SAE J 1347-1996 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Specification《歧管绝对压力传感器代表规格指南》.pdf

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SAE J 1347-1996 Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Specification《歧管绝对压力传感器代表规格指南》.pdf_第1页
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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro

2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (412) 772-8512 FAX: (412) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT

3、 ORDER; (412) 776-4970 FAX: (412) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.sae.orgCopyright 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SURFACEVEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001INFORMATIONREPORTSubmitted for recognition as an American National Stand

4、ardJ1347REV.NOV96Issued 1981-06Revised 1996-11Superseding J1347 JUN81(R) GUIDE TO MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER REPRESENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONForewordThis document has been made to comply with the SAE Technical Standards Board format. Thisincludes the renumbering of some sections, i.e., Sectio

5、n 2 is the Reference Section and Section 3 is Definitions.All other sections have been renumbered.This document is intended as a guide for technical personnel of both using and supplier firms whose duties includespecifying, calibrating, testing, developing, or demonstrating the performance character

6、istics of Manifold AbsolutePressure (MAP) transducers. By basing users specifications as well as suppliers technical advertising andreference literature on this document, or by referencing portions thereof, as applicable, a clear understanding ofthe users needs and of the transducers performance cap

7、abilities will be provided. Adhering to the specificationoutline, terminology, and procedures shown will result in simple, complete specifications; it will also reduce designtime, procurement lead time, and labor, as well as material costs.This guide is also intended for use as a general example for

8、 specifying other types of transducers.The MAP Transducer Representative Specification is referenced to and dependent upon SAE J1346.1. ScopeThis guide is intended to cover specifications applicable to MAP transducers. It is also applicable totransducers such as Barometric (Ambient) Absolute Pressur

9、e transducers, Manifold Vacuum transducers, andsimilar pressure transducers used in automotive systems. Although this guide is oriented towards activedevices (those using internal signal conditioning), it can be applied to passive devices with minormodifications.1.1 ValuesThe guide is intended to be

10、 general in nature. Specific values for performance data are not includedin order to maintain generality. Exemplary values are contained in the Appendix in an attempt to clarify thetext. The SAE does not imply any recommendations regarding these values.COPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

11、Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96-2-2. References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONSAv

12、ailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1346Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test MethodSAEJ1113-1Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures and Limits for VehicleComponents (Except Aircraft) (60 Hz to 18 GHz)SAEJ1113-4Immunity

13、to Radiated Electric FieldsBulk Current Injection (BCI) MethodSAEJ1113-11Immunity to Conducted Transients on Power LeadsSAEJ1113-12Electrical Interference by Conduction and CouplingCoupling ClampSAEJ1113-13Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle ComponentsPart13Immunity to El

14、ectrostatic DischargeSAEJ1113-21Road VehiclesElectrical Disturbances by Narrowband Radiated ElectromagneticEnergyComponent Test Methods Part 21Absorber-Lined ChamberSAEJ1113-22Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle ComponentsPart22Immunity to Radiated Magnetic Fields from Po

15、wer LinesSAEJ1113-23Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle ComponentsImmunity to Radiated Electromagnetic Fields, 10 kHz to 200 MHz, Strip Line MethodSAEJ1113-25Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle ComponentsImmunity to Radiated Electromagnetic Fie

16、lds, 10 kHz to 500 MHzTri-Plate Line MethodSAEJ1113-27Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurements Procedure for Vehicle ComponentsPart27Immunity to Radiated Electromagnetic Fields (Reverberation Method)SAEJ1113-41Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics ofComponents and

17、Modules for the Protection of Receivers used on Board VehiclesSAEJ1113-42Electromagnetic CompatibilityComponent Test ProcedurePart 42ConductedTransient Emissions3. Definitions3.1 FailureFailure of the Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor is the inability of the part to provide the specifiedfunction wit

18、hin the specified tolerances when properly installed in the specified environment, including allinterfaces, for a continuous period of time equal to or greater than 10 s.4. Specification Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer4.1 Operating Pressure RangeThe operating pressure range is from a b kPa exc

19、lusive of abnormal pressureexcursions. (All pressures in this document are given an absolute pressure.)4.2 Electrical4.2.1 POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe normal operating supply voltage is c d VDC.4.2.2 REFERENCE VOLTAGEThe nominal reference voltage is e VDC.4.2.3 OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTIONa. EITHERThe supplie

