SAE J 1346-1981 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test Method Information Report《歧管绝对压力传感器代表性的测试方法指南的信息报告 1981年6月》.pdf

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SAE J 1346-1981 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test Method Information Report《歧管绝对压力传感器代表性的测试方法指南的信息报告 1981年6月》.pdf_第1页
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SAE J 1346-1981 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test Method Information Report《歧管绝对压力传感器代表性的测试方法指南的信息报告 1981年6月》.pdf_第2页
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SAE J 1346-1981 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test Method Information Report《歧管绝对压力传感器代表性的测试方法指南的信息报告 1981年6月》.pdf_第3页
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SAE J 1346-1981 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test Method Information Report《歧管绝对压力传感器代表性的测试方法指南的信息报告 1981年6月》.pdf_第4页
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SAE J 1346-1981 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test Method Information Report《歧管绝对压力传感器代表性的测试方法指南的信息报告 1981年6月》.pdf_第5页
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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro

2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT

3、 ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.sae.orgCopyright 1981 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SURFACEVEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001INFORMATIONREPORTSubmitted for recognition as an American National Stand

4、ardJ1346ISSUEDJUN81Issued 1981-06GUIDE TO MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER REPRESENTATIVE TEST METHODForewordThis Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards BoardFormat.This document is intended as a guide for technical personnel of both using and supplie

5、r firms whose duties includespecifying, calibrating, testing, developing, or demonstrating the performance characteristics of Manifold AbsolutePressure (MAP) transducers. By basing users specifications as well as supplier technical advertising andreference literature on this document, or by referenc

6、ing portions thereof, as applicable, a clear understanding ofthe methods used for evaluating or proving performance will be provided. Adhering to the exemplary test methodoutline, terminology, and procedures shown will result in simple, complete test method documents; it will reducedesign time, proc

7、urement lead time, labor, and materials costs. Of major importance will be the reduction ofqualification test lead time and duration resulting from the use of commonly accepted test procedures.The guide may also serve a useful purpose as a general example for test procedures on other types oftransdu

8、cers.The MAP Transducer Representative Test Method has a companion dependent document, SAE J1347, Guide toManifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Specification, which is referenced to it.1. ScopeThis guide is intended to cover test procedures applicable to MAP transducers; it is also ap

9、plicable totransducers such as Barometric (Ambient) Absolute Pressure transducers, Manifold Vacuum transducers, andsimilar pressure transducers used in automotive systems. Although oriented towards active devices (thoseusing internal signal conditioning), it can be applied to passive devices with mi

10、nor modifications.1.1 ValuesThe guide is intended to be general in nature. Specific values for test data are not included in orderto maintain generality. Exemplary values are contained in the Appendix in an attempt to clarify the text. TheSAE does not imply any recommendation regarding these values.

11、2. References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15006-0001

12、.SAE Recommended Practice J1113a, “Electromagnetic Susceptibility Procedures for VehicleComponents (Except Aircraft)“, 1975SAE J1346 Issued JUN81-2-2.1.2 ANSI PUBLICATIONSAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ANSI MC 6.11975 (ISA S37.1), Standard, “Electrical Transducer N

13、omenclature and Terminology“,October 1975ANSI MC 6.21975 (ISA S37.3), Standard, “Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage PressureTransducers“, January 1976ANSI MC 6.51976 (ISA S37.6), Standard, “Specifications and Tests of Potentiometric PressureTransducers“, July 1976ANSI B88.11972, Standard, “A G

14、uide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Transducers“, August 19722.1.3 OTHER PUBLICATIONP. S. Lederer, “Methods for Performance-Testing of Electromechanical Pressure Transducers“, NBSTechnical Note 411 (February 1967)3. Test MethodManifold Absolute Pressure Transducer3.1 Qualification Tests3.1.

15、1 INSPECTIONThe transducer shall be inspected visually for mechanical defects, poor finish, and improperidentification markings. The electrical connector shall also be inspected.3.1.2 STANDARD TEST CONDITIONSUnless otherwise specified, all performance test procedures shall beconducted under the foll

16、owing standard test conditions:a. Laboratory Ambient Temperature: a bC1b. Relative Humidity: c d%c. Excitation Voltage: e fV DC (Source impedance g h)d. Output Load: As specified in J1347, paragraph CALIBRATION EQUIPMENTA variable pressure/vacuum source with a minimum range of ppqq kPa (rrs

17、storr), absolute, and a vacuum-pressure gage with an accuracy of tt% of the reading within this range,comprise the static pressure system. The transducer readout equipment shall have an accuracy of uu% ofthe reading. The traceability of these components must be known. A quick-opening-valve-type of d

18、ynamicstep pressure calibrator is also required, with a rise time (1090%) of kk ms or less and a range of at least80% of the transducer range. When two instruments ar required to make measurements, the systematic individual instrument tolerancesshall be considered additive. (That is, if resis

19、tance is measured by measuring current and voltage, a 1%measurement requires 0.5% systematic accuracy in each instrument.) If instrument tolerances arestatistically independent, a root-mean-square overall value may be computed as the square root of the sumof the squares of the individual values.3.1.

