SAE J 1634-2017 Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test Procedure.pdf

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1、_ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising there

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3、ublication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-497

4、0 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ SURFACE VEHICLE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE J1634 JUL2017 Issued 1993-05 Revised 2017-07

5、Superseding J1634 OCT2012 Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test Procedure RATIONALE Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) technology has progressed significantly since the original publication of SAE standard J1634. BEV ranges and capabilities made previous test methods of full deplete

6、s using repeat UDDS and HFEDS cycles impractical. To reduce lab test burden a Multi-Cycle Test (MCT) was introduced. In addition, specific 5-cycle test procedures have been added to provide clear guidance on one such method of obtaining BEV energy consumption and range in non-ambient conditions. To

7、provide clearer guidance on BEV 5-cycle testing Appendix B has been added. Appendix B provides one example of how to perform 5-cycle testing and calculate energy consumption and range for BEVs. FOREWORD Historically, the determination of range and energy consumption for Battery Electric Vehicles (BE

8、V) has relied on a Single-Cycle Test (SCT) methodology. The SCT requires that a vehicle be repeatedly driven over the same speed vs. time profile (i.e., drive cycle) until the vehicles battery energy is completely exhausted. The long and indeterminate nature of the SCT places significant logistical

9、strains on test facilities, a situation that will worsen as battery technology advancements enable even greater range capability. It is also possible that additional test cycles - beyond the currently required UDDS (“City”) and HFEDS (“Highway”) cycles - will be necessary in order to better characte

10、rize the effects of temperature and accessory loads on range performance, making the SCT paradigm even less practical. For these reasons, a Multi-Cycle Test (MCT) procedure has been developed. The MCT method enables range and AC energy consumption determinations for multiple drive cycle types using

11、a single full depletion test. This is accomplished by measuring: (1) the DC energy consumption for each included cycle type, and (2) the batterys useable DC energy content. Given the total energy content of the battery, the range for each drive cycle type follows directly from its respective energy

12、consumption. Similarly, the appropriate quantity of AC recharge energy attributable to each drive cycle can be determined according to its respective DC energy consumption. The MCT method is applicable to vehicles powered by lithium ion batteries and tested using the existing standard drive cycles;

13、new battery technologies, new drive schedules, or significantly different vehicle designs should be evaluated to determine if method remains applicable. Significant reductions in the testing resources needed to produce both a City and Highway range determination are possible using the MCT method. Fo

14、r example, a BEV with a 150 mile unadjusted UDDS range would consume about 18 hours of total dynamometer test time in order to perform the necessary City and Highway SCT tests. The same City and Highway range determinations could be accomplished in about 4 hours using a single MCT (a reduction of ov

15、er 75%). Given a 200 mile UDDS range, the differential between the on-dyno test times increases further to 24 hours and 5 hours, respectively, for the SCT and MCT. These estimates do not account for the additional savings that accrue from the elimination of one of the two recharging periods required

16、 by the SCT procedure. Additionally, the MCT test sequence can easily accommodate new test cycles and may be combined with supplementary partial-depletion tests, enabling further streamlining opportunities relative to the SCT when applied to more complex or comprehensive testing scenarios. SAE INTER

17、NATIONAL J1634 JUL2017 Page 2 of 32 1. SCOPE This SAE Recommended Practice establishes uniform procedures for testing Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) which are capable of being operated on public and private roads. The procedure applies only to vehicles using batteries as their sole source of power

18、. It is the intent of this document to provide standard tests which will allow for the determination of energy consumption and range for light-duty vehicles (LDVs) based on the Federal Emission Test Procedure (FTP) using the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and the Highway Fuel Economy Driv

19、ing Schedule (HFEDS), and provide a flexible testing methodology that is capable of accommodating additional test cycles as needed. Realistic alternatives should be allowed for new technology. Evaluations are based on the total vehicle systems performance and not on subsystems apart from the vehicle

20、. NOTE: The range and energy consumption values specified in this document are the raw, test-derived values. Additional corrections are typically applied to these quantities when used for regulatory purposes (Corporate Average Fuel Economy, vehicle labeling, etc.). 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Docum

21、ents The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1 SAE Publications Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-732