20、d voltage is free from transients and voltage reversals.b. ORDevices must survive the following without degradation of performance.c. LIST(The list shall contain a short description, the name and number of times it may be encounteredwith reference to a figure showing voltage versus time. A recommend

21、ed test circuit should be includedif available.)COPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96-3-4.2.4 CURRENT DRAW4.2.4.1 Power Supply CurrentMaximum allowable current draw shall be h mA.4.2.5 TRANSDUCER INPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONAL RELATI

22、ONSHIPNOTEY may be in units of volts, ohms, henries, farads, hertz, seconds, etc.a. EITHERThe output parameter, Yo, shall correspond to Equation 1:(Eq. 1)where:P is the pressure in kilopascalsA is i Y units/kPaB is j Y unitsb. ORThe output parameter, Yo, shall correspond to Equation 2:(Eq. 2)where:P

23、 is the pressure in kilopascalsVr is either the power supply voltage, or the reference voltageA is k Y/volt-kPaB is /Y/volt4.2.5.1 Sensors which exhibit a nonlinear input-output relationship shall be specified in a similar manner asdetermined by the purchaser. Where possible, a power series expressi

24、on is preferred.4.2.6 OUTPUT LOADThe transducer must meet the accuracy requirements while driving a load of m returned tothe n supply, or as otherwise specified.4.2.7 OUTPUT PARAMETER RANGEThe maximum and minimum output parameter range over the full requiredpressure range (and supply voltage range)

25、are from o Xp X units (see 4.2.5 Y units).4.2.8 OUTPUT ERRORThe allowable output error will be expressed as an equivalent change in the measurandand will be within the limits shown in Figures 2 and 3. The error limits shown in the figures include allsources of error. (The figures shall show error in

26、 kPa versus applied pressure.)4.2.9 WARM-UP TIMEThe transducer shall be operating within the allowable error band no more than q s after theapplication of power.4.2.10 OUTPUT NOISE AND RIPPLEThe output ripple shall not exceed that shown in Figure 3. (The figure shallshow allowable output peak-to-pea

27、k ripple versus frequency.) The output noise shall be as specified by thepurchaser.Yo APB+=Yo Vr APB+()=COPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96-4-FIGURE 1ERROR EXPRESSED AS KPA VERSUS APPLIED PRESSUREFIGURE 2ERROR EXPRESSED AS M


29、chaser. Adherenceto the test methods of SAE J1113-1 and SAE J1113-41 is urged.)4.2.12 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO CONDUCTED AND RADIATED RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE(As specified by the purchaser.Adherence to the test methods of the SAE J1113 series of documents is urged.)4.3 Mechanical4.3.1 MEASUREMENT CAVITY LEAKA

30、GE (BODY LEAK)The measurement cavity shall not leak at a rate greater than rcm3/min when subjected to a pressure of s kPa.4.3.2 PRESSURE RESPONSE TIMEThe device shall have a response time to a step input of pressure of no morethan t ms. The input pressure step shall be from u-v kPa with a 10 to 90%

31、rise time not to exceed w ms. Theresponse time of the device is defined as the time duration from the 0.1 time until the time it takes the outputto settle to within x kPa of its final value.4.3.3 LOCATIONThe device shall be located _4.3.4 MATERIALSSelections of materials are the prerogative of the s

32、upplier. However, certain goals of thepurchaser of the device may make the use of certain classes of material preferable. These goals, listed asfollows, shall be discussed with supplier.a. List of Goals:4.3.5 PACKAGING AND TERMINATIONThe device shall meet the critical dimensions noted in Figure 4 an

33、d shall havethe electrical terminations as shown in that drawing.4.3.6 MARKINGThe device shall be marked in accordance with Figure 4.COPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96-6-FIGURE 4DIMENSIONS AND ELECTRICAL TERMINATIONS4.4 Env

34、ironmental4.4.1 LIFEThe target life of this device is y years with a minimum of z h of powered operation per year. Duringthis time, the target failure rate is less than aa failures/one thousand devices per year. The target shelf lifeshall not be less than bb years. The device or a basically similar

