency susceptibilityEmission of radio frequency energyLightning induced susceptibility

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