20、3.2 A variable pressure/vacuum source shall be used that has a range extending above and below the range ofthe transducer to be measured, and not less than 110% of that range.3.1.4 INSTALLATION CHECKSThe transducer shall be connected to the pressure source (manifold) and securedwith the recommended

21、force or torque. The excitation source, signal conditioner, and read-out instrumentshall also be connected to the transducer and turned on.A warm-up time of 1/2 h shall be allowed for the test equipment, prior to energizing the transducer under test.1. The letters referenced in place of numeric valu

22、es are keyed to the Appendix.SAE J1346 Issued JUN81-3-The pressure source, connecting tubing, and transducer system shall pass a leak test: the transducersystem shall be pressurized to i j kPa (absolute) after which the system shall be sealed off from thepressure source. During the next 30 min, the

23、system pressure shall not change by more than k kPa.Alternative leak tests may be specified.3.1.5 INITIAL STATIC CALIBRATIONSThe transducer shall be energized for vv min, after which the initial calibrationshall be performed.The transducer output shall be recorded at standard test conditions and ele

24、ven input pressures representing20% increments of the range of the transducer in ascending and descending directions (or as otherwisespecified) approaching each pressure slowly in a monotonic manner to avoid overshoot. In the case ofovershoot, the pressure shall be backed up by approximately a 10% i

25、ncrement and the step repeated. Threecomplete calibration cycles shall be performed consecutively to establish sensitivity, linearity (least squaresline of regression is recommended), hysteresis, output noise, and repeatability.3.1.6 EXCITATION-VOLTAGE EFFECTSA complete calibration cycle (as specifi

26、ed in 3.1.5) shall be performed atlaboratory standard conditions but with excitation voltages of these percentages of nominal: 70%, 85%,100%, or as otherwise specified.3.1.7 WARM-UP CHARACTERISTICSThe transducer shall be subjected to abbreviated calibration cycles. Thetransducer output shall be reco

27、rded at standard test conditions and four input pressures of 0%, 50%, 100%,and 0% of the range of the transducer. These abbreviated calibration cycles shall be performed at specifiedtime intervals, starting ww min after the transducer is energized, and continuing for approximately xx min.3.1.8 ENVIR

28、ONMENTAL EFFECTS3.1.8.1 TemperatureA complete calibration cycle (as specified in 3.1.5) shall be performed at standard testconditions, but at the following temperatures and in this sequence: from laboratory ambient to specifiedminimum, up through laboratory ambient to maximum and returning to labora

29、tory ambient. Readings shallnot be taken until the output value at constant pressure input has stabilized to within l% of the value of mmin. Temperature CyclingThe transducer shall be subjected to 200 temperature cycles at standard testconditions, but with the following temperature-time condi

30、tions:Increase temperature from ambient to maximum specified, hold for 1 h, then decrease to the minimumspecified, hold for 1 h, then increase to maximum again and hold for 1 h, then decrease the laboratoryambient standard temperature and hold for 2 h. At the end of this time a complete calibration

31、cycle shall beperformed.NOTESee ShockThe transducer shall be subjected to shock stimuli of n o gn peak amplitude, half sine wave withduration of p q ms in three mutually perpendicular directions. Following this, one complete calibrationcycle shall be performed. VibrationThe tr

32、ansducer shall be subjected to sinusoidal vibration in each of three mutuallyperpendicular directions for a duration of r min in each direction at the frequencies and amplitudes listed(within 10%). The transducer shall be powered with a fixed pressure input of aaa bbb kPa, and itsoutput shall be mon

33、itored. In lieu of continuous monitoring, the output may be sampled periodically.SAE J1346 Issued JUN81-4-Following this, one complete calibration cycle shall be performed. HumidityThe transducer shall be exposed to a humidity environment of bb cc%, relative humidity at atemperature of dd C,

34、for a period of ee h. The transducer shall be powered, with a fixed pressure input ofaaa bbb kPa, and its output shall be monitored. In lieu of continuous monitoring, the output may besampled periodically. Pressure CyclingThe transducers shall be subjected to ff pressure cycle from ambient pr

35、essure to aspecified minimum at standard test conditions and at a rate of gg cycles/second or slower.Following this, one complete calibration cycle shall be performed.3.1.9 ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSUREThe transducer shall be subjected to an external (case) pressure of hh kPa(iitorr) corresponding to an el