35、device must show field experienceindicating compliance or, in the absence of field experience, the design and manufacturing plan must showreasonable expectations of being able to meet those goals through some means such as failure mode andeffect analysis.4.4.2 MAINTENANCEThe device shall meet all of

36、 the requirements of this specification without maintenanceduring the life of the device.4.4.3 OVERPRESSUREThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after cc applications of apressure of at least dd kPa.4.4.4 AMBIENT PRESSUREThe device shall meet all of the requirements of

37、this specification when subjected toambient pressure between ee and ff kPa.COPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96-7-4.4.5 SHOCKDevices shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after being subjected to gg number

38、ofshocks in each of the specified directions as shown in Figure 4. Each shock shall be a half sine wave of hhms duration having a peak acceleration of ii gs.4.4.6 VIBRATIONSThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification during and after subjection tojj cycles of sinusoidal vibra

39、tion applied on each axis as specified in Figure 4. Each cycle shall consist of afrequency sweep from kk-ll Hz and back at a constant acceleration, velocity, or displacement over theappropriate portion of the frequency range. Each cycle of vibration shall last mm min.4.4.7 HUMIDITYThe device shall m

40、eet all of the requirements of this specification during and after beingsubjected to nn h of oo% relative humidity at a temperature of pp C.4.4.8 PRESSURE CYCLEThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after being subjected toqq pressure cycles from rr kPa to ss kPa at a ra

41、te tt cycles/h.4.4.9 TEMPERATURE CYCLINGThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after beingsubjected to uu temperature cycles between a temperature vv C and ww C. Each cycle shall maintainthe specified temperatures for xx min and make the transfer from one temperature to

42、the next in a timebetween yy and zz min.4.4.10 TEMPERATURE ENDURANCEThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after beingsubjected to aaa h soak at up to bbb C.4.4.11 EXTERNAL CONTAMINANTSThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after beingsubject

43、ed to the following contaminants per the applicable test methods document:a. LIST: Measurand ContaminantsThe device shall meet all of the requirements of this specification after beingsubjected to the following contaminants which could be contained in the measurand gas per the applicabletest

44、 method document:a. LIST:5. Notes5.1 Marginal IndiciaThe change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the leftof the document title indicates a complete rev

45、ision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE SENSOR STANDARDS COMMITTEECOPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96-8-APPENDIX AGUIDE TO MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE TRANSDUCERREPRESENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONA.1 The SAE does not imply any recom

46、mendation concerning these values. See Table A1.TABLE A1TYPICAL VALUESCode Typical Value(s) Code Typical Value(s)a 16 aa 0.3b 107 bb 10c 12 cc 1000d +2, 7 dd 500e 9 ee 120f 0.01 ff 60g 100 gg 10h 10 hh 10i 0.016 V/kPa ii 100j 0.5V jj 10k 0.0018/kPa kk 20l 0.05 ll 2000m 1000 mm 5n +12 or ground nn 72

47、o 0.5 V oo 95p 6.5 V pp 50q 10 qq 106 (1010)r 1 rr 40 (60)s 20 ss 100 (63)t 20 tt 3600 (1.5 x 106)u 40 uu 100v 100 vv 120w 5 ww 50x 0.4 xx 60y 5 yy 1z 500 zz 5aaa 72 Figure 1 0.4 kPa, 4080 kPabbb 120 Figure 2 k = 2(3); T1 = 50 C, T2 = 25 C, T3 = 80 C, T4 = 120 CFigure 4 x1 = 5 cm, x2 = 3 cm, x3 = 4

48、cm, Z = 3 cmCOPYRIGHT Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSAE J1347 Revised NOV96RationaleNot applicable.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO StandardNot applicable.ApplicationThis guide is intended to cover specifications applicable to MAP transducers. It is

49、 alsoapplicable to transducers such as Barometric (Ambient) Absolute Pressure transducers, ManifoldVacuum transducers, and similar pressure transducers used in automotive systems. Although this guideis oriented towards active devices (those using internal signal conditioning), it can be applied to passivedevices with minor modifications.Reference SectionSAE J1346Guide to Manifold Absolute Pressure Transducer Representative Test MethodSAEJ1113-1El


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