22、3 (inside USA and Canada) or +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA), SAE J1263 Road Load Measurement and Dynamometer Simulation Using Coastdown Techniques SAE J1711 Recommended Practice for Measuring the Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles, Including Plug-in Hybrid Veh

23、icles SAE J1715 Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) Terminology SAE J1772 SAE Electric Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Coupler SAE J2263 Road Load Measurement Using Onboard Anemometry and Coastdown Techniques SAE J2264 Chassis Dynamometer Simulation

24、of Road Load Using Coastdown Techniques SAE INTERNATIONAL J1634 JUL2017 Page 3 of 32 2.1.2 CFR Publication Available from the United States Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401, Tel: 202-512-1800, 40 CFR Part 86 EPA; Control of Emissions from Ne

25、w and In-Use Highway Vehicles and Engines 40 CFR Part 600 EPA; Fuel Economy and Carbon-Related Exhaust Emissions of Motor Vehicles 2.1.3 Other United States Advanced Battery Consortium, Electric Vehicle Battery Test Procedures Manual United States Environmental Protection Agency, Specifications for

26、Electric Chassis Dynamometers, Attachment A, RFP C100081T1, 1991. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 CURB WEIGHT The total weight of the vehicle with all standard equipment and including batteries, lubricants at nominal capacity, and the weight of optional equipment that is expected to be installed on more than 33%

27、 of the vehicle line, but excluding the driver, passengers, and other payloads; incomplete light-duty trucks shall have the curb weight specified by the manufacturer. 3.2 BATTERY A device, consisting of one or more electrochemical cells electrically connected in a series and/or parallel arrangement.

28、 Often used as shorthand for traction battery, a battery that provides power to propel a vehicle. Traction batteries are typically electrically rechargeable, with charge power supplied from the electrical grid through a charger, from energy captured from regenerative braking, and/or from power gener

29、ated by a fuel-powered engine. 3.2.1 BATTERY AMPERE-HOUR CAPACITY The capacity of a battery in Ah obtained from a battery discharged at the manufacturers recommended discharge rate such that a specified cut-off terminal voltage (see 3.2.3) is reached. 3.2.2 STATE-OF-CHARGE (SOC) The residual capacit

30、y of a battery expressed in ampere-hours. 3.2.3 CUT-OFF TERMINAL VOLTAGE The manufacturer-recommended minimum operating voltage of the battery. This voltage can be either a function of load and/or temperature, or an absolute minimum. 3.3 FULL CHARGE (FC) The battery state associated with maximum off

31、-board stored energy capacity established by using the manufacturers recommended charging procedure and appropriate equipment. The charger should indicate full charge by an easily read indicator somewhere in or on the vehicle and/or charger connections. The state must be indicated to the vehicle tes

32、ter and also be achieved repeatedly from test to test for accurate and reliable calculations of AC kWh energy consumption. SAE INTERNATIONAL J1634 JUL2017 Page 4 of 32 3.4 FULL DEPLETE TEST (FDT) A test that fully depletes the useable energy content of a vehicles battery. The test begins with the ba

33、ttery at FC and terminates when the remaining battery energy is insufficient to allow the vehicle to satisfactorily maintain the prescribed drive trace. 3.5 PARTIAL DEPLETION TEST (PDT) A test that does not fully deplete the useable energy content of a vehicles battery. 3.6 SINGLE-CYCLE TEST (SCT) A

34、 full depletion test consisting of multiple phases of the same drive cycle (i.e., drive schedule). 3.7 MULTI-CYCLE TEST (MCT) A FDT consisting of multiple phases of one or more drive cycles. The MCT enables the determination of range and energy consumption for multiple drive cycles using a single FD

35、T. Data from the MCT can also be used to make range determinations for additional drive cycles that are not included in the MCT, but that are run in a standalone PDT. 3.8 AC RECHARGE ENERGY (Eac) The AC energy, measured in AC Wh, from the power outlet required to return the battery to full charge af

36、ter a test. This measurement must include energy needed to power charging equipment (e.g., EVSE). 3.9 DISCHARGE ENERGY (Edc) The net DC energy output of the battery, in DC Wh, measured while a vehicle is driven over a test cycle. The equation for calculating vehicle DC energy is given in Equation 1,