36、evation of jj m, and one complete calibration cycle shall be performed.3.1.10 DYNAMIC RESPONSEThe transducer shall be subjected to a step pressure change from yyzz kPa. The risetime of this step pressure (1090%) shall be a maximum of kk ms. Three pressure steps shall be appliedand the average transd

37、ucer rise time determined.3.1.11 ELECTROMAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITYThe transducer and associated cabling shall be tested forelectromagnetic susceptibility, conducted and radiated, in accordance with specified, pertinent parts of theprocedures of SAE Recommended Practice J1113a.3.1.12 LIFE TESTThe transd

38、ucer shall be exercised for ccc pressure cycles from ambient pressure to minimumrange at standard test conditions and at a rate of ddd cycles/second or slower, while being subjected to thetemperature-humidity cycle shown in Table 2. The sensor shall have power applied throughout this test.Following

39、this, one complete calibration cycle shall be performed.TABLE 1Frequency Amplitude, 0 to Peaks t Hz u gnv w Hz x gny z Hz aa gnTABLE 2TEMPERATURE-HUMIDITY CYCLETWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR CYCLE2 h ALLOWED FOR TRANSITIONTemperature (C) 3 C Relative Humidity (%) 3% Hours 0.2 h Power29 (20 F) 0 3 off27 ( 80

40、F) 20 2 on65 (150 F) 20 7 on110 (230 F) 20 1 on65 (150 F) 95 9 offSAE J1346 Issued JUN81-5-FIGURE 1LIFE TEST CYCLE3.1.13 OTHER TESTSAdditional tests may be specified if required to establish the effects of: overpressure, caseisolation, output loading, excitation voltage ripple, over-voltage, voltage

41、 transients, radiation, dust,watersplash, oil splash, gasoline vapor exposure, thermal shock, and others. Tests which establish thesensor performance against the standard pressure calibration procedure while the sensor is being subjectedto a variation in another parameter or in its vehicle operation

42、al environment may be specified. An example isa test of pressure calibration during vibration.3.2 Individual Acceptance TestsIndividual acceptance tests are performed on transducers of previouslyqualified models and types for the purposes of incoming inspection on delivery. These tests will be simil

43、ar tosome of the qualification tests.3.2.1 INSPECTIONAs in STANDARD TEST CONDITIONSAs in CALIBRATION EQUIPMENTAs in INSTALLATION CHECKSAs in INITIAL STATIC CALIBRATIONSThe transducer shall be energized for mm min and then a single completecalibration c

44、ycle shall be performed as in PRESSURE CYCLINGThe transducer shall be exercised for nn pressure cycles from ambient pressure tominimum range at standard test conditions and at a rate of oo cycles/second or slower. Following this, onecomplete calibration cycle shall be performed.PREPARED

45、BY THE SAE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS COMMITTEESAE J1346 Issued JUN81-6-APPENDIX AGUIDE TO MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE TRANSDUCERREPRESENTATIVE TEST METHODNOTEThe SAE does not imply any recommendation concerning these values.TABLE A1Code Typical Value(s)a 23b 3c 50d 15e 12f 0.5g 0.1h 0.01i 20j 5k 5l 0.25m 1n

46、 100o 10p 10q 2r 20s 2t 20u 0.5 inv 20w 200x 15 gy 200z 2000aa 10 gbb 95cc 3dd 80ee 72ff 106gg 1hh 76ii 570jj 4270kk 5mm 1nn 100oo 1pp 10qq 120rr 75ss 900SAE J1346 Issued JUN81-7-tt 0.1uu 0.1vv 30ww 0.5xx 30yy 40zz 100aaa 70bbb 0.1ccc 106107ddd 4TABLE A1 (CONTINUED)Code Typical Value(s)SAE J1346 Iss

47、ued JUN81RationaleNot applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO StandardNot applicable.ApplicationThis guide is intended to cover test procedures applicable to MAP transducers; it is alsoapplicable to transducers such as Barometric (Ambient) Absolute Pressure transducers, ManifoldVacuum transdu

48、cers, and similar pressure transducers used in automotive systems. Although orientedtowards active devices (those using internal signal conditioning), it can be applied to passive deviceswith minor modifications.Reference SectionSAE Recommended Practice J1113a, “Electromagnetic Susceptibility Proced

49、ures for VehicleComponents (Except Aircraft)“, 1975ANSI MC 6.11975 (ISA S37.1), Standard, “Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and Terminology“,October 1975ANSI MC 6.21975 (ISA S37.3), Standard, “Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage PressureTransducers“, January 1976ANSI MC 6.51976 (ISA S37.6), Standard, “Specifications and Tests of Potentiometric PressureTransducers“, July 1976ANSI B88.11972, Standard, “A Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Transducers“, August1972P. S.

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