37、 however, in practice it is expected that this calculation will typically be performed internally by a power analyzer as specified in Section 4.6. Battery voltage measurements made by the vehicles own on-board sensors (such as those available via a diagnostic port) may be used for calculating discha

38、rge energy if these measurements are equivalent to those produced by applicable external measurement equipment, such as a power analyzer. n0j jj iVf3 6 0 01 E d c (Eq.1) Table 1 - Equation symbol explanations Symbol Symbol Represents Units jV Battery DC bus voltage Volts ji Battery current Amps n0j

39、jj iV The sum of the product of battery voltage and current flow into and out of the battery throughout the length of the test and/or cycle Watts f The frequency of current measurements Hertz n Number of samples - NOTE: The measurement point for the battery(ies) current must be selected such that an

40、y and all of the current flowing through the battery(ies) is measured, including current associated with regenerative braking. SAE INTERNATIONAL J1634 JUL2017 Page 5 of 32 3.10 MIDPOINT TEST CHARGE (MC) A battery state which results in a SOC of approximately 50% of the useable battery capacity of th

41、e BEV at the midpoint of a specific test sequence. The MC will vary depending on the length of the test sequence. Use good engineering judgment to set the MC of the vehicle for each test sequence as required. MC shall only be used for 5-cycle testing as outlined in Appendix B or alternative 5-cycle

42、testing methods. 3.11 PHASE AND CYCLE DISCHARGE ENERGY (Edccycle_i, Edccycle) The phase discharge energy, measured in DC Wh, is the discharge energy associated with a specific phase of a test. The phase discharge energy is given by Edccycle_i, with cycle indicating the drive cycle type and subscript

43、 “i” indicating the phase number (i.e., the run order of the phase relative to other phases of the same drive cycle type). The cycle discharge energy is the summation of phase discharge energies for all phases of the same drive cycle type. For example, EdcUDDS_2 indicates the phase discharge energy

44、for the second UDDS driven during a test, and EdcUDDS is the summation of discharge energies for all UDDS phases contained in the test. c y c leg iv e n of p h a s e s ofn u m b e r 1 c y c le _ i c y c le E d c E d c(Eq. 2) 3.12 TEST DISCHARGE ENERGY (Edctotal) The sum of the discharge energies, me

45、asured in DC Wh, for all phases of a test, inclusive of all drive cycle types. p h a s e s te s t a ll p h a s e to ta l E dc E dc(Eq. 3) 3.13 USEABLE BATTERY ENERGY (UBE) The useable battery energy is defined as the total DC discharge energy (Edctotal), measured in DC Wh, for a FDT (3.4). The UBE r

46、epresents the total deliverable energy the battery is capable of providing while a vehicle is driving a test cycles on a chassis dynamometer. EdcUBE F D Ttot al (Eq. 4) The UBE that is determined during the MCT is generally applicable to other tests consisting of the cycles listed in Section 6, prov

47、ided the test temperature is at or above 10C (50F). 3.14 ENERGY CONSUMPTION (ECac, ECdc) Energy consumption is energy per unit distance, represented as AC Wh / km (Wh / mi) or DC Wh / km (Wh / mi). Two types of energy consumption are used in this procedure: (1) AC energy consumption calculated using

48、 AC recharge energy, measured in AC Wh, and, (2) DC discharge energy consumption calculated using DC discharge energy, measured in DC Wh. tr a v e lle d d is ta n c e E a c E C a c (Eq. 5) tr a v e lle d d is ta n c eEd c EC d c (Eq. 6) SAE INTERNATIONAL J1634 JUL2017 Page 6 of 32 3.15 FULL RECHARGE

49、 ENERGY (FRE) The full recharge energy is the AC recharge energy, measured in AC Wh, needed to return the battery to FC in the recharging period immediately following a FDT. Battery recharge energy is measured as specified in 7.2.5. FDTEacFRE (Eq. 7) FRE for a test and recharge conducted at -7C (20F) is designated by FRE20. 3.16 RECHARGE ALLOCATION FACTOR (R


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